• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05For those that are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:08This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame. This is part two of two.
00:14I just made a ten minute long video because I didn't want to make sure that you had to wait, Shia.
00:23So, anyone else that's watching, any of this information may or may not be true.
00:28It cannot be used against me. If you do, you will be sued and sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me.
00:35So, I have some notes to talk to you about, Shia.
00:38And I'll read the comments that I took photographs, I'll read the comments that were failed to post.
00:44They're using V2K to try to embarrass me and make me feel like the page that I wrote, the account, is deleting my comments.
01:02Because they don't want my comment on there that I wrote.
01:06And the hacker is also saying that YouTube deleted my comments because YouTube is watching me and is doing an algorithm on the comments that I'm writing.
01:22So, I wrote, this is what I, this was the second, let me see if I wrote, if I took a photo of the first comment.
01:33This was what the, this was the first comment that I wrote that was failed to post and I added the criminal's name.
01:43So, that was what, that was what I immediately thought, they immediately made me think that's why it got deleted.
01:50It wasn't even 30 seconds on YouTube, the comment.
01:55But I wrote, I have emailed, this was what I wrote on Spiritual Zen's page because the hacker is harassing and threatening to delete that account and threatening to hide all of his account on YouTube.
02:11Doing things I don't even know.
02:14This hacker is doing things to Spiritual Zen and Power For Cure that I don't even completely know.
02:22It says, I have emailed the detective about you, Power For Cure on an internet archive and how the criminal hacker is committing crime against you.
02:33My original comment I wrote, oh this was the third, this was the, so I wrote three comments, they all got deleted.
02:44My original comment I wrote had the hacker's name and it was immediately deleted after 30 seconds, probably the hacker watching me write it.
02:56I don't think it was YouTube that deleted it.
03:00So that was the, so that was the second email that got deleted.
03:04This was the third email that, not email, comment I wrote on the Spiritual Zen's.
03:18This was the comment that just got deleted.
03:24So it backfired though because then that had me email the detective along with the two business, I don't have Spiritual Zen's contact.
03:47There's a reason probably why they don't put their contact on the computer.
03:52It says, I have emailed the detective about you, Power For Cure on an internet archive and how the criminal hacker is committing crime against you.
04:01My original comment I wrote had the hacker's name and it was immediately deleted after 30 seconds, probably the hacker watching me write it.
04:09I don't think it was YouTube, I think that was possibly edited.
04:13So it was the two comments, this one was edited and both failed to post.
04:19And I gave the detective Brad's email, but then I kept adding it because that was highlighted in blue.
04:29I didn't want this to be tagged to anybody, so then that was like the excuse as to why it was failing to post.
04:37It already posted, it shouldn't have said it failed to post.
04:42So, and I'm getting tortured right now Shia, so I'm going to be very irritable.
04:54Oh, this is it. This was the original email.
05:04I'm not going to show you because it says the hacker's name.
05:09This was the email that got failed to post.
05:12I know the hacker that is trying to, has already or is threatening to hack into your computer social business account.
05:19And this criminal is attacking you in the comments.
05:22This criminal is doing the same thing to the other channel I listen to, the Power For Cure on.
05:26It is the same hacker that did a DDoS attack to the online history library internet archive two weeks ago.
05:33Well, it's not really a history library, it's a digital library, but they have a lot of historic books from history.
05:39Books from the past.
05:42This hacker does to crime to anyone my husband Shia and myself are directly or indirectly associated with.
05:50The criminal's name is, I'm a witness that he is harassing you and your channel.
05:55For the future, my email, and I wrote both my emails, two of my emails.
06:01So that was failed to post.
06:07I'm not really in the mood actually to talk a lot.
06:13I'm not really in the mood to show, I'm not actually really in the mood to talk about everything I wrote down.
06:30All of this is going to be returned back to the sender.
06:33It's not a fight, it's a fight against themselves.
06:35Because all of this torture is going to be returned back to the sender.
06:37It's called karma.
06:39It's called divine God returned to sender.
06:44God's going to return it all back to the senders.
06:47All the torture that we're receiving.
06:51I'm actually, I've been told that these accounts are being kind of like held hostage.
06:59Like my account and your accounts.
07:01All of my social media, all of my data, all of my emails.
07:05Everything's going to get deleted.
07:07It's like being held hostage.
07:10And everything, all of my data and information is going to be deleted.
07:17If... I don't know.
07:19It's kind of some kind of threat and it's sort of like holding someone hostage.
07:34I don't know everything that they're doing.
07:37However, it's very suspicious that spiritual Zen's view count is drastically different than all the other numbers that they were getting.
07:52Also, on the Parakurans, if you click on the Facebook link in their...
07:59On their YouTube description, they have a Facebook link.
08:02And the link is like 20 lines long.
