• 11 hours ago
El Precio de Amarte Cap 36 Completo - El Precio de Amarte Ep 36 Completo

El Precio de Amarte Cap 36 Completo:


00:00my life has changed so many years having the memory of diogo and now I know that he is my brother
00:08and where do you get that madness if I didn't believe it either, Amelia, that's why I asked my father
00:15to tell me the truth and he explained to me that I was adopted in an orphanage in the capital without
00:22knowing that it was Bernardo Covarrubias. Do you realize Amelia? All my life has been a
00:30deception. My life changed in an instant. I feel terrible and not only because of the deception of
00:37my parents but because now I think about what my brother Diogo suffered when all this happened,
00:45my life has changed so many years having the memory of Diogo and now I know that he is my brother
00:57and you realize Amelia
01:04a moment a moment please I want to answer the young man his question this accusation is unfounded
01:12I don't know what deception you mean you made everyone believe that he won the lottery and that is not
01:18true no no no no I didn't make anyone believe anything I never said it so how is it that from
01:23night to morning he was able to buy the fortune farm from night to morning it was a life of
01:30work and effort of saving waiting for an opportunity and I can show you that I bought the
01:36farm at a very favorable price, no one gave me anything and thanks to my vision, now the farm
01:45is the number one in the country and with that experience I hope that all things change in
01:51the land of water because I am your answer for a better life
01:55in contrast to the parents who loved you who gave you everything I know I know Amelia but I
02:09keep thinking about what my brother suffered now in my head I have a thousand questions you realize
02:15I think the worst but I also think that finding out the truth is a kind of signal Amelia
02:25now I understand that my duty is to find my brother as if by chance and it doesn't matter that everyone
02:34found out when I found out I felt sad sad and disappointed that my parents have shut up
02:43something like that I wanted to keep the secret to Amelia and with the only person who thought to share it
02:50with you that's why I went to look for you Amelia I don't know maybe it wasn't the time and now that you know I
03:00feel liberated liberated and willing for everyone to find out and if that helps me find my brother
03:08then so be it you realize you realize that today you and I are more united than ever
03:18and not only for our son but also for my brother for Diogo
03:24Gracias, gracias por venir. No quiero quitarles más tiempo. Afuera hay un servicio de café y canapés para ustedes. Muchas gracias. Gracias, Andrea. Gracias.
03:53Una consulta popular dizque para encontrar la mejor opción para presidencia municipal. Eso no tiene ninguna validez legal. No, no, no. Es una consulta para que el ayuntamiento pueda decidir quién es la mejor persona para el puesto.
04:09Voy a encargarme de que no sea usted. Permiso. Gracias por venir. Cuento con tu voto.
04:17¿Cómo le fue, señora? Pues ya sabes. Opiniones divididas. Mamá. ¿Qué haces aquí? Ni siquiera tuviste la atención de entrar. Con permiso.
04:33Buen provecho, buen provecho. Gracias. Yo les juro soñé antes con ese accidente y ahora estoy escuchando voces. No manches, ¿la de los muertos? Sí. No. Y se quieren comunicar con los familiares. Pues entonces deberías de ayudarles. No. Claro. No, ¿cómo crees? Eso sería lucrar con el dolor ajeno. No, yo no haría eso.
04:57No, yo creo que si tienes el poder, tienes que ayudarles. Es lo que están buscando. Yo digo, opino. No, mira. Ah, ¿y dónde está tu anillo de compromiso? Ah, del anillo. Ya, ya hablé con Alfonso y ya, ya, ya me dijo que no tiene dinero ahorita, que...
05:16No, no, ¿qué? Está bien. Está bien. Ya están comprometidos, no hay ningún tema. Pobrecito. Ay, mil favor. No tiene dinero. Si no te está dando el anillo, no te lo va a dar. Y entonces va a posponer la boda y después te va a tronar. Si no te lo da ahorita, yo que tú lo tronaba, ¿eh? No, no. Bueno, tú encárgate de la agencia. Yo tengo cosas que hacer. Nos vemos más tarde. Sí, señora.
