• 2 days ago


00:02:12Bad news.
00:02:13Won't be making it home for Christmas after all.
00:02:31Could I get a black coffee to go, please?
00:02:33We're out.
00:02:35Have a coffee?
00:02:44More coffee?
00:02:45Great, thank you.
00:03:23I didn't realize being a small-town librarian
00:03:25also meant being good with power tools.
00:03:28Well, that's what you get for listing
00:03:30able-to-acquire skills quickly and efficiently
00:03:32on your resume.
00:03:34Oh, any word from the nomination committee yet?
00:03:37And I can confidently say
00:03:38hitting refresh 1,800 times
00:03:41does not make an email appear.
00:03:44Do you think this will work?
00:03:46I hope so.
00:03:47Because getting a petition
00:03:48to stop the construction didn't.
00:03:51Well, I guess grassroots movements
00:03:53aren't as effective as they used to be.
00:03:55Yeah, but if we can get the post office
00:03:57recognized as a National Historic Site,
00:03:59no one will be able to tear it down
00:04:01or turn it into some eyesore of an office building.
00:04:03Tell you what's not an eyesore.
00:04:05Noah Harrington.
00:04:06Darla, he is the enemy.
00:04:08I'm just saying.
00:04:09Give me back week coaster.
00:04:13Well, I've been praying every morning
00:04:15for a response from the committee.
00:04:17Have faith.
00:04:18It'll all work out.
00:04:19I hope so.
00:04:27Your prayers may have been answered.
00:04:30The nomination committee
00:04:31is granting an injunction
00:04:32to pause construction
00:04:33until they can review the full application.
00:04:36So you'll present it
00:04:37at the town meeting this afternoon?
00:04:38Yeah, as soon as I'm done
00:04:39at the Wesley Manor house tour.
00:04:41I will see you there.
00:04:42Save me a seat.
00:04:43Will do.
00:04:47I'll see you in a couple hours.
00:04:50I'll see you in a couple hours.
00:05:08They serve you at the cafe?
00:05:10Yeah, of course.
00:05:11They love me.
00:05:12You always were a charmer.
00:05:14Hey, the, uh,
00:05:15building plan presentation
00:05:16ready for the town meeting?
00:05:17It's not the building plans
00:05:18I'm worried about.
00:05:19They're solid.
00:05:20I just...
00:05:21I need to persuade
00:05:22the people of this town
00:05:23to give me a chance
00:05:25and listen to my proposal.
00:05:26I don't need any problems
00:05:28once construction starts,
00:05:29and so far,
00:05:30people here haven't exactly
00:05:32been welcoming.
00:05:33Ha ha.
00:05:37Oh, this coffee is disgusting.
00:05:40you better be convincing
00:05:41at this meeting
00:05:42or get used to
00:05:43caffeine withdrawals.
00:05:44Ha ha.
00:05:45You have both made
00:05:47some very good points,
00:05:49and I will consider both sides.
00:05:54Now, I would like to welcome
00:05:56to the podium
00:05:57Noah Harrington
00:05:58for his office-building proposal.
00:06:00Please hold all questions
00:06:02until the end.
00:06:17Good afternoon, everyone.
00:06:21Many of you have
00:06:22already seen
00:06:23the proposed design plans,
00:06:25so I'm here today
00:06:26to talk about
00:06:27the benefits
00:06:28of the new space.
00:06:31This new office space
00:06:32will provide an opportunity
00:06:33for small to mid-sized businesses
00:06:35who don't need
00:06:36to operate out of the city
00:06:38to confidently run
00:06:39their companies from here,
00:06:40benefiting from
00:06:41the lower cost of living
00:06:42and the convenience
00:06:43of operating remotely.
00:06:45With so many more
00:06:46businesses remaining local,
00:06:47this will create
00:06:48new employment opportunities
00:06:50for the next generation.
00:06:59I was getting worried.
00:07:01The tour ran late.
00:07:04I'll call you soon.
00:07:07I thought we were
00:07:08holding questions
00:07:09until the end.
00:07:10She's the town historian.
00:07:11I think we should
00:07:12hear her concerns.
00:07:16Go ahead
00:07:17with your question.
00:07:18Post office
00:07:19has been in this community
00:07:20since the late 1800s.
00:07:21It was once
00:07:22the heart of Oak Creek.
00:07:25I'm sorry,
00:07:26what was your question?
00:07:27Well, I thought
00:07:28it was implied.
00:07:29How can you even
00:07:30entertain the idea
00:07:31of tearing it down?
00:07:32The post office
00:07:33hasn't been operational
00:07:34in decades.
00:07:35Well, it's not
00:07:36about functionality.
00:07:37It's about preserving history.
00:07:39And what do you propose
00:07:40the city does with it
00:07:43I suggest
00:07:44educational tours,
00:07:45hosting local events.
00:07:48I'm assuming
00:07:49this isn't
00:07:50your everyday attire.
00:07:52I give tours
00:07:53at Wesley Manor House.
00:07:56How many people
00:07:57were on this tour?
00:08:01Is that average?
00:08:02Well, in the summer months
00:08:03we can see up to eight or nine.
00:08:05At what cost per person?
00:08:07Well, it's actually free.
00:08:09So not at
00:08:10all that lucrative
00:08:11for the local economy then.
00:08:12It's not always
00:08:13about money,
00:08:14Mr. Harrington.
00:08:15Some of us care
00:08:16about the community
00:08:17and about preserving
00:08:18the past.
00:08:19Mayor Mitchell,
00:08:20was that not the slogan
00:08:21for your last campaign?
00:08:22Preserving the past
00:08:23as a way to our future?
00:08:25Yes, it was.
00:08:26The past is very important
00:08:27here in Oak Creek.
00:08:30what future
00:08:31does Oak Creek have
00:08:32without growth?
00:08:33Not a very prosperous one.
00:08:35The younger generation
00:08:36are moving away for jobs.
00:08:37The general population
00:08:38is aging
00:08:39and tourism
00:08:40in Oak Creek
00:08:41is nowhere near
00:08:42as competitive
00:08:43as neighboring communities.
00:08:44Wasn't that
00:08:45a major concern
00:08:46of yours too, Mayor?
00:08:48Yes, it was
00:08:49a major concern.
00:08:50You both
00:08:51make very good points.
00:08:53Well, it might not
00:08:54be up to you
00:08:55or me
00:08:56or Mayor Mitchell.
00:08:57What do you mean?
00:08:58I applied to the
00:08:59National Registry
00:09:00of Historic Places
00:09:01to get a designation
00:09:02for the building
00:09:03to protect it.
00:09:06You're on hold.
00:09:10Great job, Tessa.
00:09:12We have a timeline
00:09:13for construction.
00:09:14Yes, right.
00:09:15And, uh,
00:09:16we will have that sorted
00:09:18I'm sorry,
00:09:19can I see that, please?
00:09:21Oh, it's, uh,
00:09:22it's actually
00:09:23just a blank piece of paper
00:09:24for effect.
00:09:25But I promise you
00:09:26I have the injunction.
00:09:27You're really
00:09:28going to hold this up
00:09:29for sentimentality?
00:09:31And you really want
00:09:32to force an agenda
00:09:33that no one here wants?
00:09:37I have a suggestion.
00:09:41seeing as
00:09:42we're at a standstill,
00:09:44why doesn't Tessa
00:09:45work with Noah
00:09:49to see if a compromise
00:09:50could be had?
00:09:51You know,
00:09:52after all,
00:09:53part of her job
00:09:54is preservationist.
00:09:56I think that's
00:09:57a great suggestion.
00:09:58No, I don't.
00:09:59I don't.
00:10:00No, let's not.
00:10:01All those in favor
00:10:02of Noah and Tessa
00:10:03collaborating to find
00:10:04a mutually beneficial
00:10:10What was my idea?
00:10:13All opposed?
00:10:17Then it's decided
00:10:18as part of her role
00:10:19as town historian,
00:10:21Tessa will be
00:10:22the preservationist
00:10:23on this project.
00:10:28Why would you say that?
00:10:30If you work with him
00:10:31instead of against him,
00:10:32you might be able
00:10:33to convince him
00:10:34to have change of heart.
00:10:35You know,
00:10:36more bees with honey
00:10:37kind of thing.
00:10:38There's gonna be
00:10:39a bee in my bonnet,
00:10:40all right?
00:10:41He's cute, though.
00:10:52Nice touch.
00:10:54a bit of Christmas cheer.
