• last year
00:00:24That never sounded like an outfit Kelly
00:00:30We've got two hours to get back to base before only start spilling overtime, where's the chief where's Linda?
00:00:42Quick sure leave chief
00:00:46We're lucky command let us come at all
00:00:50This is it
00:00:52Most of its gone, but yeah, it's the place
00:00:56Then let's do this
00:01:37Private journal entry encrypt Halsey 4 2 4 dash 3 delete if tampered a
00:01:46Long time ago. I committed myself to a path a direction
00:01:51There were many branches in that path, but ultimately they all flowered I think
00:01:58was the first seed I
00:02:01Couldn't personally screen every candidate the outer colonies were simply too scattered too distant
00:02:07But I had to set an example for the other extraction teams. So the first candidate
00:02:14The first candidate I dealt with personally
00:02:18But the outer colonies were still very dangerous places in those days. I'll be it for radically different reasons
00:02:26And so the Office of Naval Intelligence assigned me a chaperone
00:02:30perhaps for my safety
00:02:34for theirs
00:02:41Time to wake up lieutenant
00:02:44We are preparing to exit slip space near the original system
00:02:48Dr. Halsey already awake and on the bridge, sir. Yeah, of course she is
00:03:07Dr. Halsey are these shuttles also damned claustrophobic
00:03:11There is barely room for one person in here. Let alone two
00:03:15Doctor Toran awaiting your orders. Dr. Halsey start a pre-burn warm-up cycle for the fusion engines
00:03:23Understood doctor exiting slip space in six seconds good and some music Rachmaninoff's concerto number three, I think
00:03:36Now lieutenant you needed my attention
00:03:39I was going to say I should act as pilot if I wished to be chauffeured
00:03:43You would already be in this chair lieutenant
00:03:46If you wish to make yourself useful take the comms and make sure our arrival is discreet
00:03:53What are we doing here this area is dangerous
00:03:56It's been an insurrectionist stronghold for years meaning meaning the insurrection isn't some ragtag group of colonial rowdies
00:04:05Toran list rebel acts of violence in this sector last five days
00:04:1072 hours ago
00:04:12insurrectionists destroy emergency food caravan
00:04:1518 hours ago
00:04:16Rebellion raids merchant vessel murders and I am painfully aware of the rebellion lieutenant
00:04:22Something needs to be done
00:04:24Oni agrees with me
00:04:26That is why we are here Oni
00:04:29but if the Office of Naval Intelligence
00:04:32This is a recon mission how terribly perceptive of you
00:04:37But what could you possibly need to recon out here?
00:04:57I'm dressed like a fool
00:04:59You're dressed like a father trying to get his daughter into a decent school
00:05:03I don't have a daughter and I don't have a pony pay attention
00:05:08We are here to observe a boy the first of many evaluations in the weeks to come
00:05:13I'm supposed to be protecting shipping lanes not babysitting
00:05:17This child could be more useful to the UNSC than a fleet of destroyers a thousand lieutenants
00:05:23or even me in
00:05:25The end one child could be the difference between peace and an unwinnable war. Ah
00:05:34There's our young man
00:05:39Journal entry same encryption scheme. Who's next?
00:05:43John was the first and he was the best
00:05:49Come on you can't stop us all even as a child I could see how special he was
00:05:55since his unformed potential I
00:05:59Simply needed to carve away everything else to get to it to shape it
00:06:05Form him into everything. I knew he would eventually become
00:06:11He can't be more than six
00:06:13John like all of our candidates is six years old and like the others. He has all the genetic markers
00:06:21There's something else that makes him of interest of interest to whom precisely here record our interaction
00:06:29I'll talk to him find out if his character is as exceptional as his DNA
00:06:35Hello, what's your name? It's John and what game were you playing John war King of the Hill?
