• 4 hours ago
00:00My dear wife, I would be happy to show you how to live a common everyday life.
00:06I beg you, Mr. Flickenschild.
00:09You seem to know a lot, Mrs. van Loon.
00:11Are you still the man I have loved for 20 years?
00:14How can I know that this is all that you have hidden from me in our marriage?
00:20Did you do something with Scarlett?
00:25It was just a kiss.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:47This is my life
00:51This is the way to find my own
00:55This is my life
00:57This is my life
00:59This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on
01:06I'm rolling on
01:28Judy, it's better not to mention it.
01:32I didn't want to drive you even crazier.
01:35Did I mishear you?
01:38Yes, and I was right. You were my scene.
01:40Oh, I'm sorry about that!
01:42Maybe it's my fault that your colleague could seduce you because I'm so crazy?
01:48I'm not attractive to you anyway.
01:51What are you talking about?
01:52It doesn't interest you at all when other men flirt with me.
01:56Oh, that one has nothing to do with the other.
02:01I don't belong to the kind of men who slip out of jealousy just because another man looks at their girlfriend.
02:07That's right!
02:08You belong to the kind of men who are about to flirt with another woman.
02:12Carla, please. This kiss has nothing to do with it.
02:15I want you to leave this apartment.
02:19As far as I know, it's my apartment.
02:23You can't do that.
02:27I made a mistake, and I'm terribly sorry, but I...
02:30Please don't tell me again that you wanted to protect me.
02:33I should have told you about the meeting with your mother.
02:36I just realized that now.
02:38Yes, you should have.
02:42Where are you going now?
02:44To Merle.
02:46No, that's out of the question. You feel so comfortable here in the Rose House.
02:50I'm going to the hotel.
02:52That's the least I can do for you.
03:14Oh, I didn't know you bought so much.
03:17How are we supposed to eat all of this?
03:19You forget that you're a couple from now on.
03:21How could I?
03:23I just didn't know that I'm tied to a seven-headed caterpillar.
03:27Eating together also requires a careful supply plan.
03:31Does that mean we're going to level two of our relationship training?
03:35Cooking together?
03:36It depends on how you liked level one.
03:39Shopping together?
03:41That was okay.
03:43No more?
03:44It was totally awful.
03:47No more?
03:48It was totally exciting and instructive.
03:51Oh, even instructive?
03:53Yes, I didn't know that you could cling so tightly to a shopping cart
03:57and work off such a long list so meticulously.
04:00I'm not surprised, since your shopping here is more characterized by the choice of shelves.
04:05I'm spontaneous and like to improvise.
04:08Nice, you can prove that tonight.
04:10I'm supposed to cook?
04:12I thought we'd do it together.
04:14I know what's going to come out of my pockets.
04:16It's just a matter of trapping you around it.
04:20We should better prepare the pizza service number beforehand.
04:23Come on, we passed the first test quite well.
04:26You mean we didn't cause any public annoyance and didn't get ourselves into trouble?
04:31We're a dream team.
04:34Let's go.
04:44Let's go.
04:59Can we talk?
05:02Carla, please.
05:04We can't go on like this.
05:07I admit that I was a bit too blue in this matter.
05:13...has always been keen on me.
05:15She even made beautiful eyes for me in Hanover.
05:18Are you still mad?
05:19I never agreed to it. Never!
05:22I can imagine that.
05:23Back then you were still married to the great woman.
05:25But now there's only a grandma waiting for you
05:27and you have to see how she's going to turn into a young blonde.
05:30Stop it, please.
05:32Since Timo and Finn showed up here, you've changed.
05:36The only thing that concerns you is your age.
05:40Every day thousands of attractive women become grandmothers.
05:44That's quite normal.
05:46People are happy about that.
05:47I'm happy about that, too!
05:48No, you're not!
05:50Your grandchild has thrown you off the track so much
05:52that you're only concerned with yourself and questioning yourself.
05:55You don't understand, do you?
05:56I don't want to understand such hysteria either.
05:58It's too tense, completely stupid and unnecessary.
06:01Ms. Sarah Wackers, where are the chicken breasts and the Estragon?
06:03Get out!
06:05And you, too.
06:07With pleasure.
