• 3 days ago
00:00So, Sarah's hit-and-run case is pretty much closed, huh?
00:05And Brady's finally been released, so that means I can look forward to an evening with Ray
00:10trying to convince me that he's well enough to go back to work.
00:14No surprise he's impatient about it.
00:16No, not surprising at all.
00:18But I'm pretty sure that his doctors will tell him that he'll be, you know, good enough soon.
00:23But listen to me going on and on about my day.
00:26What is going on with you?
00:28Oh, nothing much.
00:30Just that...
00:33I slept with Alex again.
00:43Hey, Dad.
00:45Hey, I'm hoping you didn't come here for the candy, because we don't give any trick-or-treaties in the building.
00:49I can offer you, uh, I don't know, maybe a little chocolate protein powder?
00:53Protein powder? I'll pass.
00:56Okay, what's with the pumpkin?
00:58Well, I stopped by the market on the way home, and I started thinking about how much fun we used to have carving pumpkins when you were a kid.
01:05Oh, you want to do a little carving, huh?
01:07Why not? I haven't seen you since you started work on body and soul.
01:13So I thought this would be a good opportunity to bond.
01:18And in case you're not in the mood to stick your hands into some pumpkin guts,
01:24I thought we should bond over these.
01:27All right, all right.
01:30But I want to talk to you.
01:34Who are you trying to convince?
01:36Me or yourself?
01:38Either way, you're wasting your breath, because I don't buy it.
01:42Your lack of integrity has undermined me in far too many ways.
01:49Did I get it right?
01:54Nailed it!
01:57Ten pages down, a tad on.
02:00Sixty-five more to go.
02:04Hey, um...
02:08Be a pal.
02:09Make me an extra dry martini, please.
02:14Oh, come on, honey, please.
02:16I need to see a friendly face.
02:20Will mine do?
02:29Hey, Gio.
02:30I just finished at the bakery.
02:32I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to meet up for dinner?
02:36Uh, actually, I'm still at the studio.
02:41This late?
02:44Uh, Kate wanted me to swap places.
02:48She wanted me to swap my scripts for the next three shows, so...
02:53I'll probably be here a while.
03:10Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
03:19The End
03:26You're so beautiful!
03:28I know!
03:29Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie!
03:31Oh, I hope this isn't a bad time.
03:33Anderson let me in.
03:34Are you kidding me?
03:35Honey, it's never a bad time when my old pal Nancy comes to see me out of the blue.
03:42So, how are things in the big apple?
03:45What are you doing in Salem?
03:47Oh, we'll talk about me later.
03:49Right now, I want to talk about you.
03:56Is it true that you're now a big soap opera star?
04:03Well, um, get a load of this.
04:08Who are you trying to convince?
04:10Me or yourself?
04:12Because either way, I'm not buying it.
04:18Move over, Meryl Streep!
04:20Thank you, darling!
04:23Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you've heard of Bonnie and Saul all the way in New York City!
04:28Well, actually, it's the reason I'm here.
04:34How long do you think you're going to be at the studio?
04:37Uh, not sure. Still have a lot left to do.
04:43Less life of a director, huh?
04:48Well, I guess I can't really complain after you suffered through all those mornings of me getting up at the crack of dawn to open up the bakery.
04:56Hey, that reminds me. I, um, I stopped by Sweet Bits earlier today.
05:03Oh, yeah, right. Felicity told me.
05:06I'm sorry I missed you. I was running an errand.
05:10I can attest to you to keep this to yourself, right?
05:15Of course. Johnny will not hear a word about this from me.
05:19Good. Because my husband is totally clueless.
05:24Let's keep it that way.
05:40What was the errand?
05:42Oh, I had to stop by the pharmacy to get some medicine for my back in case it flares up again.
05:48And has it?
05:50Has it what?
05:52Flared up again.
05:54Oh. Nope. I'm doing good.
05:59Well, I'm glad to hear that.
06:01I'm glad to hear that, too.
06:04Nope. I'm doing good.
06:07Well, I'm glad to hear that.
06:10So, I guess I'll see you home later.
06:14Don't work too hard, okay?
06:16Love you.
06:21Pharmacy, my ass.
06:34What a nightmare for Xander, huh?
06:37Walking in on his own mother trying to push his wife down the stairs.
06:43I mean, it wasn't enough that the woman ran Sarah over and then set Brady up to take the fall.