05:46Eduardo dio una conferencia de prensa para anunciar su intención de ser la nueva presidenta municipal. ¿Sí? Vino aquí para informarme de sus intenciones. Legalmente tú eres el indicado para quedarse con el cargo. Eduardo convenció a algunos del ayuntamiento a hacer una consulta popular y a partir de eso tomaron una decisión.
06:11Amigo, si tú amas este pueblo tanto como yo, no dejes que Eduardo se salga con la suya. Dale batalla.
06:19Eduardo tiene una grabación donde yo reconozco que le propuse al fallecido presidente municipal el cambio de uso de suelo.
06:29Si hace algo en tu contra, yo reconocería que ella me pidió convencerte porque peligraba la vida de mi nieto. Si dice algo, ella perdería más que tú.
06:40¿Te esperaba?
06:41Sí, yo sé. Vamos pues.
06:45No, una sorpresa.
06:47Ah, qué bueno.
06:52Nana, ¿no sabes de qué me acabo de enterar?
06:54¿De qué, mi niña?
06:55Iván es adoptado. ¿Y a qué no adivinas quién es?
06:58¡Ya, ya!
06:59¡Es Bernardo Covarrubias, el hermano de Diogo!
07:04Tomás le mostró toda la documentación a Iván. Es cierto.
07:08¿Quién iba a pensar que te ibas a casar con el hermano? O sea...
07:12Sí, ya sé, parece broma, pero yo creo que eso fue lo que vi en Iván.
07:16La sangre que los dos tenían.
07:26No, eso fue lo que vi en Iván. La sangre que los unía.
07:30¿Y si le vas a dar otra oportunidad?
07:32No, a Iván, por supuesto que no.
07:36Pero me va a ayudar a encontrarlo, Nana. Me va a ayudar a encontrar a Diogo.
07:41Ay, mi amor, es que...
07:45Creí que este secreto iba a quedar en familia.
07:52Tenía la necesidad de compartirlo con Amelia, papá.
07:56Ya que supiera que ahora somos todos los interesados en encontrar a Diogo.
08:00¿Y de verdad quieres encontrar a tu hermano o solamente lo haces para estar cerca de Amelia?
08:06Te recuerdo que tienes una novia.
08:10No, papá.
08:13No es lo que piensas.
08:15Y me parece que ya va siendo hora de que todos...
08:20...todos sepan mi origen.
08:23Hace mucho tiempo que dejaste de ser un covarrubias.
08:28Ahora eres un franco.
08:30Olvídate del pasado.
08:33No te preocupes, papá.
08:36No voy a mencionar nada de esto para que tú no salgas afectado.
08:40No debí decirte nada.
08:42Pero como lo quieras manejar, está bien.
08:45Y aprovecho para decirte que voy a participar en la consulta para ser el nuevo presidente municipal.
08:53Doña Eduarda es una mujer muy valiente, muy capaz.
08:57Y quiere ser presidenta del pueblo.
09:00Van a hacer una consulta incluso, pero yo creo que va a ganar porque...
09:03A ver, Pepe, no te... no te llamé para eso.
09:07Pero te quería pedir ayuda.
09:09Claro, dígame, ¿para qué soy buena?
09:11Quiero ser el cura del pueblo.
09:13Ay, alabado ser señor, es lo que queremos todos.
09:18Sí, pero...
09:19Antes tengo que terminar mis estudios de seminario y ausentarme por un tiempo.
09:24No lo puede hacer Polinia, mi nieta, si lo hace.
09:28Los estudios de Dios no son así.
09:31Claro, usted tiene razón. Si no, cualquier charlatán sería cura.
09:35Pero no se va a ir muy lejos, ¿verdad?
09:37Ahí está la cosa.
09:39Me están ofreciendo terminar los estudios en África.
10:09Pero no puede estar enamorado de la misma mujer que mi hermano.
10:12No puedo. Esto está mal, está mal.
10:14¡Pero tú no lo sabías!
10:21¡Ay, qué feliz me hace que vengas a verme, mi hormiguita!