00:10:56how was the town hall meeting?
00:10:58It was
00:10:59not the best.
00:11:00I didn't even get
00:11:01to the end of my presentation
00:11:02before this young woman
00:11:03started talking about history
00:11:04and waving a piece of paper
00:11:05in my face.
00:11:07So what now?
00:11:08Can we move forward or...
00:11:09She's put an application
00:11:10in with the National Registry
00:11:11for Historical Places
00:11:12to stop us.
00:11:14And until we hear back,
00:11:15the mayor
00:11:16wants us to work together
00:11:17to find a solution.
00:11:20maybe you can convince her
00:11:21into withdrawing
00:11:22her application.
00:11:23I doubt it.
00:11:24She seemed very adamant
00:11:25to stop this project.
00:11:27I think what we're
00:11:28gonna have to do
00:11:29is fight the injunction.
00:11:30Might just take
00:11:31a little extra effort here.
00:11:32This Tessa Finley
00:11:33seems to have already
00:11:34made up her mind.
00:11:37tell me more
00:11:38about this Tessa.
00:11:39She seems to have you
00:11:40quite worked up.
00:11:46I guess she's
00:11:48Definitely stubborn.
00:11:49Sounds familiar.
00:11:51And somehow she makes
00:11:52clothes from the 1800s
00:11:53look fashionable.
00:11:58it could be nice
00:11:59to actually make a friend
00:12:00in this town, you know?
00:12:01Understand where
00:12:02you're from,
00:12:03maybe find some
00:12:04common ground
00:12:05with these people.
00:12:06And besides,
00:12:07you have been so worked up
00:12:08for years
00:12:09with all the work.
00:12:10When was the last time
00:12:11you actually hung out
00:12:12with a woman?
00:12:13Come on,
00:12:14don't start that again.
00:12:15I'm just saying
00:12:16you could use a little
00:12:17extra balance in your life.
00:12:18Maybe one day.
00:12:19But right now,
00:12:20I have a very important
00:12:21project to save.
00:12:31check it out.
00:12:35Oh, a Christmas mailbox.
00:12:37there's still letters
00:12:38in here.
00:12:40Here, have a look at that.
00:12:42These are all to Santa.
00:12:46From 1992.
00:12:48That's the year the post office
00:12:49shut down.
00:12:50Poor kids.
00:12:51Must have been
00:12:52a disappointing Christmas
00:12:53that year.
00:12:54What do you reckon
00:12:55we should do with this?
00:12:56Be ashamed to just toss it?
00:12:58getting to you now?
00:12:59I just think
00:13:00maybe you need to
00:13:01change your approach
00:13:02to the residents here
00:13:03and one preservationist
00:13:04in particular.
00:13:13You're a genius.
00:13:21Come in.
00:13:25Mr. Harrington,
00:13:26I trust you received
00:13:27my email
00:13:28with the injunction letter?
00:13:29I did.
00:13:30Thank you for sending.
00:13:33No mannered tours today?
00:13:35What can I do
00:13:36for you, Mr. Harrington?
00:13:38call me Noah.
00:13:40If we're gonna be
00:13:41working together,
00:13:42we should probably
00:13:43move past the formalities.
00:13:44It's Tessa, right?
00:13:45Miss Finley's fine.
00:13:48Well, Miss Finley,
00:13:50we actually found
00:13:51this old mailbox
00:13:52when we were cleaning
00:13:53out the post office.
00:13:56And there are still
00:13:57letters inside
00:13:58from 1992.
00:14:00All addressed
00:14:01to the North Pole.
00:14:05Thought maybe
00:14:06you could help me
00:14:07track down the town residents
00:14:08and make some
00:14:09Christmas wishes come true?
00:14:11I'll be at a few decades late.
00:14:13You wanna play Santa?
00:14:16Despite what your
00:14:17impression of me is,
00:14:19I'm not a Scourge.
00:14:21I thought maybe a little goodwill
00:14:22could go a long way.
00:14:24you know bribery won't work
00:14:25to get the community's support.
00:14:26At this point,
00:14:27I'll settle for
00:14:28a decent cup of coffee.
00:14:30But it's more than that.
00:14:31Giving back
00:14:32to the communities
00:14:33I'm invested in
00:14:34is very important to me,
00:14:35and I feel like
00:14:36this is a great way
00:14:37to do that here in Oak Creek.
00:14:39We're stuck working
00:14:40together anyway, right?
00:14:41And the construction's
00:14:42on hold
00:14:43thanks to your diligent efforts,
00:14:45so why not spread
00:14:46some Christmas cheer?
00:14:47Well, it could get costly.
00:14:49Are you planning on
00:14:50funding this act
00:14:51of generosity yourself?
00:14:53My company actually
00:14:54has funds allocated
00:14:55specifically for
00:14:56Christmas donations,
00:14:57and I can't think
00:14:58of a better way
00:14:59to use the money.
00:15:02I'll help you.
00:15:06You know,
00:15:07if you're looking
00:15:08for more office space,
00:15:09I know just the building.
00:15:11Don't push it,
00:15:12Mr. Harrington.
00:15:14And you are Tesla?
00:15:16Don't mistake my
00:15:17kindness and cooperation
00:15:18as a weakness.
00:15:20Wouldn't dream of it.
00:15:30Can I help you
00:15:31find something?
00:15:32Oh, I'm just
00:15:33waiting for Noah.
00:15:34He came by to see Tesla.
00:15:35Oh, did he?
00:15:37Well, you know,
00:15:38everybody comes
00:15:39to the library
00:15:40to discover something
00:15:41about themselves.
00:15:43Thank you,
00:15:44but I'm just browsing.
00:15:46Suit yourself.
00:15:48Oh, God.
00:15:49Oh, God.
00:16:02Can I
00:16:03give you a hand
00:16:04with something?
00:16:06um, yeah.
00:16:10No worries.
00:16:14Get this out.
00:16:21Excuse me.
00:16:24Sorry, Brad.
00:16:25Things are just
00:16:26not working out.
00:16:27But have a Merry Christmas.
00:16:29Uh, excuse me?
00:16:31Oh, I'm sorry.
00:16:32It's not my business.
00:16:33No, it's fine.
00:16:34We'd only been on
00:16:35a few dates,
00:16:36so it's not a big
00:16:37breakup or anything.
00:16:38It's just...
00:16:39And honestly,
00:16:40I'd rather she be honest.
00:16:41You know, but
00:16:42would it be nice
00:16:43to have someone special
00:16:44to spend Christmas with?
00:16:46Well, I mean,
00:16:47I'm no expert
00:16:48on finding Christmas romance,
00:16:49but luckily for you,
00:16:50we have
00:16:51an entire section
00:16:53on relationship advice
00:16:54at our disposal.
00:17:01Found it.
00:17:02Here you go.
00:17:04Oh, wow.
00:17:06thank you,
00:17:07but, uh,
00:17:08yeah, I'm not exactly
00:17:09a self-help book
00:17:10kind of guy.
00:17:13No problem.
00:17:15excuse me?
00:17:16That's Noah.
00:17:17Duty calls.
00:17:23Thanks for your help
00:17:24with the shelves.
00:17:25Yeah, no problem.
00:17:27He'll be back.
00:17:46Looking for something?
00:17:48So many letters.
00:17:50Better get reading.
00:17:56What's wrong?
00:17:57Do you think it's okay
00:17:58that we're opening
00:17:59all these letters?
00:18:02As owner of this building.
00:18:03A lot still to be seen.
00:18:07As temporary
00:18:09of this building.
00:18:11As temporary
00:18:13of this building.
00:18:15As temporary
00:18:16owner of this building.
00:18:18now make you
00:18:19an honorary
00:18:20post office employee.
00:18:23They're just letters
00:18:24to Santa.
00:18:25From kids.
00:18:26From 1992.
00:18:37Dear Santa,
00:18:38I've been good this year.
00:18:41as good as I can be
00:18:42with a new baby brother.
00:18:43Michelle Grant.
00:18:46She's a teacher
00:18:47in town now.
00:18:48We were actually
00:18:49in the same grade
00:18:50and I remember
00:18:51the year her brother
00:18:52was born.
00:18:53She was so worried
00:18:54her parents wouldn't
00:18:55have time for her
00:18:56with all the attention
00:18:57given to the new baby.
00:18:58Well, she certainly
00:18:59wasn't materialistic.
00:19:00All she asked for
00:19:01was snow.
