• last year
Are you afraid to cycle and what would get you on a bike?
00:00I think there's always going to be a bit of a war between drivers and cyclists that comes to mind.
00:05I feel like the only way to really help towards that kind of war
00:12is maybe making it so it's a bit easier for space for cyclists on the roads.
00:18Maybe newer road plans that they tend to bring in,
00:21maybe thinking there's also going to be cyclists on this road as well.
00:28Potentially, yeah, because it does feel a lot safer when there's a dedicated lane for me on the road.
00:34That definitely makes me feel a lot more comfortable.
00:38I do think it'd be better if there was more cycle lanes on roads to get them off the pavements.
00:43For example, it is the quickest route to get for me through this busy area
00:49and it also tells me to come here on my SatNav when I click the cycling route.
00:54On the moor?
00:55Through the moor, yeah.
00:57I don't know if they could incorporate a bit more thought into
01:01like when you type in a cycle route on Google Maps, that could help.
01:06I've not so much heard people talking about cyclists as much
01:11but more the cycles you see quite a lot with the throttle.
01:17You don't really have to pedal a lot.
01:19I do see quite a lot of those and I don't think I'm not opposed to those
01:24but it can just be a bit dangerous.
01:27I've been spooked a few times, someone going quite quickly at a high speed.
01:32Because I can't cycle, I tried to cycle when I was given a bike, a second-hand one
01:38and I practiced for a few hours, falling off.
01:42We put it in a, not a garden shed, sort of next to the house.
01:46You know, sort of, not a shed, you know, adjacent to the house.
01:51A little...
01:54And it was stolen overnight, I've never got me a new one.
01:57How old were you?
01:58Now I'm about 60.
02:00How old were you then?
02:01I think about 10.
02:05What do you think of cyclists?
02:09I'm jealous of them because I can't cycle.
02:12And I'm afraid of them because they're very silent.
02:15Say again?
02:16They're silent, they're almost silent when they come behind you and you almost get run over.
02:20And many don't have the sense to actually ring the bell when they come behind you.
02:25And I've never been run over by a cyclist, but I've come very, very close.
02:30Just literally looking around, about to pop over, straight past me.
02:35Is there anything that could get you back on a bike?
02:41A free bike.
02:43Which I could actually practice at my leisure until I got the hang of it.