10:24¡Ay, papá! ¡Ay, pero sí luego, luego!
10:26¡Ay, pues sí! Si no, no te quedas.
10:30Bueno, a ver, dime.
10:31Este, ¿ya por fin te vas a dar tiempo para el amor?
10:35Ya sabes que no me quiero morir sin antes ver a mis nietos, ¿eh?
10:38Papá, relájate, no te vas a morir ahorita.
10:44¿Quién sabe, mija? Ya estoy más para allá que para acá.
10:48Bueno, ¿cuándo vas a encontrar un buen hombre, hija?
10:52Pues ya había encontrado uno, pero me dejó.
10:57No creo que haya alguien que le haga el feo a mi hormiguita.
11:00Pues sí hay.
11:01Pero bueno, también hay alguien que me está conquistando
11:04y dice que hasta quiere casarse y formar una familia.
11:08Bueno, pues quizá ese sea el indicado, ¿eh?
11:13No sé, no sé, no sé.
11:15Igual siento que no conectamos tanto.
11:19Tienes que dejarte conquistar.
11:23A ver, ¿cuántas cartas tienes?
11:24¡Ay, cuántas cartas!
11:25Y luego, me vine entrando y me estás interrogando, de verdad.
11:29Pero ¿por qué se tiene que ir tan lejos?
11:32Aquí hay uno cerquita, en Orizaba, en el puerto.
11:36Bueno, incluso dicen que en Galapa hay uno muy bueno.
11:40Los caminos de Dios son misteriosos, perpetua.
11:44A veces uno debe ir donde más lo necesiten.
11:47Y pues siento que allá voy a aprender mucho.
11:51Pero para lograrlo, necesito el apoyo de todos.
11:55Ay, casi cura.
11:56Si a duras penas dan dinero para los arreglos de la iglesia,
11:59mucho menos para que usted se vaya.
12:02Estaba apostando a que todos me ayuden a convertirme cura.
12:05Así regreso y me encargo de la iglesia
12:07y de las necesidades espirituales del pueblo.
12:11Perfecto, ¿me ayudas a correr la voz?
12:18Muy bien, lo haré.
12:21Bueno, pasando a otra cosita,
12:23quisiera platicarle uno de mis problemas que tengo.
12:28Fíjese que me quieren correr del círculo bíblico
12:31por tener a Katia en mi casa.
12:33Pero ella es la mujer que tu hijo ama.
12:36¡Claro! Y mi hijo, el muy descarado,
12:39lo grita a los cuatro vientos.
12:41Incluso se quiere acostar ya con ella en esto.
12:44No, en la casa, no.
12:46Perpetua, tú ya sabes lo que es estar enamorada.
12:53Así es. Por eso es mi dolor.
12:57Raúl te buscará.
13:00Por ahora, deja que tu hijo sea feliz con la mujer que ama.
13:04Eso es más importante que el círculo bíblico.
13:07Y no te preocupes que yo me encargo de que nadie te expulse.
13:18¿Quién te esquivó?
13:23Una paciente muy insistente a la que no hay que hacerle caso, hijo.
13:27¿En qué estamos, además de que me habías ganado?
13:30Vas tú.
13:34Perdóname, hijo.
13:36No pasa nada.
13:41Dame un segundo.
13:45Pues a mí no me incomoda.
13:47No me incomoda, al contrario, siento que es bueno para ti.
13:50¿Incomodarte qué?
13:53Me estaba preguntando que se me incomoda
13:55que la tía duerme en su habitación y yo le dije que no,
13:57que es normal y que está perfecto.
14:01¿Ese es el ejemplo que le quieres dar a tu hija?
14:03Mamá, Lía ya está en edad para comprender
14:06que compartir la cama con la mujer que se ama no es ningún pecado.
14:10¿No es pecado cuando no te has casado con ella?
14:12A ver, dime, ¿no es pecado?
14:14Abuela, abuela, ¿por qué no entiendes el amor tan hermoso?
