#thechelseadetective #series #movies #netflix
00:00:32Nine, keep your eyes open.
00:00:53The roasted duck with a peach sauce
00:00:55and wild mushroom salad, Mrs. Swinson.
00:00:58Thank you, dear.
00:01:00Excuse me.
00:01:05This duck's overcooked.
00:01:10Get the chef to start again.
00:01:12Of course, Mrs. Swanson.
00:01:20Start again.
00:01:22Already have.
00:01:31Come on, guys.
00:01:33Stay in rhythm, stay in rhythm.
00:01:40You're rushing.
00:01:42No, you need to find the rhythm.
00:01:44You're missing it.
00:01:46Pick up the york, pick up the york.
00:01:48No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:01:51This is not a day out.
00:02:01Here, let me help.
00:02:03I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own.
00:02:19Concentrate, come on.
00:02:21That is what happens when you let idiots
00:02:24who have never rowed before on the river.
00:02:27They're the people that pay our wages, Sam.
00:02:30That is on you.
00:02:32How many times do I have to complain?
00:02:34I could at least get the food right.
00:02:37Are you at that rowing club?
00:02:40Why you chose to invest in it, I've no idea.
00:02:43You've no business sense.
00:02:47Did you get the invitation?
00:02:49What invitation?
00:02:50To the ceremony.
00:02:52If you think I'm going to that,
00:02:54you don't know your own mother, Maria.
00:02:59I suppose these Zoom calls are a good thing.
00:03:02Though it means you don't actually have to visit me so often.
00:03:05Don't think that hasn't occurred to me.
00:03:07Goodbye, dear.
00:03:15Here you go.
00:03:18Yeah, rowing's been a bit elitist in the past.
00:03:23But what we're trying to do here at Chelsea Oars
00:03:25is to shake things up.
00:03:27Get a wider demographic involved.
00:03:30You mean letting in riffraff like me?
00:03:32I wouldn't call you riffraff.
00:03:34I'm just taking advantage of the free trial period, really.
00:03:38I'm off home.
00:03:39Yeah, OK.
00:03:40But I won't be long, darling.
00:03:46Are you sure that you don't want to join as a full member?
00:03:50Maybe you could persuade me.
00:03:54All clear?
00:04:00Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:04:02Can you tell me the way to the cinema room?
00:04:05I'm a bit lost.
00:04:07It's just round the corner on the left, Mr Swift.
00:04:10Thank you so much.
00:04:12You're welcome.
00:04:14He should be in a home.
00:04:15He is in a home.
00:04:17No, he isn't.
00:04:18He's in a high-end lifestyle choice for discerning seniors
00:04:21who've got shitloads of money.
00:04:45How are you?
00:04:47How are you?
00:04:49Have you been well?
00:04:50I've been well.
00:04:52I'm fine.
00:04:53All right.
00:04:54I'll see you in a bit.
00:04:56I'll see you in a bit.
00:04:59OK, bye.
00:05:00OK, bye.
00:05:04OK, bye.
00:05:13You've been a while.
00:06:14I didn't want to make any decisions without talking to you first, Asti.
00:06:32Maybe your clubbing days aren't over.
00:06:34I think you know the answer to that, Max.
00:06:38The Ting Ting's greatest hits.
00:06:41I could get it valued at that antiques emporium on Locks Road.
00:06:46Haven't you got to get to work, Max?
00:06:47I'll tell you what.
00:06:48I'll drop them off later at the gallery.
00:06:50I don't want to clutter up my gallery with old CDs.
00:06:51But you don't mind cluttering up my boat?
00:06:54I've got to go.
00:06:57I'm coming.
00:07:42Morning, Max.
00:07:46Welcome to Greyfriars West, where your golden years are truly golden.
00:07:50I can't wait.
00:07:52An 80-year-old female was found deceased in her bed this morning.
00:07:55Her name is Celia Swanson.
00:07:57The duty doctor has alerted us to the possibility of foul play.
00:08:02I'm Gillian Compton.
00:08:03I'm the general manager here.
00:08:05Max Arnold.
00:08:06I'm D.S.
00:08:07Leila Walsh.
00:08:09You will keep this as quiet as possible, won't you?
00:08:11We'll do our best.
00:08:14The purple bruise on the anterior side of the right deltoid.
00:08:19Evidence of subcutaneous hemorrhage.
00:08:23On the inside of the arm, further bruising.
00:08:29Give us a minute.
00:08:35The duty doctor did well.
00:08:38The deceased had a progressive neurological disorder and appeared to have died in her
00:08:46The key, however, is the right upper arm.
00:08:51Bruising and bleeding under the skin.
00:08:53Older people get this pretty easily from an intramuscular injection, but assuming her
00:08:58medical records are up to date, she hasn't had an injection for days.
00:09:06And then there are these bruises on the inner arm, unusual, and that somebody was holding
00:09:15her down.
00:09:16So you're saying she's been forcibly injected?
00:09:19Oh, hello, Mrs. Swift.
00:09:20Good morning, ladies.
00:09:21Do you mind if we just go back to your rooms for a moment?
00:09:22Oh, it's all right.
00:09:23All right.
00:09:24Yeah, thank you.
00:09:25She ate early.
00:09:26She always did.
00:09:27She didn't finish her food.
00:09:28Who else was in here?
00:09:29Nobody, as far as I remember.
00:09:30I offered to help, but she refused.
00:09:31I'm sorry.
00:09:32It's all right.
00:09:33It's all right.
00:09:34It's all right.
00:09:35It's all right.
00:09:36It's all right.
00:09:37It's all right.
00:09:38It's all right.
00:09:39It's all right.
00:09:40It's all right.
00:09:41It's all right.
00:09:42It's all right.
00:09:43It's all right.
00:09:44It's all right.
00:09:46I offered to help her back to her apartment, but she wanted to walk on her own.
00:09:49It was painful to watch, to be honest.
00:09:52What time was that?
00:09:53About seven.
00:09:55And how about you?
00:09:57Did you work the rest of the evening shifts?
00:09:58Yeah, but it was pretty quiet.
00:10:00It can get busy at lunchtime.
00:10:02That's when the relatives come to visit, but it's never very full in the evening.
00:10:05So you left at about...
00:10:069.30, I guess.
00:10:09We live in Fulham.
00:10:10Alaborn Gardens.
00:10:11Nice menu.
00:10:15Nice menu.
00:10:16Josh copied it from that place in Knightsbridge.
00:10:18Yeah, all right.
00:10:19I added a few personal touches.
00:10:22What did you think of Celia Swanson, Hannah?
00:10:24Well, we all made fun of her a bit.
00:10:27Dressing up like she was dining at Claridge's, and she was quite fussy about her food, but
00:10:33you know...
00:10:34Translation, she was a poisonous old cow and nobody liked her.
00:10:37Come on.
00:10:38It doesn't matter what she was like.
00:10:39She was eating here last night, and now she's dead.
00:10:43It's sad.
00:10:45Do come in.
00:10:50Mrs Compton, perhaps you could explain how access to the building is regulated?
00:10:54Well, the staff and residents have fobs.
00:10:57What about visitors?
00:10:58Well, we'd like to keep it as informal as possible.
00:11:02It's really important that Greyfriars doesn't have that institutional feel, and Stephanie's
00:11:07very clear on that.
00:11:09Who's Stephanie?
00:11:10The owner.
00:11:11Stephanie Lang.
00:11:12What can you tell us of Mrs Swanson's movements last night?
00:11:16Well, from what I understand, she went back to her apartment after eating in the restaurant.
00:11:21She didn't have any visitors after that.
00:11:24One of our residents, Morris Swift, found her body this morning.
00:11:28And is Mr Swift available to talk to us?
00:11:31Of course.
00:11:32You might find that he gets a bit confused.
