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How many times do we have to say you aren't supposed to like Rick before you get it?
00:00There is no truly, 100% objectively correct interpretation of a piece of media.
00:06Everyone always has a take, and even if the creator comes down from on high and tells
00:10their side of the story, it's ultimately just another reading of the work.
00:14With that having been said, there are people whose takeaway from a work is just, well,
00:19There are a lot of ways people can miss the point something is trying to make.
00:22So with that in mind then, I'm Ellie with WhatCulture, and here are 8 TV Scenes Everyone
00:27Always Gets Wrong.
00:298. Jerry and Pals Go to Jail in Seinfeld
00:33The selling point about Seinfeld was that it was a show about nothing.
00:38While in some cases this was true, what the show turned out to actually be about was four
00:42funny but absolutely terrible human beings, and their mundane problems caused by them
00:47being terrible human beings.
00:49Many fans miss out on this, a running theme you're going to notice on this list, and
00:53so, to them, the ending comes out of nowhere and makes no sense.
00:56Now, granted, the finale does have quite a few logical flaws.
01:00Ask any lawyer worth their salt and they'll tell you that the trial is a nightmare of
01:04legal flaws and fallacies, but the idea was to end the series with Jerry and Pals getting
01:09their comeuppance for nine seasons of being mundanely infuriating, which puts it quite
01:14a bit above other comedies about so-called horrible people who never really face consequences
01:19for their nonsense.
01:217. Daenerys Burns King's Landing in Game of Thrones
01:27The final season of Game of Thrones was a kind of disastrous ending that we don't
01:30see that often.
01:31Plenty of great shows have bad endings, but season 8 of Game of Thrones didn't just
01:34disappoint fans.
01:35It took a show that ruled the damn world and wiped it off the face of pop culture forever.
01:40How the show handled Daenerys' fall from grace was not well executed at all.
01:44But the idea that her burning down King's Landing came completely out of nowhere is
01:49simply wrong.
01:50This is a woman who has only ever had and needed one solution for her problems.
01:54If it's in my way, it burns.
01:56King's Landing was in her way, so King's Landing burned.
01:59Daenerys' fall represents a character's most admirable trait, in her case her unwavering
02:04conviction and belief in her own righteousness, being turned into her greatest failing.
02:09Turns out that people with that kind of conviction can be real a-holes when they're suddenly
02:12on the other side of the argument.
02:156. Number 6's Escape in The Prisoner
02:19The Prisoner is a show that's very easy to get wrong, since its particular type of
02:23insanity is the kind that looks like they're making things up as they go along.
02:27Audiences were, understandably, expecting the ending of the show to answer at least
02:31one question they'd been asking since the whole mess began.
02:34What the actual hell is going on?
02:35Well, they didn't get that, because something that audiences missed while asking that question
02:39is that they're the only ones who give a damn about getting answers.
02:43Number 6, our protagonist, would just like to not be a prisoner in this madcap nightmare
02:47of a town anymore.
02:48Some answers would be nice, which is why we do occasionally see him looking for some.
02:52But one can imagine that after 17 episodes of getting messed around, Number 6 would really
02:56stop caring.
02:57So, in the last episode, he finally manages to escape Number 1 and their cavalcade of
03:02mind games and manipulations, driving off into the sunset.
03:06The show was never interested in giving answers, so why should the audience?
03:10Number 5, William's Fidelity Test in Westworld
03:14The thing about having a cast that's mostly made up of robots that are specifically designed
03:18to feel and act as human as possible, to the point where they start developing sentience,
03:23is that the writers can start to play around with who is and isn't a robot.
03:26Now, if you'd seen the original 1973 movie, or if you're one of those weirdos who read
03:32the original novel by Michael Crichton, then you probably already know the twist that William,
03:37the man in black, is one of the hosts and was unaware of it the whole time.
03:41But the show knows damn well that 90% of you didn't even know there was a movie, let
03:45alone a book.
03:46So, the scene in Season 2 where William is subjected to the staff's famous fidelity
03:50test at the hands of his supposedly dead daughter, Emily, came as a shock to everyone.
03:55Was he a machine the whole time?
03:57Then how did he even have a daughter, let alone manage to kill her?
03:59Well, as it turns out, stated by Emily's actress Katia Herbers, this is the show messing
04:04with our perception of time again.
04:06The scene takes place an indeterminate amount of time in the future, where at some point,
04:10either one or both of them were replaced with hosts.
04:15The Ending in The Sopranos
04:17Man, oh man, is this ending infamous.
04:20For those who don't know, seeing as how this ending came a long time ago, the ending
04:24of the hit HBO series The Sopranos sees our protagonist Tony Soprano sitting down for
04:29dinner with his family, knowing full well that he's living on borrowed time.