14:18Mira, yo te apuesto que cuando mi abuelito estaba vivo,
14:20lo querías ahí a corromper.
14:22No digas esas cosas. Ya, Lía.
14:24Esta es mi casa y Katia es la mujer que yo...
14:26¿Qué pasa?
14:27Katia, dile que no.
14:29Por favor, yo te lo ruego.
14:31¿Que no qué?
14:32Dile que no a mi hijo.
14:34Dile que no, Katia.
14:37¿Qué piensan tus hijos de que quieras ser la presidenta municipal?
14:40Son tan raros.
14:42La verdad no me importa lo que piensen.
14:45Entonces no están de acuerdo.
14:47Pues mira, Amelia siempre ha hecho lo que se le da la gana.
14:51Se la pasa cuidando a los caballos, ayudando gente.
14:56Nunca le ha importado el dinero.
14:58Pero claro, como siempre le he dado todo, nunca ha tenido hambre.
15:03Háblame más de ella.
15:06¿Para qué?
15:08No vas a tener tratos ni con ella, ni con nadie de la familia.
15:11Solo con Francisco.
15:13¿Y para convencerlo de que firme ese contrato?
15:39¿Es en serio que estás pidiendo cooperación para el seminario?
15:42¡Felipe, te estoy hablando!
15:46Quiero ser sacerdote.
15:48Y en África con mi labor puedo pagar por todos mis pecados.
15:50¿Me estás tratando de decir que lo de nosotros fue un pecado?
15:55Ante los ojos de Dios.
15:58Uy, de verdad.
16:04Pues si a tu mamá le molesta que durmamos juntos, vamos a dejar así las cosas.
16:09No, pero yo quiero dormir contigo.
16:11Yo también.
16:14Pero cuando sea el momento adecuado.
16:16Por ahora a mí no me molesta esperar un poquito más.
16:19Solo un poquito.
16:24Te adoro.
16:25Y yo a ti.
16:33Hola, Tina.
16:35Oye, te fui a buscar al Tropicaloso, pero me dijeron que no estabas.
16:38Yo pensé que te andaban negando porque, pues, como no les caigo bien.
16:42Pues no, fíjate. Salí del pueblo y vengo llegando.
16:45Oye, ¿te invito a cenar?
16:48No puedo.
16:49Mañana trabajo.
16:51Bueno, no pasa nada. Luego te veo por allá.
16:54Andrés, ¿es en serio todo lo que me has dicho?
16:57Claro que es en serio.
16:58O sea, ¿por qué crees que te estoy mintiendo o qué?
17:00Pues porque no has hecho las cosas bien así como Dios manda.
17:03Ah, caray, ¿y cómo manda Dios?
17:05Ay, Andrés, échale coco. De verdad.
17:12¿Y tú? ¿Ya se te quitó la obsesión con hacer el inventario o qué?
17:16Este, sí.
17:18Sí, no, todo quedó ya muy bien ordenado.
17:21Ya no tengo que preocuparme de eso nada.
17:25¿Andas medio deprés?
17:27¿Quién? ¿Yo?
17:29No, hombre, no.
17:30Sí siento como si me hubiera quitado un, no sé, como un gran peso encima, va.
17:36Yo, yo voy.
17:38Yo voy.
17:42¿Puedo pasar?
17:43Sí, por favor. Pásele, doña Carmen.
17:47Nos da mucha pena la muerte de su esposo, el presidente municipal.
17:52Ah, sí. ¿Qué quiere, doña Carmen?
17:54Sé que tienes el don de la clarividencia.
17:56Y me preguntó si puedes comunicarte con los difuntos.
18:00Doña Carmen, mi hija escucha voces.
18:04¿Y alguna de esas voces es de mi marido?
18:06Eh, no sé, no sé en realidad.
18:10Ay, te lo suplico, novia.
18:11Ve a ver si puedes hablar con mi difunto marido.
18:14Se fue sin decirme lo mucho que necesitaba oír.
18:19Eh, ok, ok, lo voy a, lo voy a intentar.
18:23Eh, doña Carmen, ¿la acompaño?