06:50God. Makes everything we do on Body and Soul seem tame in comparison, right?
06:56Oh, what is that saying?
06:58Life is often crazier than fiction because fiction has to seem believable and life doesn't.
07:07I like that.
07:09I like that a lot.
07:11How's Bonnie like working on the show?
07:13Oh, she loves it.
07:14And she especially likes working with you, Alex.
07:17I'm thinking she's probably just glad to have an outlet to finally give her a break.
07:22She likes working with you, Alex.
07:24I'm thinking she's probably just glad to have an outlet to finally give all that motherly advice that she wanted to give me in real life.
07:31You're probably right about that.
07:35So, speaking of art imitating life, how is it working with your co-star?
07:41It's going fine.
07:43Even though Chanel and I haven't shot any scenes together yet, the photoshoot went smoothly, so I'm not expecting any problems.
07:51Glad to hear that.
07:53Yeah, so, no worries there.
07:59But, worries elsewhere.
08:03A little situation with another co-worker that got a little messy.
08:09So, after Alex and I renewed our agreement to stay just friends, I was about to go back to my apartment, but...
08:29The next thing I knew, we started making out.
08:34And then the next thing you knew after that?
08:37Think you can figure it out?
08:43Jada, it just feels like the more we try to stay just friends, the more we can't keep our hands off each other.
08:53Now, that sounds a lot like me and Rafe in the beginning.
08:58Except it doesn't look like you think it's a good thing.
09:02It's a complicated thing.
09:07I understand.
09:09But, Steph, it's happened twice now.
09:13And from what I'm hearing, I'm willing to bet that it will happen again.
09:18Well, I wouldn't bet against it.
09:23So, what do you think this means for the two of you?
09:26I have no idea.
09:29Well, it was all Kate and Abe's idea.
09:33Bless them to keep Buddy and Soul alive.
09:36Abe was a very big fan.
09:38Well, so am I.
09:41I just love it when you get to see all those divas going at it.
09:46Me too. And now I'm one of them.
09:50Crazy, right?
09:53Judging by that performance that you just put on for me before,
09:57you can act.
09:59Not to mention that you are beautiful and charismatic.
10:04And they're lucky to have you.
10:06Oh, honey, you're too much. Thank you.
10:11Anyway, I was reading in one of the soap mags that,
10:15well, they haven't finished casting all of Buddy and Soul yet.
10:20And I was wondering if that's still the case.
10:26Why do you ask?
10:28Were you thinking maybe you could snag a part?
10:32Oh, no, not for me.
10:34Oh, Bonnie, the last time I acted was in a play in high school,
10:39and I was so nervous.
10:42I forgot all my lines.
10:44All three of them?
10:46No, this is not for me at all.
10:49Okay, then. What?
10:54I'm here because I want my daughter to audition.
10:59And, Bonnie, I was hoping that you might be able to put in a good word.
11:09Hey, baby.
11:11Oh, it's so good to see you up and about.
11:15Yeah, well, my back is feeling much better
11:17thanks to the muscle relaxers that Kayla gave me.
11:19They really helped.
11:21Thank heaven for modern medicine.
11:23And thank heaven you had the night off from being mayor for once.
11:27Sorry for the late invitation.
11:29Are you kidding? I always make time for a mother-daughter dinner.
11:33So, you said Johnny couldn't make it?
11:36No, no, he's working late, unfortunately.
11:40Really? So late?
11:42Yeah, long hours when you have to direct five episodes of a soap opera a week.
11:48Oh, well, maybe you should lodge a complaint with his executive producer.
11:54Oh, no, no.
11:56Johnny is happy to have the job.
11:59We all are.
12:01Yeah, well, still, after a full day's work,
12:04that husband of yours should be having a relaxing dinner with his wife,
12:08not burning the midnight oil.
12:18A seat taken?
12:21All yours.
12:22Great, thank you.
12:24I've been traveling with my mother all day,
12:26so to say I need a drink would be an understatement.
12:31Well, you, uh, came to the right place.
12:36Sorry, you know what?
12:38I've only seen myself under fluorescent lights today,
12:41so before I order that much needed drink,
12:44instead of him, this mop, splash some water on my face.
12:50Actually, uh, could you order me one of those, please?
12:56Unless you're leaving soon.
12:59No, I've got nowhere to be.
13:23Good service here, huh?
13:31Oh, like I said, I needed that,
13:36because, oh, my God, I thought today would never end.
