• yesterday
Hollyoaks 22nd October 2024


00:00Rex was on the phone out there yesterday
00:02and he was saying Steve thinks James is dead
00:04so let's not tell him otherwise.
00:06We've got more days, eh?
00:07How am I done it?
00:08Why don't you fill me in with what he's done?
00:10Maybe we can help each other out.
00:12It's not mine.
00:14Who is she?
00:17He's got James!
00:17James is alive!
00:52♪ Just a young gun with a quick fuse ♪
00:55♪ I was uptight, wanna let loose ♪
00:58♪ I was dreaming of bigger things ♪
01:00♪ And wanna leave my old life behind ♪
01:06No, we need to talk.
01:07I have got nothing to say to you.
01:09♪ Take a number, I was lightning ♪
01:15Who's ready to look at wedding venues?
01:18Can't wait.
01:22I am marrying the perfect man.
01:54You've come to the right place.
01:57Because if there's one thing I'm good at,
01:59it's taking care of problems.
02:04Alright, thanks, man.
02:07Uh, excuse me.
02:11Why are you not buying from the kiosk?
02:12Huh? What does this place have that I don't?
02:14A roof?
02:16Donny and I were just researching wedding venues.
02:21But everything's so expensive.
02:23Maybe we should agree on a smaller budget.
02:26Oh, no.
02:27No, no, no. We're the best for you.
02:28We'll make it work.
02:30I'll, uh, raid my piggy bank.
02:32Last of the big spenders.
02:35Morning, Robbie.
02:36Have you seen Vicky?
02:37She seemed a bit down over breakfast.
02:40Actually, that's why I wanted to speak to Donny.
02:42Apparently the pair of you had a bit of a daddy-daughter spat.
02:45What's he done now?
02:46Something or nothing. I'll, uh, I'll fix it.
02:48Of course you will.
02:49It's what you do.
02:52See you later.
02:54See you later.
02:57You keep away from my family.
02:58Now, whether you like it or not, me and Vicky are together.
03:00And I care about her, too.
03:02All's you care about is saving your own neck.
03:04And we both know it was you that paid the photographer.
03:06But not tell Vicky to say that in court.
03:09There's me thinking we could be civil.
03:10Oh, well.
03:15Been in the wars, have we?
03:18That's what happens when you borrow 20 grand from a loan shark.
03:22So I've just had a fascinating phone call from an old colleague of mine
03:24telling me that some stupid person in the garage
03:27has been switching number plates on stolen cars.
03:29No way.
03:30I'd know.
03:33OK, before you freak out,
03:35in my defence, the money is ridiculous.
03:38I don't care about the money, all right?
03:40Freddy is never going to get Lexi back in to keep our noses clean.
03:42Right, but it's OK for you to be here.
03:44I've got to go.
03:45I've got to go.
03:46I've got to go.
03:47I've got to go.
03:48I've got to go.
03:49I've got to go.
03:50I've got to go.
03:51It's even harder for you to get Mercedes cancer drugs.
03:53I know how to be subtle, all right?
03:55One sniff of this and Robbie is going straight to social services.
04:00And who are you working for anyway?
04:02Because I know you didn't come up with this plan all on your own.
04:03I'm a guy of small time.
04:05You wouldn't know.
04:07And besides how can you lecture me on breaking the law?
04:10You had a prison wedding.
04:11Exactly, and I don't want that for you.
04:12Right, you're the only drug I've got left.
04:14Don't worry, all right?
04:16I'm not involved in anything heavy.
04:17Stop over-reacting.
04:18This isn't anything serious.
04:20Side hustle.
04:21I've been in this world my whole life.
04:23I know which pass not to touch.
04:27This isn't a game, Rex.
04:29Come on, Grace.
04:31A man's got to have some secrets.
04:39Oh, come on, Diane, please talk to me.
04:43I didn't mean to fool for him, it just happened.
04:46Special offer at the kiosk.
04:48Buy a coffee, get a cake or pastry half price.
04:51Come on, Marie, can I tempt you with a pastry?
04:54Heard you're partial to a pan of Tony.
04:56Oi, you cheeky little...
04:58Are you all right?
05:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:02Apparently I'm the Scarlet Woman of Holyoaks now.
05:05I mean, can you really blame Diane?
05:07I mean, Marie, what happened to girl code?
05:09Mum, of all the blokes you could have copped off with in the village,
05:12you picked Tony.
05:14You picked Tony?
05:15We haven't even slept together, OK?
05:18Which shows you what a gentleman he is,
05:20because quite frankly, I've been very happy to give it up.
05:23Oh, Mum, we don't need any more details with your hook-ups, please.
05:26It's not a hook-up. He's really sweet and he's funny
05:29and he makes a lemon drizzle cake to die for.
05:32And he's a Scorpio and I'm a Scorpio, so obviously we click.
05:36We could be something really special,
05:38even if the whole village is against us.
05:41Look, you were the only person rooting for me and Abe,
05:44so I say go for it.
05:45You only live once, don't you?
05:47What happened to girl code?
05:48Mum, I just don't want to see you get hurt, right?
