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Season 1 | show | 2024| S1 | Official Trailer | dHNzX2djRC1ZdE43ZVVR


00:01Cheat skills are for the fast ones, and the rest are for the bad ones.
00:07That old man really pushed through all the rest!
00:10What am I supposed to do in a different world all of a sudden?
00:16What's important is securing food and safety.
00:20Let's go to the city!
00:23Someone stop him!
00:25Adventurers must start at level 10.
00:30You know that there are more dangerous skills, don't you?
00:35It's a huge army of Orcs!
00:38Hold your fire!
00:40I was waiting for someone to come at the bottom of the dark earth.
00:50I was really worried.
00:53What if Haruka doesn't come back?
01:00No matter what happens, I'm sure Haruka will do something.
01:06We'll save you this time!
01:10It's okay. I'm sure Haruka can do it.
01:14Even if it's a bad skill, if you combine them together, you can create something else!
01:20I'll make sure to use the cheat skill!
01:24A solo adventure in a different world!
01:28Coming October 2024!