• yesterday
Michael Mosley - Just One Thing episode 2
00:00Michael Moseley touched and changed many of our lives.
00:07With his straightforward, relatable tips, he was a man on a mission...
00:12Your mood is going to improve, your blood pressure is going to come down.
00:15Let's do this.
00:16..to make our lives better...
00:18Nice knowing you, ladies!
00:20..and improve our health.
00:22You're just throwing yourself at my mercy, are you?
00:24You're the expert.
00:26Building on the huge success of his podcast,
00:29Michael made this new series in the last few months of his life.
00:33Ready, steady, go.
00:37It's now a fitting tribute to the huge impact he had on so many of us.
00:42You're going to be doing some volunteering.
00:44Sounds good.
00:45Asking if there is just one thing you can change
00:49to improve your life and well-being.
00:52Yay, yay, yay!
00:54So, are you up for a challenge? I'm ready.
00:56I'll drink to that. Yes.
00:59Your turn now.
01:10In glorious Staffordshire, home of the potteries,
01:14the challenge is a quick and easy just one thing
01:17that could bring big benefits for your brain.
01:20This time I'm going to show you how you can enhance your creativity,
01:24your confidence and boost your memory.
01:27All by doing just one thing.
01:29Learning a new skill.
01:32Retired businesswoman, Ali,
01:34is someone who might benefit from doing just that.
01:41Hi, Ali. Michael, come on in.
01:44Hello. I come bearing surprises.
01:48Ali's lived life to the full
01:50and has successfully set up multiple different businesses.
01:53But now she's in her 60s,
01:55she's noticed some changes to her body and mind.
01:59You're not ready to get old, but the body is a machine.
02:03And like a good car that's been running for years,
02:06no matter how well you've maintained it,
02:09things are going to start wearing out.
02:12I'm starting to notice my memory is just shot.
02:16I really want to try anything
02:19that's going to slow ageing from here on.
02:24Ali might be starting to feel her age,
02:27but she's by no means your typical pensioner.
02:30Not only has she travelled to over 100 countries,
02:33she took up burlesque in her mid-50s
02:36and is also a massive petrolhead.
02:38Now, one thing I had heard about you is that you love motorbikes.
02:42We've had motorbikes since we were children.
02:45They're heavy bikes, you know.
02:47You might still feel like you're 25,
02:50but you do feel the aches and the pains.
02:53What do you find the difference is?
02:55Because, as you say, at some level you feel 25,
02:58but at another level you don't.
03:00Yeah. I definitely find that I'm grasping to remember
03:03ordinary, everyday words sometimes.
03:06I'm finding that people are trying to finish sentences for me.
03:09For you!
03:11So I'm guessing it's really the mental things that worry you most.
03:15They do. That is because I've always been sharp on the button.
03:19You are by no means alone.
03:21In fact, I took part in a huge test of 250,000 Brits
03:26and what we showed is that the average 40-year-old
03:29has similar problem-solving skills to a 12-year-old.
03:33Basically, you get really good at it in your 20s and 30s
03:36and then you start getting worse at it.
03:38OK. So that's the bad news.
03:40The good news is you can absolutely do things about it.
03:44And I'm going to show you how.
03:46Although your brain slows with age,
03:48there is a surprisingly simple way to stop
03:50and perhaps even reverse that decline.
03:53This is your Just One Thing challenge
03:55to keep your memory in good shape
03:57and also improve your mood and keep you energised.
04:00I want you to spend just 20 minutes a day...
04:03Yeah. ..learning a new skill or skills.
04:06OK. This'll be fun.
04:08Does that appeal to you? Very much.
04:11Thank goodness for that, because that's where the hamper comes in.
04:18Looks like a picnic.
04:20It looks like a picnic, but it is so much more than that.
04:23These objects themselves aren't the important thing.
04:26It's what you're going to do with them.
04:28There's loads of interesting things to learn in here.
04:32Whatever skill you choose, it's better if it's something you enjoy.
04:36I know you love travelling. Yes.
04:38So do you fancy a bit of Spanish, a bit of French?
04:41A bit of Spanish, for sure. A bit of Spanish? Yeah.
04:44And if you can learn two or more skills at the same time,
04:46you'll see even greater benefits.
04:48And the cakes basically represent, if you like, food.
04:51Are you a baker at all?
04:53Never in my life have I ever baked a cake.
04:56Perfect, because learning a new skill is all about challenging your brain.
05:00I think we should probably start with just decorating the cakes.
05:03And one of the best ways to do that
05:05is by trying things it's never had to deal with before.
05:08The point is that you need to keep your brain sharp.
05:12Yes. And the way you do that is by learning new skills.
