• last year
Seeing you is just the mid-morning boost I needed! ☕️
No need to be nervous for your interview. I will teach you the ropes and relax your nerves to help make sure you get the job. ✨
00:00 check in
02:51 resume review
05:36 background check
07:09 health check-up
12:06 tips to impress the boss
#asmr #valeriyaasmr #Valeriya1M
00:00And what did he say?
00:04No way!
00:05Sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:06Do you have an appointment?
00:07You're a new intern, you're here for your interview, right?
00:14Do you have an appointment?
00:18Ah, you're a new intern.
00:22You're here for your interview, right?
00:26Well, I'm afraid you have to wait
00:31I think 15 minutes.
00:34Don't worry, I will take care of you.
00:39Well, have a seat.
00:42Are you comfortable?
00:46Do you want a tea, a coffee?
00:54Well, for now, I will find your application.
01:01May I see your ID, please?
01:06Your ID, that's so good.
01:10Well, so, your first name?
01:16Harry, nice to meet you.
01:19And your last name?
01:26Valeria, why? How does it sound for you?
01:31I'm just joking.
01:33All right, may I confirm your date of birth?
01:40Very good.
01:44And where do you study?
01:50I didn't know they have such handsome interns.
01:58All right, so what's your major?
02:04Is it interesting?
02:07All right.
02:10So, what brought you here, why did you choose our company?
02:22That's very good.
02:25And how did you hear about us?
02:30Your friend recommended you?
02:34Did he mention a cute secretary at the reception?
02:44That's okay.
02:47Maybe you will in the future.
02:51Okay, did you send us your resume?
02:57Let me check.
03:06Where did you send it?
03:12Okay, I found it.
03:16Too bad I didn't have your photo.
03:21That would have caught you much, much quicker.
03:29That's good.
03:33I want to check if everything suits to your application.
03:42People sometimes do mistakes, and those people are me.
03:56I see you're a bit nervous, why?
04:03Don't be afraid.
04:05Well, actually, I will be your supervisor.
04:09Yeah, you know, our boss doesn't like to deal with interns and students.
04:20But I do.
04:25Don't worry.
04:28I think you will get this position.
04:35I will just give you some tips.
04:41All right, let me note your appointment here.
04:52Our boss is very, very attentive to some details.
05:00He has a seat here, and he also likes when everything is written down.
05:11So we have a lot of different journals and magazines.
05:26Now, it's a lot of paperwork.
05:37No, I'm not finished yet with your application.
05:45I'm just checking if we have all the information about you.
05:54Do you have any accounts in social media?
06:03At least we have your phone number, that's perfect.
06:09Do you mind if our company will text you?
06:17Do you prefer a call or a text?
06:25This is very, very good.
06:30All right.
06:40I just need you to sign...
06:47Sign here, and here.
06:58What a beautiful signature.
07:01I love it.
07:03Very nice.
07:09And do you remember that this position requires some medical examination?
07:19Mm-hmm, you should be pretty healthy.
07:23You look like you're pretty healthy, but I have to check, it's just a formal thing.
07:33Ah, yeah.
07:36I'm also certified for CPR.
07:40From mouth to mouth.
07:43Yes, sometimes we have to combine some things.
07:55All right, do you mind if I come closer?
08:10I think I will take a look at you from here.
08:17Okay, very good.
08:23I will check your temperature.
08:33Your face.
08:36May I touch here, and here?
08:41And let me check your scalp.
08:53Can you unbutton your shirt, please?
09:01Touch it here, and here.
09:06Okay, very, very good.
09:14Now I want to check your heart.
09:21Just breathe normally.
09:26Now take a deep breath for me, please.
09:36One more time.
09:40Okay, very good.
09:43Okay, now I will check your pulse.
09:46Give me your hand, please.
09:53Your heart is beating so fast.
09:57I can feel your nerves.
09:59Don't worry, boy.
10:00I will help you.
10:03I just want you to stay here,
10:07because you look like a nice guy.
10:21Now I will not beat you
10:24until you ask me to.
10:26Now please look at the hammer,
10:30and follow the hammer with your eyes.
10:38You have such a nice eye color.
10:42I love it.
10:50Okay, mm-hmm.
10:58Okay, now I will be poking your face with this hammer,
11:04and you tell me if it's a quill.
11:09It's a quill.
11:11It's a quill.
11:14Mm-hmm, here.
11:19Okay, good.
11:22Now please look at my nose,
11:26and I will check the reaction of your pupils to the light.
11:41Now follow the light with your eyes.
11:51Okay, good.
11:54Well, everything seems good so far.
12:01Okay, everything seems good.
12:05I still nervous.
12:12as I told you,
12:14our boss,
12:17he's a bit picky, but you should know the ways.
12:22First of all, I try to disinfect my hands
12:29as often as I can,
12:32because he, like I said, is a bit anxious.
12:41And I try to clean my table.
12:50Also, very often.
12:56I try to do
13:00when he's watching,
13:02and he loves it.
13:10I see, very neat, nice.
13:15But always have a brush for your clothes.
13:24Mm-hmm, because he hates to see something on your clothes.
13:28For example, this is kind of electronic.
13:35So he does very often, so I clean it from time to time.
13:46And I can see some hair here on your collar,
13:53so let me clean it just a little bit.
14:04Here and there.
14:12Mm-hmm, good.
14:21Also, let me comb your hair just a little bit,
14:27because I want you to look nice.
14:37Right here.
14:46And the last step,
14:53a good smell.
14:55You know, I spray this on your fursion
15:02in my office,
15:06and now you will smell like vanilla bean.
15:10I just know this is his favorite smell,
15:14so he will like it.
15:20Well, it's time for you
15:25Yeah, I already sent your application to my boss,
15:29and I will be waiting for you when you come back.
15:33Good luck.
