• 6 hours ago


00:00Freddy! How are you? What on earth happened?
00:27Alfie said something about Tommy and an accident with Sir Noodle Soup.
00:32Oh, I had an accident then.
00:39You alright?
00:42Who is he?
00:43Yeah, they've patched up his arm, they've dosed him up with painkillers.
00:47I just dropped him off home here.
00:48Did they ask what happened?
00:51What did he tell them?
00:52Nothing about Tommy if that's what you're worried about.
00:54It wasn't Tommy's fault.
00:55Freddy shouldn't have been so rough on you.
00:56Hold on, are you saying this is Freddy's fault?
00:58This place, we need to stop doing this, Neil.
01:01You saw him, he lost it.
01:02He was like a kid possessed, he scared the hell out of me.
01:05So he's Damien now, is he?
01:06No, I'm not saying...
01:07Go to bed.
01:08I've had about as much as I can take for one night.
01:10We'll talk in the morning.
01:26A grudge?
01:27No, I've said no.
01:29I can't think of anyone.
01:31Come on now, it ain't your fault.
01:33I tried telling Dad that.
01:34I didn't want a donkey to conquer my life.
01:36Well, it might not have been the Mitchells, you know,
01:38it could have just been a coincidence.
01:39Yeah, right.
01:40This means war, man.
01:42I mean, what Dad did to Barney was bad.
01:46What are we going to say to him when we see him in school?
01:48Like I'm going in.
01:50Right, I'm going in.
01:51See you later.
01:52Like I'm going in.
01:55What are you doing here? Get to school.
01:57Go on.
02:02What did he say?
02:03Can we get in?
02:04Not until I've finished investigating.
02:08They're asking about insurance.
02:10What if they think it's an inside job?
02:11They won't.
02:12Rocky Cotton got ten years.
02:14It ain't going down again.
02:15Of course not.
02:16Look, let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
02:18You have no motive.
02:19And no alibi.
02:20Because I was beating the living daylights out of the scum who assaulted my daughter, remember?
02:24I tell you, I'm going to fix this.
02:26I'm going to kill Teddy Mitchell.
02:31What if the old Bill comes sniffing mad?
02:33Well, they won't.
02:35Ravi Gulati is many things.
02:36A brass ain't one of them.
02:38No, boy.
02:39He's going to be out for blood.
02:41So keep your nut down,
02:42and your mince is peeled.
02:45Yeah, come sit down.
02:46I've got some pancakes.
02:48Oh, thanks.
02:49But I need to get to the library, catch up on a few things.
02:51I thought you could have the day off.
02:53Well, after what happened yesterday.
02:55I told you I'm fine.
02:57That's the thing about shock bomb.
02:58It doesn't always kick in straight away.
03:00And we also don't want you to run into the panaceas.
03:03Yeah, not for the next few days at least.
03:08What have you done?
03:09Look, don't forget to brush your teeth.
03:10And Ernie, you've got a spelling test.
03:11Make sure your book's in your bag.
03:12We're going to be late, all right?
03:13Listen, Kat.
03:14Have a chat with Tommy when I get back, all right?
03:16Go easy on him, all right?
03:17He'll be feeling bad, you know.
03:18Yeah, I know.
03:19Tommy, you all right?
03:21Why are you up so early?
03:24Why do you think?
03:26I thought you could do with the day off.
03:28You know, you had a late night last night.
03:29We could watch a film.
03:32What's the matter?
03:34Worried I'm going to tell someone how I got hurt
03:36in my own home again?
03:37Oh, you know as well as I do, okay?
03:39Freddie never meant to hurt you, but you.
03:41You weren't about to defend me, was you?
03:43Yeah, but you shouldn't have hurt Bert in the first place.
03:44I didn't mean to.
03:48You should have just given me the source.
03:49Yeah, I know, love, but...
03:58But Freddie spent half the night in A&E.
04:01He should have been in a prison cell.
04:04If that woman from social services knew you just stood there,
04:07why, he'd attack me then.
04:08Yeah, yeah, here we go.
04:09No, Alfie.
04:10No, Kat, listen.
04:11Enough is enough.
04:12We've got to stop doing this, okay?
04:13You want to call a fine.
04:14You want to get put into care.
04:15Maybe a, what, a detention centre.
04:17Could you carry on the way...
04:18Anywhere's better than here.
04:23Oi, would you call that going easy on him?
04:25Alright, alright, just let him calm down.
04:26He'll be alright.
04:28Tommy, listen!
04:29I know you're upset, love.