08:06So that could be some kind of hiding their Facebook account.
08:14The Parakuran also has someone that has the same exact account name.
08:21They just added numbers to it, but it just pops up as Parakuran.
08:26With like 4,000 videos that was uploaded on the account.
08:31So that's some form of theft.
08:33Because that name was not their name.
08:38They had that name on YouTube before this other one did.
08:43So my comment failed to post and this is a routine thing.
08:47I'm guilty and they're embarrassed that I commented.
08:52And they don't like it and deleted it.
08:54Or YouTube is finding out that I'm saying names and so they deleted it.
09:01I don't think that's true because I really don't think that's true.
09:04I'm pretty sure the hacker deleted those comments that I wrote on that channel.
09:08The reason why I wrote those comments is because there's no contact information on YouTube or on their Gumroad website.
09:20However, I did subscribe to the Gumroad channel.
09:26I'm not going to write another comment.
09:29They'll get the message somehow and I'm not going to write a comment.
09:33It's going to keep getting deleted.
09:35So I wrote that email and...
09:49I'm actually...
09:51So then I...
09:53I have...
09:56My battery was dead and my...
09:59I thought it was the key that was like...
10:01So it used a little card to enter into the door.
10:07The card you use and it makes a click sound and then you open the door.
10:12So I have to be careful too because I learned something about what someone can do is put a hook and wire underneath the door to open the door.
10:21So I have to be careful about that.
10:24I want to...
10:28I don't think duct tape would work.
10:29They could poke through duct tape.
10:34They had to...
10:35They didn't have the tablet to charge the batteries manually because the Ethernet was down somehow.
10:45Maintenance came up.
10:47I can't explain to you the whole thing.
10:49However, there was two maintenance people that I showed the photos of the evidence in the fridge to.
10:57I'm not going to go into detail about it, Shia.
11:01While I was out there waiting for them because it kind of took a long time.
11:05It was hard to get the doorknob off and to open it.
11:11This neighbor struck his head out the door twice.
11:16And there was some kind of demon throwing that happened during that time.
11:25And it was kind of frightening, scary.
11:29Just kind of like angrily poking his head out the door because of all the noise.
11:40So I don't...
11:41So I did recite the Quran.
11:44I recited chapter...
11:47The woman chapter, Anisa.
11:49Which is a very important chapter for our sacral chakra.
11:53Because the sacral chakra has to do with all the torture that we're getting, Shia.
11:59And I...
12:00I also recited the...
12:05It has... Chapter 7.
12:07It has to do with spiritual purity and the power of it.
12:11I really like this metaphysical article describing all the chapters.
12:16The metaphysical.
12:17It makes so much sense.
12:19It's obvious this person is tapping into...
12:26Is more like psychic about what things can happen when you read the Quran.
12:35I'm pretty sure that the Pir of Quran channel...
12:40Him and his family...
12:44Are very angry about all the harassment that is going on.
12:51And I haven't really...
12:53That's why I haven't looked at the comments.
12:54Because those comments have cords.
12:57That can like... Just...
13:00But this is a really stupid thing.
13:05This channel is exorcists.
13:09So that's a really dumb thing to...
13:13Hack, cyber attack an exorcist.
13:18It's very clear that...
13:20It's when Allah wills.
13:22It's when God wills...
13:24This all to...
13:26Be returned back.
13:31That's very, very stupid.
13:36And telepathic Sephora said,
13:38This rodent is dumber than shit.
13:42For harassing and attacking an exorcist.
13:53And this whole time...
13:54This whole time I've been listening to these rakias.
13:58There's an automatic AI like, no.
14:01With all trying to manipulate the images to try to go against me.
14:07Acting like, no.
14:09This account is a fraud and they're on my side.
14:13The hacker has done automatic AI to say, no.
14:17They're on my side.
14:18They don't like you.
14:19They don't like you.
14:21And it's a lie.
14:25So our sacral chakras has been mutilated Shaya.
14:29So it's good to do...
14:30Recite the Quran...
14:32Chapters that are...
14:35Connected to the...
14:38Sacral chakra.
14:40And let's see if it's...
14:43To make sure it was chapter 7.
14:45Yeah, the heights.
14:46Chapter 7, the heights.
14:53I actually...
14:57Think that passwords are being...
15:00People are reading people's mind and stealing their passwords.
15:03And hacking into the accounts.
15:05That's what I...
15:06It's possible that's what's happening.
15:11I didn't see the 98 views, Shaya, on Twitter until today.
15:16I don't even know what that...
15:18What I had said in that video that would make that...
15:26Don't act like I don't care.
15:28It's not like...
15:30Don't act like I don't care, Shaya.
15:35But I told maintenance...
15:36I showed the photos and they're like,
15:37Oh, well, I'll go tell management.