06:19Moin, moin!
06:20Hasn't he been gone for a long time?
06:22The real Hanseatic knows only one time of day.
06:24Yes, just like he likes every color.
06:26The main thing is that it's dark blue.
06:28You can tell right away that you're from here.
06:30No matter how long you lived in New York,
06:32Yes, you don't lose your roots.
06:34There's something about that.
06:36Did you actually want to come to me or to the self-help group?
06:39You're there now, aren't you?
06:41Yes, but I don't personally do charity work.
06:44I generate charity donations.
06:46A former client of mine gives us half a carload of toys.
06:50That's great.
06:52By the way, I've come to the conclusion
06:54that I enjoy craftwork, but only as a hobby.
06:59It's great to create something with your own hands.
07:02Wood is a wonderful material,
07:04but it's not an alternative for my job.
07:08You know what?
07:09I almost thought so.
07:12Yes, you made the impression
07:14that you'd rather talk
07:16instead of putting a boat on a keel.
07:19You always think you're a book with seven seals.
07:23Well, that's the old discrepancy
07:25between self-perception and external influence.
07:27By the way, an interesting question.
07:29We should discuss it.
07:31I'm happy to come to one or the other conversation.
07:34Yes, please.
07:35Otherwise I'd miss something.
07:37Hello, Clemens.
07:38Mr. Eckert and I have the same way.
07:41The rest of the time belongs to the KITA initiative today.
07:44Provided my brother doesn't need me.
07:47No, no, I just wanted to talk to you briefly
07:49about Louise's reports.
07:51Then I'll go to the bookbinder.
07:53Okay, right away.
07:54Let Mr. Jansen give you a hand.
07:57He has great news.
07:58Are the others coming, too?
07:59Yes, of course.
08:03Did you talk to Susanne again?
08:06I offered her to move to the hotel.
08:21Am I disturbing you?
08:22No, no, come in.
08:27I'm sorry I put you under extra pressure.
08:31I promise I won't give you any more stupid advice.
08:35I'm sorry.
08:37I reacted too harshly.
08:38I'm sorry.
08:41I have to practice being a father.
08:47How are you?
08:52I just don't know what to do.
08:56I just don't know.
09:02You know my opinion.
09:04I don't want to repeat it now, okay?
09:07But don't 19 years of marriage mean nothing?
09:12Doesn't it always mean good and bad times?
09:16Nevertheless, one should ask again and again
09:19whether the relationship of an exact examination still holds.
09:26I do that, too.
09:28I can't find an answer.
09:33Do you think my marriage still has a chance despite Roman's breach of trust?
09:38Do you believe him?
09:40Can you forgive him?
09:45I still find it inexcusable that Roman left me.
09:48After all, I could have met my mother in love.
09:51That's exactly what I blame him for.
09:54No one has the right to make such a difficult decision for another person.
09:59Even if he wants to protect you.
10:04We had a good time.
10:06Until today.
10:09Until the moment I found out about it.
10:14You don't break up that easily, do you?
10:36Thank you. I feel much better now.
10:38I'm specialized in emergencies.
10:41Otherwise I would have killed someone in there.
10:44Fiery Greece suffocates unfaithful lovers.
10:47Do you know this unfaithfulness?
10:49Through lipstick on the shirt collar.
10:51The cliché of clichés.
10:54I really wouldn't have thought that I would have to stumble upon such a worn-out classic again.
10:59And then he also tells me that this blonde is hot on him all the time.
11:04But that's more like Führtorben.
11:07Führtorben would have spoken if he hadn't kissed her.
11:12But if the kiss was really just about her and he doesn't care about the whole thing.
11:16But why doesn't he tell me the truth? Why does he make such a secret out of it?
11:19It's not right at all.
11:22What did he say?
11:24You can guess.
11:26That it's my fault.
11:28You couldn't talk to me right now.
11:30I'm in a crisis and I would always overreact.
11:33And is that true?
11:35That I overreact?
11:36That you're in a crisis.
11:39I don't know.
11:42That I'm a grandma all of a sudden.
11:45I can't help it.
11:47Yes, I understand that.
11:49Other women become mothers at your age and not grandmothers.
11:54I think you're so jealous right now because you suddenly feel old.