00:06:43Mom says I'm too rough with the other kids. You like games
00:06:47so do I I
00:06:49Have another game if you're interested
00:06:54Is a game of war
00:06:57So do I I
00:06:59Have another game if you're interested
00:07:03This is a coin
00:07:05Win the game and you keep the coin you see the two sides. Yes a man and a bird
00:07:13Which side will land up?
00:07:22Bird very good again, man
00:07:28again, man
00:07:34five out of five John that's
00:07:37Unusual you said I could keep it if I want. Yes, you can keep it John
00:07:44I cursed myself for using his name. I couldn't afford the luxury of fondness
00:07:51No telling if subject 117 would even survive what lay ahead
00:07:57Tell me you recorded that
00:08:05It all fell into place so quickly after John it wasn't long before I had my final candidates
00:08:20These are the 75 data
00:08:26Confidential journal entry read encryption using my private key
00:08:33As I said before I don't regret any of this I
00:08:38Thought it all the way through. I am certain it will be worthwhile
00:08:43right at that moment across several star systems
00:08:48Children were being acquired and shipped like freight to the planet reach
00:08:54We were replacing the children with flash clones
00:08:58imperfect simulacra
00:09:00But nigh impossible to detect
00:09:03If I could have used the clones, of course, I would have the damn things broke down faster than we could grow them
00:09:09We needed real children
00:09:12Whole children
00:09:15It was a regrettable but necessary deception I
00:09:21Needed those subjects Orion to would not have succeeded built on a foundation of compromise
00:09:33Oni would have its soldiers and I would have my solution
00:09:41May God have mercy on us all
00:09:46Doctor they are here. They are ready send them in and Deja on second thought don't save this file
00:10:02Take a seat all of you
00:10:08Naval code four five eight one two you are hereby conscripted into UNSC special project codenamed
00:10:16Orion to
00:10:17also known as
00:10:19Spartan to your parents are gone. The planet reach is your new home
00:10:24Your fellow trainees or your new family each of you has been hand-selected and called to serve
00:10:31Your bodies are already faster and stronger than other children and we are going to make them even better
00:10:41Chief Petty Officer Mendez
00:10:43Escort the children to the mess hall feed them get them to bed
00:10:49fall out
00:11:12Said up, you know, which way up is
00:11:17Last one up gets it poor. Hey, my name's pronounced George. Don't you backtalk me for a
00:11:24What's happening
00:11:27Come on everyone's headed this way. I'm Sam by the way, I'm Kelly. It'll be okay Kelly
00:11:42Trainees I
00:11:44Am chief Mendez. I am your commanding officer
00:11:49Every day dawn till dusk. You will do exactly what I say when I say
00:11:56How I say am I clear trainees?
00:12:02Naturally, they didn't all make it we expected dropouts
00:12:07There were accidents
00:12:10bad luck
00:12:11Better that we separated the chaff from the wheat immediately
00:12:20Come in class is about to begin
00:12:23We trained their minds as well as their bodies
00:12:28war strategy
00:12:30theoretical tactics
00:12:31Sun Tzu nothing in the sprawling history of conflict was overlooked
00:12:36We taught them about Thermopylae
00:12:38about the unbeatable
00:12:40Spartans Xerxes wanted to steal Greece from the Spartans his forces numbered in the thousands
00:12:48Why didn't Xerxes just sail around them Xerxes wanted to send a message John
00:12:54He failed and just 300 Spartans saved Greece
00:12:59That is all for today. But tomorrow I will tell you about wolves
00:13:09Today's mission is ring the bell when every member of your team has rung the bell cross this line
00:13:18Question training. What do we win sir? You win dinner one one seven last team to finish goes without dinner
00:13:28Make ready