04:31I don't know why you're buffering.
04:32She ain't going to answer.
04:34Kat must be tearing her hair out.
04:36I mean, what on earth got into Tommy?
04:38He just flipped.
04:39It's like smashing the gaff up.
04:41Maybe I shouldn't have said nothing.
04:43Sorry, you didn't do nothing wrong, Fred.
04:44No, I mean, where was Kat and Alfie?
04:46Why weren't they wading in?
04:47I don't know.
04:48I don't know.
04:49I don't know.
04:50I don't know.
04:51I don't know.
04:52I don't know.
04:53I don't know.
04:54I don't know.
04:55I don't know.
04:56I don't know.
04:57I don't know.
04:58I don't know.
04:59Why weren't they wading in?
05:00Alfie did try to be fair, but Kat, she just stood there.
05:03She's scared of him.
05:06Scared how?
05:08Is there something you're not telling us, Freddy?
05:11I promised Kat I wouldn't say anything.
05:15I can't believe it!
05:16Calm down, Robinson.
05:18I've got to go down to the station later and make a statement.
05:20Why don't you tell them the truth?
05:22It was Teddy Mitchell.
05:24Because I ain't that grass, Vinnie.
05:27Anyway, he'll wish he'd turned himself in by the time I finished with him.
05:31You're not going anywhere near him.
05:33Are you seriously going to let him get away with this?
05:35We need to hit back hard, now!
05:38Otherwise what's next?
05:40What of this place?
05:42What of the Minutemart?
05:43He's made his point.
05:46And he'd like nothing better than for us to do something stupid while this place is still crawling with police.
05:51Get ourselves arrested.
05:54We sit back, we wait.
05:56And when he's least expecting it, we're going to crush that family.
06:02You just need some space, some time to calm down.
06:04I'll make sure that he apologises to Freddy, alright?
06:07Take one. Sorry to make this right.
06:10We need to stop burying our head in the sand.
06:12Kat, we are so out of our depth right now.
06:15Why aren't you answering your phone?
06:17Sorry, Jean. I was about to come over, see how Freddy is.
06:20Well, he's shocked. And upset.
06:22And in a lot more pain than he's letting on.
06:25Listen, we're sorry. And I know Tommy's sorry.
06:28And embarrassed as well.
06:30Though I don't need to tell you that.
06:32You know exactly how that feels.
06:35This isn't the first time Tommy's lashed out, is it?
06:39Kat, we need to stop lying.
06:41Because this ain't helping.
06:46Well, seriously.
06:48You couldn't dig up anything a bit more concrete?
06:50I had a discreet word with the officers who investigated at the time.
06:54Went through all the interview tapes, CCTV footage.
07:01This Shireen.
07:03Sounds a bit flighty.
07:05Her mum seems the only one who seriously suspects foul play.
07:09She can't just have disappeared in thin air.
07:13And what about this Harry Mitchell?
07:15I mean, he was the last one to see her, right?
07:17He's not exactly popular.
07:19It seems he butted heads with most of the hard men in Dartford.
07:23But still...
07:25Even the exes were an axe to grind.
07:27There's a lot of them.
07:30There's no evidence to suggest he's behind any of this.
07:34The case is still open. I'll keep an ear out.
07:39In the meantime, maybe look into that fire on Turpin Road.
07:45Looks like arson.
07:48Stop sulking.
07:50Come on, it's your move.
07:57I know you don't approve of what I did, but I am your dad.
08:01And I've got to do whatever I think I'll need to, to keep you safe.
08:05I was till you went steaming in.
08:07Bit of a short memory there, boy, eh?
08:09Because if I hadn't gone steaming in,
08:11we might be playing this game of chess in an hospital bed now.
08:14Or worse.
08:17You can't let people take liberties, boy.
08:19Now, what if I was just to do this, eh?
08:23What are you going to do about it?
08:25Let me get away with it?
08:27Leave yourself open to attack?
08:29Or go on the offensive?
08:31This ain't a game, Dad.
08:33You could have killed someone. You could go to prison.
08:35Well, I know what I'm doing, boy. Trust me.
08:40Can't let people just walk all over you, boy. Simple as that.
08:43Got to toughen up a bit. Be a man.
08:46Barney, where are you going?
08:48Well, I told you, you have to wait until this blows over.
08:50And how long's that going to be? A few days, weeks, years?
08:54You didn't think this through, did you?
08:56You made your move in anger rather than having any sort of strategy.
09:00Instead of thinking two steps ahead, you've left us all wide open.