05:15By really challenging yourself.
05:17The more you push yourself to learn new things,
05:20the more you squeeze out the biggest brain benefits.
05:23But that's not the only challenge for Ali.
05:26The really important thing is engaging other people in this,
05:29so it becomes a sociable thing which you want to stick to.
05:32So your husband, friends, we can rope them in.
05:35For sure. I've got a lot of friends. OK. Yeah.
05:38I somehow thought you might have. They'll love it.
05:41And doing it regularly is key.
05:43So, at least 20 minutes a day. OK.
05:46Doing it every day. Yes.
05:48Is this the just one thing for you?
05:50100%. I'm looking forward to it.
05:52Brilliant. Whoa!
05:55It's great Ali is so keen to take on this challenge.
05:59It's a brilliant workout for the brain
06:01and a starting point for helping improve the memory.
06:04Something we can all benefit from.
06:07Because the latest science shows learning a new skill,
06:11whether it's a musical instrument or how to juggle,
06:14has a surprisingly big effect on the brain.
06:18It increases the number of connections between your brain cells.
06:22One study on juggling showed you can boost your neural connections
06:27in just six weeks.
06:29And learning a new language has a similar effect.
06:32It's been shown to increase the size of brain areas involved in memory.
06:38Surprisingly, it's more effective if you try and learn a few things at once.
06:43In a recent trial in America,
06:45a group of older people were asked to learn three new things over three months.
06:50And they not only improved their working memory,
06:53but after a year their memory and cognitive ability
06:57were similar to that of someone decades younger.
07:01Hoping to turn back the clock, Ali has come to the potteries in Staffordshire
07:06with her husband John and friends Killoran, Tracy, Claire and Debbie
07:11in a bid to get them to join her in this just one thing.
07:16And the challenge is...
07:19..to learn a new skill.
07:21So the critical thing is that whatever new skill you embrace,
07:25should be something which is quite challenging.
07:27How are you feeling about that?
07:29What have you got us into?
07:32You're all up for a laugh, aren't you?
07:35We all want to stay young and vibrant, don't we?
07:38You are going to do it, aren't you, Johnny?
07:41Yes, you are.
07:43Hmm, John doesn't look overly convinced.
07:46But there's no time like the present,
07:48and as they're in Staffordshire, they're trying to learn a new skill.
07:52The challenge begins now, and we are going to be decorating some pottery
07:56so you can express the artistic side of yourself.
07:59Yeah? Yeah.
08:01Spongeware pots were commonly made here in the early 19th century.
08:05It's a simple technique which involves using a damp sponge
08:08to paint ceramics.
08:10Gosh, this is quite relaxing, isn't it?
08:12It is.
08:13I'm trying to tell you whether it's good or bad.
08:15It just is.
08:16It just is, exactly.
08:18So, what sort of things do you think you might want to embrace
08:21in the way of skills?
08:23I was toying with the idea of either joining Ali with a language
08:27or joining my children in learning guitar.
08:30OK, yeah, both challenging.
08:32Yeah, we can turn into the Von Trapp family, then.
08:35So I quite fancy learning to dance.
08:37OK, brilliant.
08:38I think I might choose the photography.
08:41I fancy playing the piano.
08:43I think it's a good idea.
08:45I might choose the photography.
08:47I fancy playing the piano.
08:49Yeah? Possibly a language.
08:51John, you're happy to help Ali with the cooking, yeah?
08:54Oh, yeah.
08:55So the reason I want you all to be involved
08:57is because studies have shown unequivocally
09:00that you're more likely to stick to something if you do it with friends.
09:04The simple rule is, once you have decided on the thing you want to do,
09:08I want you to spend 20 to 30 minutes a day, every day, doing it.
09:13John is hugely looking forward to it.
09:16OK, thank you so much for bringing such good sports.
09:19Look forward to finding out how you get on,
09:21and I'm going to be taking my mug away as evidence,
09:24because I don't think anyone needs to see this close-up.
09:28Thank you. Thank you. Bye.
09:32On the whole, that was great.
09:34Most of the group are really keen about the idea of embracing the challenge,
09:38with one notable exception, and that is her husband, John.
09:42I'm really hoping he comes on board,
09:44because that will make such a lot of difference.
09:50I have been so concerned about the way my memory has been lately.
09:57I didn't know that it's just a natural thing that happens to us all,
10:01but we can do something about it,
10:04and we can do something that's fun and useful.
10:07I'm really looking forward to this.
10:09It's going to be interesting to see what new skills this old dog can learn.
10:14I think it's a really good idea,
10:16because I have been having a few memory issues,
10:19as we all do when we get a bit older,
10:21so anything that's going to help that has got to be a bonus.