00:19:07Dear Santa,
00:19:08this year
00:19:09all I really want
00:19:10is my Grams and Grams
00:19:11to visit.
00:19:12I haven't had Christmas
00:19:13with them since
00:19:14my grandpa got sick.
00:19:16Are all the kids
00:19:17in Oak Creek
00:19:18this altruistic?
00:19:19I told you.
00:19:20This town
00:19:21cherishes what's
00:19:22really important.
00:19:23Family, community,
00:19:25Which is why
00:19:26you're gonna have
00:19:27a hard time
00:19:28swaying anyone
00:19:29with your new
00:19:30office building.
00:19:31Some kid in town
00:19:32must have wanted
00:19:33something with a big
00:19:34bow on it
00:19:35under the tree.
00:19:36Dear Santa,
00:19:37this year
00:19:38more than anything
00:19:39I really want
00:19:40tickets to see
00:19:41the New York Islanders
00:19:42play on December 20th.
00:19:46what about this?
00:19:48Oh, Greg Carson's.
00:19:49Yeah, he owns
00:19:50the local grocery
00:19:51store in town.
00:19:52His wife died last year
00:19:53after a long battle
00:19:54with cancer.
00:19:55It's just him
00:19:56and his teenage son now.
00:19:58It's been a challenging year.
00:20:01This one I can do.
00:20:02Did you find
00:20:03a time machine
00:20:04in here too?
00:20:06obviously not
00:20:07for the 1992 game
00:20:08but for an upcoming one.
00:20:09For him and his son.
00:20:10Might give him
00:20:11something to look forward to.
00:20:13That's a very
00:20:14nice gesture
00:20:15but I think
00:20:16it might be
00:20:17too expensive
00:20:18and might be
00:20:19a little late
00:20:20to find tickets.
00:20:22My company
00:20:23just so happens
00:20:24to have season tickets.
00:20:27You're giving away
00:20:28my seat to one of
00:20:29the biggest games
00:20:30of the season?
00:20:31It's for a good cause.
00:20:35where's my coffee?
00:20:37Kim was on to me.
00:20:38Any luck
00:20:39figuring a way
00:20:40out of this?
00:20:42I've been going over
00:20:43this national
00:20:45for the past year
00:20:46and I haven't
00:20:47been able to find
00:20:48a seat.
00:20:50I'm going to have
00:20:51to find a way
00:20:52out of this.
00:20:53I'm going to have
00:20:54to find a way
00:20:55out of this.
00:20:56I've been going over
00:20:57this national
00:20:58registry application process
00:20:59and there are
00:21:00several conditions
00:21:01that need to be met
00:21:02to get the designation.
00:21:04Age of the building
00:21:05has to be 150 years old.
00:21:07she's got that one.
00:21:08And it also
00:21:09still needs to have
00:21:10its original integrity.
00:21:11Not sure
00:21:13is the word I'd use
00:21:14but it does look
00:21:15the same
00:21:16as it always did.
00:21:17There is
00:21:18one condition
00:21:19that we might be able
00:21:20to work a loophole
00:21:21in our favor.
00:21:23This building
00:21:24used to have
00:21:25and maybe it doesn't
00:21:27Historical value?
00:21:28Only if it's being
00:21:29used somehow
00:21:30to educate
00:21:31or bring in tourism.
00:21:34that'll be Tess's plan.
00:21:36but it hasn't
00:21:37happened yet.
00:21:38I wrote a letter
00:21:39arguing our case.
00:21:40I mean,
00:21:41it's worth a shot.
00:21:44let's hope for the best.
00:21:59Ready to play Santa?
00:22:34Wanna grab dinner
00:22:35at the cafe later?
00:22:36My team's meeting up
00:22:37at the ice rink tonight.
00:22:38Maybe you say
00:22:39where should we go?
00:22:43we haven't seen
00:22:44you in a while.
00:22:45Saturday night?
00:22:46Sorry, Dad.
00:22:47I promised Liam
00:22:48we'd hang out
00:22:49and try his new VR set.
00:22:50It's the latest model.
00:22:52That's cool.
00:22:56Hey, Tessa.
00:22:57Mr. Harrington?
00:22:58Ah, it's Noah.
00:22:59Just give me a second.
00:23:00I'll be right with you.
00:23:02Here you go.
00:23:04We actually came by
00:23:05because Mr. Harrington
00:23:08found the old
00:23:09mailbox to Santa
00:23:10and one of your letters
00:23:11was inside.
00:23:20I would have gotten this wish
00:23:21even if the letter
00:23:22had been delivered.
00:23:23Those game tickets
00:23:24for long sold out.
00:23:25Thanks for the letter, though.
00:23:27We, um,
00:23:30thought it might not
00:23:31be too late
00:23:32to grant some Christmas wishes.
00:23:36What's this?
00:23:37Open it.
00:23:44You're giving me tickets
00:23:45to the Islanders hockey game
00:23:46this weekend?
00:23:48I can't accept these.
00:23:49And if this is a way
00:23:50for you to gain my support,
00:23:51it's not.
00:23:52It's just a way
00:23:53for me to give back
00:23:54to the community
00:23:55I hope to be accepted
00:23:56in one day
00:23:57to be a part of.
00:23:58Tickets to the Islanders
00:23:59hockey game?
00:24:00For real?
00:24:02This weekend, Sunday,
00:24:03if, you know,
00:24:04if you got plans,
00:24:05if you don't got plans
00:24:06with your buddies.
00:24:07Nothing this cool.
00:24:15It means a lot.
00:24:17Let me reimburse you that.
00:24:18No need.
00:24:19No need.
00:24:20They're company tickets
00:24:21and I can't make it
00:24:22to the game anyway.
00:24:24Better they go to a real fan.
00:24:28I guess sometimes
00:24:29wishes come true
00:24:30when you need them the most,
00:24:34Merry Christmas.
00:24:36Merry Christmas.
00:24:37Merry Christmas.
00:24:41Where'd you go?
00:24:44Do these books really...
00:24:48I'm so sorry.
00:24:49Where did you come from?
00:24:53The, uh,
00:24:54self-help section.
00:24:57So you can't use your senses.
00:24:58I'm not sure about that,
00:24:59but, um,
00:25:00the thing is,
00:25:01I'm not a big reader.
00:25:04Well, I'm a fast reader.
00:25:05Speed-reading champion
00:25:06three years running.
00:25:07Oh, that's not a thing.
00:25:08That's a thing?
00:25:10Oh, yeah.
00:25:11Yeah, it's like an Olympic sport
00:25:12in my profession.
00:25:13Okay, wow.
00:25:19Why don't
00:25:23read these books for you
00:25:25I can just give you
00:25:26the bullet points?
00:25:27And what do you get
00:25:28out of that?
00:25:30You would
00:25:32help me out around here?
00:25:34With the building project
00:25:35on hold,
00:25:36I'm not really busy.
00:25:37You got yourself a deal.
00:25:40Uh, where should I start?
00:25:41Oh, you can start
00:25:42out back.
00:25:48Thank you for this.
00:25:50Don't tell Cam.
00:25:51Oh, trust me, I won't.
00:25:54Greg seems like a great guy.
00:25:56Yeah, I think he appreciated
00:25:57those tickets.
00:25:59He did good.
00:26:05This parade seems like
00:26:06a big event in town, too.
00:26:08The local stores actually
00:26:09start decorating their floats
00:26:10the day after Halloween.
00:26:14In the city, the stores
00:26:15put Christmas stuff on sale
00:26:16in August sometimes.
00:26:18It's not about sales here.
00:26:20It's about
00:26:21prolonging the spirit
00:26:22of Christmas
00:26:23as long as possible
00:26:25the cold, shorter days
00:26:26of November.
00:26:28It's made a little easier
00:26:29with glowing Christmas lights
00:26:30and the fun of friendly
00:26:31competition in the air.
00:26:33Are you a competitive person,
00:26:34Miss Finley?
00:26:36Only with things I excel at.
00:26:37How did you become
00:26:38a town historian?
00:26:40I've always been
00:26:41fascinated with history.
00:26:42Where we come from,
00:26:43how we got here.
00:26:45Small towns are
00:26:46often overlooked.
00:26:47I agree.
00:26:49Preserving the history
00:26:50of a small town
00:26:51is definitely important.
00:26:53Sometimes things
00:26:54need to change
00:26:55to make room
00:26:56for the greater good.
00:26:58The point of contention
00:27:00You lived here
00:27:01your whole life?
