• 2 days ago
00:19山水长阔你引我向前 The mountains and rivers are wide, you lead me forward
00:23星河依然会跃盘 The stars and the rivers will still be in a circle
00:26归途之前明暗 There is a safe place before return
00:29没有你不知情长安 Without you, I don't know how long I will be in love
00:34空飞拥抱的勇敢 I'm afraid I'm not brave enough to embrace you
00:38想思念一场 I miss you all the time
00:41反正不过是欠反正不过是欠 Anyway, it's just a matter of time
00:43对错怎辨对错怎辨 How to distinguish between right and wrong
00:45明着暗转轻易索然 Turn to darkness as you wish
00:51如果爱不一定强心狠 If love is not forced to be cruel
00:54你我纷争纷扰 You and I are in a mess
00:58愿温柔尽万里长相 May the tenderness last for thousands of miles
01:01在你风中静观 In your wind
01:05两颗心若飞燕守护纷繁 Two hearts are like a flying eagle guarding the sky
01:09无边江山也有寒 Endless mountains and rivers
01:12如果爱不一定负彼岸 If love is not forced to be cruel
01:16可给岁月的满满 Can give the fullness of the years
01:20星辰大地随你奔走 The stars and the earth run with you
01:23不觉飞沫熾热 Not aware of the blazing heat
01:27千世浑旧都只剩牵连 A thousand lives are entwined
01:31时光欲驳然微弱幻化 As time goes by, it becomes weak and fragile
01:53那就请李先生不吝赐教 Mr. Li, please don't stand on ceremony
02:07柳公子 你先回府收拾一下 Mr. Liu, you go home and pack up
02:10再来赵府找我 我给你引荐我们家少爷 Come to me again. I'll introduce you to our young master
02:14好 好 一切听李先生的安排 OK. I'll do as Mr. Li says
02:24泰州的事情怎么样了 How is the situation in Taizhou?
02:28新的一条战道已经探好 A new battle route has been explored
02:31泰州那边的人发来的消息 The message from Taizhou
02:33说明日那批货就可以运走 Said that the goods will be shipped tomorrow
02:36如今不止京城 Now, not only the capital
02:38泰州周边的几个州郡百姓 But also several counties and people around Taizhou
02:41已经都开始种上月薪草了 Have begun to plant the moon star grass
02:43少爷现在在干吗 What is the young master doing now?
02:45少爷还在运货 The young master is still shipping goods
02:47听人说上手很快 It is said that he is quick
02:49不出几日就可以把生意上的事掌握得七七八八 In a few days, he will be able to control the business
02:52见这条新的货线也是少爷一手操办的 Seeing this new shipment is also done by the young master
02:57这小子从小让他考取功名一百个不乐意 This boy has been unhappy since he was a child
03:03就喜欢做生意 He likes to do business
03:05这样也好总算为家做点事 It's good to do something for the family
03:09告诉他生意上的事让他放手去折腾 Tell him to let go of the business
03:14明白 I understand
03:15对了 老爷 赵家那边来人带话 By the way, Master, someone from the Zhao family
03:18说新栈道的货物运输他们有意包出去 Said that they intended to deliver the new shipment
03:22想问问老爷 您的意思 I want to ask Master, what do you think?
03:25生意包给谁由他们做主 It's up to them to decide who the business is for
03:27但是一定要过查仔细 But you must check it carefully
03:30千万不能有什么纰漏 Don't make any mistakes
03:32如果发现有什么可疑的人格杀勿论 If you find anyone suspicious, kill them
03:37明白 I understand
03:42你干嘛呀 What are you doing?
03:43赵老师 你就别来这种地方 Don't come to this place if you don't have money
03:47快点 快点 全卖人了 Hurry up. They are all sold out
03:53姑娘不是本地人吧 You are not a local, are you?
03:55这药堂啊 每天都会推几个人出来 姑娘习惯就好 This pharmacy will push a few people out every day. It's good for you to get used to it
03:59推人出来 是因为他们买不起药吗 Push people out? Is it because they can't afford the medicine?
04:03姑娘说对了一半 You are half right
04:04这些人确实是因为没钱才被扔出来的 These people are thrown out because they have no money
04:07可他们不是为了买药 But they are not for buying medicine
04:09而是为了咱们这儿的特产 月星草药丸 It's for the special product here, the moon star herb pill
04:12月星草药丸 很多人都吃这个吗 The moon star herb pill? Do many people take this?