12:04Shit, wait a minute!
12:08Man, I'm alone right now.
12:14Cut the roses diagonally before you put them in the water.
12:17Then you'll enjoy it longer.
12:19Great, thank you.
12:20I have to go.
12:23Oh, excuse me.
12:26Oh, the boss is most personally in sales.
12:28Röschen is on delivery today.
12:30Do you want to buy flowers or are you coming to visit us?
12:34Oh, Gunther is here?
12:38Here's the thing.
12:39My mother is on treatment.
12:41And she asked me to bring sticks to the graves of her deceased men.
12:47Your mother was married twice?
12:50To be precise, she survived three men.
12:53The first was my father, of course.
12:55The second, Konrad, the brother of Alfred Albers.
12:58But to be precise, she wasn't married to him, but engaged.
13:01He died shortly before the wedding.
13:03Okay, and the third?
13:06A crazy life artist.
13:07That's why his ashes are scattered in the park.
13:10All right.
13:11When should the sticks be ready?
13:13Tomorrow, please.
13:14Fourteen o'clock?
13:15Merle, could you please tell me what the pineapples and avocados should be good for?
13:19Hello, Thomas.
13:20Hello, Gunther.
13:21You cook?
13:22Why do you say that?
13:23I can cook.
13:24Provided I don't deviate too much from the recipe.
13:27I messed up his shopping list.
13:30Oh, Gunther and chaos.
13:31That's not good.
13:32You don't talk about someone in the third person who is present.
13:35Oh, excuse me.
13:36It was clear that everything had to be in order with him.
13:39But does that draw worse circles?
13:42It depends on what you mean by worse.
13:46I'm a little afraid of the typical men's diseases.
13:49Oh, what would that be?
13:51You men tend to call your wives bunny, mouse, darling, favorite,
13:55so as not to confuse them.
13:57I don't think it's so bad to give your wives nicknames from the animal world.
14:01I have to agree with Gunther.
14:02There are quite nice ones.
14:04You're not serious.
14:05Of course.
14:06Rhinoceros, for example.
14:07Or mouse.
14:09Or bee.
14:10And snail.
14:11Not to forget.
14:13Also very pretty.
14:14No, I don't think he's that pretty.
14:17Me neither.
14:22See you tomorrow, Spätzchen.
14:29So, boys.
14:30You can take an example.
14:32That's how you do it.
14:35How did you get that?
14:36It shows who the master is.
14:39Go ahead.
14:40You just want to poke at the women.
14:41But not at yours.
14:44There are still saws here.
14:47Does anyone make construction blocks yet?
14:49Mick is amazed by some.
14:51But he hasn't heard any real ones yet.
14:53Well, I'll be out in a minute.
14:55Yes, you've already had enough today.
14:57Well, at least in terms of chair technology, we're well ahead at the opening of the store.
15:00I'd love to have done that.
15:01I still have wood remains in the yard outside.
15:04Could I borrow your kitchen?
15:06I don't want to confiscate the kitchen of my daughter.
15:09Susanne has had enough.
15:11Oh, I see.
15:13You want to cook, yes?
15:14And what is it?
15:17Curry chicken.
15:18Old recipe from Sri Lanka.
15:20Why do you ask?
15:23Do you think I'll burn something?
15:25No, no.
15:26The kitchen is yours.
15:27Assuming you could make two more servings.
15:31Do you want to surprise someone too?
15:33Yes, my girlfriend.
15:35We have a bet going on.
15:37Good, that I have a fable for bets.
15:41A wonderful good day, gentlemen.
15:43I hope I'm not disturbing you.
15:45You're never disturbing me, Miss Rose.
15:46I'm just sitting on the chair cushions and wanted to warm up again.
15:52Oh, and...
15:54I thought...
15:55Oh, I thought...
15:56I'm already fast.
15:57My goodness.
15:58I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson breaks all records.
16:00I have no talent for that.
16:02It comes with age, boy.
16:04Don't believe a word he says.
16:05I'm as old as he is.
16:07And I know that's not true.
16:08Either you can do something or not.
16:10But you don't have to be able to do everything.
16:14My big hour is still at the KITA.
16:27I just heard that you checked in.