00:27:04Only child.
00:27:05My parents
00:27:06were both doctors in town.
00:27:07They retired last year.
00:27:09And now they actually
00:27:10volunteer as medics
00:27:11on charity.
00:27:12Lifelong dream.
00:27:14That's incredible.
00:27:18What about you?
00:27:20I'm a doctor.
00:27:21I'm a doctor.
00:27:22I'm a doctor.
00:27:23I'm a doctor.
00:27:24I'm a doctor.
00:27:25I'm a doctor.
00:27:26I'm a doctor.
00:27:27I'm a doctor.
00:27:28I'm a doctor.
00:27:29What about you?
00:27:31What about me?
00:27:33Why design?
00:27:37I believe
00:27:38everyone deserves
00:27:39the form that serves
00:27:41You know?
00:27:42It's about the people.
00:27:44It's for them.
00:27:49Why is the post office
00:27:50so important to you?
00:27:53It used to be
00:27:54the hub for the community.
00:27:55Like you said,
00:27:56for the people.
00:27:57People got married there.
00:27:58Community picnics
00:27:59every summer.
00:28:00The old men would
00:28:01sit on the bench
00:28:02every afternoon
00:28:03and grumble
00:28:04about local affairs.
00:28:07But none of that
00:28:08has happened in decades.
00:28:09But the memories persist.
00:28:11They always will.
00:28:12No one's trying
00:28:13to take those away.
00:28:17I should get back
00:28:18to the library.
00:28:19I am tutoring
00:28:20some history students
00:28:21for their midterms.
00:28:22I'll see you tomorrow
00:28:23to go through
00:28:24some more letters.
00:28:25See you tomorrow.
00:28:34Yes, I understand.
00:28:35It's just a delay.
00:28:42I'm sure the project
00:28:43will be up and running
00:28:44again before Christmas.
00:28:54Yes, the signature
00:28:55Harrington design
00:28:56will be featured
00:28:57in the book.
00:29:02Okay, thank you.
00:29:03Merry Christmas.
00:29:13They are really
00:29:14not happy about the delay.
00:29:17You think they'll back out?
00:29:19It's too late for that.
00:29:20The paperwork's already
00:29:21signed on the deal,
00:29:22but I have too much
00:29:23riding on this.
00:29:25If that building
00:29:27reaches 50% occupancy
00:29:28within the first six months,
00:29:29I don't know
00:29:30what I'm gonna do.
00:29:31You knew this one
00:29:32was a risk,
00:29:33but also the biggest payoff,
00:29:35If I can move forward,
00:29:37I gotta get Tess
00:29:38to come around
00:29:39in my way of thinking.
00:29:40Yeah, that may be
00:29:41tougher than
00:29:42you originally thought.
00:29:47Think there's any point
00:29:48in hoping the last name
00:29:49is just a coincidence?
00:29:50Not likely, my friend.
00:30:08How are things
00:30:09with Mr. Harrington?
00:30:12The letters
00:30:13have been entertaining.
00:30:15It's a blast from the past.
00:30:17I heard about the hockey
00:30:18tickets he got Greg.
00:30:20It was pretty amazing.
00:30:22Noah's a good guy.
00:30:23But he's still adamant
00:30:25about tearing down
00:30:26the post office.
00:30:29no luck getting him
00:30:30to see what it means
00:30:31to this town?
00:30:33To you?
00:30:35Not yet.
00:30:37You haven't told him,
00:30:38have you?
00:30:43I don't want to make
00:30:44this about me.
00:30:45It'll weaken my stance.
00:30:47But I'm not giving up.
00:30:48I'm seeing him later.
00:30:49We're going through
00:30:50more letters.
00:30:52So he's really committed
00:30:53to winning over this town, huh?
00:30:55I'm sure that's
00:30:56his ulterior motive.
00:30:58Maybe he's just committed
00:30:59to winning you over.
00:31:00Yeah, no chance of that.
00:31:02We'll see.
00:31:13It's cold out there today.
00:31:16What's up with you?
00:31:18There's something I think
00:31:19I'd like to see.
00:31:24Assuming this is
00:31:25a relative of yours?
00:31:28It's my grandfather, George.
00:31:30He was the town postman
00:31:31for almost 60 years.
00:31:34Never took a sick day.
00:31:35Never took vacation.
00:31:36Refused all his
00:31:37retirement incentives.
00:31:40That is
00:31:44He loved his job.
00:31:45He said delivering letters
00:31:46was his job.
00:31:47He said delivering letters
00:31:48was the equivalent
00:31:49to spreading Christmas
00:31:50cheer every day.
00:31:52The way people's expressions
00:31:53would light up
00:31:54when they received one.
00:31:56Nice sentiment.
00:31:57Unless, of course,
00:31:58it was a bill.
00:32:02He knew everyone
00:32:03and their business.
00:32:05He'd spend so much time
00:32:06talking to people
00:32:07that the mail delivery
00:32:08would take all day.
00:32:10Did he eventually retire?
00:32:12Well, he had no choice
00:32:13when the post office closed.
00:32:14It was a really sad day for him.
00:32:17Like he lost his purpose,
00:32:18you know?
00:32:20Yeah, I understand that.
00:32:22To be so connected
00:32:24to the community
00:32:25and be appreciated
00:32:27and needed
00:32:28and then suddenly
00:32:29not have that anymore.
00:32:31That'd be tough.
00:32:40Oak Creek's growing on me,
00:32:41I guess.
00:32:45The reply letters to Santa
00:32:46were actually his favorite.
00:32:48I think he'd be
00:32:49really happy
00:32:50that we're doing it now.
00:32:52You think he would?
00:32:55Yeah, he died
00:32:56a few years ago.
00:32:58You two were close, huh?
00:33:01The closest.
00:33:03He used to let me
00:33:04help him with his route
00:33:05if I had the day off school
00:33:06or I'd pretend to be sick
00:33:08just so I could go with him.
00:33:10You must have been
00:33:11quite the little actress
00:33:12to pull that off
00:33:13with parents who were both doctors.
00:33:15I think my parents knew
00:33:16that I just loved
00:33:17spending time with him,
00:33:18so they looked the other way.
00:33:20Yeah, I bet your grandpa
00:33:21loved spending time with you, too.
00:33:23Having a little helper.
00:33:25Now that you say that,
00:33:26I did carry the bag.
00:33:28Hmm, so
00:33:30the memories persist
00:33:32even in the absence?
00:33:38We should get back
00:33:39to the letters.
00:33:45Okay, let's talk
00:33:46love languages.
00:33:49French, Spanish
00:33:50and Italian?
00:33:52No, no,
00:33:53those are romantic languages
00:33:54for sure, but
00:33:56I'm talking about
00:33:57how you like to
00:33:58give and receive love.
00:34:02Okay, well
00:34:03I guess I like
00:34:04doing things for people.
00:34:06Could have guessed that one.
00:34:07You are an
00:34:09expressive service guy.
00:34:11Okay, it says here
00:34:12that you show your affection
00:34:13by helping others,
00:34:15kind gestures
00:34:16and being a provider.
00:34:19Probably not as obvious
00:34:20as words of affirmation, though.
00:34:22Oh, no, I think it's
00:34:23a really good one.
00:34:24It's very selfless
00:34:25and it requires
00:34:26actual effort.
00:34:29It's a little hard
00:34:30to portray on a first date.
00:34:32Maybe I should try
00:34:36Try one on me.
00:34:37Oh, um,
00:34:41I think your
00:34:42speed reading skills
00:34:43are truly impressive.
00:34:48I find it endearing
00:34:49the way your lips move
00:34:50when you read.
00:34:55No good?
00:34:56No, I mean
00:34:57yes, yes, I
00:34:59I just thought you were
00:35:00going to say
00:35:01nice shoes or
00:35:02cute hair, but
00:35:03no, that was
00:35:04that was better.
00:35:08Uh, well,
00:35:09lights are done.
00:35:10Um, what's next?
00:35:14bathrooms need cleaning.
00:35:28This one's not happening.
00:35:35Take a look at this one.
00:35:39Dear St. Nicholas,
00:35:40this year
00:35:41I'd really like
00:35:42a reindeer.
00:35:44this one's already
00:35:45come true.
00:35:46No way.
00:35:47Yeah, Kelly Hines,
00:35:48she owns a farm
00:35:49an hour outside of town
00:35:50with reindeer.
00:35:51Each one named
00:35:52after Santa's.