00:11:36There is no sign of forced entry, which makes it more likely that the attack was carried
00:11:41out by somebody with access to the building.
00:11:43Oh, I can't believe that could happen.
00:11:48We'll need to see a list of who was on duty last night, and Mrs Swanson's next of kin.
00:11:53Yes, of course.
00:11:55She has a daughter, Maria.
00:11:57I'll give you her details.
00:11:59What about your own movements?
00:12:01What time did you leave last night?
00:12:03Um, usual time.
00:12:05I'm generally on my way by six o'clock.
00:12:09Oh, yes.
00:12:12Stephanie Lang.
00:12:14I'm D.I. Arnold.
00:12:15This is D.S. Walsh.
00:12:16Chelsea CID.
00:12:18I do hope you're being looked after properly.
00:12:21Have you been offered to your coffee?
00:12:22Would you...
00:12:23We're fine.
00:12:26So, you believe there's something untoward about Mrs Swanson's death?
00:12:31We do.
00:12:34I assume you have evidence?
00:12:39We're here to gather the evidence.
00:12:42And are all these police in the building strictly necessary?
00:12:46They are.
00:12:53Oh, wow.
00:12:54Look at this.
00:12:55You'd think she went to a different party every night.
00:12:59She's got so many.
00:13:02The old hoarding instinct.
00:13:21When my dad died,
00:13:24I went round to clear out his house.
00:13:29Apart from his books and a few paintings,
00:13:33everything else was just junk.
00:14:00I've come to...
00:14:07...a firm decision at last.
00:14:09How do you work that out?
00:14:12Sometimes dyslexia helps you see things more clearly.
00:14:22So, the start of a letter that was never finished.
00:14:26Dearest M, I've come to a firm decision at last.
00:14:32Why did you tell the police that we live together?
00:14:34I mean, in your dreams.
00:14:37I was protecting you.
00:14:40I suppose so.
00:14:41And actually, in your dreams.
00:14:43Oh, piss off!
00:14:46Mr. Swift, we understand you found Celia Swanson's body.
00:14:52It was such a shock.
00:14:54We played cards on Tuesday morning, you see?
00:14:59But she was late.
00:15:02So, I went to her apartment.
00:15:06It was locked, so I went in.
00:15:10And there she was.
00:15:13Were you with her yesterday evening?
00:15:16Yesterday? I've let me think.
00:15:21You sure?
00:15:24One evening.
00:15:27That's film club.
00:15:31I like Celia.
00:15:34We used to make each other laugh.
00:15:38I like your daughter, too.
00:15:40She has such a nice smile.
00:15:48The Morettas have been waiting for a while.
00:15:51That was?
00:15:52About 40 million.
00:15:54Then there's Lord Aldous.
00:15:56He was widowed last year.
00:15:58Does he still live on that huge estate in Devon?
00:16:00Yeah, I believe so, yes.
00:16:02I heard he's not well.
00:16:06The Lord would be good for the crowd.
00:16:16So, what do you think?
00:16:19I'm thinking, what a way to finish your days
00:16:22in Greyfriars West.
00:16:26Got to end up somewhere.
00:16:32You're looking puzzled.
00:16:34Well, if Celia Swanson was ill anyway
00:16:37and didn't have long to live,
00:16:39why would somebody kill her now?
00:16:44They're digging up the embankment again.
00:16:50It'd be quicker on a bike.
00:16:55It'd be good.
00:17:00Miss Swanson, can you think of anyone
00:17:03who might have wanted to harm your mother?
00:17:05Anyone at all?
00:17:07I honestly can't.
00:17:12We found a letter,
00:17:14or rather the beginnings of a letter,
00:17:16which may have been to you.
00:17:21Dearest Em,
00:17:25I've come to a firm decision at last.
00:17:31Could you confirm that that's your mother's writing?
00:17:35Mum liked to write letters in the old-fashioned way.
00:17:37I never got this one,
00:17:39but I'm guessing it would have been about her diamonds.
00:17:43She'd been talking about selling them for ages.
00:17:45They're just rotting in a bank vault somewhere.
00:17:47She never dared take them out.
00:17:49You don't think it was something more personal?
00:17:53Mum didn't do personal.
00:17:57My God, darling.
00:17:59Are you all right?
00:18:01It's okay. It's okay.
00:18:06Hi, I'm Freddie Mercer.
00:18:08I'm Maria's partner.
00:18:10Are you allowed to just turn up here without warning?
00:18:13Maria suffers from anxiety.
00:18:15I'm sure you're aware.
00:18:16No, I know.
00:18:19I'll go and get your meds.
00:18:27What do you do professionally, Miss Swanson?
00:18:30I'm a translator.
00:18:32Documents, textbooks, boring stuff.
00:18:36I speak Afrikaans.
00:18:38Here we go.
00:18:49Look, if there's anything else I can do...
00:18:51What were your movements last night, Mr. Mercer?
00:18:55I was at the club, entertaining clients.
00:18:58I ran Chelsea Oars.
00:19:01Well, we'll know where to find you.
00:19:04Have these bruises changed colour?
00:19:08The body doesn't stand still when you die, Max.
00:19:13Decomposition, autolysis, self-digestion.
00:19:17All sorts of excitement to look forward to.
00:19:21But it's not the same when you're dead.
00:19:25It's not the same when you're alive.
00:19:29It's not the same when you're dead.
00:19:34Can't wait.
00:19:36So, what do we know?
00:19:38She was injected with dialorphine.
00:19:41It's a morphine derivative.
00:19:44A healthy person in the prime of life might have survived the deaths.
00:19:49Whoever planned this knew what they were doing.
00:19:51Which fits with the insider theory.
00:19:54I checked with Greyfriars.
00:19:56They don't keep any dialorphine on site.
00:19:58It's a pretty obscure drug.
00:20:01Has the advantage a person feels pretty quickly.
00:20:04What about time of death?
00:20:06Not earlier than 9pm, not later than 11.
00:20:10She may have had one last crazy trip.
00:20:13Or died soon after the injection.
00:20:16We'll never know.
00:20:21Our victim is...
00:20:24Celia Swanson.
00:20:26Widow of Corey Swanson.
00:20:28A well-known South African businessman.
00:20:31We don't have too much on her.
00:20:33But he was quite the figure in the 1980s.
00:20:35Mines, property, pharmaceuticals.
00:20:37It looks like the whole South African business is on her.
00:20:40I'm not sure.
00:20:42I don't think so.
00:20:45Celia and her daughter Maria came to live in London soon afterwards.
00:20:48And they've been here ever since.
00:20:50She had a flat in Eaton Square.
00:20:52But sold it in 2019 when Greyfriars opened.
00:20:55Well, here's what we know about Greyfriars.
00:20:57It's high-end living for people with money to burn.
00:21:00Owned and run by Stephanie Lang.
00:21:02We've met her.
00:21:04So, who visited Celia Swanson?
00:21:06Did she have enemies?
00:21:08Was anyone suspicious hanging out with her?
00:21:13Did she have enemies?
00:21:15Was anyone suspicious hanging around Greyfriars yesterday evening?
00:21:17All the usual angles.
00:21:19The late 80s was the era of the anti-apartheid demonstrations
00:21:21in Trafalgar Square.
00:21:23I remember them well.
00:21:25Did you police them?
00:21:27I was on them.
00:21:29Right, this afternoon we're going to concentrate
00:21:31on synchronised rowing.
00:21:33You are not eight individuals doing your best.
00:21:35You are one unit pulling together.
00:21:37A rowing crew is only as good as its weakest link.
00:21:39We are missing someone.
00:21:41Who's that?
00:21:43It's me, sorry.
00:21:45Well, get a move on.
00:21:47You're on your side.
00:21:49You're on your side.
00:21:51You're on your side.
00:21:53You're on your side.
00:21:55You're on your side.