00:13:30go I
00:13:35Knew John was a natural leader, even if he didn't John
00:14:01Leader must inspire passion and one one seven certainly did that. Hey, thanks for nothing
00:14:12Good work trainees
00:14:14everybody eats
00:14:16Except one one seven and his team, but I was first you were first
00:14:20But your team came in last and you don't win unless your team wins
00:14:42Get out of here Kelly, no Kelly's right Sam
00:14:46He could have helped us today
00:14:49Instead he left us in the dirt
00:14:52I'm sorry guys. I
00:14:54Stole them a few nights ago. They're stale but better than nothing
00:15:02It's not turkey, I know
00:15:05It won't happen again
00:15:09And that was it
00:15:13Spark of leadership all things. I saw in him from the start
00:15:30Are each being handed a portion of a map of the area below
00:15:34The mission is simple
00:15:36You will be individually deployed and use your piece of the puzzle to navigate to the extraction point
00:15:43Last trainee to make it to extraction will be left behind
00:15:47And it is a very long walk back
00:15:52One one seven your first. Yes, sir
00:15:58Sam the river I got it pass the word quietly one one seven front and center
00:16:13Good luck one one seven
00:16:56You sound nothing like an owl Sam, ah, I've been practicing it sounded exactly like an owl
00:17:02I was just drawing you out of cover
00:17:12Look what I found
00:17:14Blueberries nice. I
00:17:17Hope these are blueberries better than the food in the mess
00:17:22Your lips are blue
00:17:24So are yours?
00:17:26In the end the wilderness mission wasn't a test of strength or survival, but a friendship
00:17:35What are you doing? I'm putting our mark on this place so we can remember it now and forever
00:17:42We should meet up with the others then what someone is still gonna get left behind
00:17:48Then I find a way to get everyone home
00:17:56One of those map fragments was bogus, but I'm sure this is the extraction point
00:18:02Almost a day's hike from here. Then we better get moving
00:18:15Hold you guys with me fall out and keep quiet. I heard something
00:18:25And what I find fascinating
00:18:27Is that even though you think you've prepared for every eventuality they're armed, but they aren't uniform. They don't look like soldiers
00:18:35insurrectionist, maybe every
00:18:38Contingency. So what now every permutation wolves when Deja taught us about the wolves how they hunt
00:18:47What does that?
00:18:49the wolves
00:18:50Children still manage to surprise you
00:18:56Wolves children are fierce hunters, but while anyone can hunt and kill a rabbit
00:19:05One wolf against larger prey
00:19:09Face a grizzly
00:19:20Don't bring that girl back. Yes, sir, but where do wolves hunt in a pack?
00:19:26Where's the girl I think I broke my leg. Oh, I got your broken leg right here kid. They take down larger prey
00:19:42What the hell man one little girl too much for you to handle
00:20:11trainee 117 was just explaining why he attacked and injured UNSC soldiers and why he
00:20:18Stole the property they were left to guard
00:20:21Ma'am, the craft was UNSC, but the men in the force were hostile and were not in regulation uniform
00:20:28You flew home. Not exactly. I rigged the autopilot to return to base, ma'am
00:20:34And you brought them all home according to orders last training to the ship was supposed to walk
00:20:40Instead we stuck together
00:20:42Like the Spartans at Thermopylae in the real ending of the story
00:20:46117 the Spartans are betrayed and slaughtered. It is their sacrifice that actually saves and unites Greece
00:20:55But we had more choices the men you hit with rocks didn't no sir, they did not
00:21:05What do we do with this one?
00:21:07well Mendes, I
00:21:09suggest a
00:21:11promotion to squad leader
00:21:14Thank you, sir
00:21:16What is the highest rank I can attain as a non-commissioned officer?