00:35:53Well, I guess
00:35:54it's true what they say.
00:35:55If you want something
00:35:56bad enough.
00:36:05What's that one say?
00:36:08Dear Santa,
00:36:09I know this might
00:36:10be a lot to ask for,
00:36:11but what I
00:36:12really, really
00:36:13want this year
00:36:14is to go to a theme
00:36:15park in Florida.
00:36:17the waitress at Ambiance?
00:36:19I'm not sure a theme
00:36:20park is her
00:36:21desire anymore,
00:36:22but I know a trip
00:36:23to Florida would still
00:36:24be on her wish list.
00:36:26Why's that?
00:36:27Oh, her boyfriend's
00:36:28in the military and he's
00:36:29stationed on a base there.
00:36:34Game tickets
00:36:36were one thing,
00:36:37but a trip?
00:36:38It's too much.
00:36:40I know you want your coffee,
00:36:41but I can't
00:36:42let you do it.
00:36:43Let's stick to toys
00:36:44or something
00:36:45less expensive.
00:36:48no, I think I can
00:36:49swing this one.
00:36:51I travel a lot for work
00:36:52and I get delayed
00:36:54almost every single trip.
00:36:56I have the worst
00:36:57luck traveling.
00:36:58Never travel with me.
00:37:01I have travel points
00:37:02that are about to expire.
00:37:03We could use those
00:37:04to book her a flight
00:37:05and accommodations.
00:37:07You're serious?
00:37:08Someone may as well
00:37:09put those points
00:37:10to good use.
00:37:12You think Kim could
00:37:13get time off work?
00:37:14Only one way to find out.
00:37:17I'm taking a week off!
00:37:20Almost everyone
00:37:21at school had been
00:37:22to a theme park
00:37:23and I was desperate
00:37:24to go.
00:37:25It's funny,
00:37:26as a kid you never
00:37:27really realized the
00:37:28limitations on Santa's
00:37:29ability to deliver.
00:37:30Well, it's not
00:37:31a theme park.
00:37:33Are you going to tell
00:37:34Niles or surprise him?
00:37:35Are you kidding?
00:37:36I could never
00:37:37keep this to myself.
00:37:39When was the last time
00:37:40you saw him in person?
00:37:41Over a year ago.
00:37:43It was last Thanksgiving.
00:37:45Too long.
00:37:46You know,
00:37:47FaceTime calls
00:37:48and texts are great,
00:37:49but I miss
00:37:50our time together.
00:37:52It really hasn't been
00:37:53so long.
00:37:54He's going to be so excited
00:37:55to see you two.
00:37:57Are you
00:37:58sure about this?
00:37:59I haven't exactly
00:38:00been the nicest to you.
00:38:02Let's talk about it
00:38:04over a cup of coffee.
00:38:07You got it.
00:38:14Dear Santa,
00:38:15this year I'd like
00:38:16ice skates to join
00:38:17the hockey team
00:38:18so I can finally play
00:38:19with my older brothers.
00:38:32Dear S.C.,
00:38:33great news!
00:38:34I finally got
00:38:35my cast off,
00:38:36so I'd really love
00:38:37a new skateboard.
00:38:38I promise
00:38:39I'll wear safety gear
00:38:40this time.
00:38:56Dear Santa Claus,
00:38:57this year
00:38:58I'm going to be
00:38:59Here's Santa Claus.
00:39:00This year
00:39:01what I'm really hoping for
00:39:02is a new
00:39:03Molly Miggins doll
00:39:04with curly hair
00:39:05and green eyes.
00:39:22Dear Saint Nick,
00:39:23for Christmas
00:39:24I'd love
00:39:25a new handheld
00:39:26video game.
00:39:37You know,
00:39:38if you wanted to do
00:39:39any Christmas shopping
00:39:40of your own,
00:39:41you could do that as well.
00:39:42There's a lot of
00:39:43great gift ideas
00:39:44on this website.
00:39:45My parents and I
00:39:46do Christmas in July
00:39:47and I got Darla's
00:39:48gift weeks ago,
00:39:49so I'm good.
00:39:50Sure, yeah.
00:39:51I just meant
00:39:52if you needed
00:39:53a male opinion
00:39:54for a gift
00:39:55for a...
00:39:59Is that your way
00:40:00of asking
00:40:01if I have one?
00:40:05I know.
00:40:09I don't.
00:40:12What about you?
00:40:17for gift giving?
00:40:23For my
00:40:25and my
00:40:28my three sisters.
00:40:30Big family celebration?
00:40:31Yeah, it's tradition
00:40:33do a gift exchange
00:40:34on Christmas Day dinner
00:40:35at a restaurant
00:40:36near my parents' place.
00:40:37We've been going there
00:40:38for years.
00:40:39Christmas Day dinner
00:40:40at a restaurant?
00:40:41Believe me,
00:40:42it's safer that way.
00:40:43That way,
00:40:44there's no argument
00:40:45over homemade
00:40:46versus canned cranberry sauce.
00:40:47Well, there should never
00:40:48be an argument
00:40:49in that case.
00:40:50Let me guess.
00:40:53actually canned.
00:40:54Miss Finley!
00:40:57You just keep that secret
00:40:58to yourself.
00:40:59Maybe I'll let you share
00:41:00a can with me
00:41:01on Christmas Eve.
00:41:05My lips are sealed.
00:41:13It's nice to finally
00:41:14be welcomed
00:41:15in a coffee shop.
00:41:16You know,
00:41:17being greeted
00:41:18by people on the street
00:41:19and even get some smiles
00:41:20my way.
00:41:22you've earned it,
00:41:24I've seen how much effort
00:41:25you and Tessa
00:41:26must have been fun
00:41:27working together.
00:41:28It's been great.
00:41:29And what were
00:41:30the odds of us
00:41:31coming together
00:41:32after that first
00:41:33town hall meeting?
00:41:34It is a Christmas miracle.
00:41:35It's funny how
00:41:36this was supposed
00:41:37to be a quick
00:41:38in-and-out job
00:41:39or work,
00:41:40but this is so much better.
00:41:41Making new friends, huh?
00:41:42Should we toast to that?
00:41:44To friendship.
00:41:45To friendship.
00:41:46To friendship.
00:41:47To new friendship.
00:41:48And with the help
00:41:49of our extensive
00:41:50relationship section,
00:41:51I am helping my new friend
00:41:52find love.
00:41:54Cheers to that.
00:41:55You know,
00:41:56a common lesson
00:41:57that I'm getting
00:41:58from all of these books
00:41:59is that opposites attract.
00:42:01Kind of.
00:42:02Like you two.
00:42:03You know,
00:42:04you're right.
00:42:05You guys,
00:42:06I mean,
00:42:07you have completely
00:42:08opposite opinions
00:42:09about the renovation
00:42:10of the post office,
00:42:11and yet,
00:42:12look what a great
00:42:13team you make.
00:42:14I wouldn't say
00:42:15we're complete opposites.
00:42:17you kind of are, though.
00:42:18Noah with his
00:42:19slick city lifestyle
00:42:20and Tessa loving
00:42:21the history and culture
00:42:22of small towns.
00:42:23Come on.
00:42:24It's not that I dislike
00:42:25small towns.
00:42:26And the more time
00:42:27I spend in Old Creek,
00:42:28the more I could
00:42:29see myself settling down
00:42:30in a place like this.
00:42:33Come on.
00:42:36maybe you aren't
00:42:37so different after all.
00:42:38I mean,
00:42:39you're both obviously
00:42:40very passionate about
00:42:41spreading Christmas cheer.
00:42:44we're not done yet.
00:42:47more surprises in store,
00:42:49Just you wait.
00:43:03Do you mind?
00:43:14The gifts look great.
00:43:16Believe it or not,
00:43:17this is not my
00:43:18first time
00:43:19at a gift wrapping table.
00:43:22I used to volunteer
00:43:23at a Christmas donation
00:43:25We'd put together
00:43:26gift baskets.
00:43:27I was in charge
00:43:28of wrapping the toys.
00:43:29The best part
00:43:30was delivering the gifts,
00:43:31seeing the looks
00:43:32on people's faces.
00:43:35Guess maybe that's what
00:43:36appealed to me
00:43:37about this idea.
00:43:40This is going to be
00:43:41a lot of deliveries.
00:43:45Maybe we can have
00:43:46people come dance?
00:43:49Like a little
00:43:50Santa's workshop?