18:30Con permiso.
18:31Cuando guste.
18:36Por algo te está pasando todo eso, para ayudar a los demás.
18:41Ve, pobre mujer.
18:42¿Pobre mujer?
18:44Pues sí.
18:45Iván no lo sabía, pa.
18:48Sus papás adoptivos no le habían dicho nada.
18:52Hasta hace poco le enseñaron los documentos que comprueban que es mi hermano de sangre.
18:57Tantos años buscándolo, pa.
19:00Tenerlo tan cerca de mí.
19:04No entiendo, no entiendo por qué el estilo se ensaña de esa manera con ustedes.
19:10Mi hermano se casó con Amelia.
19:14Le dio una familia, un lugar, un hijo, todo lo que yo quería tener con ella y...
19:23No entiendo por qué, por qué las cosas no fueron distintas, pa.
19:26¿Por qué conmigo?
19:27Pero así son.
19:29Así son, hijo.
19:32No tienes por qué seguir atormentándote con eso.
19:40Pero no puede estar enamorado de la misma mujer que mi hermano, pa.
19:43No puedo.
19:44Esto está mal, está mal.
19:45Pero tú no lo sabías.
19:47No lo sabías, hijo.
19:49Pero ahora ya lo sé.
19:50¿Y qué hago con este amor que siento por Amelia, carajo?
19:53¿Qué hago, pa?
19:57No, no, no.
19:58Dame chance.
20:01Necesito tiempo, necesito respirar.
20:06Necesito salir.
20:09Necesito salir.
20:13Necesito salir.
20:38Well, I hope that Ivan, knowing that he is a son of Teresa and Clemente,
20:40doesn't expect anything from the farm.
20:42Mom, really? Is that what you're worried about?
20:44Of course!
20:45Well, in real terms, they would have the right.
20:47No, the farm was sold twice.
20:50Hi, I wanted to come say hello to you before you get ready for the show.
20:54And I brought you this.
20:58You want to make me fat?
21:00I already noticed.
21:01No, what's that? You always look beautiful.
21:09Hey, are you going to keep working in the stationery?
21:11Yes, I already told Tau and Rosetta. Neither of them has a problem with...
21:15Oh, look, I can come visit you twice a day.
21:18That sounds good.
21:24I brought you an important message.
21:27It's Tino.
21:31Thank you very much, Juliana, for having so much faith in me.
21:34I'm sure you're going to beat Eduardo.
21:37You're an exceptional man, Tomás.
21:39I wouldn't want to be without your friendship.
21:41Hey, and speaking of friendship, don't you think you should open your horizons, meet people, live with someone?
21:52If Enrique doesn't do it, then at least I don't.
21:55Maybe if he does, he won't tell you.
21:57I mean, not to hurt you, of course.
22:01Do you know what would help you?
22:04Think more about you than him.
22:09And how do I do that?
22:10Well, making your own plans.
22:12For example, I can invite you to get to know the surroundings.
22:16It's nice, very nice.
22:22Miracles do exist, Diogo.
22:27I imagine you'll be happy to know that your brother is okay.
22:34But I can't believe it.
22:37It's Iván.
22:39Nothing more and nothing less than Iván.
22:42But I promise we'll find you.
22:46I need you.
22:50Well, apparently Eduardo and I were the only ones who signed up for the consultation.
22:55That's why he said he was interested in selling the vanilla crop ahead of time and having money to make money for the people.
23:01Yes, but you're not going to accept any proposal, Francisco, please.
23:05Besides, I'm going to tell you, if he wins, the first thing he's going to do is sell the tropical bear, among other things.
23:11Okay, well, you're right, we have to support Don Tomás for mayor.
23:23What are you doing here? Your presence stains this place.
23:27I'm sorry, I was walking and suddenly I got here and...
23:30I shouldn't have shown you this place, this place is sacred to me.
23:34This place belongs to Diogo.
23:37Your dad told me what happened and I don't know if I believe him.
23:40You know how...
23:43How much your hatred hurts me.