10:33Ali and her friends are in the right place
10:35if they want to develop an artistic skill,
10:38because Staffordshire has labelled itself the Creative County.
10:43This area became a centre of pottery production in the 17th century
10:48due to the clay-rich soil and easy access to coal,
10:52and at its peak had over 2,000 bottle ovens, or kilns,
10:56dotted along the canal that was built to bring supplies in and out.
11:01At one time, over half the local population
11:05were involved in the skill of creating ceramics.
11:08Their work was highly sought after.
11:11As well as producing ceramics
11:13to grace some of the finest tables in the country,
11:16tiles made at the potteries were used
11:18in the iconic ornate floors of the Houses of Parliament.
11:26Ali's Español may not be the talk of Staffordshire yet.
11:31Buenos días, Pretty.
11:33Buenos días, Pretty.
11:36But if learning a new skill really does improve your brain function,
11:40then it's worth the effort, and it's particularly important to Ali.
11:54I married the only boy I've ever kissed when I was 16.
11:58I've still got him to this day.
12:01He's known as my John.
12:05And then this year, he got quite ill,
12:08and it was the first time I felt afraid...
12:13..because he is... he is...
12:19He is my heart, he is my soul,
12:21and I couldn't face life without him.
12:24But it did make me feel the clock really is ticking now.
12:29I believe that part of my memory loss feeling
12:34is because I'm not even trying to remember anything at the moment.
12:40I'm not trying to retain information.
12:43So taking this Spanish class as such,
12:48it's showing me that I can retain a lot more information.
12:53I can retain a lot more words than I thought.
12:56I'm truly enjoying it.
12:58I love learning Spanish.
13:03John's also having a go at learning the lingo.
13:07What are we doing?
13:09I'm trying to find a language converter.
13:14You can respond with,
13:17and he'll say,
13:21But he's finding it hard to persuade Ali to take up her second skill.
13:26I really don't want to do the cookery.
13:29Meanwhile, the others are throwing themselves into their challenges.
13:33Tracey's been strutting her stuff.
13:36All my life, so much fun. I've had a great time.
13:41Killerine's testing her memory by tickling the old ivories.
13:52Got there in the end.
13:54And Debbie's signed up for a photography course.
13:57So we're changing the focus.
13:59So we're changing the focus to get the bush nice and soft in the foreground.
14:03It's early days of the challenge, and the gang are full of enthusiasm.
14:08But while one problem with learning something new can be fitting it in,
14:12the other can be keeping going.
14:14Luckily, there are hacks to help,
14:16such as teaming up with a partner, like Michael and wife Claire,
14:20to make it more fun, as social interaction can boost how we learn.
14:24It's actually quite difficult to draw somebody else when they're drawing you.
14:27It is completely, exactly.
14:29Keep on looking up.
14:30I've got a feeling that anything I do to this will make it worse at this point.
14:34Yeah, I'm feeling the same.
14:36Fortunately, you don't need to master a new skill for it to be beneficial.
14:41More than one study has shown it's consistency that counts,
14:44not your level of proficiency.
14:47So I'm actually quite pleased with this.
14:49I think it's quite good.
14:53Or you could just cheat.
14:55I must confess, I didn't actually draw this.
14:58It was drawn by a friend of Claire's.
15:01The more challenging the activity...
15:03You've just become one big pair of glasses at the moment.
15:06And the more intensely you practice, the more brain benefit you'll see.
15:10Shall we take a close look?
15:15OK, what do you reckon?
15:17Oh, my goodness, from a distance, you look most bizarre.
15:22I wouldn't recognise you from that.
15:24Yeah, a wanted poster, maybe.
15:26OK, good, do the same on yours. Come on, then.
15:29Yeah, it sort of captures some of your cheerfulness, I have to say.
15:33It's not a great picture, but I think you'd like that person if you met them.
15:40The important thing about learning any new skill
15:43is that you find something you enjoy doing,
15:45because only if you enjoy doing it will you persist with it,
15:48and only if you persist will you get the full benefits.
15:52If you're able to keep practising a new skill for 20 minutes a day
15:57for six to 12 weeks, then you could improve your memory,
16:00boost your brain connections and increase your creativity.
16:04And the more skills you learn, the better.
16:07So to inspire the group and hopefully fire up the cognitive,
16:10motor and artistic skills,
16:12they're going to be turning their hand to making pottery.
16:16Well, when in Staffordshire...
16:18Hi. Welcome to Clay College.
16:21My name's Brian. I'm here to try and teach you something about clay.