00:21:21The highest rank you can attain is master chief petty officer. Then I will perhaps you will at that
00:21:29But your next mission won't be so easy and there will be casualties
00:21:36What is that mission sir
00:21:41Your mission John
00:21:45Yes, you survive
00:22:06Samuel zero three four blue team mission report. I don't remember the operation
00:22:12But when we awoke you were something
00:22:20Unbreakable materials grafted to our bones gene therapy
00:22:29A muscle density increased enhanced skeletal and muscular growth
00:22:36Of course
00:22:38He had no clue what we had to live through first
00:22:47Replay the message data
00:22:50Message from Admiral Saronis Jerome II chief medical officer research station hopeful
00:22:59Catherine I wish I had better news
00:23:02Further analysis has yielded zero alternatives to mitigate the risks in your proposed
00:23:08hypothetical experimentation
00:23:10but I
00:23:12Understand the theoretical framework Catherine and admire the imagination, but I hope it is in fact a hypothetical study
00:23:21The details are in the attached files, but your proposed treatments could result in any of the following
00:23:27cell necrosis stroke
00:23:30cardiovascular failure and even Fletcher's syndrome
00:23:41You propose the use of lab animals simian proxies in your tests, I must be blunt I
00:23:48Cannot imagine any more than half of the subjects survive
00:24:14I would hate to see the poor creatures destroyed in some section 3 project. Dr. Halsey
00:24:21Well, I've said my piece
00:24:24Best of luck to you Catherine
00:24:28Doctor augmentation was always a vital but statistically dangerous stage
00:24:35How many
00:24:37Oni was promised soldiers and you are the only mind that could accomplish it. How many dead data?
00:24:4527 deceased
00:24:4736% of the candidates
00:24:5336% of the children
00:24:56The subjects are just one half of the equation doctor both Mueller and the cognitive impression modeling are critical
00:25:05You're correct doctor, this is our only option
00:25:12Every day the insurrection invents new acts of terror to pull humanity farther into the muck
00:25:18Our civilization is balanced on a razor's edge and the insurgents threatened to bring it down around our ears
00:25:26If even one candidate survives and balance is restored
00:25:31History will have solved me for the greater good
00:25:41Judy honor
00:25:48We were 14 when we lost almost half of our comrades to augmentation failures
00:25:53Death does not diminish these qualities in a soldier
00:25:59We shall remember our dead
00:26:07Kids I grew up with
00:26:10Never said goodbye to
00:26:13We commit the bodies of our fallen to space
00:26:27I still remember their names
00:26:40The deaths affected each of us differently
00:26:43fire teams came and went
00:26:45the core loyalties and friendships endure
00:26:48even beyond death
00:26:50of course
00:26:52It didn't sit well with John
00:26:55Where are you taking my men? Let him go squad leader
00:26:59They can't fight anymore. They don't belong here
00:27:03What happens to them the Navy takes care of its own?
00:27:08Their minds are still sharp and our war effort can always use soldiers for
00:27:13less physical duties
00:27:16John never left anyone behind
00:27:18Not if he could help it
00:27:20Was there something else son, sir? I'm squad leader members of my unit died
00:27:26What should I have done to keep that from happening?
00:27:29one one seven
00:27:33What your class went through?
00:27:36That any of you survived at all is a testament to your strength
00:27:41walk with me a
00:27:45Leader must be ready to send the men under his command to their deaths
00:27:50Your duty is to the mission. I'm sorry, sir
00:27:53But I fail to see how that applies to this situation. The lesson is sacrifice
00:28:00It is acceptable to spend lives when necessary squad leader
00:28:04What is not acceptable is to waste said lives
00:28:10Which was this sir spent or wasted get some rest squad leader
00:28:27What did Mendes say not much
00:28:31Let me guess
00:28:32Something about duty and sucking it up. That sounds nothing like him
00:28:37Like your owl, it sounds exactly like him
00:28:43Me and Kells are going to the shooting range later you win. No, I'm going to hit the gym
00:28:57John was still processing our losses emotionally and physically
00:29:07For weeks after augmentation every bone in our bodies ate
00:29:16Our eyes throbbed and bled we got headaches fell down
00:29:22Clumsy in our new skins
00:29:26Dr. Halsey told us our brains would have to relearn how to work with our new bodies learn how to use new strength and speed
00:29:37But it wasn't easy and it was frustrating
00:29:48The thing about John is that he really only knew three ways to react to people
00:29:56If you were his superior officer he obeyed you if you were in his squad he would die for you
00:30:03If you were a threat
00:30:06Then God help you
00:30:29Heart rate steady pulse level. He's barely breaking a sweat. What is he doing what we built him to do?