09:03Yeah. Check, mate.
09:05Barney, sit down, please.
09:07What? Sit here and hide away?
09:09Not very manly, is it?
09:17Why didn't you tell us?
09:19Why do you think?
09:20It's not the sort of thing you go broadcasting, is it?
09:24You didn't mean it, all right? You felt awful after.
09:27How many times has it happened?
09:29We've both been on the receiving end of it.
09:31Don't look at me like that. They've got a right to know.
09:34I mean, I'm not being funny, Kat, but you're lucky you don't need skin grafts.
09:37All I tried to do was take the ketchup off him.
09:39Oh? You had him on the floor.
09:42What are you saying? That we're bad parents?
09:44That we can't control our own kid?
09:46Yeah, but we can't, can we?
09:48Come on, Kate, you know as well as I do we've tried.
09:51But he's stealing, he's lashing out.
09:54Stacey's right. It could have been a lot worse last night.
09:58Kat, you're family. We're not judging you.
10:01Why not? It's my fault.
10:03Kat, don't say that. You're a great mum.
10:05Yes. I mean, obviously there's things we'd all do differently.
10:09Tommy was the perfect little boy before he found out about Michael.
10:12Full of love and cuddles.
10:14Maybe if I'd have been around more.
10:16Instead of letting Mitchell get his toxic claws into him.
10:19Well, at least he felt secure with Phil, yeah?
10:21Maybe I should have stayed with him.
10:26The truth is, when I look at him, I don't know who he is anymore.
10:30I'm scared to open my mouth.
10:32That's half the problem, though, isn't it? Since he phoned the social.
10:35He did what?
10:36Yeah, he punched Kat, then he reported her for trying to defend herself.
10:40Maybe if I hadn't tried to convince him to cover it up, it might have been...
10:44Phil's such a failure.
10:47I just want my little boy back.
11:02Come to admire Daddy's handiwork?
11:04Avani, I'm so sorry.
11:06It's all right. It's not your fault your dad's a psycho.
11:09Really, though, I should be the one apologising.
11:12Cos if I hadn't asked you to lie for me...
11:14No, no, he's fine. As long as you're OK.
11:18Come on, let me buy you a milkshake.
11:24Young love, eh?
11:28I heard him and her old man were messing around on the railway bridge yesterday.
11:32Messing around, yeah, all right.
11:34Either that kid was terrified or he's an ex-Marlon Brando.
11:38What, you were there with him?
11:41Did you think he was real?
11:42Yeah, so did the rest of the Mitchells by the looks of things.
11:47Have you actually sat him down and told him how serious all this is?
11:51You know, I thought we were getting through to him yesterday.
11:53It's going to take time. It's not going to change overnight, is it?
11:56It's got worse. I'm not being funny. What if that was a knife?
11:58He wouldn't. He was out of control.
12:00Cat Freddy's right, he needs some professional help.
12:03What, a shrink?
12:04Not a shrink, I don't know, just someone with experience.
12:06Someone who knows how to deal with these problems.
12:08And where are we supposed to find the money for that, eh?
12:11I don't want anyone outside of this room knowing about this.
12:14I'm already on the social services radar. They think I can't cope.
12:18They're here to help, Cat. They're not the enemy.
12:20You back Tommy into a corner and he can say anything about us.
12:23You can't be held to ransom by a 13-year-old boy.
12:26That today's pearl of wisdom, is it, Jean, eh?
12:28The other month you thought you should do a paper round or something.
12:31Now you're thinking he's locking up.
12:32No, I never said that.
12:33What happened to keeping it in the family, eh? Rallying round.
12:36Cat, come on, darling. You know we've got to be honest here.
12:39We're well in over our heads. I mean, what's next?
12:42He's not a monster, all right?
12:44But we've tried.
12:45And we try again. And again.
12:47And as many times as we have to. Us, his family.
12:51Underneath he's just a hurt, scared little boy.
12:55He needs patience, love and understanding.
13:03No, he kicked you out the car.
13:05Yeah, as soon as he found out he wasn't getting what he wanted.
13:10I thought I was ready for it, you know.
13:12But when it came down to it...
13:17For what?
13:18For not saying I told you so.
13:20So you're done with Mason, then?
13:22Yeah. I mean, I'm done with all boys.
13:24Present company accepted, obviously.
13:27It's just not worth all the dramas.
13:29If only our parents were sensible, eh?
13:32Don't suppose your dad's about to forgive and forget?
13:35No, he is vexed.
13:37I hate it. I mean, it's stupid.