16:33Did you split up?
16:43Our problems are apparently a little bigger.
16:48I tried to talk to her.
16:51With Susan?
16:54I didn't want to interfere, but...
16:58When I saw that you were suffering so much...
17:05I have the feeling that she wants to reconcile with you.
17:09That she's ready to go to you.
17:10She just needs a little more time.
17:16Maybe you're right.
17:19I'm sure you are.
17:22You can't give up now.
17:28Because of Rotterdam.
17:31I'm sorry I'm talking about this right now.
17:34What about Rotterdam?
17:36We have problems with our supplier.
17:39And Lars has so much to do at the moment, he doesn't know where his head is.
17:44I wanted to offer you that I can take over.
17:47Yes, good. Do it.
17:49So I'm going to Holland?
17:52I'll come to the office later and give you all the documents you need.
17:57I can find them myself.
17:59No, no, I have to go to the office today anyway.
18:07Take care, dad.
18:19I love you.
18:26How long do the pralines have to dry before I can eat them?
18:29They're ready. Take a bite.
18:38A dream.
18:39It was not without reason that your mother's favorite daughter...
18:43Not only hers.
18:45It's a shame that you have to go back to Switzerland.
18:47It was nice that we got to know each other.
18:49Yes, very.
18:51If only I had known my mother.
18:54I know.
18:55Luise would have taken care of everything.
18:59Was she really that bad in the last few years?
19:03That's a very relative term when it comes to a person with dementia.
19:08You get the impression that she was doing well.
19:11But she was living in her own world.
19:14I was the last person she recognized.
19:17But in the end, I became a stranger, too.
19:21She didn't have any clear moments anymore.
19:24You wouldn't have found access to your mother.
19:27Not in the last few years.
19:30The whole house smells deliciously of chocolate.
19:34I just had to go with the smell.
19:36The researcher is immediately rewarded.
19:45More of it.
19:48Here you go.
19:50I'll get in touch with you.
19:51Yes, okay.
19:52With pleasure.
19:57A lot to do at the moment?
19:59Oh, normal.
20:01Yes, thank you again for being able to push us in between.
20:05Well, we wanted to make an appointment.
20:07Because of the contract with the new customer.
20:09Oh yes, right.
20:10What's wrong with you?
20:13Carla thinks I'm cheating on her.
20:17How do you get that?
20:19Lipstick on the shirt collar.
20:21Yes, okay.
20:22That does sound suspicious.
20:24But not from the hot blonde you were with recently?
20:27Oh, we've known each other for ages.
20:29There's nothing there.
20:31Except for lipstick on the collar.
20:33She kissed me.
20:34What can I do about it?
20:36To be honest,
20:37I can understand that Carla doesn't believe it right away.
20:40I don't think it's about the kiss.
20:42Oh, but?
20:43Since Carla became a grandmother,
20:45she feels old and unbearable.
20:50You can see how complicated women are.
20:52Well, good luck getting her back.
21:03Wasn't that Carla Taubenstille?
21:05Oh, she just left again.
21:08Man, Carla.
21:09You look good today.
21:11Really great.
21:13Did Tauben tell you to tell me that?
21:16Uh, that's nonsense.
21:18How do you get that?
21:20I can spoil myself.
21:38In case you want to pick up pillows for the kids.
21:40I haven't gotten to sewing yet, unfortunately.
21:42Oh, I beg you, Miss Rose.
21:44There's still time.
21:50Can I do anything else for you?
21:52That's what I mean.
21:53I mean, I always need pretty flowers.
21:58Uh, for what occasion, if I may ask?
22:01For a dinner together.
22:03I have a special appointment
22:06this evening with a very special lady.
22:13If you could describe the lady to me,
22:16I'll try to find something suitable.
22:19She is the most charming lady of Lüneburg.
22:23Warm-hearted, amusing, open-minded.
22:28And I hope very much
22:29that you will accept my invitation to dinner today.
22:36You mean me?
22:38Who else could I mean?
22:40Who else?
22:41Uh, I'm happy to accept your invitation.
22:45You make me a happy man.
22:51For the lady.
22:57For the lady.
23:01Miss Vesta.
23:05I'm just coming from the construction site.