16:26With over 30 years' experience in the business,
16:29there's no-one better than Brian to do so.
16:32In one nice, firm...
16:37Ideally, you need to dig your left elbow into your left hip, if you can.
16:42Slow the wheel down a little bit.
16:44Oh, it's already gone a bit skewiffy.
16:48And pull back a little bit so you can see how deep you're going.
16:51As well as focusing on her own pot,
16:53Ali's also on hand to offer John support.
16:59What are you making me, Johnny?
17:01I'm making a doughnut.
17:03Let's have a look.
17:05Johnny, you've been really resistant to learning anything,
17:09this just one thing,
17:11but you look like you're really enjoying that.
17:14I'm trying to make a cup.
17:16You're trying to make a cup?
17:21Whilst this might just look like a bit of fun,
17:24it's actually really good for your brain.
17:27One study of 256 older adults
17:30showed that those engaged in art activities like painting or pottery
17:35were 73% less likely to develop dementia.
17:39OK. It feels like it's about to collapse.
17:42OK, so we've just got to try and pick it up a little bit.
17:45Oh, you make it look so easy.
17:47No, I'm actually really enjoying it
17:49that we've got something to show for it.
17:51Yeah, it makes a difference.
17:53It is very meditative. It is.
17:55It is. Therapeutic, isn't it?
17:57You can lose yourself in it.
17:59Artists have actually been shown to generate brainwaves
18:03that are associated with both meditation and deep sleep.
18:07When you are fully engaged and concentrating on an activity,
18:10it can be really good for your brain.
18:13You're just not thinking of anything else.
18:16You're getting rid of all your stress.
18:18Trace is absolutely right.
18:20Such all-encompassing activities have often been proven to reduce stress,
18:24effectively pausing the outside world.
18:27This is called flow and can calm the flight-or-fight response
18:32that keeps our bodies in a constant state of stress.
18:38OK, everybody, that's it. Time's up.
18:42You know, we're vertical and we're upright. Fantastic.
18:47And the winner of this week's Beginners Pottery Throwdown is...
18:52Debbie. Debbie is the clear winner.
18:57Brilliant. Brilliant.
18:59But the biggest surprise of all...
19:01I enjoyed that. It was good fun. Thank you.
19:04..is John saying he enjoyed a new hobby.
19:08And he's not the only one.
19:10I loved it.
19:12I didn't like getting mucky.
19:15The nails don't approve.
19:17But it was good fun. It really was.
19:21And I felt like I was learning something all the time.
19:25And the nicest thing of all is my John enjoyed it.
19:29It was interesting and it was...
19:33..hands-on, if you like.
19:35I'm OK with that sort of thing
19:37because I prefer to work with my hands.
19:41So I enjoyed it that way.
19:43While you're sitting there, you're just concentrating on what you're doing
19:47and you just forget about all your other worries
19:50that you had in your head before you got here.
19:53It stretched my brain, it stretched my arms, it stretched my hands.
19:57I managed to do it without breaking any nails.
19:59I managed to get four pots out.
20:01Here we are in Stoke-on-Trent and that's what you've got to do, isn't it?
20:04Get a pot out.
20:06Ali and her friends have had a great time learning pottery together.
20:10But if you really want to turn back the clock on your brain...
20:16..then you could up your learning time and try three new skills at once.
20:21A recent study found doing 15 hours a week for 12 weeks
20:26improved cognitive control and working memory
20:29to the levels of someone 30 years younger.
20:33I think you've got to kind of practice...
20:36Can you see that? I'm just doing my head.
20:38Although some might consider that juggling too many balls at once.
20:41Oh, I had a run! In which case...
20:43There was an Oxford University study where they got people
20:46to learn how to juggle and they found that doing so
20:51increased the white matter, the sort of, you know, the nerve fibres,
20:56if you like, the thickness of them.
20:58So it can make a difference to your brain, apparently.
21:04What's it doing to my brain? I don't know.
21:06What's it doing to your brain? Can you feel your white matter thickening?
21:09I think my white matter needs a lot of thickening, actually.
21:13Maybe we'll fling it between ourselves.
21:15OK. Ready, steady, go and catch something.
21:22Back in Staffordshire, Ali and her merry band
21:25have been busy learning their new skills.
21:28Ali has really been enjoying her Spanish...
21:31I need to go to work.
21:34..but is struggling with her cooking challenge.
21:37Since learning more than one skill can be really good for you,
21:41it's lucky Johnny's here to help.
21:43Right, Ali, today I'm going to teach you how to make scones.
21:49And in doing so, he's found another skill he seems to enjoy.
21:54We can mix all that in now.
21:56Telling Ali what to do.
