• yesterday
(Adnkronos) - Le innovative lenti intraoculari ICL, posizionate dietro l’iride, correggono definitivamente miopia, astigmatismo, ipermetropia. Si tratta di lentine in collamero - materiale gelatinoso di altissima tecnologia - che vengono posizionate tramite un piccolo intervento dietro l’iride. Una volta inserite, queste piccole lenti risultano invisibili e impercettibili e garantiscono una qualità visiva altissima. Con un tasso di soddisfazione che raggiunge il 99,4%, le ICL si configurano come un'opzione ideale, anche per coloro che presentano problematiche oculari specifiche che possono limitare le alternative chirurgiche.


00:00Correcting myopia up to minus 18 dioptria and hypermetropia up to plus 8 dioptria is possible, even without the classic laser surgery.
00:19The alternative is offered by the intraocular lenses ICL, which represent an advanced solution for the correction of visual defects and offer patients the possibility of improving their vision in a definitive way, without having to resort to glasses or contact lenses.
00:36The visual quality obtained by patients with the ICL is incomparable, because they see better than with glasses, than with contact lenses and often also than with laser surgery.
00:47Therefore, from a qualitative point of view, they are by far the best solution that also has the advantage of being reversible, not only updateable in the future.
00:58Although it is very rare that the visual defect can grow and change significantly during life, we also know that no organ is immortal, so small changes can occur to any organ of our body.
01:15Think of a mouth fixed by the dentist, also think of an eye fixed by the ophthalmologist. If small changes occur at this point in the course of life, with the ICL we will have the possibility of being able to easily correct the defect even where there was ever a need in the future, simply by updating it.
01:37With an always optimal visual quality.
01:40With a satisfaction rate that reaches 99.4%, the ICLs are configured as an ideal option even for those who have specific eye problems that can limit surgical alternatives.
01:55The improvement compared to the pre-op phase is remarkable, I mean, I went from, I don't say almost blindness, but little was missing, so the improvement is remarkable.
02:10After two weeks we got closer, we got closer a lot, as a visual quality. I am more free to do something that maybe before I was more limited, I can think of sports, I can think of the gym, I can think of anything.
02:34Before I was always linked by glasses and eye contact, now I don't.