23:07I have a few questions that need urgent clarification.
23:11My father is not there,
23:13and Lars is sitting at his desk.
23:16Are you really working here?
23:19Is there a better pretext than going to work
23:22when the secret lover is devoured by longing,
23:25comes to the lion's den
23:26to get a kiss from his lover?
23:31This secret affair is getting on my nerves.
23:33It's not for long.
23:35Don't be fooled.
23:37If my parents continue to act like this,
23:39it can take forever.
23:41No reconciliation in sight?
23:43Even though I talk to myself.
23:46I'm really sorry about my eternal grudge
23:48that they love each other so much
23:50and that they have to be able to forgive each other.
23:53Don't worry. It's going to be fine.
23:55You're a good talker.
23:57It's not about your career.
24:00You know, my father has to go to Kapstadt.
24:03Lars is no match for me,
24:04the way I've turned the company upside down.
24:06Don't worry.
24:07You'll pull through.
24:09And I'll help you a little.
24:11It won't take long
24:13before the good Larsi
24:14gets some problems on his construction site.
24:19Wherever your father is,
24:21he'll find out very soon
24:23that he set the wrong horse with Lars.
24:27I can't wait.
24:30By the way, I offered my father
24:32that I would take care of the problems
24:34with the supplier in Rotterdam
24:36because Lars is so terribly busy.
24:43He was very grateful to me.
24:52So, Mrs. Doctor,
24:54you have received the e-mails.
24:57That sounds great.
24:59All the walls of the kindergarten are covered.
25:02Oh, if I didn't have you.
25:04Well, my speech.
25:06Of course, you thought of a child-friendly color.
25:08Biologically degradable, environmentally friendly, right?
25:12Don't you?
25:14Of course we thought of it.
25:17You look like a father today.
25:21Well, I have to go anyway.
25:23General cleaning and then appointment with the therapist.
25:26Thank you, Mick.
25:28No problem.
25:29I think Ben did most of it anyway.
25:34I think it's great how much you take care of yourself.
25:36But the nursery doesn't have to be finished tomorrow,
25:38you know that, right?
25:39Well, what you have, you have, right?
25:41I just don't want you to neglect your job.
25:44I see.
25:46You still think I can't handle all this, right?
25:49Or are you just trying to demoralize me
25:51so that I lose my little bet?
25:53I've already forgotten it.
25:55Oh, but I haven't.
25:56Oh, no?
25:58Just a homemade, super delicious burger
26:01and peanut butter in the tank of my machine.
26:04Do you think I'll miss that?
26:06So if you really think you can handle all this,
26:09then I should be at home tonight?
26:11Yes, I'm looking forward to your party.
26:15Time for the second coat.
26:17And then I'll put on the footrests.
26:19Our daughter should feel comfortable in the nursery.
26:21Our daughter?
26:23What if she becomes a boy?
26:29When is that?
26:30This morning.
26:32But I can't like a boy again.
26:37Me neither.
26:45Here you go.
26:48Aren't you satisfied?
26:53Well, that doesn't sound very convincing, Mrs. Saravagos.
26:56I'd tell you if I didn't like your footrests.
27:00Then we don't have to worry about that.
27:03You are...
27:10What's up with her?
27:12I don't know her at all.
27:14Everyone has a bad day.
27:17That's why you look like you have a six on the lottery today.
27:21Well, everyone has a good day.
27:25What was it?
27:28I just made an appointment to eat.
27:30With whom?
27:32With Mr. Johnson.
27:34He wants to cook for me.
27:37What else does he want?
27:39I'm with Achim.
27:41You can find another man.
27:43I'm very happy with Achim.
27:45Even if he's not here right now.
27:47He'll come back at some point.
27:50Hopefully you'll still experience it.
27:52Yes, at some point is a relative term.
27:55Didn't you say you think Mr. Johnson is very nice?
27:59I think Mr. Johnson is very...
28:05very charismatic.
28:09I have to go.
28:10I have an appointment with my charismatic husband to cook.
28:13Yes, go now.
28:14If I keep wandering around like this, I can only help him with the espresso.
28:17Hop, hop, hop.
28:18Listen to me.
28:44The food was okay, wasn't it?