00:21:58You'll jump in and save me
00:22:00if we drown, won't you?
00:22:02I wouldn't have thought so, no.
00:22:04Oh, sorry.
00:22:06I was mistaking you for somebody
00:22:08I was talking to in the bar last night.
00:22:22I thought you should know.
00:22:24I just hope she didn't suffer.
00:22:27I've got to go now.
00:22:29Sorry I didn't make it last night, by the way.
00:22:35You shouldn't be doing that.
00:22:37I've got to finish it.
00:22:39They want it in the morning.
00:22:43Take some time.
00:22:49We'll be done here in a little while.
00:22:51Let me go for a walk or something.
00:22:56I'm so glad you're here for me.
00:23:28Just closing up.
00:23:30Well, don't worry.
00:23:32I'm not here to buy anything.
00:23:34You and the rest of the world.
00:23:36I sometimes wonder whether
00:23:38I'm in the right place.
00:23:40I'm in the right place.
00:23:42I'm in the right place.
00:23:44I'm in the right place.
00:23:46I'm in the right place.
00:23:48I'm in the right place.
00:23:50I'm in the right place.
00:23:52I sometimes wonder whether Chelsea
00:23:54has got all the art it needs.
00:23:56I bought your CDs.
00:23:58A few memories in there.
00:24:00Max, I don't even own a CD player anymore.
00:24:02Haven't you heard of streaming?
00:24:08There's something I need to talk to you about.
00:24:10Go on.
00:24:12It's my mother.
00:24:14She's struggling.
00:24:17She's on her own
00:24:19and she can't get around like she used to.
00:24:24I'm thinking of going back to Germany
00:24:26to look after her.
00:24:28What about your sister?
00:24:30Could she help?
00:24:32When did you ever hear about Brigitte
00:24:34doing anything for anyone other than herself?
00:24:38Could you bring your mum here?
00:24:40She wants to be in Germany.
00:24:42That's where she lives.
00:24:44You live in London.
00:24:47She needs me.
00:24:49I thought you'd understand.
00:24:51I do. I do.
00:24:55I always thought you hated Leipzig.
00:24:58It's changed.
00:25:02I hear they're selling Gucci there now.
00:25:05The very definition of civilisation.
00:25:19So here's what we know.
00:25:21There are no cameras
00:25:23in the residential parts of Greyfriars.
00:25:25So all we've got
00:25:27is footage from the common areas.
00:25:29At 2114,
00:25:31we see Josh Downing and Hannah Loftus
00:25:33leave the kitchen area
00:25:35chatting to an elderly resident.
00:25:37Morris Swift. They told us that.
00:25:39Nothing else?
00:25:43I don't think so.
00:25:46Nothing else of interest that we've found yet.
00:25:48To make matters worse,
00:25:50some of the cameras they do have aren't working.
00:25:52Do we get the impression the Greyfriars
00:25:54security system was put in on a budget?
00:25:58I'm also trying to source external footage.
00:26:00People coming and going from the building itself.
00:26:04I've got this.
00:26:06Found by Max in the bin
00:26:08in Mrs Swanson's room.
00:26:10Always look in the bins!
00:26:12An invitation in memory of the Nelspruit miners.
00:26:14You were cordially invited, et cetera, et cetera,
00:26:16to a memorial service.
00:26:18From Whitewash.
00:26:20Anybody heard of Whitewash?
00:26:22It's run by Bandala and Cozy.
00:26:24According to their website,
00:26:26Whitewash, a campaign run by relatives
00:26:28of the victims of apartheid,
00:26:30dedicated to the memory of those who suffered
00:26:32and to fight for reparations
00:26:34from those whose fortunes are tainted
00:26:36by injustice.
00:26:38OK, so similar to campaigns about families
00:26:40whose ancestors benefited from the slave trade.
00:26:43Yeah, and those whose fortunes are tainted
00:26:45by injustice.
00:26:47Sounds like a pretty good description
00:26:49of Celia Swanson.
00:26:55And Gillian, of course, you know.
00:26:57And this is our Head of Residential Care,
00:26:59Alistair Walker.
00:27:01And here is our award-winning chef,
00:27:03Josh Downing.
00:27:05We offer a range
00:27:07of different cuisines, all cooked fresh
00:27:09to your exact specifications
00:27:12and the finest ingredients.
00:27:14Thanks, Josh.
00:27:16I eat here quite a lot myself.
00:27:18It's all in the brochure.
00:27:20And as we like to say
00:27:22at Greyfriars,
00:27:24you're not just another resident to us.
00:27:26You're a friend.
00:27:32There seem to be all sorts of gaps
00:27:34in the CCTV coverage,
00:27:36Mrs. Compton.
00:27:38Why would that be?
00:27:41I don't know.
00:27:43There's a lot of trouble with the system.
00:27:45For some reason,
00:27:47it keeps recording over itself.
00:27:49I have mentioned it to Stephanie,
00:27:51but, well,
00:27:53there are other priorities.
00:27:55What sort of person
00:27:57was Celia Swanson?
00:27:59Well, I didn't know her well.
00:28:01I'm not sure that anyone did.
00:28:03I mean, there's all sorts of activities here,
00:28:05but, well,
00:28:07she wasn't the type to join in.
00:28:10Relations were strained,
00:28:12I think.
00:28:14Maria's boyfriend visited more often than she did.
00:28:16He used to bring her flowers.
00:28:18Do you mean Freddie Mercer?
00:28:20That's right.
00:28:22So we'd find a record of that in the visitor's book?
00:28:24Well, not necessarily.
00:28:26If somebody's familiar to the staff on reception,
00:28:28they just let them in.
00:28:30Oh, I did look into whether anybody visited her
00:28:32in her apartment after she went to bed,
00:28:34but it seems that nobody did.
00:28:36Apart from whoever murdered her.
00:28:38Well, yes.
00:28:52Are you Bandy Lincolson?
00:28:54That's right, Banny.
00:28:56Can I help?
00:28:58DC Connor Pollock.
00:29:00DC Jess Lombard.
00:29:02You look busy.
00:29:04Getting ready for the ceremony tomorrow.
00:29:0750 years since the Nelspruit disaster.
00:29:09You know how many people died?
00:29:1182, wasn't it?
00:29:13That's right.
00:29:15One of them was my grandfather.
00:29:17Well, we do this every year.
00:29:19They let us use the memorial,
00:29:21even though it's dedicated to the other side.
00:29:23It's a real-life detective.
00:29:25It's exciting.
00:29:27What can I do for you?
00:29:29We're here in relation to the death of an elderly woman.
00:29:31Celia Swanson.
00:29:33Was she known to you?
00:29:38We found an invitation to your ceremony in her apartment.
00:29:40Would that make any sense?
00:29:44Corey Swanson owned Nelspruit.
00:29:46He sent workers down mines in unimaginable conditions
00:29:48and she lived a life of luxury in London.
00:29:50Do you know how much compensation
00:29:52he paid out over the years to the families?
00:29:54I'm guessing nothing.
00:29:56No, you got it.
00:29:58We asked Celia Swanson to the ceremony every year.
00:30:00We didn't expect her to come.
00:30:03So, what was the purpose of the invitation?
00:30:05To show contrition.
00:30:07To share the pain.
00:30:09If the word she had to put up with
00:30:11was an annual invitation
00:30:13that she was perfectly free to refuse,
00:30:15then, compared to the benefits she enjoyed,
00:30:17it wasn't that much of an inconvenience.
00:30:19Where were you two nights ago, Mr Nkosi?
00:30:21Choir practice.
00:30:23At church.
00:30:25You're not thinking we might have had
00:30:27something to do with her death?
00:30:29These are just routine inquiries.
00:30:31Listen, Whitewash is a law-abiding organisation.
00:30:33I'm sorry to hear about Celia Swanson.