00:30:36He's winning
00:30:37I'm gonna stop this now
00:30:40How is his adrenaline level I wonder
00:30:59At ease
00:31:01Your workout is over for today, sir
00:31:05those men
00:31:06Was this a test?
00:31:09You engaged and neutralized a threat squad leader
00:31:14They started it I was defending myself
00:31:18But still they were fellow soldiers
00:31:21people died
00:31:24Sacrifice is a necessary consequence of war. But sir, they were wasted not spent
00:31:30Because of me your priorities are to follow orders and to preserve your life and the lives of your team
00:31:36Is that clear squad leader?
00:31:40Yes, sir
00:31:46We heard what happened everyone on the ship did it was an accident that didn't make it any easier for John
00:32:03Apologies doctor, but I've been attempting to decode a transmission from the planet harvest and
00:32:09It's fragmented and incomplete and it stopped repeating
00:32:14Show me what you have
00:32:26There's a give me a feed from harvest scanning spectrum
00:32:30Anything a comm station a newsfeed a grain elevator. Damn it
00:32:35Not found it may be interference or a problem with the slip space beacon relays
00:32:42Harvest is on a 12-hour signal delay get Mendez, but keep scanning harvest
00:32:49I'm accelerating the schedule. I want to test in a combat mission, ma'am. That's
00:32:56Needlessly aggressive. I disagree brass once Spartans deployed and so do I
00:33:10There's a mission Oni has been saving for the right team
00:33:14Colonel Robert Watts earned his rank in the UNSC
00:33:18But in 2512 he went turncoat and now leads the insurrectionist forces in the arid in a system
00:33:25Watts has spent 12 years leading raids against UNSC targets killing civilians and military alike
00:33:32We have intel that Watts is planning to attack medical satellites in the outer colonies
00:33:38Recently one of Watts's men cut a deal with Oni
00:33:42We have known for some time that Watts's forces were launching from the Aridinus asteroid belt
00:33:48There are millions of rocks scattered over billions of kilometers
00:33:53Our informant did not know the exact location. However, he did know that the freighter Layton is a supply vessel
00:34:01Layton is set to leave dock in six hours for routine engine recertification
00:34:06And yet she's been loaded with enough food and water to supply a small city
00:34:12Spartans you will be dropped at the Aridinus to space docks. You'll be dressed the same as members of the Layton crew
00:34:19Once in the base, you will infiltrate the installation and take Watts alive if you can
00:34:25They would have detected a UNSC ship they wouldn't detect us
00:34:30Be prepared for anything
00:34:33Finally squad leader you are hereby promoted to petty officer third class
00:34:48Everything went off without a hitch before long. We were safe in the microgravity. Well
00:34:59Can never get shut I before a mission
00:35:02What are you doing scanning freight and shipping documents read it to me
00:35:07That'll put me to sleep
00:35:09Ten hours out blue team will rotate sleep cycles
00:35:13Find anything Kelly
00:35:15Everything Layton doesn't have a shipboard AI and their security is a joke
00:35:20Course setting we've got a loose trajectory into the belt
00:35:23But no final destination meaning insurgents don't even trust their own people keep digging and wake me in four
00:35:30I'll take over watch
00:35:38Where did everyone go?