04:17当然多了 一开始啊 这药丸才两文钱一颗 Of course, it's a lot. At first, it was only two cents a pill
04:23就跟白送似的 可后来涨了价 可这百姓们都吃上瘾了 想不吃都不行了 It was like a free gift, but then the price went up, and the people were addicted to it. They couldn't help but take it
04:31你看 就刚才那几个被扔出来了 你看 就刚才那几个被扔出来了 You see, just a few of them were thrown out
04:34原来家底都很殷实的 原来家底都很殷实的 It turned out that the family was very strict
04:37你看看他们现在 你看看他们现在 Look at them now
04:39所以 泰州的百姓都越吃越穷啊 So the people of Taizhou are getting poorer and poorer
04:43可不 这银子都让 都让那赵家人给赚了 Yes, the money is all earned by the Zhao family
04:51赵家 Zhao family
05:01站住 抓住他 站住 Stop. Catch him. Stop
05:07跑 老东西 还敢跑 Damn, you dare run
05:11好好打听打听 有哪个奴才进了赵府能这么轻松地跑啊 Find out how many servants have entered the Zhao family to run so easily
05:15我不是你们赵府的奴才 I'm not a servant of your Zhao family
05:17你家二儿子吃不起月景草 向我们家公子借钱的时候 可是连房子代天 外加你们一家老小都给压上了 你不认账是吧 Your two sons can't afford the moon lily, but they take advantage of the children in our family to lend money, but they take advantage of the house to pay for it and take advantage of your family
05:24不认账是吧 You don't admit it, do you
05:25我 我 我 我 我 我 I I, I... I... I don't admit it
05:27I'll admit defeat!
05:28Beat him up!
05:33Don't get involved in this.
05:34They're from the Zhao family.
05:35So what if they're from the Zhao family?
05:36There must be a law.
05:37In Taizhou, the Zhao family is the law.
05:41What's wrong?
05:45Mr. Mo Yan.
05:47You recognize me?
05:49I'm a servant of the Zhao family.
05:50I've met you in the manor before.
05:52Why are you here?
05:54It's best that you recognize me.
05:55Why are you making such a fuss?
05:57I heard it in the pharmacy.
05:59It's a small matter.
06:00This old man wants to run away from our Zhao family.
06:02He was caught by us.
06:03I see.
06:05Since he met me,
06:07it's his luck.
06:08Let him go.
06:10Your Zhao family has a big family and a big business.
06:12You don't need to be so scared.
06:15Don't worry.
06:16I'll go to your housekeeper later.
06:18I'll talk to him then.
06:20I'm sure he won't blame you.
06:25Let's go.
06:29Wait a minute.
06:43This has something to do with the Zhao family.
06:49Boss, I'll put it here.
06:51Take care.
07:00Young Master.
07:01The Prime Minister has replied.
07:03He said that we should decide
07:05our own business.
07:07We should carefully investigate the other party's background.
07:11I hope nothing goes wrong.
07:16It's been so many years.
07:18Nothing has gone wrong.
07:20Why is the Prime Minister starting to worry now?
07:26I heard that
07:27the capital is not very peaceful recently.
07:31The Purple Orchid House
07:33has arrested Lord Lu Rong Chang.
07:35It's normal for the Prime Minister
07:37to be worried at this time.
07:44Reply to the Prime Minister.
07:46A small Purple Orchid House
07:48in a place like Taizhou
07:50can't cause any trouble.
07:55about the business...
08:01Let Li Zhaofang choose someone.
08:03He is the best in business.
08:06At that time,
08:07I will personally hold a banquet to invite that person.
08:22Mr. Mo Yan.
08:28Mr. Mo Yan.
08:29Ever since Lu Rong Chang was arrested,
08:31it has been difficult for us
08:33to sell our Moon Star Herbs
08:35to the capital.
08:37After so many goods were seized,
08:40we have lost a lot of money.
08:42I don't know
08:44if you have any good ideas.
08:47I don't have any good ideas.
08:49I don't have any good ideas.
08:52The Prime Minister sent me here
08:54to solve this matter.
08:57I went to the pharmacy.