13:41My mother, with whom I'm traveling, is not only highly annoying,
13:45but she has absolutely zero respect for other people's boundaries, you know?
13:50I mean, try going through two airports, two flights, two ride shares with a woman.
13:55Every step of the way, drama.
13:59Sounds stressful.
14:00Yeah, no, nonstop stressful, actually.
14:03First, it starts out with us not being able to get coffee,
14:06because she's worried that we're going to miss our flight.
14:09We get to the airport three hours early.
14:12Makes me throw out my toiletries,
14:14because she doesn't want to waste time checking bags.
14:18Damn, I had some expensive moisturizers in there.
14:22The horror.
14:25And then we get through security with hours to spare,
14:31and all she wants to do is gossip about the other passengers,
14:37about what they're wearing, you know, things like that.
14:40She doesn't even let me watch the shows that I downloaded.
14:45Are you even listening to me?
14:47No, not really.
14:49And no offense, but you are aware that other people have problems as well, right?
14:54Wow, I thought Midwesterners were supposed to be friendly.
14:59Sorry, we're trying to have a conversation.
15:10I'm Johnny.
15:12What's your name?
15:17Hey, Joy.
15:20Welcome to Salem.
15:27Oh, how are things with you and Johnny?
15:30Only been a few days since I had to referee an early morning squabble at my apartment.
15:36Yeah, well, things are okay, but they are about to get a whole lot better.
15:44Oh, why's that?
15:46Well, because I am planning a surprise party for Johnny tomorrow for his birthday.
15:52It's going to be on set.
15:54Oh, on set, huh?
15:56Oh, well, that sounds like a cool idea.
15:59If you need any help, you know your mama loves parties and surprises.
16:03Oh, yeah, believe me.
16:05I know.
16:06I still haven't recovered from when you got Ricky Martin to perform at my fifth birthday party.
16:11You were definitely surprised.
16:13Oh, yeah.
16:15Even though the only song of his that I knew was Livin' La Vida Loca, and that was from Shrek,
16:19I was disappointed that you didn't get Puss in Boots.
16:23Well, the other mothers and fathers were very excited.
16:27I recall.
16:29But no, Johnny's party is going to be a little bit of a smaller gathering.
16:35I figured, I figured.
16:36But if you need any assistance, just tag in your mother.
16:40Oh, thank you, but I already enlisted Alex.
16:47Sweetheart, are you sure that's a good idea?
16:53So, you and Stephanie are spending a lot of time together, huh?
16:57I mean, Dad, it's kind of hard not to.
16:59We're working the same show together.
17:01We live across the hall from each other, for God's sake.
17:03Right, right.
17:05Well, Stephanie is a lovely person.
17:08I'm glad to hear that you're friends again.
17:18I detect that look on your face means that you are maybe more than friends again.
17:27Maybe, sort of.
17:31Let's see.
17:33Well, if you're maybe sort of more than friends again, and I do get the subtextual meaning of that,
17:42are you two getting back together?
17:52Okay, so did you guys talk?
17:54You mean after?
17:56Well, I wasn't asking about during.
17:59No, no, we didn't talk after.
18:03I woke up in his bed and got the hell out of there once I found my clothes.
18:08Walk of shame style?
18:16I mean, why? What is there to be ashamed of?
18:18I'm not ashamed.
18:21Just disappointed.
18:25You know, because we agreed that we weren't going to do anything that might ruin our friendship.
18:30And then we did.
18:32Well, the important word here is we, meaning you and Alex.
18:37So, it looks like he wanted it to happen too.
18:41It certainly seemed that way in the moment.
18:44Right, and are you both still friends?
18:47As far as I know.
18:50Well, then what's the problem?
18:52It's not a crime, you know, to be friends with someone and occasionally have sex.
19:01Unless someone wants more than that.
19:10So you want Chloe to audition for Body and Soul?
19:13Oh, no, Bonnie.
19:15Chloe is a singer, not an actress.
19:20And you said that you want your daughter to...
19:22My other daughter, Joy.
19:31Thanks for the walk, Donna.
19:34Yeah, well, it obviously came a little too late.
19:37And for the record, Midwesterners generally are very friendly.
19:43So, you're an exception.
19:46Not always.
19:49Bad mood.
19:50Yeah, I got that.
19:52If you don't mind me asking, what got you in the bad mood?
20:02My wife did, actually.
20:07Yeah, she's...