00:30:35Probably a bit more sorry than she was
00:30:37when the people who worked for her husband died.
00:30:58I'm sorry I can't do dinner tonight.
00:31:01You know how it is.
00:31:03Oh, don't worry.
00:31:05I'm busy with my painting.
00:31:07There's an exhibition at Chelsea Town Hall
00:31:09and I've put a few pieces up for it.
00:31:11For goodness knows if I'll sell anything.
00:31:13It's better than playing bridge
00:31:15or whatever it is
00:31:17people my age are supposed to do now.
00:31:21What I really want is to go to parties
00:31:23and get trashed.
00:31:25Be young.
00:31:28Are you working
00:31:30on the Celia Swanson case?
00:31:32I read about it in the Chelsea Gazette.
00:31:34I couldn't possibly say.
00:31:36Do you remember
00:31:38those South African friends of your dad's,
00:31:40the Beckers?
00:31:42I remember the Beckers.
00:31:44We used to see them
00:31:46on the anti-apartheid marches.
00:31:48They wouldn't have much in common
00:31:50with the Swansons.
00:31:52So you are working on the case.
00:31:57how are you?
00:32:01Go on.
00:32:03What is it?
00:32:05Astrid has to go back to Germany
00:32:07to look after her mother.
00:32:09Is she ill?
00:32:13Just getting older.
00:32:15I mentioned
00:32:17bringing her mum over here
00:32:19but she didn't seem to think
00:32:21that would work.
00:32:23If Astrid goes,
00:32:25who knows when
00:32:27she might come back.
00:32:37Would you take some advice
00:32:39from a well-meaning aunt?
00:32:41Sounds like I'm about to get some.
00:32:43Don't worry
00:32:45about Astrid going back to Germany.
00:32:47You're separated, Max.
00:32:49She's got her own life
00:32:52to live.
00:32:54And besides,
00:32:56I think it's good
00:32:58that she's looking after her mother.
00:33:00One day
00:33:02you might have to do the same for me.
00:33:04Many years
00:33:06in the future.
00:33:16Max, take a look at this.
00:33:18Latest financial records
00:33:21It's very much in
00:33:23what you'd call the investment phase.
00:33:25Meaning they're losing money?
00:33:27Well, lots of it.
00:33:29At this rate, I'd give the business
00:33:31about two months.
00:33:33So if Maria's to inherit from her mother
00:33:35and the rowing club's burning through cash,
00:33:37that would give Freddie Mercer a motive.
00:33:39You'd think so.
00:33:41What about Maria?
00:33:43She said she was in Cremorne Gardens
00:33:45at the time of the murder.
00:33:47We found footage of her there.
00:33:50Why don't we see if Freddie Mercer
00:33:52is still at the rowing club?
00:34:38You all right there?
00:34:40I'm just working my way through the new contract.
00:34:42It's, um,
00:34:46I'll tell you what.
00:34:48Why don't you get home
00:34:50and I'll finish it?
00:34:52Honestly, I'm fine.
00:34:54It's always upsetting
00:34:56when one of the residents dies,
00:34:58but with all this as well, it's...
00:35:00I know.
00:35:02It's been a difficult couple of days.
00:35:04Get an early night.
00:35:06Go on.
00:35:08What price did we decide on?
00:35:10What's there in the agreement?
00:35:14I think we can add a bit to that.
00:35:26That can't be right.
00:35:28I think it is.
00:35:32I don't think it's right.
00:35:34I don't think it's right.
00:35:36I don't think it is.
00:35:42We've been looking at the set-up at Greyfriars and...
00:35:44Turns out you don't actually own your apartment.
00:35:46You acquire a lease
00:35:48and when you sell it on,
00:35:50Greyfriars takes a 20% commission on the sale
00:35:52and has the exclusive right
00:35:54to set the price and choose the buyer.
00:36:06So essentially,
00:36:08the more often Greyfriars residents die...
00:36:10The better for business.
00:36:12Looks like it.
00:36:26Is that Lord Aldous?
00:36:30Stephanie Lang here.
00:36:32From Greyfriars.
00:36:34Yes, it is good news.
00:36:36As long as you're able to move quickly.
00:36:54I'll follow. You check the boathouse.
00:36:56No. Layla, you've no backup.
00:37:32It's fine. It's pinked.
00:37:34Oh, God.
00:38:02We came to see you last night
00:38:04to discuss the state of the club's finances.
00:38:08I'm the victim of a crime.
00:38:10The club's been trashed, so...
00:38:12Do you mind if we just deal with this mess first?
00:38:16What do you think the words
00:38:18you had it coming are referring to?
00:38:20Can we have a word somewhere more discreet?
00:38:22It's all a bit... public.
00:38:26My job is to keep the club's finances
00:38:28under control.
00:38:32My job involves a fair amount of
00:38:34entertaining the younger members.
00:38:36It's very important for the business.
00:38:40Well, I can't be sure, but
00:38:42it's possible that
00:38:44one of them might have misread the signals
00:38:46and, you know...
00:38:48I know what?
00:38:50May have thought
00:38:52it was a good idea to publicly humiliate me.
00:38:56Oh. I get it.
00:38:58Does this person have a name?
00:39:00Zoe Stevens.
00:39:02She was taking part in the free trial period.
00:39:06thanks, Mr. Mercer.
00:39:08If there are any other younger members
00:39:10who might have also
00:39:12misread the signals,
00:39:14perhaps you could let me know.
00:39:16Of course.
00:39:18This, uh, business with her mother
00:39:20has been a terrible shock to Maria.
00:39:22And I'm sure you're
00:39:24doing all you can to work out
00:39:26what happened, but...
00:39:28what can I say?
00:39:30The sooner you get to the bottom of it,
00:39:32the better.
00:39:34I'll bear that in mind.
00:39:50Morning, Max.
00:39:52Morning. So where are we
00:39:54with Freddy Mercer?
00:39:56Well, he didn't want to talk about the finances,
00:39:58and he's a rat.
00:40:00But is he our man?
00:40:02What does your gut tell you?
00:40:04He's smooth,
00:40:06good-looking, appears to have money.
00:40:08I hate to say it,
00:40:10but there are women who go for that sort of thing.
00:40:12I've been plagued by them
00:40:14all my life.
00:40:18He's given us an alibi,
00:40:20which seems to add up, but...
00:40:22I don't know. Keep digging, I'd say.
00:40:32Connor? Max, I've managed to find
00:40:34some footage from an external camera
00:40:36at the back of Greyfriars. Uh-huh.
00:40:38Turns out Josh Downing and Hannah Loftus
00:40:40haven't been completely truthful with us.
00:40:46Bring them in and make sure we keep them apart.
00:40:48Will do.
00:40:52So, to conclude, ladies and gentlemen,
00:40:54this is a market
00:40:56that's only going to grow.
00:40:58I wonder how many of you
00:41:00have heard an elderly parent say,
00:41:02whatever happens, don't put me in a home.
00:41:06Greyfriars isn't a home.
00:41:08It is home.
00:41:10Our residents can enjoy
00:41:12a fulfilling retirement before passing on
00:41:14an asset to the next generation,
00:41:16which is almost guaranteed to have
00:41:18risen in value.
00:41:20Well, that's it from me.
00:41:22My colleagues will be happy to answer
00:41:24any questions you may have.
00:41:26And do save for a glass of champagne.
00:41:34I see you've already found another resident
00:41:36for Mrs Swanson's apartment.
00:41:38Yes, that's right. Lord Alice.
00:41:40I'm sure you've heard of him.
00:41:42That was quick.
00:41:44We have a long waiting list.
00:41:46We'd like to know a bit more
00:41:48about the way apartments change hands.
00:41:50As we understand it,
00:41:52Greyfriars sets the price
00:41:54and takes commission.
00:41:58That's a profitable sideline.
00:42:00I'm running a business here.