28:47I'm glad it was improvised, because it tasted good.
28:49Well, more.
28:50You too?
28:51Well, it was delicious.
29:00Are you bored?
29:02Oh, nonsense, not at all.
29:04I have a new program on my cell phone and I wasn't sure if it was ringing.
29:09Come on, admit that you can't sit still.
29:11And besides, you always have to have the last word.
29:13You can read something to me.
29:19Am I just missing level 3 of the relationship training?
29:23No, I think that we have mastered level 1 and 2,
29:26shopping together and cooking together, excellently.
29:30And I think that while spending a common evening in the living room,
29:35without the help of external influences by the entertainment industry,
29:40we could have reached level 5.
29:44In other words, I could convince you to do things like going for a walk with me?
29:51A proposal that is definitely within the reasonable scope.
29:54Although I think it will end up in the cinema anyway.
29:57No way.
29:58I would never cross the line.
30:03If I have successfully completed the relationship training,
30:07will I get a reward?
30:09What were you thinking?
30:13Well, I would like to show you that life has certain charms that are permanently loved.
30:20Oh, I think you have passed the exam of the relationship training
30:22and we should go straight to the reward.
30:27No way.
30:28Now show me what you've got.
30:30For the full program.
30:42It is also excellent.
30:45In a moment they will all be gone.
30:47Yes, that is the tragic thing about good things.
30:50Just take it easy, you have only eaten a good 20.
30:55Anyway, my mother will be very sorry that she did not get to know you.
30:58Poor Louise.
30:59She loved her mother so much.
31:01But she always believed that Johanna had betrayed her.
31:05That is why she did not sign a contract with Johanna.
31:09That was my father's doing.
31:11He informed Louise's father when she wanted to sleep with us with the baby.
31:16Johanna has been looking for Louise and me for years.
31:19Without success, as you know.
31:21You have to promise me to greet your mother very warmly from me.
31:25I do.
31:26With pleasure.
31:27Your mother was actually a travel journalist?
31:29How exciting.
31:30Yes, she traveled all five continents.
31:32Now I understand why your husband has so much to do with it,
31:36to collect all her travel reports.
31:39What is Roman doing?
31:41Yes, he puts the reports of your mother together.
31:45Oh, I probably shouldn't have revealed that.
31:49Obviously, your husband does everything to make up for his mistakes.
31:58So, that's all you need for the talks.
32:02Very good, then I can start right away.
32:05Yes, now the highway is free.
32:07And are you looking for a hotel in Rotterdam at midnight?
32:11The hotel room has already been booked.
32:13And tomorrow morning at eight o'clock I have arranged the first appointment with the board.
32:17Well, then drive carefully.
32:20And say hello to Hendrik Vermeer for me.
32:22I will.
32:31Bente is going to Rotterdam?
32:32You don't have time.
32:34What? I don't have time?
32:36I think you have so much to do with our construction project here.
32:39I am quite able to drive multiple tracks.
32:42Well, now that's clear among you.
32:44I think it's nice of Bente to jump in for you.
32:47If anything, I can reach the hotel again from now on.
32:51You ... you moved out of the house?
32:54Don't worry.
32:56It will be between your mother and me again.
33:21Carla ...
33:23What do I have to do for you to believe that this one kiss didn't mean anything to me?
33:30You're right.
33:32First of all, I shouldn't have let it get this far.
33:34And second, I should have told you about it right away.
33:38I believe you.
33:40I'm sorry I'm so tired right now.
33:45You're a little over-sensitive.
33:47I don't know you like that.
33:49I just feel like I'm sitting in the wrong train.
33:52The doors are already closed and I can't get out.
34:09Tell me.
34:11What's going on?
34:13Since I've had a grandchild,
34:17I just feel like I've skipped a part of my life.
34:22I raised a child.
34:24Then I made a career and now that I've achieved everything,
34:27I'm a grandmother all of a sudden.
34:30There's a part missing.
34:33It's as if you would suddenly be very old overnight.
34:43I would have thought something like that.
34:48But it's so bad.
34:57Britain will do us good.
35:00We'll get out of everything here and get a little headroom.
35:07But I can tell you one thing.
35:09I love you the way you are.
35:12And you're nothing but old.