20:11She's cheating on me.
20:25Oh, so, okay.
20:27You want Joy to audition for Body and Soul, Chloe's baby sister.
20:32Who is all grown up.
20:35And quite a handful, I might add.
20:38She is stubborn and she's feisty and she's...
20:44She is full of you-know-what and vinegar.
20:49I wonder who she takes after.
20:54All right, she's a lot like her mother.
20:56Poor kid.
20:58But, Bonnie, she has a knack for getting herself into the messiest of situations.
21:07So, your wife is cheating on you.
21:11Did I just say that out loud to a stranger?
21:16Hey, no worries here.
21:19I'm not going to tell anybody.
21:21It's not like we have anybody in common anyway, right?
21:25But who would I tell?
21:28Yeah, yeah, that's a good point.
21:34I'm really sorry what you're going through.
21:39That really sucks.
21:44And I'm sure you don't want to hear my two cents, but I do have a lifetime of experience assuming the worst in people.
21:54So, I don't know, is there a chance you're jumping to conclusions based on flimsy evidence?
22:02Not too flimsy, actually.
22:04I walked in on them.
22:10Well, there goes that theory.
22:14So, who's the guy?
22:18You know him?
22:20Yeah, I know him.
22:22And she works with him.
22:24So, what, they start flirting at the copy machine?
22:30Actually, they knew each other prior to working together.
22:34They actually slept with each other before she and I were married, so.
22:38Oh, wow.
22:39And you're okay with them working side by side?
22:43She swore to me that everything that happened between them was in the past.
22:48I learned that she wasn't even attracted to him anymore, and I stupidly believed her.
22:56Hey, she's your wife.
22:59I trusted her.
23:03So, what did you do after you walked in on them?
23:06Oh, I turned around and walked out.
23:10You confronted her, though, right?
23:12No, I didn't.
23:14Why the hell not?
23:20Relax, Mama, okay?
23:22I created an ally on set, and Alex volunteered to help me with Johnny's party, which was really nice of him, actually.
23:29Oh, good.
23:32Okay, you said okay, like it's not totally okay.
23:36Well, now, correct me if I'm wrong now, but isn't Alex the reason you had to come over not too long ago and use my shower?
23:45Because Johnny got all jealous about you two shooting those love scenes together.
23:50No, no, no, that was the photo shoot, but we talked that out. We talked it out. It was fine.
23:55Yeah, well, I talked to him later that day, and he admitted that it's been harder on him than he expected.
24:00Right, and I understand that, but what I think is that we just, once we get this first bedroom scene done and over with,
24:09everyone will realize that it is all okay and that it is not a threat to anyone's marriage or relationship.
24:16It's make-believe.
24:18Also, you didn't shoot the love scene yet?
24:22No, I thought I told you. We had to put it on hold because of the whole situation with my dad.
24:27On hold for when?
24:32Okay, but I think that what is really getting to Johnny is the anticipation of it all,
24:36so I really do believe that once said love scene is over and done with, everything is going to be just fine.
24:48No. Stephanie and I, we're not getting back together, Dad.
24:54It didn't work out the first time. There's no reason why it could the second.
24:58And if you may remember, I was just married to Theresa about five minutes ago,
25:03and on top of that, Stephanie just lost somebody that was really important to her.
25:14I don't mean to be insensitive, but Everett is gone, and so is Theresa.
25:24But it doesn't matter, Dad.
25:26You know, I just don't think Stephanie and I are really meant to be.
25:32It's just not like that.
25:36Okay, so what is it like?
25:42Look, neither Alex nor I want more than what is going on right now.
25:48A friendship with the occasional lovemaking.
25:51Okay, can we not call it lovemaking?
25:54Please, no one is in love here, okay?
25:58But still.
26:01But still what?
26:04I get the feeling that there is something you're not saying.
26:08Like what? I'm just saying that no one is in love here, and that no one includes me.
26:14Right. I heard what you said.
26:17But Steph, I know how it is with exes, okay?
26:22And when you run into each other at a vulnerable time, you know, the physical stuff comes easy.
26:28The attraction is still there.
26:35I don't know, you know, hearing you talk, and the vibe that your friend here is getting,
26:41I'm starting to think that maybe there's some feeling still there.
26:58Oh, here's Joy at the airport.
27:00Honey, she is so beautiful.
27:03And she knows it, too.
27:06A born performer.
27:09And a real drama queen.