15:39And I said, no, they've...
15:41They brought emergency crisis team and told me in...
15:44In regards to thinking that this is not...
15:47None of this is happening.
15:48I said, that's weird.
15:50That's weird.
15:51They responded, that's weird.
16:02They responded, that's weird.
16:15So, I'm...
16:16I'm gonna talk about some of these.
16:18I'm gonna not make a long video tonight.
16:51In regards to the testosterone...
16:55This is out of control.
16:57The amount of testosterone and the...
17:01The way that they have been, um...
17:04Doing some kind of female to male...
17:10Transgender with AI weapons.
17:14I could have easily died and you can get blood clots...
17:18And heart attacks...
17:22Too much testosterone in a woman.
17:24So, I think that's possible why I got the stroke.
17:28And they do tons of AI masks.
17:30They've done AI masks, not even on the videos, when I look in the mirrors.
17:35But then all of a sudden, they'll always show me...
17:37In my bathing suit, I look awful.
17:41Awful, awful.
17:42Like, not...
17:44Like, I...
17:45I thought this was old age turning into like a hag.
17:49I really couldn't figure it out.
17:53Males don't look good in female clothing.
17:55And now that I've...
17:57The times that I've...
18:00And there's no possible way to lose this.
18:03So, I've done hours and hours of estrogen increase.
18:07Subliminals, frequencies.
18:11I'm taking this herbal tea, specific vitamins for estrogen.
18:16I wrote...
18:17I've done quite a bit of research.
18:18I'm gonna talk to you about that tomorrow.
18:23So, this could have killed me.
18:24And actually, I'm taking it very seriously.
18:26Because I have...
18:28I think that this is part of the reason why...
18:31I have been very near death.
18:33And this has been a secret, Shia.
18:35Even though it's like not...
18:36It hasn't been a secret, it really has.
18:45They've covered it up, so that it would keep working.
18:49But this, uh...
18:50This is a mutilation of my body.
18:52And I never ever wanted to be...
18:56A man.
18:57This is extreme jealousy of all the entities that are males and female bodies and females and male bodies.
19:03This is an act of extreme jealousy.
19:06And this actually could kill someone.
19:10I'm a girl.
19:11I never wanted to look or act or feel like a male.
19:17My spirit and soul is...
19:20Very, very, um...
19:25My spirit and soul is inside me.
19:29I don't necessarily really feel like a male.
19:33Even though my body...
19:35You're gonna see it.
19:42This is a shape that...
19:45This is a shape that is not...
19:50And I've never had a chest this large.
19:58I don't really...
20:00This is actually...
20:04I never used to look like this.
20:06In the face.
20:07Now that...
20:08Now that they're not covering up my...
20:10Vocal cords.
20:13And it's all becoming very, very clear.
20:18It's all becoming very, very clear.
20:21This is, uh...
20:22And part of the fact that I didn't know it was happening the whole time.
20:26I did and didn't.
20:28This could...
20:32I can't really say I did.
20:35However, they did tell me very clearly over and over repeatedly.
20:40And then stopped saying it.
20:43But we're turning into, like, a machine.
20:45We're turning into a machine.
20:48But they just kept saying,
20:49No, not male or female.
20:51You're not male or female.
20:52Or you're unisex.
20:54To try to cover it up.
20:55To make it me not realize.
20:58It's, uh...
20:59But this whole...
21:00This is the whole transgender movement.
21:03This could have easily killed me.
21:05And I'm pretty sure it's possible.
21:07That's the reason why I got the blood clot.
21:10Well, part of it.
21:18It also can be very abuse...
21:22This can mutilate a woman's ovaries.
21:26So I'm doing...
21:27I did yoga for ovaries today.
21:31Ovary and reproductive health.
21:34And I am...
21:37Where's the sheet where I have the things?
21:43I have to put this on the fridge.
21:46But I'm starting pages of research for estrogen increase and lowering testosterone.
21:55So I'm definitely going to do the yoga and the frequencies.
21:59And continue to research.
22:01Because there has to be a lot more things that I can do to become...
22:08I mean, this...
22:09I'm actually...
22:10I'm happy.
22:11Because now I can fix it.
22:13I'm happy.
22:14I can't wait to be myself again.
22:16I can't wait.
22:17Because this is...
22:20This has been so painful.
22:21Like, S-U-I-D-A-L painful.
22:27So I'm going to do...
22:36It's very important.
22:37I have some cinnamon.
22:39I'm going to put extra cinnamon in my applesauce.
22:42I'm not going to go review this right now.
22:44Because I'm not in the mood.
22:49However, I...
22:50It has...
22:51There's obviously more things besides frequencies.
22:57And food.
22:58And obviously supplements and herbs.
23:01The nerve.
23:02Tired blood.