00:35:47Worry when we need to
00:35:55I'm up. What have you got? I picked up where Kelly left off and I found something odd in the ship's manifest
00:36:02Hidden in the standard rations. There's a single crate of cigars steaks and chocolates
00:36:08Luxury items that crate is going to Watts
00:36:12Precisely what I was thinking
00:36:23Follow me stay quiet blend in Kelly get a bearing on that crate
00:36:29On the mono rail headed towards the tallest building in town only the best for Colonel Watts
00:36:34Nav marker at 443 meters and holding top floor helmets on move out
00:37:05A fresh batch car
00:37:08It was going well we felt good we got cocky well I did
00:37:56Should have been me
00:37:58Secure the area
00:37:59The biofoam will keep your guts where they belong till we get home. It's going to hurt
00:38:05That was stupid John
00:38:07Queen doesn't sacrifice everything to collect a pawn all the pieces go back in the same box when the game is done
00:38:15You hit nope I'm lucky some idiot caught my bullet for me do not make me laugh right now
00:38:41Take me alive
00:38:44My men will come for you empty the crate Sam load the cargo
00:38:50Cargo on hands me boy. I don't know who or what you are, but I know two things
00:38:57One none of you are getting out alive and two I am absolutely not getting in that damn box
00:39:19We believe we had dealt the insurrection a mortal blow, maybe we did but everything was about to change
00:39:31Who's that uniform says keys maybe he's here to interrogate Watts
00:39:39Nice work one one seven John isn't it? Yes, sir
00:39:45Have we met a long time ago? You wouldn't remember you were just a kid fighting in the dust
00:39:51Now you're a warrior and just in the nick of time
00:39:55Sir, you'll know soon enough
00:40:01Amphitheater Spartans on the double
00:40:14What do you think it is insurrection revenge strike it's something else something big
00:40:24At ease Spartans
00:40:26I'm vice-admiral Stanforth
00:40:28This is harvest
00:40:30population of three million a peaceful and productive farming world
00:40:34On February 3rd 1423 hours the harvest orbital platform made long-range radar contact with this object
00:40:42After that all contact with harvest was lost
00:40:46Command assembled a battle group
00:40:48What they found is all that was left of harvest
00:40:52three million lives lost
00:40:54The colony burnt ash power like humanity has never seen
00:40:59Then they encountered this
00:41:04Starship of unknown design
00:41:06He destroyed the Vostok and Arabian under a minute using highly advanced weapons and impenetrable shielding
00:41:12The Heracles escaped in a slip space with substantial damage and brought this Intel back
00:41:17They will not negotiate. They will not communicate. They cannot be reasoned or bartered with
00:41:24We had just fought the insurrectionists stopped a plot to murder millions
00:41:29Only to realize that this could be the very end of humankind
00:41:36Humanity will fight back
00:41:39We've already seen that we cannot do it with the blunt instrument of a fleet
00:41:43We need the surgical precision of a scalpel
00:41:47The Spartan program is that scalpel?
00:41:52We received a message before the attack in UEG base English play the message Beowulf
00:42:03Your destruction is the will of the gods and we are their instrument
00:42:21Kelly 087 of blue team mission deep
00:42:35We were on the Commonwealth on route to kai-seti for when we weren't in cryo we were all crammed into the bunk room
00:42:42There was always more prep more planning
00:42:46Damn it. You're still dropping your shoulder. I know
00:42:55Let's go again
00:42:59Does project Mjolnir mean anything to anyone
00:43:03Gotta be some kind of weapon brass isn't very imaginative with codenames
00:43:11Yes, ma'am
00:43:12Sam get everyone ready on the double. You heard the petty officer dog the distractions and into uniform Spartans
00:43:29As we scramble to get ready John was dragged into a pissing contest between dr. Halsey and the captain
00:43:36Captain Wallace
00:43:37There it is again doctor that puts our ghost at 80 million clicks
00:43:41Even if it were ship, and I don't concur that it is it would take an hour to get within weapons range
00:43:47Besides it's disappeared again
00:43:50Captain it is my recommendation that we go to battle stations. We have plenty of time
00:43:55Unless there's something you're not telling us
00:43:58This is not widely known captain, but the alien ships at harvest disappeared then reappeared much closer
00:44:05An intrasystem jump we believe so Spartan not possible