23:46I understand that there is nothing I can do to change your opinion about me.
23:51No, nothing.
23:57I won't bother you again.
23:58I won't bother you again.
24:22Well, I'm going to tell you, although you're going to find out anyway.
24:29Hilda and I adopted Ivan.
24:33Actually, it's Bernardo Cobarrubias.
24:37How is that, Don Tomás?
24:44Stop crying, Cate is not going to sleep in my bedroom.
24:47At last you were right, son.
24:49No, it was not my decision, but hers, so as not to cause you anguish.
24:53I thought you were getting along, that you had changed, but I see that you are still the same.
24:58How little you lasted the good vibes with Cate.
25:02But well, I just come to tell you that you no longer have to sleep in the corridor to monitor the morale of this house.
25:09Better watch your own conscience, perfect lady.
25:18What happened, my girl?
25:19I just saw Rodrigo in the tree and I ran him forever.
25:23No, don't get angry like that.
25:26No, my daughter, no, it's not necessary.
25:29Mom, how am I not going to get angry? I can't forgive him.
25:33Daughter, one does not forgive for others, one forgives for oneself.
25:37Do it for yourself, not for him.
25:40I can't.
25:42Mom, I'm full of hatred, I'm full of sadness.
25:45No, no, no.
25:46Do you know where my mom is?
25:48I think she just arrived.
25:53Breathe, daughter, breathe.
25:56My girl.
25:58Well, Amelia has to find out.
26:03She already knows.
26:05Iván told her.
26:06Poor Tomás.
26:08And he adores Iván.
26:10Like me to you, dad.
26:12Although you are not my real father either.
26:15Hey, baby, I need to ask you for a loan.
26:19I promise I'll pay you soon.
26:24Mom, can I ask you for a favor?
26:29Can I ask you for a favor?
26:33Can I ask you for a favor?
26:35Mom, can I come in?
26:39I have to tell you something super important.
26:41About Martín?
26:43Is Iván going to bring him to the farm?
26:45It's about Iván.
26:47He's going through a very difficult time.
26:49Oh, well, have him in therapy.
26:51I want my grandson here now.
26:53Iván just found out that Tomás adopted him.
26:55And that it was actually Bernardo Cobarrubias.
26:58But there must be a mistake.
27:00No, it's not a mistake.
27:01The information was registered in the names of his real parents.
27:04It's just that it seems like a joke of fate.
27:07Well, how sad that Tomás did not have the confidence to tell me before.
27:11No, Tomás told Hilda that he was going to take that secret to the grave.
27:14With more reason.
27:15Why confess it now?
27:17Mom, Iván found out while doing a task for Martín.
27:20Well, I hope that Iván, knowing that he is the son of Teresa and Clemente,
27:23does not pretend anything of the farm.
27:25Mom, is that really what worries you?
27:28Well, in real terms, they would have the right.
27:29No, the farm was sold twice.
27:32And nobody said anything at the time.
27:34Well, then Iván and Diogo would have the right to the first sale.
27:37That money was used to pay the debts.
27:41I hope that Iván does not dare to demand anything.
27:44No, nor has he mentioned it to me, Mom.
27:46He is very shocked that he is Diogo's brother and wants to look for him.
27:50And I'm going to help him.
27:51Oh, please, daughter, accept it now.
27:53Diogo is dead.
27:54Don't even say it, Mom.
27:56Look, I know it hurts you because you loved him very much.
27:59But you should convince Iván that Diogo is dead.
28:04Now leave the past alone.
28:12Amelia just told Eduarda that Iván is Bernardo Covarrubias.
28:18Obviously Eduarda is worried that Iván wants to claim his share of the inheritance, right?
28:23Iván wants to look for Diogo and Amelia also wants to do it.
28:27And she is very excited.
28:30Deep down, deep down, I'm glad that Iván wants to look for me.
28:37Just like I did with him.
28:41Are you okay, son?
28:43Not so much, Dad.
28:46I have to give up the love of my life so as not to betray the promise I made to my mother to take care of my brother.