27:13So, anyway, when I saw the casting notice for Body and Soul, I thought,
27:20why not come and let her bring that to the screen?
27:25Especially since she's...
27:28Especially since she's what?
27:32Well, Bonnie, um...
27:35Lately, Joy has been so adrift.
27:39I mean, one minute she's applying to beauty school,
27:43the next moment she wants to be a doctor.
27:46Like her daddy.
27:51Anyway, I thought that if...
27:55If she could just get a part on Body and Soul, then...
28:00Just maybe Joy could find her purpose.
28:07Obviously, I wanted to confront him.
28:10Like, my wife and the guy that she was having sex with.
28:14And I wanted to walk in there and just beat him to a pulp, you know?
28:20And I just, uh...
28:23Oh, my.
28:25I went numb.
28:29I get that.
28:32What about the next time you saw her?
28:34When I saw her later, I thought that she was gonna confess.
28:38You know, tell me it was all just some horrible mistake, and beg for my forgiveness.
28:43Would you have been okay with it if she had?
28:46Obviously not, okay?
28:48But at least I could have...
28:51Maybe worked past it, eventually.
28:56But instead of being honest with me and contrite, she just, uh...
29:02She acted like nothing even happened.
29:04She just lied.
29:05Right to my face.
29:07And then what?
29:09Then she snuck out to see him again the next day.
29:16Told me she was going to run an errand.
29:20Really, she just went over to his apartment.
29:21I saw her leave.
29:24Heard her make him swear not to say anything.
29:26Heard her call me clueless, even.
29:30Okay, I'm sorry, but...
29:32This woman sounds like a stone-cold bitch.
29:37If she's not, though...
29:41You know, if you would have asked me a month ago...
29:46If she was capable of doing something like this, I would have said no way in hell.
29:53Now it's like...
29:57I don't even know who she is anymore.
30:00And, uh...
30:03Even though...
30:04I don't know.
30:05The reason that I'm not confronting her...
30:09You know, telling her that I know she's cheating on me, that I saw her...
30:13That I walked in on her cheating on me...
30:21What's the reason?
30:26I guess it's, uh...
30:29I feel like if I...
30:32If I actually say it, if I put it out there...
30:37Then it's real.
30:40And I would still give anything for it not to be.
30:49Okay, so the goal is to get through this love scene...
30:53And then surprise Johnny with a party.
30:56And since Alex is gonna be helping with that surprise, then maybe Johnny will feel better about him...
31:01And then we can all move forward as friends.
31:05By our peace and love.
31:08Yeah, right, until the next sex scene.
31:11Okay, um, love scene, first of all. That's what I prefer to call it.
31:15And second of all, Mama, you're not helping.
31:18Well, you know, darling, I just, you know, I want you to have realistic expectations.
31:23Okay, how am I being unrealistic, Mama?
31:27I truly believe that once we have gone through this experience together...
31:32Of Johnny directing, Alex and I acting in this love scene...
31:39Then it is just gonna be a million percent easier moving forward.
31:44A million percent?
31:46Yes, a million percent.
31:50After we do this, all the weird tension and hurt feelings, that will all be over with.
31:56After tomorrow, it is going to be smooth sailing.
31:59All the way.
32:02What's it like between Stephanie and me?
32:09Well, as you know, Dad, I was in a pretty low place when I moved back in here.
32:13Stephanie Kipp, she kept me steady.
32:17She helped me through the dark times.
32:20I just can't stop thinking about...
32:24What it was like when we were together, and...
32:28How badly I screwed things up, man.
32:32I was an idiot, I hurt her very badly.
32:35Took us a long time just to get back to a place of being friends again, you know?
32:39Have you had this conversation with Stephanie?
32:41Yeah, yeah, many times.
32:43And she agreed that we need to just keep things the way they are.
32:48Except that you are now, as you just described it...
32:53Sorta, kinda, more than friends.
33:02Well, this morning after we woke up, she ran out of here like the apartment was on fire.
33:06After calling the whole thing a mistake.
33:11Do you agree with that?
33:13That the whole thing was a mistake?
33:19Okay, I admit...
33:22The idea of getting back together with Alex has crossed my mind.
33:25It's just...
33:27It went so horribly the last time.
33:32He and I have been through a lot.
33:35He and I have been getting along so well...
33:38Recently, I don't...
33:40I don't wanna risk losing that.
33:43Even if you feel something for him?
33:47Even if I do.