35:16But you're the woman I want to grow old with.
35:19But you're the woman I want to grow old with.
35:38What a lovely evening walk, isn't it?
35:41I'm going to read some books on the couch.
35:43But our relationship is still a little young.
35:45Oh, really?
35:47Where we're modifying it right now,
35:49could you possibly make a little change?
35:53Or do we want to leave it at cooking without a cookbook first?
35:56But why do you all think I'm so inflexible?
35:58If you want, we can put our reading class in the bathtub.
36:03You'd make such a sacrifice for me?
36:05I'd go anywhere else for you.
36:07Really? Wait a minute.
36:08Wait a minute.
36:09No, I think I'm just talking about the head and neck.
36:11I'd like to leave the element of water out.
36:13I don't know what you're talking about.
36:15I'm talking about the countless glasses of water,
36:17or garden hoses, or sprinkler systems
36:19that helped me to take an involuntary shower
36:21in our dating phase.
36:22Was it like that?
36:23Yes, but out of this...
36:25embarrassing, wet phase.
36:27God forbid.
36:35What's going on?
36:37Frechheim, who's there?
36:40The wind, the wind, the heavenly child.
36:43How romantic.
36:45In the middle of the night.
36:47That's a calm atmosphere.
36:49Excuse me, but that's...
36:55Oh no.
36:56Oh God.
37:10We've already acquired three new customers this month.
37:13But only one of them has completed a regular maintenance contract
37:16for his wind turbines.
37:18I wouldn't be able to take care of more than two on my own.
37:22Thanks to the Ascania Park, we're not that bad.
37:25When I'm done with the monthly contract,
37:27I'll have concrete figures.
37:30I'm sorry I'm so late with that.
37:32I'm glad you can do both at all.
37:37And with winter in West Lower Saxony,
37:39everything clear so far?
37:41Depends on how you look at it.
37:46It smells really good here.
37:48You get hungry.
37:49Yes, that's right.
37:53Did you plunder Maharaja's herb garden?
37:56What smells so good here?
37:57I won't tell you.
37:59But you almost won your bet.
38:02May I ask what your bet is about?
38:08It's about...
38:13What is it?
38:14About this.
38:18If I win,
38:19and that's what it looks like right now,
38:21then I can finally drive around town with a tank like this again.
38:25And what about you?
38:27Except that you, Mrs. Rose,
38:29want to bring the kitchen of Sri Lanka closer.
38:31We'll see.
38:34Well, I don't want to embarrass you,
38:37but I wouldn't expect too much from you.
38:40I know Mrs. Rose is happily married to Mr. Meissner,
38:42even if he's not in Lüneburg right now.
38:48before the game, no one knows who wins.
39:03Madness, Mr. Albers.
39:05Yes, madness.
39:06Mr. Nockenridge from Glasgow
39:08has finally sold his success story, Sunshine.
39:11And do you know who he sold it to?
39:13My network.
39:15So your network is running, too?
39:17I'll put it this way.
39:19High Class Horses International has slowly turned around.
39:25And even if it doesn't,
39:27you seem to have a thousand other talents
39:30that you can't keep up with.
39:33I, on the other hand, can only golf and surf.
39:37And you're going to be a good hotel manager.
39:40I'm very unqualified in terms of craftsmanship.
39:43You know, I was just lucky.
39:45My father always taught me how to use tools,
39:48my mother with a needle and thread.
39:50I could even knit.
39:52You know, in the war, you always had to help yourself.
39:55My father taught Conrad and me how to help yourself.
40:01My father always just drilled me.
40:03Since my twelfth year of life, everything revolved around golf.
40:06There was always a tournament on the schedule,
40:09and I trained for hours every day.
40:14And you never did anything just for fun?
40:18No, when?
40:20I didn't have time for it.
40:25Actually, I didn't have a real youth.
40:30My hair is still wet.
40:32Yes, luckily we don't live in the time of the night.
40:36Do you want my hat?
40:37No, thanks, I'm a man.
40:38But you can take care of me at home.
40:41What are we waiting for?
40:48I'll go ahead.
40:50Yes, we already have the bed.
41:00What are you doing here all alone?
41:02I'm just walking around.
41:03Like this?