05:50I've seen loads of troubles with those two
05:52and they've always gotten back together stronger than ever.
05:54And Diane's your best mate. She'll always be there for you.
05:57Can you say the same thing about Tony?
06:00I'll tell you what I can say about Tony.
06:03He's got a hot date tonight.
06:08You got a flight with one punch.
06:11After he was done with you, I had a chat with your new mate, Kev.
06:15It's not the sort of bloke you want to owe money to.
06:17Let's cut straight to the blackmail, are you?
06:19I'm not going to the police.
06:20That's what you think I care about?
06:22That dig in the ribs was just a warning, Donny.
06:24Next time, they'll come after your family.
06:26Have you stopped for one second to think about them?
06:28What do you think I got in this mess?
06:30Market was struggling
06:32and I wanted to get Misbah a proper engagement ring,
06:36applied for a payday loan.
06:38Big mistake.
06:39They may be legal, but the interest you charge to make your eyes water.
06:42You miss one payment, you're in up to your neck.
06:44So then you thought you'd go to a loan shark.
06:46Why didn't you just come clean to Misbah?
06:48She thinks it's minding a man who's going to look after her.
06:53Luckily, I've got a plan that can help you do just that.
06:58I still can't get my head around it.
07:00I mean, what can our Lola have with trashed someone's grave?
07:02I know James had enemies, but this is proper messed up.
07:07You don't think it could have been Dad, do you?
07:09Lukas, your Dad would never do something like that.
07:14Something terrible's happened.
07:15Now, Steve, listen, we were going to tell you.
07:17We just think they're using the right headspace for it.
07:19You know about James?
07:21Dad, the cemetery called us.
07:24Now, listen, the thing is...
07:25Steve, let us take care of it, OK?
07:27We're going to go down to the cemetery this afternoon.
07:29You just focus on your grief counselling appointment.
07:32A really serious crime has been committed here.
07:34Yeah, and listen, the police, the police are going to catch them.
07:37The police?
07:39Just concentrate on getting better, Steve.
07:42Right, whoever did it, they're going to get locked up.
07:46Donny, it is the only way to get these loan sharks out of your life for good.
07:49I'm not going to stage a break-in in my own home.
07:51Do you think I've got enough stuff to clear the debt?
07:53That's the beauty of it.
07:54You just claim for stuff you ain't got.
07:56A bit here, a bit there, a few extra laptops.
07:58You know, once the insurance pays out, your quid's in.
08:00That is illegal.
08:01I am not a criminal!
08:02I've put people like that behind bars!
08:04And now you owe them 20 grand.
08:08You don't have a choice, Donny.
08:10You're in too deep.
08:17Let me just say, I'm only here for my family.
08:22Because they won't listen to me.
08:26I don't even need a grief counsellor.
08:31And you know why?
08:40My husband is actually still alive.
08:48I knew this.
08:50You think I've lost it, don't you?
08:52Many people struggle to accept their loved one's gone.
08:54James is not... James is not gone.
08:58He's not gone.
09:06He's been held captive...
09:09..by a man named Rex Gallagher.
09:13I snuck into his garage and I found a bag,
09:15and it had rope in it, gaffer tape and a balaclava inside.
09:20So, what do you think this means?
09:22What do you think it means?
09:23That he's holding him somewhere.
09:26There's more as well.
09:28Rex is making dodgy phone calls.
09:30He keeps mentioning James's name,
09:32and he's also kept one of his ties as, like, a sick trophy.
09:38I knew that no-one would believe me.
09:46..I had to be 100% sure.
09:48Steve, where did you get this?
09:51James's grave.
09:52Wait, are you saying that James was never in that grave?
09:59Look, Steve.
10:07Look at these.
10:16That's not proof that Rex has kidnapped James.
10:19What is?
10:20What's this?
10:35Hey, Skyver.
10:37You dodging the school canteen again?
10:39Ro, I'm talking to you.
10:41Go talk to your new girlfriend instead.
10:43Do you know what?
10:44I wish I'd just told Mum the truth when I saw you two together.
10:47You told me you'd break the news to her gently.
10:49Me? I never wanted your mum to find out the way she did.
10:53Me and your mum, we might not be together anymore, but I still care about her.
10:56Obviously not enough to stop yourself from jumping onto her best mate.
10:59Hey, you. Lunchtime's over. Get back to school.
11:03I can't believe how you still cope to here.
11:09She's got every right to be angry.
11:13So have you.
11:16Diane, I am so sorry.
11:18Yeah. So you've said.
11:21All those nights, just the three of us.
11:24Laughing and chatting over a takeaway.
11:28Do you honestly expect me to believe that the party just stopped when I went to bed?
11:32Look, I'm not going to lie, we were tempted.
11:35But we both care about you too much.
11:39Yeah, I must have killed you to wait.
11:42You know, Marie, she's...
11:44Well, she's gorgeous, isn't she?
11:47And she's funny.
11:50Life and soul of the party.
11:52Like I used to be.
11:56Is that why you fell for her?
11:57No, not at all.
11:59That's it, isn't it?
12:02She was just a persuasion of me.
12:04Before the drink and the nagging and the rowing.