00:43:53I, um,
00:43:54I could see
00:43:55if we could get
00:43:56the meeting room
00:43:57at Town Hall,
00:43:58have people come there.
00:43:59I like it.
00:44:07Do women really
00:44:08enjoy poetry?
00:44:10according to the books,
00:44:11we do.
00:44:12Just try it.
00:44:20I don't know
00:44:21if I can do this.
00:44:22Oh, sure you can.
00:44:23Come on,
00:44:24just write four lines.
00:44:26love and Christmas.
00:44:29Love and Christmas,
00:44:57Christmas joy in the air,
00:44:59but it's your smile
00:45:00that fills my heart
00:45:01with cheer.
00:45:03Christmas carols,
00:45:04the soundtrack of love,
00:45:05as we dash
00:45:06through the winter snow.
00:45:08Know my warm embrace
00:45:09awaits you
00:45:10under the mistletoe.
00:45:31Looking good.
00:45:33Tree, too.
00:45:38I'm really glad
00:45:39we did this.
00:45:40I haven't decorated
00:45:41a tree in years.
00:45:42I put one up
00:45:43every year.
00:45:44A small one,
00:45:45just as a nice symbol
00:45:46of the season,
00:45:47you know?
00:45:48There's nothing like
00:45:49Christmas lights,
00:45:50a good cup of hot cocoa,
00:45:51and a heartwarming
00:45:52Christmas movie
00:45:53to get me
00:45:54in the festive spirit.
00:45:56That'd sound nice.
00:46:02Do you think
00:46:03they're gonna all turn up?
00:46:07Everything's all set.
00:46:13Oh, wow.
00:46:15Oh, this place
00:46:16looks incredible.
00:46:17We really wanted it
00:46:18to feel like Santa's workshop.
00:46:19Oh, wow.
00:46:20Mission accomplished.
00:46:22I still can't believe
00:46:23you did all of this.
00:46:25It's the least we could do.
00:46:29For me?
00:46:31There was one letter
00:46:32from an anonymous sender
00:46:33whose wish could only
00:46:34have come from one person.
00:46:35I knew it was you
00:46:37Oh, wow.
00:46:40Oh, I must have been
00:46:41so excited about Christmas
00:46:42I forgot to sign it.
00:46:44Oh, this was so long ago.
00:46:45I don't even remember
00:46:46what I asked for.
00:46:48Open it.
00:46:55Vintage Jane Austens.
00:47:00They're perfect.
00:47:02Oh, thank you, Noah.
00:47:04No, thank you
00:47:05for everything you're doing
00:47:06for Brad.
00:47:07Oh, speaking of which,
00:47:08I should probably get to work.
00:47:11Good luck, you two.
00:47:12Have fun.
00:47:13See you later.
00:47:15How did you manage
00:47:16to find those?
00:47:17It took some
00:47:19extensive research,
00:47:20but it wasn't that hard.
00:47:22She loves collecting
00:47:23vintage books.
00:47:24Just like you love history?
00:47:26I can't help it.
00:47:28I find traditions charming
00:47:30and connecting the past
00:47:32to the present.
00:47:35There's a certain romance
00:47:36in the old-fashioned ways.
00:47:37We're all here!
00:47:39Hey, hey, hey!
00:47:40Merry Christmas!
00:47:42Welcome to Zanna's workshop!
00:47:44Oh, wow!
00:47:46Oh, my God!
00:47:47It's amazing!
00:48:16♪ ♪
00:48:34That went really well.
00:48:37That was fun.
00:48:38It was.
00:48:40I, um,
00:48:42I should get
00:48:43back to the library.
00:48:44I'm meeting
00:48:45with my history kids.
00:48:46I think it's great you passed on your knowledge
00:48:48to the next generation like that.
00:48:51Go back to where you started, or as far back as you can.
00:48:54Examine all of it.
00:48:56Travel your road again, and tell the truth about it.
00:48:59Sing, or shout, or testify, or keep it to yourself.
00:49:02But know whence you came.
00:49:05James Baldwin.
00:49:09I think I could learn a lot from you.
00:49:14You know where to find me.
00:49:18Hey, how about this?
00:49:22If I promise to be open to your preservation pitch,
00:49:26would you at least consider my aim for innovation?
00:49:36I make no promises, but I will try to be open-minded.
00:49:43So I guess that's it for the letters, huh?
00:49:45Yeah, it was fun.
00:49:48Everyone seemed happy.
00:49:50They did.
00:49:53So I guess I'll see you around.
00:50:16I'll confirm that order tomorrow.
00:50:18OK, bye.
00:50:19Just a quick coffee break, boss.
00:50:21Hey, grab me one too, would you?
00:50:23Well, that's a given.
00:50:25I am an acts of service kind of guy.
00:50:28A what now?
00:50:29Apparently, that's how I show love and care for people.
00:50:31There's a whole book about it.
00:50:33I think you've been spending too much time at the library.
00:50:36And judging by the amount of time
00:50:37you've been spending with Tessa,
00:50:40you're all about quality time.
00:50:41I'm actually all about getting the job done.
00:50:43Come on, look at you.
00:50:44You keep finding excuses to spend time with her.
00:50:46You practically turn into Santa's helper just
00:50:48to win her over.
00:50:49But hang on.
00:50:51Maybe that makes you a gift giver.
00:50:53Are there any more categories you're going to put me in,
00:50:55or is this it?
00:50:56You've always been good at giving presents, even with me.
00:50:59That's because you're easy to buy for, Brad.
00:51:01But Tessa, I want to do something special for her.
00:51:05I just can't figure out what.
00:51:08Maybe you could.
00:51:09Are you getting us coffees?
00:51:12I should go get the coffees.
00:51:14I should go get the coffees.
00:51:44I should go get the coffees.
00:52:15Dear Santa, this year my request is the same as every year.
00:52:19I know there's probably a lot of kids asking for the same thing,
00:52:23so I know I have to be patient and wait my turn.
00:52:26But if it's at all possible, please, please, please,
00:52:29let me be the one selected to ring
00:52:31the bell on Christmas Eve.
00:52:33I promise to do it with the utmost care.
00:52:35Love, Tessa Finley.
00:52:44Let's go.
00:53:20Just, I don't know.
00:53:22You seem a lot more cheerful lately.
00:53:24It's Christmas.
00:53:26Of course I am.
00:53:28So nothing to do with all of this time
00:53:29you're spending with Noah?
00:53:33We are just spreading some holiday cheer.
00:53:36Well, it's working.
00:53:38The whole town's been buzzing about your acts of goodwill.
00:53:41That Santa's workshop set up was a hit.
00:53:45I think my grandfather would have loved that.
00:53:49It's actually been fun to fulfill
00:53:51the Christmas wishes with Noah.
00:53:54You're falling for him.
00:53:56No, I'm not.
00:53:57We are so different.
00:53:59He is big city, modern, sleek.
00:54:02I am old fashioned and traditional
00:54:04and more understated.
00:54:06So compromise.
00:54:07Meet in the middle.
00:54:08Come on, maybe there really is a way
00:54:10to preserve a part of the post office
00:54:12and allow Noah to move forward with his business plan.
00:54:15I really wish there was.
00:54:16It would make things so much easier.
00:54:18But he has to answer to his investors.
00:54:23Well, don't lose faith yet.
00:54:25I mean, a week ago, you never would have imagined
00:54:26you'd be getting along with the enemy.
00:54:28So anything's possible.
00:54:30Maybe even a Christmas romance.
00:54:32You have been spending way too much time with Brad.
00:54:41Only thing better than fresh bagels
00:54:42are fresh bagels on the house.
00:54:46What's that you got there?
00:54:48Antique bell.
00:54:49There used to be a tradition here
00:54:50where every Christmas Eve, one local child
00:54:53would be selected to ring the bell just before midnight.
00:54:57Yeah, a sign of community and celebration.
00:55:04You know, I don't know about you,
00:55:05but I've never seen a bell like this before.
00:55:08It seemed to be an important part of everyone's
00:55:10Christmas traditions.
00:55:12OK, so what are you going to do with it?
00:55:17I'm not sure.
00:55:19OK, well, maybe we could donate it to the museum.
00:55:23Or Tessa could take it to the manor house
00:55:26and re-establish the Christmas Eve tradition there.
00:55:30Yeah, either of those options could work.
00:55:35Hmm, are you starting to rethink the build plans?
00:55:39No, it's just this connection with Tessa
00:55:44is complicating things.