08:59The medicine formula sold in Taizhou
09:01can be improved
09:02to make it more effective.
09:04Then put it in the water source
09:06for the people to drink
09:07and make it addictive.
09:08In this way,
09:09they have to come to buy medicine again.
09:12Mr. Mo Yan.
09:15This is the best way.
09:18The people of Taizhou
09:20don't have much money.
09:25I didn't expect you
09:26to care about the people of Taizhou.
09:29Do you want me to praise you
09:31for the one above?
09:33I dare not.
09:39Follow this prescription.
10:04You came back so early.
10:05I asked someone to cook for you.
10:08I heard what happened
10:09between you and the Zhao family.
10:11The teachers were involved in this matter
10:13because the master said
10:14the Moon Star Herb
10:15was a banned product,
10:16but it can solve
10:17the urgent need of the people of Taizhou.
10:18But now you also see
10:19the misery of the people of Taizhou.
10:20Why do you still
10:21help the Zhao family?
10:23Be quiet.
10:24There is a reason.
10:25It is not convenient for me
10:26to explain to you now.
10:27You can't explain to me.
10:28I'll catch Mr. Zhao
10:29and send him to the government office
10:30to see how they do business.
10:32What can you do
10:33if you kidnap the son of the Zhao family?
10:35There is no government office in Taizhou.
10:37As long as the water and land transportation
10:38of the Zhao family is still there,
10:39the Moon Star Herb
10:40in Taizhou cannot be cut off.
10:41Senior, you...
10:43This is the master's order before his death.
10:45I can't disobey it.
10:50Master is also wrong sometimes.
10:59Young master.
11:00I have brought the person
11:01you are looking for.
11:02Who is he?
11:03He is Liu Jia,
11:04who does the water and land business in Zhuozhou.
11:05I used to
11:06talk to their boss
11:07in the early years.
11:08Mr. Zhao.
11:09The one who came today
11:10is his son.
11:11Mr. Zhao.
11:12Have you seen him before?
11:13I haven't seen him.
11:14But he took Liu Jia's seal
11:15and I deliberately said
11:16the wrong business of his family.
11:18But he pointed it out
11:19to me one by one.
11:20There should be no problem
11:21with his origin.
11:27Where is he?
11:28He is waiting in the room.
11:34Mr. Zhao.
11:36Mr. Liu.
11:37Please sit down.
11:42Mr. Liu came to Taizhou today.
11:44It's been a while.
11:46Do you think
11:47Taizhou's customs and customs
11:49are good?
11:51It's skillful and vigorous.
11:52It attracts thousands of people.
11:54It's a good place for
11:55boxing in big business.
11:58Mr. Liu's words
11:59are quite interesting.
12:01Let's talk about business first.
12:03I will treat you to a banquet tonight.
12:04We won't go home until we are drunk.
12:07It's all arranged by Mr. Zhao.
12:13It's a matter of a thousand accounts.
12:15You have to give me a face.
12:16Mr. Zhao gave me
12:17these two cases.
12:18It's not enough for me.
12:19Just give me one.
12:22You are so stingy.
12:40Tell me.
12:41Where is the account book
12:42that the Zhao family smuggled?
12:43How dare you!
12:44Do you know where this is?
12:45Cut the crap.
12:46Tell me.
12:47The account book
12:48that our young master
12:49hid in the secret box.
12:50How dare you think about it?
12:54How did you open the secret box?
12:56I have been a servant in the Zhao family
12:57for ten years.
12:58How can I tell you
12:59that the key is hidden
13:00on my son?
13:03Where is your son?
13:05Do you want to get close to my son?
13:07My son
13:08is hosting guests at the banquet.
13:10It's heavily guarded outside.
13:11No one can enter
13:12except the invited dancers.
13:16I can't believe
13:17Yu Yingcao.
13:18He is out of his mind.
13:23Welcome, Mr. Liu.
13:24Let's raise a toast.
13:26Thank you, Mr. Zhao.
13:28Mr. Zhao.
13:35Mr. Zhao.
13:37I joined the Imperial Examination a few years ago.
13:39I have been busy with
13:40the family business recently.
13:41Now I meet you.
13:43It's my honor
13:44to meet you, Mr. Zhao.
13:46Mr. Zhao.
13:47From now on,
13:48you will be in charge of the business.