12:12There's no better version of you, Diane.
12:15You're perfect just the way you are.
12:17And I wish you nothing but happiness.
12:23Even if it's not with me.
12:33Look at the J in James.
12:35It's exactly the same as the note.
12:39Have you shown this to your family?
12:40What would be the point? There's no point, is there?
12:45Leela and Lucas reckon I'm not thinking straight because of the grief.
12:51Do you believe me?
12:57It feels unbelievable.
12:59But you're right.
13:00There's too much evidence to ignore.
13:06I knew it.
13:08I knew I was right.
13:10This is all in strict confidence, isn't it?
13:13Anything you say in our sessions is strictly between me and you.
13:16Unless you're a danger to yourself or others.
13:19But I strongly advise you to hand James' note in to the police.
13:26The police?
13:28Yeah, you're right.
13:42What if the police don't charge Rex straight away?
13:46You know, they don't keep him in a cell overnight.
13:48All calling the police is going to do is tip him off.
13:50Steve, this is serious.
13:51If what you're telling me is true, then James' life could be on the line.
13:57Okay, Rex has kept him a prisoner for this long,
14:00so I need to...
14:01I'm going to try and get close to him.
14:03Get him to let his guard down.
14:08Rex is keeping James in a house.
14:10All I need to do is find out where.
14:14And I'm going to bring my husband home.
14:19Here he is.
14:20My employee of the month.
14:23You've got a nerve, haven't you?
14:25Using Freddie's garage door?
14:28You've got a nerve, haven't you?
14:30Using Freddie's garage as a front for your little shady deals.
14:33You mug, you told your sister?
14:34Found out.
14:35I can't believe that you took Lexie away from Freddie,
14:37making her act like you're some responsible guardian,
14:39when you're buying her fancy toys for dirty money.
14:43Why don't we see what the social services think of your little sideline, huh?
14:47Yeah, go on, then.
14:48As long as you like only seeing your brother during visiting hours.
14:51It won't be a shame to lose him.
14:52I'm the good little businessman.
14:54Pity you don't run in the family, innit?
14:56You are not going to get away with this.
15:02So, first, Steve overhears our business call,
15:05and now Grace knows everything about our operation.
15:07You're not exactly James Bond, are you?
15:09Luckily, you've got a chance to redeem yourself.
15:13Yeah, well, I've been thinking about that one.
15:15Switching number plates on stolen cars, that's one thing,
15:18but staging a break-in into the Mallex, forget it.
15:22Grace is going to be watching me like a hawk from now on.
15:24Is that why you're backing out?
15:25In case your big sis don't like you?
15:26It's more than just Grace.
15:27I've got other people that I need to think of.
15:30I'm not risking it.
15:35The risk is saying no to me.
15:38And don't forget what I'm capable of.
15:43My new dad.
15:45Here to teach me how to play catch, are you?
15:47Excuse me,
15:48you're not too old to go to bed without dinner.
15:50Relax, I'm off out for dinner with Leela anyway.
15:52No, no, she's not having a favourite lover, but yeah.
15:57I'm so sorry about yesterday.
16:00I made you another cake.
16:01You were such a fan of the lemon drizzle,
16:03I figured we could try something else.
16:05It's red velvet.
16:08Red velvet.
16:11It's Diane's favourite, innit?
16:15Look, Tony.
16:18You're such a nice guy.
16:19You're nicer than my usual type,
16:21which makes me want to punch myself for saying this,
16:23but I think we're moving too fast.
16:26I don't understand.
16:27I thought we were on the same page.
16:29We were.
16:31Until I saw my best mate's heart break into a million pieces.
16:38I swung by the dog earlier.
16:41I saw the way you two looked at each other.
16:43There's nothing going on between me and Diane anymore.
16:47I think we both know that's not quite true.
16:49Oh, look, Tony, you just...
16:51You need space to heal from the break-up,
16:54and I don't want to get in the way of that.
17:02It was fun while it lasted, wasn't it?
17:07I'll see you later.
17:20Look, I can't stop thinking about how Sienna's sat in some prison cell because of us.
17:26Robbie, what have we done?
17:40Anyway, um, call me back when you get this, OK?
17:48Dad? Is that you?
17:53Is someone there?
18:01Hey, Dad, how was the grief counsellor?
18:03Yeah, I managed to get loads off my chest.
18:06It's hard your therapy would be good, Dad.
18:11I know it's not easy.
18:12Grief plays tricks on you.
18:14It's not easy. Grief plays tricks on you.
18:16Gets inside your mind.
18:20Some days it still feels like James is here with us.
18:26Sorry, mate, it's been my own little world then.
18:29What are you looking at?
18:30It's just some work that I've got to do for a grief counsellor.
18:33Come here.
18:38I love you, OK, so much.
18:40And I'm going to get through this, I promise.
18:43Get off me!
18:52Hello? Who's there?
19:05Robbie? What's happened?
19:07I don't know, I just found her like this.
19:09I'm calling an ambulance, Dylan.
19:36This is all the proof I need.
19:40I nearly found you.
19:46You're going to be home soon.
19:49I love you so much.
20:09I love you.