28:53Hey, hey, hey, don't confuse things.
28:55Iván did everything possible for Amelia to stop loving him.
29:00And that's not your fault.
29:04I know.
29:06And what are you going to do?
29:09Are you going to go look for him and tell him you're his brother?
29:12No, of course not.
29:14He would betray me.
29:16I can't do it.
29:18But I do want to be close to Bernardo, Dad.
29:20He's my brother.
29:22I need him.
29:24Look, son.
29:27Thank you for finally knowing that he grew up in a family that loves him.
29:54He was in Jalapa.
29:56But they had already told Eduardo.
29:58Eduardo knew he was in Jalapa and he didn't want to tell us anything.
30:01He kept quiet.
30:05I told Rosetta that I felt bad not to be at the show and come looking for you.
30:08Oh, I was dying to see you, my love.
30:11I told you we couldn't see each other.
30:13You don't understand, do you?
30:15I'm crazy about you.
30:17I love you.
30:19Besides, I want to meet your son.
30:21Today is impossible.
30:23Did you tell Martin that we're dating?
30:25No, and I already told you that my son just suffered a disappointment.
30:29Is that it, or are you ashamed of me?
30:32Of course not.
30:34You just chose a very bad night to come and argue, Candy.
30:37No, I don't want to argue.
30:39I just want to have a normal relationship.
30:41Candy, understand.
30:43You can't ask me that because I don't have a normal life.
30:46And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have dinner with my son.
30:50Good night.
30:53Good night.
30:59I never imagined that there would be so much work in a town hospital, really.
31:05The thing is, it's the only hospital in town, right?
31:08It's the only one, yes.
31:10But well, don't complain, I'm very happy.
31:13The only thing I need to be happy is...
31:17is for you to realize that Emiliano is for you, Rodrigo.
31:20For him.
31:22She's a mirage.
31:24And I'm real.
31:26Because your love for me was real.
31:29I'm here for you.
31:31And I will always be.
31:33I'm the woman you need.
31:51Why are you challenging me, Tomas?
31:54If you show that recording,
31:56Francisco has decided to say that it was you who asked him to convince me to do something wrong.
32:05Is everything okay, ma'am?
32:07Tomas decided to participate in the consultation.
32:10It seems that now the fight for the municipal presidency is between him and me.
32:14Mom, did you read the newspaper?
32:17Here it is.
32:18I already read it.
32:19Well, I feel that you should withdraw from the contest and give that charge to Tomas.
32:23But why?
32:25Amelia, my dad just arrived and wants a meeting with us.
32:28Tell Francisco to wait for me.
32:30Mom, but the meeting is only with Amelia and me.
32:34Let's go.
32:41I need to know what they say at that meeting.
32:44What are you waiting for?
32:46Excuse me.
32:49Excuse me.
32:57I had a meeting with Tarek Soto.
32:59You know Amelia.
33:00You were talking to him the other night, on the day of the reopening of the Tropicaloso.
33:04Yes, I talked to him, but I really don't know him.
33:08As a partner of the producer, I have to inform you about this man's proposal.
33:12He wants to buy the next production of complete vanilla.
33:16It seems like a convenient proposal for us, but ...
33:19We talked about it yesterday, but I don't agree, Dad.
33:21Yes, neither do I.
33:22Even if the offer is good, no.
33:25I'm glad we agree.
33:28Let's go eat.
33:29I want to see Armina.
33:30Let's go eat.
33:38Hello, Casicura.
33:40Sorry to bother you.
33:42Andres wants to tell you something.
33:43Tell him.
33:44Tell him what you told me out there.
33:45Well, I don't think he's interested in the priest here.
33:47It's Casicura.
33:48The priest.
33:49It's Casipadre.
33:51And it's not because he's interested.
33:52What I want is to know that you're not lying to me.
33:55And I want you to tell me in front of an authority.
33:57Almost ecclesiastical authority.
34:01Well, I want you to be my girlfriend.
34:04And I promise you that I will be the best boyfriend in the world.
34:08Of Tierra del Agua.