00:55:47It's not not complicating things,
00:55:51but it's more than that.
00:55:53The more I learn about the history of this town
00:55:56and the connections people have to it,
00:55:57the more I feel a little apprehensive, I guess.
00:56:01Enough to put the building plans on hold permanently?
00:56:04We have to move forward.
00:56:05I just wish there was a way Tessa and I could
00:56:08both get what we want.
00:56:11In the meantime, I have one last gambit
00:56:13to get her to come around to my way of thinking.
00:56:15One of these for me?
00:56:18Coffee, coffee, coffee.
00:56:20All right.
00:56:24Hey, um, do you have time to talk?
00:56:27Yeah, of course.
00:56:29So, um, I found a few more letters,
00:56:32and I was wondering...
00:56:36Uh, do you want to meet at the post office?
00:56:38Yeah, yeah, that'd be great.
00:56:40Um, also, if possible,
00:56:42I would like to show you my entire presentation.
00:56:46I have a new approach.
00:56:51I have a new approach.
00:56:53Okay. See you soon.
00:56:55Okay, great.
00:57:15Is this going to take long?
00:57:17You agreed to be open-minded.
00:57:20I know. I did, and I will.
00:57:22It's just...
00:57:24Older buildings were built with artistry and craftsmanship,
00:57:28a pride in wanting to build something to last.
00:57:31I'm not sure your presentation is going to persuade me.
00:57:35I'd argue that whatever we create today
00:57:38will be historical 100 years from now.
00:57:40What we build today are cookie-cutter
00:57:42concrete and glass boxes that have no inspiration.
00:57:45I'm hoping to change your mind
00:57:47once you see what I'm proposing.
00:57:50I've seen this.
00:57:52Okay, but you haven't seen the whole thing.
00:57:56Okay, I admit, it's nice.
00:57:58But you're still not impressed.
00:58:00What can I say? I'm a tough critic.
00:58:06Ah, this area
00:58:08will be used for community events
00:58:10like weddings, parties,
00:58:12um, business networking.
00:58:14Okay, this space is beautiful.
00:58:19You designed this?
00:58:21Yes, ma'am.
00:58:23I want all my buildings to have a unique quality
00:58:25that's recognizable as a Harrington construction build,
00:58:28not just some
00:58:32concrete and glass.
00:58:37Fine. Maybe you're with the right designer.
00:58:40Modern architecture has a place.
00:58:43Okay, now for the best part.
00:58:46A memorial of sorts?
00:58:48Yeah, a way to honor the building
00:58:50that stood here for generations.
00:58:52We kept all the memorabilia we found,
00:58:54and I've always planned to dedicate
00:58:56the foyer of the building to displaying it all.
00:58:59That's a really nice touch.
00:59:01Maybe if the town residents
00:59:03had seen the slide of your presentation,
00:59:05you would have gained more support.
00:59:07Yeah, well, we didn't quite get there
00:59:09because someone couldn't wait
00:59:11till the end of the presentation to ask questions.
00:59:15It's really nice.
00:59:17You're very talented.
00:59:20But you're still not ready
00:59:22to let go of this building, are you?
00:59:27Unfortunately, no.
00:59:37Okay, this is the last one.
00:59:47Dear Santa, I've worked really hard
00:59:49in my music lessons this year,
00:59:51even landing this solo in the school Christmas pageant.
00:59:54My dream is to someday perform
00:59:56on a real stage in front of crowds of people.
00:59:59This year, if it isn't too much trouble,
01:00:02I'd like a karaoke machine.
01:00:04Jillian Sharp.
01:00:06She's the local music teacher in town.
01:00:08None of us ever stood a chance
01:00:10booking a solo when Jillian was auditioning for the choir.
01:00:13Her plan was to move to Nashville.
01:00:15She always said we'd hear her on the radio.
01:00:18But she decided to stay in town and teach music lessons.
01:00:22Yeah, her mom got sick,
01:00:24so she stayed home after graduation.
01:00:27And I know she has a karaoke machine.
01:00:29I borrowed it for my dad's 60th birthday.
01:00:31He loves to sing, and he really should.
01:00:35I get that.
01:00:37Anyway, that's the last one.
01:00:43What if...
01:00:45we gave Jillian an opportunity to perform?
01:00:49A Christmas-themed open-mic night at the cafe.
01:00:51It's not exactly the big stage she always dreamed of,
01:00:54but it's something.
01:00:57I love it.
01:00:59Let's do it.
01:01:02Oh, Tessa!
01:01:04It's so pretty!
01:01:07Hey, Merry Christmas.
01:01:09This was a great idea.
01:01:11I hope you know how much folks appreciate your kindness this Christmas.
01:01:14It was Tessa's knowledge of everyone in town that made it happen.
01:01:20I don't know.
01:01:22I don't know.
01:01:24I don't know.
01:01:26I don't know.
01:01:28I don't know.
01:01:32So the two of you have put aside your differences, huh?
01:01:35A temporary truce.
01:01:37Are you still moving forward with the construction project?
01:01:41If we can, yeah.
01:01:43Even if it means jeopardizing
01:01:45whatever's going on between the two of you?
01:01:48There's nothing going on with us.
01:01:50Like, she doesn't even like me.
01:01:53Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
01:02:01What's going on here?
01:02:03Jillian, hi!
01:02:04What's all this?
01:02:07It was Noah's idea.
01:02:09We, uh, he thought it might be fun
01:02:11to feature the town's best singer
01:02:13for a night of festive music.
01:02:17We wanted to surprise you.
01:02:21I think I found something that belongs to you.
01:02:31This dream feels like a lifetime ago.
01:02:34I can't believe you two did this.
01:02:36Well, it's not the big Nashville stage,
01:02:39but your hometown crowd would love to hear you play.
01:02:44What do you say?
01:03:04Oh, come
01:03:07All ye faithful
01:03:11Joyful and triumphant
01:03:16Oh, come ye
01:03:19Oh, come ye
01:03:22To Bethlehem
01:03:28Come and behold him
01:03:34He's great.
01:03:35Born king of angels
01:03:40Oh, come let us adore him
01:03:46Oh, come let us adore him
01:03:52Oh, come let us
01:03:58Adore him
01:04:10Christ the Lord
01:04:34Dance with the enemy?
01:04:41I'll be gazing in your eyes
01:04:45Everyone looks like they're having a wonderful time.
01:04:48Yeah, I think the town's starting to like me a little.
01:04:52Hmm, maybe a little.
01:04:55And how about you, Miss Finley?
01:04:58Hmm, despite my best efforts.
01:05:04Hey, um, there's something I need to tell you.
01:05:10What's what?
01:05:11It's about the National Registry application.
01:05:15Excuse me, Tessa.
01:05:18You're welcome.
01:05:20That was very special.
01:05:22You did a great job.
01:05:24Really good.
01:05:25I did.
01:05:27Uh, what were you gonna say?
01:05:30Oh, um, just that whatever happens,
01:05:35I really enjoyed my time with you.
01:05:38Me too.
01:05:39We'll build that little piece of forever
01:05:44You make my new year dreams come true
01:05:50Oh, dreams come true
01:06:01It's so pretty.
01:06:03It really is.
01:06:09I'm sorry we're still on opposite sides of this thing.
01:06:13I was really hoping that there'd be a way we could
01:06:16be in the middle without either of us having to sacrifice something important.
01:06:22Yeah, me too.
01:06:27Karaoke was a good idea.
01:06:29Yeah, I couldn't have done it without you.
01:06:33I think we're good together.
01:06:36Me too.
01:07:06You and Noah looked awfully cozy last night.
01:07:12He may have kissed me.
01:07:19Okay, details.
01:07:21I don't know, we were walking along Main Street, it was snowing, there were lights.
01:07:24It just kind of happened.
01:07:27Well, it felt right.
01:07:29Although the connection between us is very unexpected.
01:07:33Do you think he'll have a change of heart?
01:07:35I don't know.
01:07:37Problem is, I'm not sure I want him to.
01:07:40What do you mean?
01:07:42I just feel like he's trying to find common ground.
01:07:50It's from the National Registry.
01:07:53Open it.
01:07:54What happens if they've approved my application, though?
01:07:57That's what you wanted, to preserve the post office.
01:08:00Yes, it was, is.
01:08:03I've just gotten complicated things.
01:08:07I've fallen for the enemy.
01:08:09Well, either way, you need to read the message.
01:08:18The application's been denied.
01:08:20What? Why?
01:08:22You met all the criteria.