04:33His mob buddies have deemed him a liability, and are no doubt planning to, well, do what
04:37the mob does best when they deem someone a liability.
04:40Except the show never gives you that closure.
04:42You don't even know, when the door to the diner opens and Tony looks up, that it's
04:46the mob or his daughter showing up late.
04:48The screen goes to black right as he looks up.
04:50And then boom.
04:51Show over.
04:52Thanks for six seasons, folks.
04:53Have fun with Game of Thrones in four years.
04:54Yeah, people were pissed.
04:56They screamed that they wanted closure for Tony's story, but the creator of the show,
05:00David Chase, held firm, deeming closure to be unimportant.
05:03Was it his daughter walking through that door, or the mob?
05:06It honestly doesn't matter, says Chase.
05:08And honestly, we can kinda see his point.
05:10I mean, obviously Tony's dead, it's just a matter of when it's going to happen.
05:13It probably was his daughter walking through that door, but Tony can never be sure, just
05:17as the audience can never be sure.
05:19However much time he has left, Tony Soprano will live that time terrified of when his
05:23chickens will finally come home to roost.
05:27Steven Sparing the Diamonds in Steven Universe
05:31Online discourse about Steven Universe is most aptly compared to a dustbin full of used
05:36nappies that is on fire.
05:37Anyone that has an opinion on the show has a tendency to state that opinion in as toxic
05:41a way as possible, especially if you ask them about the ending to the show's original
05:47To a lot of fans, the show's pacifistic nature was always at odds with its galactic
05:51war premise.
05:52And to those same fans, the ending is the worst example, with Steven literally talking
05:56down White Diamond from ruling the universe with an iron fist.
06:00But it's important to keep in mind a few things.
06:03Steven sparing them is not forgiving them.
06:05Very big difference.
06:06Sparing them down was simply his best option because, and the show is quite clear about
06:10this, fighting the diamonds would have been suicide.
06:13Steven would have lost.
06:15Sure, Steven Universe Future would later clarify that he either did or currently does have
06:19the ability to destroy the diamonds, but that's just not in his nature.
06:23Also, and this might be a bit of a meta-ing too far, but there is no way that Cartoon
06:27Network was going to let this show for little kids end with a triple homicide.
06:31That just flat out was never going to happen.
06:35One Who Knocks in Breaking Bad
06:38These last two entries are the most egregious examples we have by a country mile.
06:42Walter White has become an icon, but sadly in the same way that Tony Soprano, Tyler Durden,
06:47and the last entry on this list have become icons.
06:50Objects of veneration by a very particular kind of men, who completely miss that they
06:54are not meant to like these characters at all.
06:56Just look at how these fans prop up the I am the one who knocks scene from Breaking
07:00Bad as a symbol of badassness, when in reality, Vince Gilligan and his team wrote
07:05that scene to show Walter as, well, what he is.
07:07A sad, pathetic man playing what he thinks a badass looks like.
07:11Which, judging by this scene, is someone who angrily shouts down his own wife when she
07:15dares to voice an opinion he doesn't like.
07:18Walter White is one of the most compelling protagonists in television history, but he
07:21is most certainly not a character to aspire to be, and the rant you all adore so much
07:26is one of the biggest proofs of that.
07:30Pickle Rick in Rick and Morty
07:33What was meant to represent the epitome of Rick Sanchez's flaws as a character was
07:37instead co-opted by a fandom hellbent on missing the bloody point of the whole thing.
07:42Pickle Rick as an episode, as a concept, was made with one purpose.
07:45To expose Rick for the sad, lonely, emotionally stunted manchild he is.
07:50He turns himself into a pickle for the sole motive of getting out of having to go to therapy.
07:54He then goes on this insane adventure where he builds himself a body out of rat guts,
07:58fights a building full of armed soldiers, blows up that building full of armed soldiers,
08:01and then finally makes it to his therapy session, where the therapist proceeds to give
08:05Rick the dressing down of his life.
08:07Now, granted, the fact that Rick takes nothing away from this dressing down but eye-rolling
08:11annoyance in the long run might be why so many fans miss the point being made here.
08:16Pickle Rick is a truly hilarious episode of a truly hilarious show, but a good many of
08:21its hardcore fans don't realise that the episode is laughing at them, not with them.
08:26And that concludes our list.
08:27If you can think of any other examples, then please do let us know in the comments below,
08:31and while you're there, don't forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification
08:36Also, head over to Twitter and follow us there, and I can be found across various social medias
08:39just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
08:41I've been Ellie with WhatCulture, I hope you have a magical day, and I'll see you
08:45real soon.
