• vor 2 Minuten
Die Hulu-Serie Interior Chinatown handelt von Willis Yang, der als Komparse bei der Polizeiserie Black & White beschäftigt ist und von einem besseren Leben träumt. Dann wird er jedoch Zeuge eines echten Verbrechens und wird nun als Hauptdarsteller seines Lebens eine Verschwörung in Chinatown aufdecken.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/interior-chinatown


00:00In Chinatown, nothing ever changes
00:05Nothing exciting ever happens to me or you or anyone we know
00:09I feel like I'm a background character in someone else's story. I think that's called being a loser. Shut up, man
00:16Police are investigating a missing woman. The abduction may be related to reports of a gang war
00:21Who is that?
00:23She looks Thai. Dude, she's clearly Korean. Know your Asians
00:30Holy, what is she doing here?
00:33Willis Wu. You know my name. Pretend to take my order. Welcome to the Golden Palace. How may I help you? Just act normal
00:42Welcome to the Golden Palace. I need your help. Why me? You know Chinatown better than I do. I need someone on the inside
00:49Get in
00:58There's something going on in Chinatown. A pattern of incidents I don't yet understand. That's my brother
01:04He's been missing for 12 years. He was working with us. So you're gonna solve this? We are. We? We work together
01:11You're dating that detective? I'm not dating anyone. Just friends, but it's complicated. That's the best kind of relationship
01:19You are getting involved with things you don't yet understand
01:24I don't know what's going on, but weird things are starting to happen
01:32In what?
01:33There's got to be a different angle. If we find it, then I can find out what happened to my brother
01:39I don't want to lose another son
01:43If you want to be a part of this, why not be the hero? Guys like us don't become the hero
01:47Then what are you training so hard for? In Chinatown?
01:51Kung Fu can break on any moment
02:00We're closed
02:07Who are you?
02:09You have to go, Willis
02:17Why am I like this? Bad at drinking? No, half-dressed. Oh, yeah, I couldn't get your shirt off
02:23So I just did your pants. So you Donald Ducked me. Nice quads, bro