00:42:02You're running a business that's currently
00:42:04overshadowed by an unsolved murder.
00:42:06If you want to continue this conversation,
00:42:08I'd be happy to do so
00:42:10in the presence of my lawyer.
00:42:12The very same lawyer
00:42:14who will confirm that our terms of business
00:42:16are entirely legal
00:42:18and above board.
00:42:30Oh, hello.
00:42:32Hello, Mr Swift.
00:42:34I thought you should know I didn't play cards
00:42:36with Celia this morning.
00:42:38She didn't turn up.
00:42:42Today is normally our cribbage day, is he?
00:42:44Mr Swift,
00:42:46Mrs Swanson died three days ago.
00:42:50Is she?
00:42:52So she did.
00:42:56I'm sorry.
00:43:00I get so confused.
00:43:08You don't think
00:43:10he could have...
00:43:14You know, a mercy killing
00:43:16out of kindness?
00:43:20No one's safe when Leila Walsh starts investigating.
00:43:22Oh, double check the alibi.
00:43:30to recap,
00:43:32you and Josh both left the building
00:43:34and what?
00:43:36Went to the house you both share in Alabone Gardens?
00:43:38That's right.
00:43:40So how do you explain the footage we've got
00:43:42which shows Josh leaving the building on his own?
00:43:44I can't remember.
00:43:46Forgot something.
00:43:48Had to put back.
00:43:50What did you forget?
00:43:52I'm not sure.
00:43:54Why wouldn't we have footage of you leaving
00:43:56a few minutes later?
00:43:58Is that because you didn't?
00:44:00That would put you in the building when the murder took place.
00:44:04What this shows
00:44:06is you left the box when you left the kitchen with Hannah
00:44:08but left the building alone.
00:44:10Then you came back to Greyfriars
00:44:12carrying something
00:44:14under your coat.
00:44:18And then you left again
00:44:20an hour or so later
00:44:22without whatever it was.
00:44:24Anything to say about that?
00:44:30I've got nothing to say about it.
00:44:32It's private.
00:44:34And it's got nothing to do with Celia Swanson.
00:44:36That woman.
00:44:38That woman what?
00:44:42You should have seen the way she treated Hannah.
00:44:44It was shocking.
00:44:46So tell us what you were up to.
00:44:50This is a murder investigation.
00:44:54I don't know whether you're protecting Hannah
00:44:56or if you've got something else to hide.
00:44:58But whatever it is
00:45:00we'll find out.
00:45:04I'm wondering
00:45:06whether you just didn't like Mrs. Swanson, Hannah.
00:45:08What do you mean?
00:45:10What was it Josh called her?
00:45:12A poisonous old cow?
00:45:14Did you both decide to do something about it?
00:45:18I don't know what you're talking about.
00:45:20She was just an old lady.
00:45:22So why did you lie to us about living in Alabone Gardens?
00:45:24I didn't.
00:45:26It was Josh. He was just trying to protect me.
00:45:28From what?
00:45:34It's the truth.
00:45:38I live at Greyfriars.
00:45:42There's a staff flat
00:45:44for management but it never gets used.
00:45:46I can't afford
00:45:48accommodation of my own so
00:45:50I stay there.
00:45:52That's why he covered for me saying that we live in Alabone Gardens
00:45:54but if Gillian found out
00:45:56and then told Stephanie I'd get fired.
00:46:00it's just something we need to keep quiet about.
00:46:02So when Josh came back into the building
00:46:04he was coming to see you?
00:46:18What this is about is this.
00:46:20The budget for food means
00:46:22we get the best cuts of meat,
00:46:24the freshest fish, you name it.
00:46:26Like dining at the Ritz.
00:46:28The food goes to waste
00:46:30so I sell it on to a mate of mine
00:46:32then I buy the stuff from the local supermarket.
00:46:34Simple as that.
00:46:36So you're stealing from your employer?
00:46:38I was doing it so that Hannah could put down a deposit on a flat.
00:46:40How romantic.
00:46:42I was trying to help her.
00:46:44Is there something wrong with that?
00:46:46There is if it involves theft.
00:46:48What did you have under your coat, Josh?
00:46:50It was a bottle of champagne
00:46:52to share with Hannah.
00:46:54I know, I know I shouldn't do it
00:46:56but I'm sure Woody Morgan's having some fun.
00:46:58High-end lifestyle choice for discerning seniors.
00:47:00It's just God's waiting room.
00:47:04Josh and Hannah's stories add up.
00:47:06We're agreed on that.
00:47:08Stephanie Lang.
00:47:10Definitely a sharp-elbowed businesswoman
00:47:12but is she more than that?
00:47:14Not impossible.
00:47:16Morris Swift. Long odds on him.
00:47:18Leila, you were going to double-check his movements?
00:47:20I did.
00:47:22He was with a half-dozen other residents in the film club.
00:47:24They were watching Kind Hearts and Coronets.
00:47:26Oh, great film.
00:47:28Freddie Mercer.
00:47:30I just spoke to the woman he was entertaining
00:47:32at Chelsea Orr's on the night of the murder.
00:47:34Zoe Stevens. Apparently,
00:47:36they only had a quick drink.
00:47:38He lost interest when she refused to sign up for membership.
00:47:40So he's lied to us
00:47:42about his alibi
00:47:44and he's got a strong motive if his business
00:47:46is struggling.
00:47:48He's a slippery customer,
00:47:50Freddie Mercer.
00:47:52We need to catch him
00:47:54off his guard.
00:47:56You've got another
00:47:58idea altogether, Leila.
00:48:00I can see it on your face.
00:48:02I keep thinking about the graffiti.
00:48:04The spurned lover
00:48:06thing is a convenient explanation.
00:48:08It's certainly not how Zoe Stevens came across to me.
00:48:10What if the graffiti wasn't about that?
00:48:12What if
00:48:14it was actually aimed
00:48:16at the Swanson family?
00:48:18By whom?
00:48:20I don't know. You had it coming.
00:48:22It could mean anything.
00:48:24Don't forget Maria co-owns Chelsea Orr's.
00:48:26Aren't the Swansons
00:48:28one of those families that just about
00:48:30everybody hated?
00:49:32We gather here
00:49:34on this day every year
00:49:36to remember the 82 miners that died
00:49:38Those who were responsible for the safety of the mine weren't underground that day.
00:49:43Nor were the police, who rounded up the protesters of the riots that followed.
00:49:48My grandfather was one of those miners.
00:49:51And he died unmourned by the authorities.
00:49:54No compensation has ever been offered.
00:49:57One day, that might change.
00:50:00But until then, we're here simply to remember.
00:50:06I'm now going to hand over to Reverend Akabe to say a few prayers.
00:50:20Didn't expect to see you here.
00:50:22Well, thanks for coming.
00:50:24As you can see, all we're trying to do is keep the flame burning.
00:50:27That's not all you're trying to do, is it, Bandile?
00:50:29Or should I call you Trevor?
00:50:36What can I say?
00:50:38When my parents came to England, they decided to anglicise their names.
00:50:42Why they chose Trevor Jones, I have no idea.
00:50:45You'd have thought they could have done better.
00:50:47All I'm doing is reclaiming my African heritage.
00:50:49A lot of people are doing that.
00:50:50We appreciate that, but you told us that Whitewash is an entirely law-abiding organisation.
00:50:55You've got a bit of a record, haven't you?
00:50:58An incident outside the South African embassy.
00:51:02Outside the South African embassy.
00:51:05Assault. ABH.
00:51:07We checked out your alibi on the night of the murder.
00:51:09Choir practice with the church?
00:51:11It ended at 6.30.
00:51:14Several hours before Mrs Swanson died.
00:51:17And then I went straight home, as my family will confirm.
00:51:21Look, in the past, Whitewash has, on occasion, chosen direct action as a way of highlighting injustice.