13:50Well said.
13:51Mr. Liu
13:52is a man of integrity.
13:53He is willing to give up everything for me.
13:55I can't
13:56let you down.
14:03Mr. Zhao.
14:05Our business
14:06is basically settled.
14:09When will you
14:11give me a check?
14:14Mr. Liu.
14:16I'm afraid I can't give you
14:17the check
14:18right now.
14:21Mr. Zhao.
14:22Are you kidding me?
14:24How can we
14:25not sign a check in business?
14:27Mr. Liu.
14:28Now you know the answer.
14:30In our business,
14:32the check is just a decoration.
14:34The mirror outside
14:36is a tribute to the money above.
14:38Which mirror
14:39dares to write into the check?
14:45I don't know
14:46what Mr. Zhao is talking about.
14:48Mr. Liu.
14:50You ask too much.
14:56If you take over this business in the future,
14:58you will know the truth.
15:07Mr. Zhao.
15:14Brother Xian.
15:15Are you satisfied with
15:17the dancers I found?
15:18You can choose first.
15:21Let's start.
16:07Where did you find
16:08these weapons?
16:09What is this?
16:13Maybe it's a newcomer.
16:14It's a little unfamiliar.
16:17What should we do now?
16:18You have to make
16:19Mr. Liu laugh.
16:28Do you want to cook directly?
16:31Make a soup.
16:34All right, all right.
16:35Come back, come back.
16:37All come in.
16:39Serve tea.
17:11How does this tea taste?
17:30Come on.
17:43Does Mr. Liu know this girl?
17:47I don't know.
17:48Maybe I got the wrong person.
17:51Mr. Zhao.
17:53Did you add
17:54the star of the moon to your tea?
17:56Of course.
17:57If this pill is taken by ordinary people,
17:59it will make the limbs soft
18:00and make the mind confused.
18:01As for the magic behind it,
18:03Mr. Liu will try it later.
18:05In that case,
18:07I will leave first.
18:09Mr. Zhao.
18:14Mr. Liu is really a gentleman.
18:16Please be at ease.
18:18Come on, everyone.
18:19Let's continue.
18:20Come on.
18:22Come on.
18:39Who is it?
19:09Who is it?
19:19Who is that girl
19:23It should be the top girl
19:24of Chunfeng House.
19:28Have you seen her before?
19:30It looks
19:31a little unfamiliar.
19:34Send someone to check
19:35which girl Chunfeng House
19:36sent today.
19:39Young Master.
19:40Young Master.
19:41Young Master.
19:42Bad news.
19:43A servant was knocked out.
19:44I found it
19:45when I was looking for her in the backyard.
19:46Did you see
19:47who knocked her out?
19:48I asked her.
19:49She said it was a female thief.
19:51Go and have a look.
19:53Is Liu still in the backyard?
20:01Young Master.
20:03When I went there yesterday,
20:04Mr. Liu was in the room.
20:06But I asked the servants.
20:07After the banquet last night,
20:09there was no movement
20:10in Mr. Liu's room.
20:12It seems
20:13he didn't go back to his room right away.
20:15I also asked
20:16Chunfeng House.
20:17There were indeed
20:18six girls.
20:20the one Mr. Liu took away
20:23should be
20:24a fake.
20:26This girl knocked out the servants
20:28and plotted something.
20:31But I'm afraid it's not that easy
20:32for Mr. Liu
20:33to get to know her.
20:36Maybe it's a minister
20:37from the Ministry of Justice
20:38or the Purple Guard
20:39who brought her to our Taizhou
20:40for a private visit.
20:43Then, Young Master,
20:45what should we do next?
20:47Don't worry.
20:49I'm just guessing.
20:52I'll check
20:53the identity of this person later.
20:55If I think too much,
20:56it's good for me.
20:58But if not,
21:01we can't let the guests
21:02look down on
21:03our Taizhou
21:04for a long time.
21:08Young Master, Mr. Liu is here.
21:11Mr. Liu,
21:12did you have a good rest last night?
21:13Thank you for your hospitality.
21:15I slept soundly last night.
21:20But I heard from the servants
21:22there was no movement
21:23in Mr. Liu's room
21:24last night.
21:26And that girl
21:27seemed to have disappeared.
21:29I asked her to go back.
21:30She wasn't here last night.
