• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il tema dell’assemblea di oggi si inserisce in un dialogo che abbiamo con i Rapporti Draghi e Letta sull’importanza di una visione europea per spingere la competitività delle nostre imprese” ha dichiarato Gioia Ghezzi, vicepresidente di Assolombarda per trasporti, infrastrutture e smart cities in occasione dell’Assemblea Generale di Assolombarda che si è tenuta all’Università Bocconi di Milano. L'assise ha avuto come titolo “L’Impresa che è in noi”.


00:00The title could not be more appropriate, the Lombard companies, the engine of Italy, and the theme of today's assembly is perfectly inserted in a much broader dialogue that we also have with the Draghi-Eletta relations on the importance of having a European vision to push the competitiveness of our companies.
00:30We know that beyond funds and support to companies from a financial point of view, it is important to act on capital, it is important to act on energy costs by lowering them and therefore simplifying the ecological transition a lot to go towards renewable sources that are less expensive and that we control,
00:55so that energy costs do not penalize Italian companies in Europe and towards a European policy of sharing costs through also common purchases, for example of energy, raw materials such as lithium and others.