00:51:28Was that wrong?
00:51:29It depends on whether you're on the side of those who exploit, or those who are exploited.
00:51:33We're on the side of the law.
00:51:35That's what the police would have said when they attacked peaceful protesters in Johannesburg with electric bands.
00:51:39That was 50 years ago.
00:51:41Yeah, and you're telling me the police are saints now?
00:51:44I'll tell you what I really think of people like the Swansons.
00:51:47Bad people.
00:51:49People who've lived off the hard labour of my ancestors, our ancestors, for years.
00:51:53Hey, don't.
00:51:55Don't do that.
00:51:58We're talking about murder.
00:52:02Don't point the finger of suspicion at me.
00:52:06We're the victims here.
00:52:15I know you'll be wondering why I'm here.
00:52:19Tell us.
00:52:23Can I have a glass of water?
00:52:28At the end of last year, Stephanie brought in a new duty doctor.
00:52:33Dr Joukowsky.
00:52:41I thought it was odd at the time.
00:52:43I mean, she wouldn't normally bother herself with things like that.
00:52:47Anyway, that's when the rate of deaths among the residents started going up.
00:52:53Four this year alone.
00:52:55But when Celia Swanson died, Dr Joukowsky was on holiday.
00:52:59So I called in a locum.
00:53:02And the locum spotted something was wrong?
00:53:07I mean, obviously it could be a coincidence, but...
00:53:11You will keep this between us, won't you?
00:53:13I don't want to lose my job.
00:53:20Let's get Ashley to check which duty doctor signed the death certificates.
00:53:24Better go back to the end of last year.
00:53:29Everything all right?
00:53:30I've got to go out. I won't be long.
00:53:33Having your ex around the corner can be a bit complicated.
00:53:36I keep John down in Exeter.
00:53:38Locum in the cellar. We see each other for occasional weekends.
00:53:40Oh, that sounds perfect.
00:53:54Did you have to come straight here? I've got customers.
00:53:57You said you needed to talk.
00:53:59I phone, Max, like normal people.
00:54:02Shall I go round the corner and phone you from there?
00:54:06I talked to Mum. It's all happening quicker than I expected.
00:54:09She can't look after herself and I can't afford to put her in a private home.
00:54:14And Brigitte?
00:54:15She can't help. Or she won't.
00:54:18When will you go?
00:54:20Probably next week.
00:54:23Could you keep an eye on the gallery while I'm away?
00:54:26Yeah, OK.
00:54:27It's my mum.
00:54:28Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
00:54:32I got us tickets to a gig next week.
00:54:34What gig?
00:54:36The Ting Ting's Shepherds Bush Empire.
00:54:43Max, we're separated.
00:54:45We can't go on dates like a couple of teenagers.
00:54:48We can go on dates like a couple of old friends.
00:54:50When will you be back?
00:54:51I don't know. Does it matter?
00:54:55Yes, it matters.
00:54:59Thank you. Thanks for coming.
00:55:02It matters to me.
00:55:11Oh, this is interesting.
00:55:12What have you got?
00:55:13Some footage from Ranley Gardens.
00:55:15Isn't that just round the corner from Chelsea Oars?
00:55:18It is. Watch out, Leila.
00:55:20You're starting to sound like a real Chelsea girl.
00:55:22Not a chance.
00:55:24About ten minutes after our graffiti artist got away.
00:55:27Here's someone behaving as if he's being followed.
00:55:29Looks like he's been running.
00:55:30Quick look over his shoulder.
00:55:32So, who is it?
00:55:35Well, well, well.
00:55:39Don't take your coat off. We're heading back to Chelsea Oars.
00:55:43I still haven't had lunch.
00:55:49Come on.
00:56:13If you're looking for Freddy, he's not here.
00:56:15It's not Freddy we're looking for, Sam.
00:56:20So, it seems you were in the vicinity last night.
00:56:25And what? I work here.
00:56:27And shortly before that image was taken,
00:56:29somebody graffitied the boathouse.
00:56:31Have you any idea who did it?
00:56:32Not a clue.
00:56:33What do you think the words you had it coming meant, Sam?
00:56:36I don't know.
00:56:37You'd know if you'd painted them yourself.
00:56:39Oh, and you have evidence.
00:56:42Listen, some of the old Putney clubs have a problem with Freddy.
00:56:45He keeps undercutting their rates, bringing in special offers,
00:56:48freeze trial periods.
00:56:50So, you're suggesting that one of the other rowing clubs
00:56:52vandalised Chelsea Oars?
00:56:55How much do you actually know about Freddy, Sam?
00:56:58He would sell his own grandmother to get membership numbers up.
00:57:01I can tell you that.
00:57:04What about Celia Swanson? Have you heard of her?
00:57:07I read the papers.
00:57:08Freddy told us that he was in the club bar
00:57:10entertaining members the night that she died.
00:57:12Entertaining members. Is that how he describes it?
00:57:15Did he ever talk to you about the difference
00:57:17it would make to the business
00:57:18if Maria inherited her mother's fortune?
00:57:22Look, I'm not Freddy's keeper, all right?
00:57:24I don't know what he's up to half the time.
00:57:26If you're asking, would he kill his girlfriend's mother
00:57:29to get his hands on her money,
00:57:32I wouldn't put it past him.
00:57:33I wouldn't put it past him.
00:57:44How's yours?
00:57:48Why do I let Helen persuade me to become a vegan?
00:57:51To help save the planet.
00:57:53It's a big sacrifice just for that.
00:57:56What a gift for a decent burger.
00:57:59That's delicious.
00:58:08No, nothing.
00:58:10You sure?
00:58:13I thought we made a connection, but...
00:58:15maybe not.
00:58:36I'm off.
00:58:38I've got a date.
00:59:05Bad moment?
00:59:06Not at all.
00:59:08What have you got there?
00:59:10You set me thinking.
00:59:12You know your dad was a terrible hoarder.
00:59:17One of his qualities I'm working hard to reject.
00:59:19And as Eric Beckers was a journalist,
00:59:22I think he asked your dad
00:59:23to hang on to some of his old files.
00:59:25All sorts of old synonyms.
00:59:27I'm sure you know what I mean.
00:59:29I think he asked your dad
00:59:30to hang on to some of his old files.
00:59:32All sorts of old synonyms.
00:59:34There's even an invitation
00:59:35to his daughter's wedding in there.
00:59:41there's a piece about Corey Swanson,
00:59:44which I thought might come in useful
00:59:46if you're investigating that murder.
00:59:48Which I can neither confirm nor deny.
00:59:52Would you like a drink?
00:59:53If you're forcing me.
00:59:56I must say,
00:59:58it's rather depressing.
01:00:00Eric Beckers.
01:00:04Someone with real integrity.
01:00:07Had nothing more to show for his life
01:00:12than a box full of...
01:00:14newspaper articles.
01:00:18Corey Swanson.
01:00:19Total bastard.
01:00:21They practically gave him a state funeral.
01:00:23Oh, I do love you, Max.
01:00:25You've been a detective for 25 years,
01:00:28and you finally worked out how the world works.
01:00:33Oh, here we are.
01:00:39Is this any good?
01:00:41I've a feeling I gave that to you
01:00:44a few Christmases ago.
01:01:47Well, this is a nice surprise.
01:01:49No time like the present.
01:01:51Let's get you something a little stronger than that, shall we?
01:01:55Hello, mate. What can I get you?
01:01:57Can we get a bottle of house wine?
01:01:58Yeah, no worries.
01:02:24So, yeah, we're stealing customers
01:02:27from the sleepy rowing clubs in Putney,
01:02:30which they hate.
01:02:32It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
01:02:34Sounds fascinating.
01:02:37One more truncheon investment, and we'll be on our way.
01:02:41But, look, what about you?
01:02:43I'm just talking about me here.