21:35You're not...
21:39Are you hiding something from me?
21:43I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao.
21:45It doesn't matter.
21:46We're men.
21:47But we need to
21:48deal with this as soon as possible.
21:49A famous doctor
21:50came to my house today.
21:51I asked him to check your pulse
21:52and give you some treatment.
21:53Mr. Zhao,
21:54don't worry.
21:55I'll take care of it.
21:57Mr. Zhao,
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03Mr. Zhao,
22:04you don't have to do this.
22:08Take him away.
22:26Why am I in the inn?
22:27Where else do you want to be?
22:30Sleeping on the street?
22:32Who sent me back?
22:46Xu Mo...
22:50Xu Mochen?
22:54You saw Xu Mochen last night?
22:56Did you kill him?
22:59I went to Mr. Zhao's house
23:00and saw Xu Mochen.
23:02Then I drank some tea
23:04and fainted unconsciously.
23:07Liu Rong,
23:09can you find an excuse?
23:11You fainted because of the wine.
23:13Now you fainted because of the tea.
23:15I think you still love him.
23:17You can't kill him.
23:23There's something in the soup.
23:26I think it's a pill of moon grass.
23:28Moon grass?
23:30All the pharmacies in Taizhou
23:31are selling this pill now.
23:33And the production process
23:34is controlled by the Zhao family.
23:36You are also involved in it.
23:40I can't participate in this without permission.
23:42It must be my master's order.
23:46Could it be that the moon grass
23:47stored in the sect
23:49was used to make these pills?
23:51Where did you go?
23:53I received a letter this morning
23:55and left in a hurry.
23:56A letter?
23:58Is it from the Zhao family again?
24:00Senior, wait for him here.
24:01I'll go out and have a look.
24:06Mr. Mo Yan.
24:09Mr. Zhao.
24:11Mr. Mo Yan,
24:12have you ever seen this person?
24:23This is...
24:27This is Mr. Liu from Zhuozhou
24:29who does business with me.
24:33Mr. Liu.
24:35Mr. Liu.
24:36This is Mr. Mo Yan from the capital.
24:43Greetings, Mr. Mo Yan.
24:45Mr. Liu.
24:46Mr. Mo Yan
24:48escaped from the prison
24:49of the Purple Orchid House in the capital.
24:51But the officials of the Purple Orchid House
24:53have met him.
24:55Especially Xu Mu Chen
24:57who has personally
24:59seen the storm.
25:02Mr. Zhao,
25:03what are you talking about?
25:05Xu Mu Chen is quite capable.
25:07I was lucky
25:09to be able to escape.
25:11Mr. Mo Yan, don't be modest.
25:13How did you escape from the prison?
25:15I'll ask you about it another day.
25:19Mr. Mo Yan.
25:21Is your new prescription ready?
25:25Yesterday, I asked the butler
25:27to make a few.
25:28The effect is not bad.
25:31Young Master.
25:40Mr. Zhao,
25:41do you want to try it first?
25:44This good thing
25:45must be given to the distinguished guest first.
25:47Mr. Liu
25:48is our distinguished guest today.
25:50Brother Liu,
25:51what do you think?
25:55Mr. Zhao,
25:57you don't know.
25:59This new medicine has a strong effect.
26:01If you didn't take the medicine
26:04you will die.
26:06Mr. Mo Yan is joking.
26:09If Brother Liu hasn't eaten it,
26:11how can he come all the way
26:13to do business with me?
26:24he is not the son of the Liu family at all.
26:27Do you think so?
26:29Brother Liu.
26:49Of course.
26:54Of course.
27:25Mr. Liu,
27:26how are you?
27:31As expected,
27:32I have made a deal.
27:35I don't need to wear it.
27:40Brother Liu,
27:41I didn't lie to you.
27:43In the future,
27:44you will have a share
27:45in the Yuexing Grass business in Taizhou.
27:48Let's go.
27:49I'll take you to see the goods.
27:55Yuexing Grass
28:03Greetings, Young Master.
28:07Who are they?
28:09How did they get together?
28:11Is it possible that
28:12Brother Mo Yan and Zichen Temple
28:13are secretly colluding
28:15to kill Master?
28:16Let me settle them down.
28:18I just let them
28:19wait in the house.
28:22Since you are here,
28:23just do your job.