00:44:10I can tell you that slipstream space simply cannot be navigated that accurately you mean
00:44:16We cannot navigate it with that kind of accuracy
00:44:19We'll take the dropship. I will see these Spartans make it to project Mjolnir
00:44:25Hands to battle stations. This is not a drill reactors to 90% come about the course one two five
00:44:31All hands brace for impact
00:44:43We were being hunted down like dogs our only chance was whatever was down in that testing facility
00:45:02Called themselves the Covenant
00:45:22Energy shields, that's amazing bring the ship around and arm the Mac
00:45:35Unlike the missiles the Mac round 101 is an unguided projectile
00:45:40So the firing solution has to be perfectly aligned to hit
00:46:18Ready another Mac round
00:46:20Mac system destroyed captain the Commonwealth carries nuclear missiles, correct
00:46:25Detonation of this range would destroy us as well
00:46:29Excuse me, sir. The alien tactics have been unnecessarily vicious
00:46:33They didn't have to take that second Mac round in my opinion, sir. They would engage anything that challenged them
00:46:40They're sending a message longsword squadron Delta get those ships into the black boys
00:46:47By us in time Roger that sir on our way
00:46:52Arm the nuclear warhead
00:46:55A proximity detonator at 100 meters
00:47:18Three two
00:47:35Now we're us back up slowly
00:47:40Sensors coming back on all longsword interceptors vaporized Covenant chip
00:47:46Intact sir. No, it is moving off though, sir. Most likely to make repairs
00:47:54I have my orders to get you and yours to Chi City for at all costs
00:48:01As we execute a fly-by-orbit the dropship will take you and your crew planet side if the Covenant return
00:48:08We will lure them away
00:48:20Damascus materials testing facility to incoming Pelican identify. This is dr. Catherine Halsey Damascus clearance
00:48:291973-71 alpha
00:48:31Doctor you are cleared for landing at four
00:48:50This is project Mjolnir
00:48:56Mjolnir wasn't just weapons tech. It was Halsey's endgame her force multiplier
00:49:01We were only half of the plan. The armor was the other
00:49:08Armor shell is a multi-layer alloy of remarkable strength an
00:49:12Onboard computer connects with your neural interface to continually track tactical information
00:49:17And the inner structure is composed of a new reactive metal liquid crystal that is amorphous yet fractally scales and amplifies force
00:49:26Ma'am, so you're saying this exoskeleton enhances both the wearers strength and speed
00:49:32Yes, one zero four by a multiple of five
00:49:35Sign me up and the drawbacks ma'am
00:49:38This system is so reactive that our previous tests with an augmented volunteers ended in failure
00:49:47The amplified movements broke their bones tore their muscles their own agony induced spasms killed them
00:49:54But you are not normal humans your enhanced musculature and skeletons should be enough to allow you to harness the armors power
00:50:03Now I'll need a vol and I'll do it I'll be first I thought you might
00:50:11Of course John volunteered he was always the first to explore the unknown for the rest of us
00:50:22Move very slowly deliberately. The armor cannot be powered down. The response cannot be scaled back
00:50:32It's shifting each suit has a gel filled layer to regulate temperature and fit
00:50:40John ready for your first step. Yes, ma'am
00:50:45We couldn't watch but we couldn't turn away
00:50:48It felt like the entire fate of humanity lay in one step
00:50:52Come on, man. You got this
00:50:59It's lighter than I expected easy now
00:51:09Well, how does it feel
00:51:14Like I was made to wear it man
00:51:19John was right. He was made to wear it. We all were
00:51:34Spartans this is what we've trained our entire lives to do if we lose here we lose everything
00:51:42Let's send our own message
00:51:46Commonwealth to dr. Halsey, I'm here captain. The Covenant ship is moving. They'll be on us inside 10 minutes
00:51:54I'm sorry, doctor. It looks as if you're on your own
00:51:58Dr. Halsey, let us take a shot. We're the best possible option your only option blue team is ready, and you know it
00:52:06John was right and Halsey either did know it or at least knew better than to argue
00:52:12Godspeed John
00:52:21I'm just saying you could have volunteered red team instead
00:52:25You want me to pull over let you out right here as chief Mendes would say it's a long walk home
00:52:32Look, you know, I trust you and everything but how are we supposed to take on a Covenant ship in a pelican?