01:02:44Oh, nothing as interesting as that.
01:02:47Let me guess.
01:02:48You're a rich heiress,
01:02:52and you don't even need to work.
01:02:54Is that your type?
01:03:14And what's your type, Jess?
01:03:16Ooh, I'm not sure I really have a type.
01:03:20I like someone with a bit of mystery about them.
01:03:24Guys with secrets.
01:03:27So tell me more about the growth plan for Chelsea Oars.
01:03:32Do you have the investment lined up,
01:03:34or are you hoping for an unexpected windfall?
01:03:43Hi, this is Jess' phone.
01:03:45Please leave a message.
01:03:47Who's Connor?
01:03:48Just a colleague.
01:03:50Not your boyfriend?
01:03:51If I had a boyfriend, why would I be here?
01:03:55Why are you here?
01:03:58Why do you think?
01:04:00That's what I'm trying to work out.
01:04:06Let's have some more wine, shall we?
01:04:11Didn't you come by scooter?
01:04:13Did I?
01:04:15Well, you don't want to get stopped by the police.
01:04:17Well, it's okay.
01:04:18I can pick it up in the morning.
01:04:30I'm just gonna pop to the loo.
01:04:55Hi, this is Jess' phone.
01:04:57Please leave a message.
01:05:58You did what?!
01:05:59His profile came up on a dating website I used.
01:06:02You said we needed to catch him off guard.
01:06:04It was a mistake. I can see that now.
01:06:06Please tell me you had nothing to do with this, Connor.
01:06:09It was entirely my initiative. It's nothing to do with Connor.
01:06:11I've actually discovered quite a bit more about Freddie Mercer, Max.
01:06:15There are procedures to follow, Jess. You know that!
01:06:18He never met me. He didn't know I was police.
01:06:20I was just seeing if I could find out something we didn't know.
01:06:23We work as a team!
01:06:30Sorry, has something happened?
01:06:33I found Freddie Mercer on a dating website
01:06:35and thought it would be a good idea to...
01:06:39meet for a drink.
01:06:43Not smart.
01:06:44Depends if you think prejudicing the whole investigation is a good move.
01:06:48Connor, tell me what you've found out about Freddie Mercer.
01:06:52I've tracked a complaint from a woman in Italy
01:06:54who tried to pursue a case against Mercer in 2016
01:06:57after she invested more than 80,000 euros in his skiing business
01:07:01and he disappeared with the lot.
01:07:02Apparently there wasn't enough evidence for charges to be brought against him.
01:07:06Right. Bring him in for questioning.
01:07:08You're going to have to stay out of this, Jess.
01:07:14So I looked into the previous deaths at Greyfriars, as you asked me to.
01:07:19What we're looking for is a pattern.
01:07:21Ever since Harold Shipman, we're trained to be suspicious
01:07:24when elderly people die soon after an injection of morphine.
01:07:28In this particular case,
01:07:32there's no pattern.
01:07:34Different causes of death.
01:07:36One heart attack, two died after a stroke
01:07:40and the fourth after a long battle with cancer.
01:07:42So Greyfriars are in the clear.
01:07:44I'm not saying they didn't kill Celia Swanson,
01:07:47but they're not systematically killing their elderly residents for commercial gain.
01:07:54Sorry, no, I don't mean that.
01:07:58I just mean we're no closer to discovering who did kill Celia Swanson.
01:08:04Oh, I guess...
01:08:09Have you got a minute?
01:08:11I know the main focus is Freddie Mercer, but I've got another lead.
01:08:15I've been looking at Celia Swanson's appointments diary.
01:08:18The entry for the Monday after she died says 3pm, A and B.
01:08:22We thought it was something Greyfriars related, but we've checked and nothing fits,
01:08:25so I've been looking at other possibilities.
01:08:27Jess, slow down.
01:08:30The Swanson's family lawyers are a small firm in Lincoln's Inn
01:08:34called Abbott & Blythe.
01:08:36Could that be A and B?
01:08:38OK, why don't you pay them a visit?
01:09:24Are you here to see Patrick Blythe?
01:09:26Yes, he's been expecting you.
01:09:30Straight through there.
01:09:35You, please take a seat.
01:09:41You understand I'll have to consider lawyer-client privilege,
01:09:45depending on the nature of your questions.
01:09:47It's often best to do these things in writing.
01:09:50Of course.
01:09:51But I'm here now.
01:09:53Can I start by confirming,
01:09:55did Celia Swanson make an appointment to see you at 3pm
01:09:58on the Monday following her death?
01:10:06She did.
01:10:07Can you tell me what the purpose of the meeting was?
01:10:09I can't.
01:10:10Because you don't know,
01:10:12or because you're citing lawyer-client privilege?
01:10:15Well, Mrs Swanson will come and see us from time to time.
01:10:18We've represented the family for decades,
01:10:20so we were always at her disposal.
01:10:23The Swanson estate is unusually complex.
01:10:26There's a series of interlocking trusts
01:10:29that you need a degree of technical knowledge to understand.
01:10:34More than that, I can't really say.
01:10:37Are you able to tell me what will happen to the estate
01:10:40in light of Mrs Swanson's death?
01:10:42I'm afraid not.
01:10:43Have you heard of an organisation called Whitewash, Mr Blythe?
01:10:47Some sort of lobbying group?
01:10:51I seem to remember sending them a letter on Mrs Swanson's behalf.
01:10:55They were harassing her.
01:10:57But I put a stop to it.
01:11:39Max, um...
01:11:40I'm not sure if this is relevant.
01:11:43I think I just saw Maria Swanson in reception at Abbot & Blythe.
01:11:53Are you there?
01:11:55I'm here.
01:11:58Thanks, Jess.
01:12:06Is Freddie in?
01:12:07We were hoping to have a word.
01:12:09I don't know where he is.
01:12:10He didn't come home last night and his mobile seems to be switched off.
01:12:14Is that unusual?
01:12:17He's always been so dependable.
01:12:20When did you and Freddie first meet?
01:12:23About a year ago.
01:12:25And you decided to invest in his rowing club soon afterwards?
01:12:29That's right.
01:12:31Why are you asking?
01:12:33We've traced allegations from a previous girlfriend.
01:12:37She reported Freddie after he disappeared with funds she'd invested in his new business venture.
01:12:46Also, there are questions over his alibi for the evening of the murder,
01:12:51which makes him a suspect in our investigation into the death of your mother.
01:12:56He may be banking on you putting your inheritance into Chelsea Ours.
01:13:04You don't seem surprised.
01:13:08Maybe I was just fooling myself.
01:13:11I'm 55 and a handsome younger man fools me so easily.
01:13:17My mother always said you're too naive.
01:13:23Well, well done for working it all out.
01:13:27If he gets in touch, it's important you contact us right away.
01:13:30Of course.
01:13:32One more thing.
01:13:34I believe you had a meeting earlier with your lawyer, Patrick Blythe?
01:13:38No, I didn't.
01:13:39I've been here all day.
01:13:44Maybe a misunderstanding.
01:13:57How was it?
01:13:59How was it?
01:14:01Basically stonewalled me.
01:14:03Lawyers, eh? You gotta love them.
01:14:06I always thought they were slimy creeps.
01:14:11You okay?
01:14:12Yeah, fine. Thanks.
01:14:30Freddie's details have disappeared from the dating site.
01:14:35Another slimy creep.
01:14:38Me again, Max.
01:14:39I've managed to find out a bit more about the Dye Law firm.
01:14:43It's an unusual job.
01:14:46I'm afraid it's time for you to leave.
01:14:48I'm not going anywhere.
01:14:50I've got a lot of work to do.
01:14:52I've got a lot of work.
01:14:54I'm not going anywhere.
01:14:56I'm not going anywhere.
01:14:58I'm not going anywhere.
01:15:00I'm not going anywhere.