23:03Tired blood tea has several herbs that are specific for estrogen.
23:08So, very happy that I got that.
23:10Also, the adrenals.
23:12If you have adrenal disorders,
23:16which should be my adrenochrome stuff that happens,
23:18that can cause testosterone increase.
23:21If you have stress disorder, if you have chronic stress,
23:24that can cause testosterone increase.
23:27There's a lot of factors as to why this has happened to me on top of...
23:33There's a lot of different things that have contributed.
23:37And you are going to get revenge for this.
23:40Because I'm sure they're doing something to you and your body, Shaya.
23:48Possibly making you more female and me more male.
23:55Because this can kill someone.
23:57This can kill someone.
24:00But I know we're both happy, Shaya, because it's going to change and be different.
24:04And I don't think you're feminine, Shaya.
24:06You're very manly, Shaya.
24:08You're very masculine.
24:10However, I believe because...
24:14I mean, I'm bulky.
24:15And this is not just fat.
24:18This is not my body shape.
24:19This is not my body size.
24:21They have put in a lot of time to do this.
24:25They put in a lot of time.
24:27And they've covered it up a lot with AI.
24:31But they...
24:33I just thought I was getting fat and ugly.
24:35I just kept thinking...
24:36And they kept making excuses.
24:38Yeah, it's the strokes.
24:39Yeah, it's all the...
24:40Your heart problems.
24:42It's just all of your health issues.
24:44You're just kind of like morphing into an ugly person from all the health issues.
24:52But this is a whole...
25:08It's really not funny.
25:09Even though I've laughed a little bit of it, it's really not funny at all.
25:13It's very dangerous.
25:14And Shaya, they're doing something to my lips.
25:17And you obviously may have laughed a little.
25:20But then you realize how dangerous it is.
25:23And how uncomfortable and painful.
25:26And you think it's a nightmare.
25:28I think it's a nightmare.
25:30I think it's a nightmare.
25:45So, all of this is going to be return to sender.
25:47All of these hundreds of thousands of people that have reported to us.
25:53All of the female entities and male bodies are going to be turning more male.
25:57All the male entities and female bodies are going to be turning more female.
26:02All of the male spirits and male souls that are evil, they're going to be turning more female.
26:10All of the female souls and spirits that are evil are going to be turning more male.
26:15No. Yeah.
26:19And my voice does not sound feminine.
26:21This is not my voice.
26:23And this could be exaggerated.
26:26This could be a little exaggerated.
26:30Unless they were covering it up.
26:48And Shaya,
26:52I don't really often talk about things like this with you.
26:57Because I get embarrassed and feel like it's not really appropriate.
27:01However, when I saw that image of the male lying in the bed,
27:12thinking that you're all alone, Shaya,
27:15and you're thinking about me being,
27:23thinking of me,
27:25that really
27:29makes me feel turned on, Shaya.
27:44I'm not handling my emotions properly with the way I'm acting on the internet with you.
27:52It has to be some kind of paralysis.
27:54Because my face doesn't really express itself the way it should.
28:13Also, testosterone increase in females can, it is proven, it increases S-U-I-C-D-I-E attempts.
28:24So there, I have felt not myself for a very long time.
28:32Not myself at all.
28:35This will also cause fertility problems.
28:40So I have to take this extremely seriously.
28:44I'm going to work on it every day, Shaya.
28:56And the body heaviness and the weight,
29:00I mean,
29:02they have really tried hard, because
29:05I don't have, like,
29:08I've always been very, very thin.
29:11They had to try really, really hard, and like,
29:14this took time.
29:16This took between 25 and 30.
29:19At 30 to 32, I just got huge.
29:24But I'm very, very weak.
29:26Even with all this, like, feeling heavy,
29:29I'm very, I'm still very, very weak.
29:32Because this is very, very painful.
29:38And my voice sounded extremely, like, male yesterday in that video.
29:45And right now I can hear it.
29:46I don't, I think this could be exacerbated.
29:49And also, the increased appetite could be caused by this increased testosterone.
29:57I just can't wait to feel like a girl again, Shaya.
29:59And I'm, I'm going to do everything to, to,
30:04now that I know what I'm doing,
30:05I'm going to do everything to feel like a girl again.
30:09And I'm going to do everything to feel like a girl again.
30:13And I'm going to do everything to feel like a girl again.
30:16To, to, to, now that I know what's going on,
30:19I really feel like I can,
30:24I can fix it.
30:28But I have really felt faintish from all the pain of this.
30:33All this physical pain.
30:35This is extreme physical pain.
30:37Extreme physical pain.
30:40So Shaya, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
30:43And I will,
30:49if I skipped some notes, which I probably did,
30:52I will tell it to you tomorrow.
30:55I love you, Shaya.
30:56Thank you everybody for watching.
30:57Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