00:52:39drown them in our blood I
00:52:42Was thinking the Commonwealth's pelicans are carrying nukes nukes won't even scratch him no
00:52:49Not from outside their ship. That's right. We can't beat them with brute force remember
00:52:56scalpels surgical precision
00:53:02The small enough they won't see us coming I hope gear up
00:53:12Ships on autopilot course can be tracked via our HUD you heard this plane, and we're still doing I think it's a great
00:53:23I'm on board. I love this plan. I love it, too
00:53:30All right here we go John if we miss
00:53:37We won't
00:53:52Turrets the shields have to at least iris for them to fire
00:53:56We time this right and we're behind their shields we time it wrong. We're smoking Sam Kelly with me
00:54:03Fred Linda take the other side rendezvous somewhere in the middle
00:54:11On my mark
00:54:36Everyone makes it
00:54:50Need Intel I've got Trenkov radiation readings from all over the ship could be anything
00:54:58Agreed but the largest reading is coming from the center likely the ship's reactor
00:55:12Sam you take point Kelly in the middle guiding the way I'll bring up the rear
00:55:32The pressure doors were immense the ceilings were three meters high the air thick and oily
00:55:39Different symbols different languages only had theorized the Covenant was more than just one race
00:55:46This helped confirm it
00:56:16Aren't bulletproof good to know
00:56:20Collect samples tissue armor weapons only we wanted
00:56:25Think we should have tried communicating. They understood us just fine
00:56:29Come on. We don't know what else is on the way
00:57:14Heart stopped when Sam took the shot in the chest
00:57:34I'm okay. Just burns like nothing else. You'll be fine, but
00:57:39Biophone won't seal this that was stupid Sam. You did the same thing for me. That was different
00:57:45They can't afford to lose you John
00:57:57This is the source of the radiation spike I have no idea what it is doesn't matter as long as it explodes
00:58:03Alarm the warhead you two contacts
00:58:14Only in the front
00:58:27I'll seal the door John finish arming that warhead
00:58:42Remember thinking that no matter how dark the future we could face it as a team
00:58:49Warhead countdown set let's move or so I thought
00:58:55You guys should get moving you guys
00:58:58You're not coming Kelly
00:59:00No, we don't leave anyone behind
00:59:04My suit is breached
00:59:07I step into that vacuum and I'm dead anyway
00:59:12No, no, we don't leave anyone behind
00:59:19He's not staying to die Kelly he's staying to fight go our new friends aren't gonna wait for us to argue
00:59:31Know Spartans don't cry but for once I was glad for the helmet
00:59:42Sam was our first loss since augmentation
00:59:54Thought training augmentation armor made us untouchable invulnerable
01:00:03Blue team
01:00:05We were wrong we were children
01:00:11This was the only thing John was ever afraid of
01:00:16losing one of us
01:00:26And we knew we weren't finishing this fight we were just getting started
01:01:00Was 14 then all I can think about was that day
01:01:08Sam carved our mark into the world right here in the wilderness before it was all burned
01:01:15For Sam for Sam
01:01:20Sam fell first and yet he showed us that the Covenant could be killed
01:01:25Sam proved we could win this war
01:01:28Every battle won is built on the foundation of that sacrifice
01:01:33If we survive this
01:01:35It's because Sam showed us the way
01:01:43Sam was my friend
01:01:46He was my brother
01:01:49He was our brother
01:01:55Last time we were here. I asked Sam to trust me to take us home to follow me
01:02:03Will you trust me now
01:02:07Will you follow me