34:13Oh, I'm ahead, right?
34:15Or did I have to wait so long?
34:19Why wait if you have a man who wants to be with you?
34:23I wish you the best in your relationship and may God bless you.
34:26Thank you very much.
34:32Don Francisco and the boys are not convinced to sell now.
34:36Well, no, but they will be convinced as soon as Tarek comes to the farm.
34:40And I make them a proposal that benefits us all.
34:44Maybe Amelia is not very convinced.
34:48Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable doing business with Mr. Soto.
34:54And why is that?
34:55I don't know if she is aware, but Mr. Soto sent many bouquets of flowers to Amelia.
35:09It's the ring for Jeanette.
35:12And as a future godfather, I want to ask you to keep it for me.
35:15And why don't you keep it or what?
35:17No, because if my mom finds it, she will take it from me and ...
35:20Well, no, you know that she doesn't really agree with me getting married to Jeanette.
35:25Well, but don't take too long, Ponchito.
35:29No, just a few days.
35:31I just want it to be a surprise.
35:34Do you like it?
35:36Are you sure?
35:37Yes, in fact, Arminda told me and I saw it myself.
35:40There were many.
35:42Well, thank you for informing me.
35:46Hey, I also heard Arminda comment something about Ivan with Norberto.
35:54How about?
35:56That Ivan turned out to be Bernardo Covarrubias, Diobo's younger brother.
36:03How ironic, right?
36:04Ivan marries Amelia and returns to the farm.
36:08The farm that belonged to his parents, right?
36:11You said it.
36:13It was.
36:16Well, I'm leaving with permission, ma'am.
36:35Tarek, we have to talk.
36:40Oh, Ivan, Ivan.
36:42It's good to see you.
36:43Taking advantage of the fact that there is nothing between Amelia and me,
36:45I would like you and I to leave our differences behind and be friends.
36:51Go to hell, Rodrigo.
36:54I'm not interested in being friends with a guy like you.
36:57I'm ready, Ivan.
37:00Let's go.
37:01What did you talk about with Rodrigo?
37:02Now it turns out that he wants us to be friends.
37:06Can you believe it?
37:08He's crazy.
37:09What's wrong with him?
37:10Let's go, Amelia, let's go.
37:16Come on, Eduarda, don't get upset.
37:18Of course not, if you're trying to win my daughter over.
37:22When I found out who she was, I didn't send her anything, okay?
37:25Look, you can have the woman you want anywhere in the world,
37:28but here you only think of me.
37:32I love seeing you jealous.
37:34Don't come near my daughter again.
37:44Who was going to tell you, son?
37:46Ivan is Bernie.
37:51At least that doesn't take away my sleep, Nana.
37:54Knowing that my brother didn't have a life as cruel as mine.
37:58No, how cruel.
37:59Yes, Don Tomás idolizes Ivan.
38:03That's how life is, right?
38:06Instead of being brothers, we become rivals.
38:10Oh, don't say that.
38:11It's the truth, Nana, it's the truth.
38:14We both love the same woman.
38:15Yes, but he loves her in a horrible way, and you don't.
38:20Yes, but Amelia thinks I'm the worst of men,
38:23and I can't convince her anymore.
38:25Oh, son.
38:26If you want to try to get closer to Bernie, to Ivan.
38:35Something that I don't quite understand, it's very strange to me.
38:39That Don Tomás adopted Ivan in Mexico City
38:44when Norberto and I adopted him and they told us he wasn't there.
38:49There's something strange about it.
38:52I don't know.
38:55It worries me.
39:01Oh, son.
39:02What happened, Nana?
39:03Now that we know about Bernie,
39:07we've been talking about him and it's been going around in my head.
39:11I understand now.
39:13What happened when Norberto and I went to look for him
39:16to try to adopt him in Mexico City?
39:18What happened?
39:19That he was in Jalapa.
39:21But they had already told Eduardo.
39:23Eduardo knew he was in Jalapa and he didn't want to tell us anything.
39:27He kept quiet.
39:30Because Eduardo didn't want us to find your brother.
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