• 36 minutes ago
Dalam setahun terakhir, harga emas mencatatkan kenaikan luar biasa yaitu sekitar 30% atau kenaikan tertinggi dalam lebih dari 40 tahun terakhir. Tren kenaikan emas ini mencerminkan besarnya keinginan menggantikan dolar Amerika Serikat.


00:00In the last year, the gold price recorded an incredible increase of about 30 percent or the best year-on-year increase in more than 40 years.
00:15The gold price trend is considered a big mirror to replace the US dollar.
00:20The gold price is stable below the highest record in the Silasa trade.
00:28Gold in the spot market rose 0.5 percent to the range of US $ 2,734 per ounce, slightly below the highest record of US $ 2,740 per ounce, which was achieved on Monday.
00:41In the last year, the gold price recorded an incredible increase of about 30 percent or the best year-on-year increase in more than 40 years.
00:50The rise in the gold price indicates an increasing interest in alternative financial systems that are not dependent on the US dollar.
00:58The growth of gold purchases by central banks, especially in countries that are trying to diversify their reserves from the dominance of the dollar, is increasing the strength of gold.
01:08This phenomenon is not only about the short-term economy, but also about the persistent changes in countries such as China and the Middle East.
01:18Various sources of IDX Channel