28:24Thank you, Young Master.
28:30Xu Mengchen?
28:33You are Xu Mengchen from Zichen Temple.
28:53Mo Yan,
28:56how dare you betray the King?
28:58Catch him.
30:32Xu Mengchen,
30:33how dare you...
30:45Xu Mengchen,
30:47I want to avenge Master.
30:53Liu Rong,
30:54do it quickly. Don't hesitate.
30:57Xu Mengchen,
30:58it's time to tell him that
30:59Master is not dead.
31:00Brother Mo Yan,
31:02what you did today,
31:03do you think I will believe it again?
31:06Master is really not dead.
31:11I'll take you to
31:12find your master now.
31:24Your master is inside.
31:25Go in.
31:41All right.
31:42Don't cry.
31:43I'm fine.
31:54I won't bother you
31:55to meet Master.
32:06what's going on?
32:07This is my plan
32:08with Mr. Xu.
32:10I was afraid that Duke Su would see the flaw,
32:12so I didn't dare to tell you.
32:18That day,
32:19I went to assassinate Mr. Xu.
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36:04I didn't kill him.
36:05I didn't kill him.
36:06I didn't kill him.
36:07If I want to kill him,
36:08then I'll do it.
36:10If I want to kill him,
36:11then I'll kill him.
36:13What was the purpose of the multi-million fight?
36:15Do you know the reason of the multi-million fight?
36:17Are you asking me?
36:19I'm making it clear to you.
36:20Vengeance has begun already.
36:21The fierce beast will surely eat him alive.
36:22Just kill him.
36:23Was there such an idea?
36:24He was winning at the first round.
36:26Nguye Ho.
36:27Quiet, sounds like you don't want it to end well.
36:30So, you and Zhao's family
36:32were also taught by Master?
36:34After my family died,
36:36Mo Yan naturally became Duke Su's
36:38wife who controlled us.
36:40Young Master Zhao naturally
36:42disobeyed him.
36:44What about the pill you made?
36:46He made the antidote for the Moon Star Herb pill.
36:48Although it's just taken,
36:50it's similar to the effect of the Moon Star Herb,
36:52but if you take it for a long time,
36:54you can get rid of the Moon Star Herb.
37:08Master Xu meant well.
37:10He was afraid you'd be in danger.
37:12Go now. He's still waiting for you outside.
37:38I'm sorry.
37:50I've wronged you.
37:58Why didn't you tell me earlier?
38:00Eunuch Su has a lot of ears.
38:02I'm afraid he'll see through it.
38:06the one who's compatible with me is Su Jinzhen,
38:08not you.
38:16What do you mean?
38:18I've failed.
38:20I have to marry another bride.
38:28I was talking about you.
38:36I leave
38:38on my own.
38:40You didn't blame me, did you?
38:44But you scold me instead.
38:48my purpose in coming here is
38:50Second, I have a more important task for you.
38:53Another task?
38:55You're not going to catch Liu Ye again, are you?
39:06By order of my mother,
39:08I'm here in Taizhou to catch my daughter-in-law.
39:20When I first came to Taizhou, I went to the riverside.
39:44It's where you split up with me.
39:45After we split up that day, I was flushed into the dense forest in the downstream.
39:55But luckily, you taught me how to use stars to identify directions.
39:59Otherwise, I couldn't get out.
40:01Later, my master adopted me.
40:03It's kind of a life-saving method.
40:06A water demon.
40:10That day, I was flushed into the wooden board.
40:13Fortunately, the flood washed me to the riverbed.
40:16A few kind people saved me.
40:20But when I remembered that I was looking for my father,
40:25I heard the news of my father's death.
40:33Have you been to the dock we agreed to meet?
40:39I went there secretly behind my master's back.
40:42But I didn't wait for you.
40:45After I was saved, I had a high fever every day.
40:49When I could go out,
40:51I went there to wait for you every day.
40:55If you had waited for me for a few more days,
40:57the story would have been different.
41:02I couldn't bear to miss my master at that time.
41:04I didn't dare to go out.
41:05I could only pray that you would be safe.
41:09I didn't expect we would meet again in this life.
41:16Look at that star.
41:19It changes its position every day.
41:23But after a year,
41:26it will change its position again.
41:29Stars are like this.
41:32People are the same.
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