41:07I just don't know what to do.
41:09Have you already talked to Roman?
41:14He knows he made a big mistake.
41:17And he's very, very sorry.
41:18Do you have time?
41:19Of course.
41:20Yes, there's a reason for that.
41:24He's trying to fix everything.
41:27Yes, I just don't know how to deal with it in the future.
41:31How do I get my trust back to him?
41:36The question is whether you want that at all.
41:41I miss him.
41:43Roman is a part of me.
41:46We've been together for so long.
41:50I can't imagine a life without him.
41:53Oh, I would love to help you.
41:59Only you know if you can forgive him.
42:04And if the love is strong enough.
42:06I know.
42:30And not too spicy.
42:32I'm glad you like it.
42:34Is Sri Lanka different from India?
42:37I thought you had a sensitive stomach.
42:41Very attentive.
42:43The recipe is from a woman from the village cooperative
42:47who runs my tea plantation in Sri Lanka.
42:51And what made you go there?
42:55I mean, I know you know and like Asia.
42:59But why Sri Lanka?
43:02Who can say what exactly makes us fall in love with a place or a person?
43:09Is it the colourful fields in Colombo?
43:11Or rather the lush green rice fields?
43:14Or the pine forests?
43:16Or the peculiar grasslands of the region of Patanas
43:19reminiscent of the Scottish highlands?
43:22The fact that I want to live in Sri Lanka
43:24only became clear to me
43:26when I visited some of the remote tea fields.
43:31The landscape is beautiful.
43:33The view of the mountains is majestic.
43:36And everywhere these colours.
43:38The diversity of species.
43:39The butterflies.
43:40Birds, flowers and plants.
43:45I don't think I would have gone any other way.
43:49Tell me more.
43:54Sorry, but the British will never believe that you made this yourself.
43:58So, one more spoon and then...
44:01Come on, one more cup.
44:02Off you go.
44:03So, bye.
44:07It never smelled so good when you were cooking.
44:11So then...
44:15Did you take a cooking course?
44:18I just did some research on the internet.
44:20There are really delicious things there.
44:22And then you just cook it like that?
44:25Yes, if it tastes good.
44:30You've outdone yourself.
44:31It's incredibly delicious.
44:35Then I've won the bet.
44:38In any case, you'll get a medal.
44:40But you'll have to cook that more often now.
44:44Yes, then enjoy.
44:59Please tell me this is a misunderstanding.
45:03Or have you really been lying to me for years,
45:05sitting next to me,
45:07desperately looking for my roots?
45:10I made a mistake and I'm really sorry, but...
45:13Please don't tell me again that you wanted to protect me.
45:19You wouldn't have found a future with your mother.
45:22She was living in her own world.
45:24I was the last person she recognized.
45:32No one has the right to make such a difficult decision for another person.
45:38Even if he wants to protect him.
45:44He lied to me, Merle.
45:46What if that wasn't the only time?
45:48Maybe our marriage was built on a single lie.
45:53Obviously, your husband is doing everything he can to make up for his mistake.
45:58You can't question everything now.
46:00You've led a happy life for so many years.
46:04Roman loves you.
46:07You love him.
46:08That's what matters.
46:13I love you.
46:19It must be wonderful to have seen so much of the world.
46:22I didn't come all the way across the Baltic Sea.
46:24No, no, that's not true.
46:26Once, even all the way to India.
46:32Take a look.
46:35The good old rock'n'roll.
46:37What a great time it was back then.
46:40That was my favorite song.
46:42It was my secret weapon when I was still Pete the Beat.
46:46I was a disc jockey in the army.
46:49In my spare time, you know.
46:52That was the first song I ever played.
47:12I want to eat your delicious Indian dish again.
47:35My body demands it.
47:38Our baby demands it.
47:40Please, give her a break.
47:42Maybe my father made some mistakes.
47:44But that doesn't give you the right to judge him.
47:47You didn't even know him.
47:48Pete, but I...
47:50Mr. Ivers, I won't let you destroy my memories of him.
47:55One more thing.
47:57You're not my therapist.
47:58So stay out of this, got it?
48:00Don't worry.
48:01I mean because of the tea saloon.
48:03It will certainly be a great success.