01:15:02I'm not going anywhere.
01:15:04I'm not going anywhere.
01:15:06It's an unusual drug. There aren't many places you can get it.
01:15:10I'm sending a report now.
01:15:13See what you think.
01:15:15Might be significant.
01:15:16Thanks, Ashley.
01:15:37No sign of Freddie Mercer.
01:15:39I'm wondering whether we should escalate things.
01:15:41Say he's the prime suspect in a murder inquiry.
01:15:48I'm thinking.
01:15:50Should we do that?
01:15:57Because I don't think he is.
01:16:06I don't think so.
01:16:36Of course.
01:17:07So sorry to disturb you, Mr. Swift.
01:17:09How are you today?
01:17:10I'm feeling very well.
01:17:13You remember the conversation we had
01:17:15when you said you liked Celia Swanson
01:17:18and you used to play cards with her?
01:17:21Yes, yes, yes, I did.
01:17:23You also mentioned her name.
01:17:25Yes, I did.
01:17:26You said you liked her.
01:17:28Yes, I did.
01:17:29You said you liked Celia Swanson
01:17:31and you used to play cards with her.
01:17:33Yes, yes, yes, I did.
01:17:35You also mentioned her daughter.
01:17:37You said she had a lovely smile.
01:17:39Did I?
01:17:43Could you take a look at this photo, Mr. Swift?
01:17:46Is that who you meant?
01:17:49Yes, yes.
01:17:51Yes, that's her.
01:17:54Lovely smile.
01:17:59In this picture from her apartment,
01:18:01Celia is holding a baby.
01:18:03Now, Maria was born in 1967,
01:18:05which makes her 55.
01:18:08But the date on this photo
01:18:11is MCMLXV.
01:18:20So the baby in this photo
01:18:23must now be 58, not 55.
01:18:27This is the CCTV image of Maria
01:18:30the night Celia was murdered.
01:18:32Wearing the same distinctive coat
01:18:34that Jess saw her in at Abbott & Blythe.
01:18:36But Maria insists that she was at home all day.
01:18:41there's the dearest M letter.
01:18:45What if it wasn't addressed to Maria?
01:18:48So who is it addressed to?
01:18:51Maria has a sister,
01:18:55Brought up at the Ida Corden Children's Home in Pretoria
01:18:58and she was born in 1965.
01:19:02This isn't about Freddie Mercer
01:19:04or Stephanie Lang or Greyfriars.
01:19:08This is about family.
01:19:15Mr Blythe, can you confirm that the next appointment you had
01:19:18after our meeting
01:19:19was with Maria Swanson's sister, Marika?
01:19:22I'm afraid I can't divulge confidential information.
01:19:25Look, if you don't want me to slap a warrant on you
01:19:27and search your offices,
01:19:28please just answer the question.
01:19:31Yes, yes, it was.
01:19:33What's her address?
01:19:34Let me look it up for you.
01:19:38Marika Swanson lives at Tilson Court, Godwin Road, SW11.
01:19:42Neighbours have reported hearing a disturbance inside her flat.
01:19:45We're trying to get access.
01:19:55They're on the balcony.
01:19:56Seventh floor, flat 48.
01:19:58You stay here.
01:20:02You don't get her, do you?
01:20:03Give it to me!
01:20:04Give it to me!
01:20:07We don't want anyone to get her.
01:20:09Let's try and keep calm.
01:20:10Get her off me!
01:20:11Get her off me!
01:20:12It's mine!
01:20:13Give it!
01:20:14Get her off me!
01:20:16Give it to me!
01:20:17Just step back from the balcony!
01:20:21Step back!
01:20:28Go to her!
01:20:29Just go!
01:20:30What? No!
01:20:31She killed my mother!
01:20:33Your sister didn't kill your mother, Maria.
01:20:37You did.
01:20:58I'd finally found a way to do some good in the world,
01:21:02and then Mum ruined it.
01:21:05That money is poison.
01:21:08It's not your fault.
01:21:09It was Mum and Dad.
01:21:11They destroyed everything they touched.
01:21:14How could I have known?
01:21:16They put me in a children's home.
01:21:22We could have been sisters.
01:21:25We are sisters.
01:21:27Not anymore.
01:21:29You mean nothing to me.
01:21:39What was that, Layla?
01:21:40You kept your cool.
01:21:43I do a lot of up-sailing, you know.
01:21:53It was about six months ago.
01:21:56Mum had a daughter before she got married to Dad,
01:22:00when they gave her up for adoption.
01:22:03She was just a little girl.
01:22:05When they gave her up for adoption.
01:22:10It took Mum years to find her again.
01:22:15Mum cared about Marika more than me.
01:22:18Not that I minded that.
01:22:21But then she decided to change her will.
01:22:25She said that,
01:22:27after all the advantages I'd enjoyed,
01:22:30it was Marika's turn,
01:22:31and she was going to leave Dad's fortune to her.
01:22:38But the will was never signed.
01:22:41So why attack Marika?
01:22:43I didn't attack her.
01:22:45I went to get the completed version of that letter.
01:22:48Dearest Em.
01:22:50I needed to get hold of it,
01:22:51so that the lawyers didn't use it as evidence.
01:22:55So, in essence,
01:22:57you killed your own mother to prevent her estate
01:23:00going to your sister.
01:23:03And you knew how to do it.
01:23:11The Encyclopedia of Clinical Pharmacology.
01:23:15In Afrikaans.
01:23:17It was at your flat.
01:23:20You trained as a nurse in South Africa, didn't you?
01:23:23That's where you got the dialorphine from.
01:23:25Because it's not available in the UK.
01:23:29But you'd never have got into Greyfriars Unnoticed
01:23:32that night without help.
01:23:35And that's where Gillian Compton came in.
01:23:38Or should I say Gillian Beckers?
01:23:42Because she's the daughter
01:23:43of the anti-apartheid activist Eric Beckers.
01:23:48What about the CCTV of you in Cremewood Gardens
01:23:51at the time of the murder?
01:23:54I invited Marika to meet me there.
01:23:56I knew she'd look like me from a distance.
01:24:00Gave me my alibi.
01:24:01I'm not stupid, you know.
01:24:03And Freddie?
01:24:08I don't know.
01:24:10I don't know.
01:24:12I don't know.
01:24:14I don't know.
01:24:15I don't know.
01:24:20I was stupid enough to tell him
01:24:21that I was going to give the money away.
01:24:24And I haven't heard from him since.
01:24:30I was going to hand that money straight on to Whitewash.
01:24:35So you did all this for Whitewash?
01:24:41Bandela has got nothing to do with this.
01:24:43We'll be questioning him.
01:24:44He's 100% innocent.
01:24:48I did it for him and the Nelsbrook families.
01:25:15Uniformer on the way in with Freddie Mercer.
01:25:18Let's see if we can find a way to shut him down.
01:25:22Gillian Compton?
01:25:24Have we brought her in yet?
01:25:25Yes, she's here now.
01:25:28Thanks, Jess.
01:25:32Hello, Astrid.
01:25:47Right away.
01:25:51Done and dusted.
01:25:55I'm leaving for Germany in the morning.
01:25:58And wanted you to have a set of keys for the gallery.
01:26:06I won't be able to come to the concert, I'm afraid.
01:26:09Oh, don't worry.
01:26:11I'll put the tickets on eBay, get a few quid for them.
01:26:14Why don't you take someone else?
01:26:16You'll enjoy it.
01:26:18No, I...
01:26:20I'll put them on eBay.
01:26:24So, am I allowed to know what your case was about?
01:26:33Let's just say it was about two sisters and...
01:26:36a complicated relationship they had with their mother.
01:26:41Sounds familiar.
01:26:49Come on, I'd better be going.
01:26:54Good luck in Leipzig.
01:26:58Give my love to your mum.
01:26:59I will.