21:58You're supposed to be using the spatula.
22:00Why? This is mixing.
22:02That's why.
22:04Take a look at it now.
22:06Although, what is it they say?
22:08Practice makes perfect.
22:10There's only one that looks like a real scone.
22:12That's the one I did.
22:14Of course it is.
22:15In fact, all the group have really got stuck into the challenge.
22:20So I just came out of my first proper guitar lesson.
22:24My teacher is a former student of mine who was brilliant,
22:28really, really good.
22:30Tracey's also joined Ali in learning Spanish.
22:38Have fun translating that if you can.
22:41And Debbie's come on leaps and bounds with her photography.
22:44Very pleased with this. The aperture was right.
22:48But have they started to feel the effects?
22:51I do feel a benefit in the challenge of certainly the language,
22:58the language skills.
23:00It's boosted my self-confidence.
23:03It's made me feel less worried about my memory.
23:07I'm realising I can remember stuff if I just, you know, try it.
23:13It's great that Ali's memory seems to be improving.
23:16And she's already feeling more confident.
23:19But what is actually going on?
23:21And how does it all work?
23:24Learning complex skills like a language
23:27are thought to be particularly effective
23:29because you're constantly challenging the brain.
23:32Switching between different sounds, concepts and grammatical rules
23:36is like a workout for your brain's executive functions
23:39and helps keep them in shape.
23:41This is important as you get older
23:44because the protective material around the connections between nerve cells
23:48called myelin starts to deteriorate as you age.
23:52When it wears out, the connections are slower and don't work as well.
23:56But the good news is our brains are much more plastic than we once believed.
24:01Learning a new skill, and particularly more than one at once,
24:05can get your connections firing again.
24:07This strengthens the myelin sheath
24:09and boosts the speed at which signals between cells are sent.
24:13Not only that, it may even forge new pathways
24:16that can grow new connections.
24:19So learning a new skill and practising as much as possible
24:22is a powerful way to stay sharp and regenerate your brain.
24:27It can improve your memory and attention whatever age you are.
24:33For helpful tips on how to keep up new habits
24:36just head to bbc.co.uk slash just one thing
24:40and follow the links to the Open University.
24:45Back in Staffordshire, it's the end of the week.
24:48But how have they all got on?
24:50Come on then.
24:52Let's see what you've got.
25:01Isn't it lovely that we've got this for our girls?
25:04I'm so happy you've all joined me on this little quest.
25:08Ali, husband John and her friends have spent the week
25:11learning a whole host of new skills.
25:14So what better way to cap it all off than with a bit of show and tell?
25:18Are we ready?
25:19As long as you keep your expectations nice and low.
25:24It's showtime, everybody.
25:31Well done.
25:39Bonjour, mes amis. Comment ça va?
25:41These are brilliant, Debbie.
25:43Yeah, lovely.
25:45And last but definitely not least,
25:47John and Ali show off the result of their baking experiment.
25:51These are...
25:55They're not scones, they're scones, Claire!
25:59Ali wanted to boost her brain power and enhance her memory.
26:03She was hoping it would reignite her sparkle, energise her social life
26:07and help her feel more confident about her future.
26:11But is this just one thing for Ali and the rest of the group?
26:15So learning a new skill for me has been really good,
26:18but what about the rest of you?
26:20It's been smashing. I am going to carry on.
26:23It's done me the world of good and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.
26:26Yes, I think I'm going to keep it up.
26:28The dancing I will definitely keep up.
26:30It's good exercise. I've got to make lots of new friends.
26:33The social aspect has been huge. I'm going to keep it up.
26:39I find that my memory is much better than I thought it was,
26:43so it's lifted my self-confidence.
26:46So I've noticed that I feel really calm and centred
26:50when I'm doing the activity because you have to focus on it.
26:53I got up this morning and I just felt uplifted, felt different, better.
26:59Yeah, so it's obviously having a good effect.
27:03Together with our tribe, we've got lots of plans to keep on learning,
27:09trying out new stuff.
27:11We're calling ourselves the Just One Thing Gang
27:14and we're going to keep challenging ourselves to learn new skills.
27:22I am delighted that Ali and her friends have got so much out of it
27:26and that's because learning a new skill really is just one thing
27:30that you can incorporate into your life
27:32which will boost your memory, your brainpower and your mood.
27:35So why not give it a go?
27:40Like with so many of the health tips Michael's shared with us over the years,
27:44a small change can make a big difference.
27:48Through his incredible work, Michael left us with tonnes of inspiration.
27:54You can find many of the ways he showed us how to live a healthier, happier life
27:58on the Just One Thing podcast on BBC Sounds.