33:49Alex doesn't feel the same way.
33:52How do you know that?
33:53Have you asked him?
34:06I have not asked Alex if he has feelings for me.
34:09Because, first of all, how embarrassing would it be if he says he doesn't?
34:12And, second of all...
34:15I haven't forgotten the old Alex.
34:18He was a player and...
34:20A very bad boyfriend.
34:23Look, people change.
34:24I mean, he did just get married.
34:28Yeah, for five minutes.
34:31Yeah, for five minutes.
34:34There were no faults of his own, so...
34:35Yeah, I do...
34:37I do believe that he has changed.
34:41But how much?
34:43I mean, this is a guy who's had multiple threesomes.
34:47He seems very comfortable with the friends and benefits thing.
34:53Well, then maybe that's a good thing.
34:56If that's what you are.
35:01Except I'm not fine with it.
35:03I admit that. I...
35:08I don't know. It's confusing.
35:09And it feels...
35:16Plain wrong.
35:20You know what? As far as I'm concerned...
35:23Alex and I are strictly friends.
35:26From now on...
35:28No more sex.
35:33Stay phone.
35:40You know, Dad, I don't even know if I have a knife sharp enough to carve the pumpkin.
35:44You're avoiding my question, Alex.
35:46Which I understand.
35:48You're a grown-ass man.
35:51Your tough life is none of my business.
35:53Dad, I don't mind you asking me about it. I really don't.
35:55And I understand why. It's because you care.
35:57And I appreciate that.
35:59But the whole thing's moot.
36:01Stuffing is not interested in me like that.
36:04Can we please just carve the pumpkin?
36:10But you, my friend, are on guts duty.
36:12Oh, no, no. That's not fair.
36:13Oh, yes, you are.
36:14I bought the pumpkin and dragged it over here.
36:17Because you're so good at it.
36:19You're gonna get your hands very sticky.
36:21And you're gonna work those guts.
36:23You're gonna clean that pumpkin.
36:24Oh, my God. Okay.
36:25All right. I'm on guts duty.
36:26Oh, my God.
36:32Oh, Bonnie, it is so good to see you.
36:35Look at you, darling.
36:37Oh, and congratulations on being a diva.
36:41Well, you know I was always a diva.
36:44Just I wasn't a diva on TV.
36:47Oh, hon, you are now.
36:49And I am so sure you are going to be a fan favorite.
36:52Oh, well, that's the goal.
36:55And you know what?
36:56I know you have nothing to do with casting, but...
36:59Nancy, say no more.
37:02It would be my pleasure to put in a good word for your beautiful daughter.
37:07Oh, honey, it really would be a pleasure.
37:11And you know what?
37:12This diva is gonna throw her weight around
37:15and make sure your daughter gets an audition.
37:23All right, diva, diva, woo-hoo!
37:27So what are you gonna do?
37:29I mean, apart from drowning your sorrows
37:33and telling your deepest secrets to a stranger?
37:35Yeah, you're not a stranger, not anymore.
37:38Well, I guess that's true.
37:41Still, you can't hold up in this bar forever.
37:45No, I can't.
37:48That would get very old very fast.
37:50In fact, it already is getting old, actually.
37:56Except for your company.
37:59Well, thanks.
38:03Johnny, you can't let your wife keep cheating on you
38:07while you act like nothing's wrong.
38:09That's gonna eat you up inside.
38:12It already is.
38:15No, I am the one who asked you to dinner.
38:18Now, it is my pleasure to treat you.
38:21And from what I've heard, celebrities never pay for anything.
38:25You know what I've heard, don't you?
38:28You know, it's too bad I wasn't on a soap opera
38:31when you cut off all my credit cards.
38:33Oh, well, you know, honey,
38:36you have grown up a lot since then.
38:40I mean, look at you.
38:42You're not only a wonderful wife,
38:45you're a successful entrepreneur and an actress.
38:51With an amazing mother who is also a wonderful wife.
38:56And hold on, drum roll please,
38:58the mayor of this fine city.
39:01Oh, honey, we both have a lot to be proud of
39:05and grateful for, don't we?
39:07Yes, yes, we sure do.
39:11All right, well now, I should be heading home.
39:19I want to be well rested,
39:20and not only for those scenes that I'll be shooting tomorrow,
39:23but also for the big surprise.
39:31You're right.
39:33I do have to confront my wife sooner rather than later.
39:45Not tonight.
