• 21 hours ago
Breaking Free from DV.
00:00Surviving domestic violence and bullying while navigating the harsh realities of poverty and systemic racism feels like an endless battle.
00:09Each day, the weight of fear and despair presses down, making it hard to breathe.
00:14The struggle isn't just physical, it seeps into the soul, eroding self-worth and hope.
00:20Some find a way out, but for many, escape feels like a distant dream.
00:25The cycle of abuse is relentless, and the stigma surrounding poverty often silences voices that need to be heard.
00:32It's not just about finding a safe space, it's about fighting against a world that often turns a blind eye.
00:39Support can feel scarce, and the journey to healing is fraught with obstacles.
00:44Yet, in the depths of pain, resilience emerges.
00:48Every small victory, every moment of clarity, becomes a testament to strength.
00:53It's a reminder that survival is not just about escaping.
00:57It's about reclaiming power and rewriting a narrative that has been dictated for too long.