01:08:23No, we didn't meet the significance requirement.
01:08:26That's impossible. I read your submission.
01:08:29It detailed all of the ways the post office holds significance
01:08:32and the fact that you were going to use the building to educate.
01:08:35Apparently, Noah wrote a letter with a more compelling argument to the contrary.
01:08:39Noah wrote a letter?
01:08:42He didn't tell you?
01:08:48Cocoa delivery.
01:08:52I should probably get back to work.
01:08:56Take one to go?
01:08:57Thanks, Noah.
01:08:59Good luck.
01:09:09You okay?
01:09:14I don't need to read a dozen relationship self-help books
01:09:17to know that fine means quite the opposite.
01:09:21You wrote a letter to the National Registry arguing against my significance claim.
01:09:26I did.
01:09:28That was before.
01:09:30Before what?
01:09:32Before you and I got to know one another.
01:09:35Okay, and now that we know each other, does that change anything?
01:09:40Tessa, that building is in desperate need of repairs.
01:09:44It's been neglected for years. It's not the same building it once was.
01:09:47So just demolishing it and forgetting it ever existed is the best course of action?
01:09:51I'm not saying that.
01:09:52But you're moving forward either way.
01:09:54We don't know that for sure.
01:09:55Just because I wrote a letter arguing my case against yours doesn't mean I'll win.
01:10:00You did.
01:10:03My nomination was denied based on your letter that deemed the post office
01:10:07just another relic the town is clinging to for relevance.
01:10:15I didn't mean it how it sounds.
01:10:17Yes, you did.
01:10:19Okay, maybe I did. Back then.
01:10:22But I've grown to have a different opinion now.
01:10:26Oak Creek.
01:10:28The community and the people here, it's...
01:10:31It's something I've never experienced.
01:10:34And you have to believe me when I tell you that I'm taking everything into consideration.
01:10:41So you might not tear it down?
01:10:45It's not that simple. I've invested a lot into this project.
01:10:49Yeah, but there are so many other locations for your office building.
01:10:52I mean, there are tons of old buildings.
01:10:56Look, I promised my grandfather that I would use my position as the local historian
01:11:02to preserve the post office at all costs.
01:11:06I'm sorry about your grandfather, Tessa. I really am.
01:11:11But saving the post office is not going to bring him back.
01:11:20We're done here, Mr. Harrington.
01:12:07I worked for the post office for over 20 years.
01:12:11It truly is the heart of the community.
01:12:16My wife and I had our wedding photos taken outside the post office building.
01:12:26I'm sorry.
01:12:28I'm sorry.
01:12:30I'm sorry.
01:12:32I'm sorry.
01:12:35I'm sorry.
01:12:37The post office is where I met my husband.
01:12:40Both waiting in line to mail Christmas gifts.
01:12:43We talked for hours that day.
01:13:05Hey, Darla filled me in. We're good to move forward as planned.
01:13:12Yet, you're not as happy as I would have expected.
01:13:20The petition was easy to ignore when it was just a bunch of signatures on a page.
01:13:25But now, through their letters to Santa, you've gotten to know the folks behind them.
01:13:32Then there's this one.
01:13:49You had hers this whole time?
01:13:51Trying to figure out what to do about it.
01:13:53Makes sense now why she wanted to preserve this place.
01:14:00Goes deeper than that, though.
01:14:02She promised her grandfather that she would use her position as town historian to do whatever it takes to keep this building safe.
01:14:09So, what are you going to do with it?
01:14:12A question of the hour.
01:14:13Listen, Noah, you know that I'll support whatever you decide.
01:14:17Why does it sound like you have a preference that you're not revealing?
01:14:21All I'm going to say is, sometimes things are worth holding on to.
01:14:25Even if it doesn't make sense for the sake of progress.
01:14:32So, did you talk to Noah?
01:14:34I don't think there's anything left to say.
01:14:37Oh, Tessa, I'm so sorry.
01:14:41I really thought he might have a change of heart.
01:14:46Thinking maybe you did, too.
01:14:50I guess I was hoping that he'd be willing to make a different choice, and then he didn't.
01:15:02Tessa, I've seen the way that he looks at you.
01:15:04And the way that you light up when you're around him.
01:15:07That's special.
01:15:09It'd just be such a shame to let this get in the way of your future happiness.
01:15:15I don't know what happens now.
01:15:17Well, all I know from reading countless books on relationships this Christmas is that
01:15:23sometimes it's better to let go of the past, you know?
01:15:27So you can move forward with your future.
01:15:34Yes, I'm happy to say we're back on schedule.
01:15:37Yep, a few days after New Year's, the construction on the building will commence.
01:15:43Thank you again for your patience while we sorted this out.
01:15:46Merry Christmas to you, too.
01:16:17Oh, great!
01:16:25That was the last project on my to-do list.
01:16:28And this is the last book in the relationship section.
01:16:33We make a good team.
01:16:39I'm so glad you're here.
01:16:41We make a good team.
01:16:52It's, uh, it's a shame our friends couldn't do the same.
01:16:55Yeah, yeah.
01:16:57My, uh, my buddy's got it bad.
01:16:59If he's actually considering walking away from this project, he's got so much riding on.
01:17:07Yeah, I think Tessa's been reconsidering what she wants, too.
01:17:14You know what?
01:17:16I think you should forget everything you read in these books.
01:17:20What do you mean?
01:17:26I think you're pretty perfect the way you are.
01:17:30You do?
01:17:32I do.
01:17:33And, you know, the right woman is gonna see that, too.
01:17:36She's not gonna expect you to change to fit some ideal of the perfect partner.
01:17:41She's gonna love you for who you truly are.
01:17:48And, you know, if she doesn't, then, well, she doesn't deserve you.
01:17:52Maybe you're right.
01:17:58Oh, I'm definitely right.
01:18:04Come in.
01:18:10About earlier, I shouldn't have said what I did, and I'm sorry.
01:18:15In the beginning, all I cared about was moving the building project forward.
01:18:19But things are different now.
01:18:21I care about this town.
01:18:23And I really care about you.
01:18:27Things are different for me, too.
01:18:30And I care about you a lot.
01:18:32I don't want your business to fail just because of my inability to let go of the past.
01:18:38I've been doing some thinking, and there's something I want to show you.
01:18:49I've decided to try a different approach with my presentation today.
01:18:53I've decided to try a different approach with my presentation to the investors.
01:18:58And I'd love your thoughts.
01:19:00If we keep the original exterior facade, it will reduce the number of floors in the building,
01:19:04but I can extend back further and make up that additional office space.
01:19:09I mean, this is fantastic.
01:19:11You'd consider doing that?
01:19:14For the town.
01:19:16For you.
01:19:20I love this idea.
01:19:23This means a lot to me.
01:19:28You mean a lot to me.
01:19:31And this is what you want, too?
01:19:33What I want is to preserve the past while building a new future.
01:19:41With you.
01:19:53There's something I gotta do.
01:19:57Can you meet me tonight at the post office?
01:19:59Yeah, I'll see you tonight.
01:20:13I can happily say I don't think we will have any trouble getting the committee to approve this new plan.
01:20:19Thank you, Mayor Mitchell.
01:20:20It's fantastic news.
01:20:23And Tessa for figuring this out.
01:20:25Merry Christmas.
01:20:26Merry Christmas to you.
01:20:49Just a few more steps.
01:20:54Alright, you can open them.
01:20:57You found the bell?
01:20:59I believe this used to be a Christmas Eve tradition that was really important to the community.
01:21:03How do you know that?
01:21:14You had this the whole time?
01:21:16I had to deliver one last Christmas wish.
01:21:24Dear Santa, this year my request is the same as every year.
01:21:28To be the one selected to ring the bell on Christmas Eve.
01:21:57It's your turn.
01:21:58Go ahead.
01:22:08Just as magical as I thought it would be.
01:22:12I guess there's just one thing left to do.
01:22:36This tradition should continue too.
01:22:38Who's going to answer all the letters?
01:22:40You did a pretty good job this year.
01:22:43What do you say we do it again next year?
01:22:46I say that's a great idea.
01:22:50I think we just started our own new Christmas tradition.
01:22:55Yeah, I guess we did.
01:23:00I'm falling in love with you, Tessa.
01:23:06I'm falling in love with you too, Noah.
01:23:11Merry Christmas.
01:23:13Merry Christmas.
01:23:44Do you want to get out of it?
01:23:46I'd have to check my schedule first.