13:39And it's trouble for what?
13:41Are you sure you two are related?
13:43Sometimes I wonder.
13:45Maybe your mum and that, like, Einstein guy got it on back in the day.
13:50You never talk about her.
13:52Your mum.
13:53It's kind of off-limits.
13:55Dad reckons she's trouble.
13:57She must be a right piece of work, then, innit?
13:59She's not perfect, but she gets me.
14:03She ran off to Bali months ago.
14:05I mean, I think I'd need a long holiday if I lived with both of us.
14:10Do you miss her?
14:14Yeah. Yeah, I do.
14:19Tommy actually called social services.
14:22They've kept an open file on him.
14:25Alfie's right, they should have just come clean straight away and got Tommy the help he needs.
14:29Einstein's a wonderful thing, innit?
14:31No, I'm not criticising Alfie.
14:35Kat thinks she's protecting him.
14:39No-one understands better than me.
14:42Left to their own devices, angry little boys turn into violent young men.
14:49And I don't want to stand by and watch Kat learn the hard way like I did.
14:56I think I ought to go and talk to Tommy.
15:00Oh, maybe you should wait till I knock off.
15:02I mean, he's just a kid, and I'm sure he wouldn't mean to say the wrong thing.
15:07Oh, don't be silly, he's not going to hit me.
15:09I'm sure Kat thought the same.
15:11Look, I'm with Alfie, and it sounds like he needs to talk to somebody who really knows what they're doing.
15:16She won't even entertain the idea of counselling.
15:19Hi Alfie, I've got a job for you.
15:24Anyway, Alfie'll be there.
15:27I'm sure that the shock of what happened last night will be just the wake-up call that Tommy needs.
15:34Nothing to worry about.
15:45All right?
15:46Thought you'd be lying low today.
15:50Don't tell me you've got nothing to do with that cool thing I found.
15:52I ain't saying nothing.
15:55How's Barney?
15:57Poor little soul, must be traumatised.
15:59He needs to toughen up a bit.
16:01Teddy, you do know that there are people who go through life without ever going anywhere near a rut, don't you?
16:05That didn't stop him from getting in trouble.
16:07So it is, Dan.
16:08I'm not saying that, but that's what he's hearing.
16:11Trust me, I've been there, I've heard it.
16:13Grow some, be a man.
16:15If it wasn't the old man, then it'd be old Warwick.
16:18Problem is with my head, you know.
16:20Be careful what you wish for.
16:23Look at Phil's boy, Ben, and the grief that he'd give him.
16:27A bit of encouragement, you know.
16:29He could have been on the West End stage now.
16:32Instead, where is he?
16:33Banged up thousands of miles away with murderers and God knows what.
16:38What do you want for Barney?
16:47I really appreciate this. Anything you can do to help.
16:49I'm no expert, but...
16:52Better luck next time.
16:54Was he laughing at me?
16:56I don't know.
16:58Better luck next time.
17:00Was he laughing at me?
17:03Tommy and Nancy would like a word with you.
17:05Oh, do I have to wait? I'm going out.
17:08What? Well, you don't have to go anywhere, OK?
17:10You've just been off school all day, all right?
17:12And I'm bored. I'm going out to see my mates.
17:14It's OK, another time.
17:15No, no, no.
17:17OK, if you are going out, I hope it's to apologise to Freddie, yeah?
17:20I ain't saying sorry to him.
17:21Just because you think the sun shines through his backside.
17:23Please, you know, it'll keep.
17:25Jeanie, listen, I'm sorry, right, but you can see what we're going through.
17:30Don't touch my stuff.
17:31What's going on?
17:32You touch my stuff again, you're dead.
17:33Oi, oi, oi, have you just hurt him?
17:35Oi, Tom, you get back here now!
17:38Let's have a little look, shall we?
17:40Let's have a look.
17:41No, no, no, it's all right.
17:42Nancy just wants to give it a little rub, see?
17:44Hey, let's have a little look.
17:49Bernie out.
17:51How did you get them on?
17:55I don't know.
18:03Peace offering.
18:06The Art of War.
18:07It's a good book.
18:13I'm sorry.
18:15All right?
18:16I was out of order.
18:17Not for what I did to Ravi Gulati, cos he had it coming.
18:20I shouldn't have said what I did.
18:22Why not? It's true.
18:24I'm not all macho like you and Harry.
18:26Just thank God.
18:28This ain't a joke, Dad.
18:30I thought that's why we moved here.
18:31A fresh start, get away from all the trouble.
18:33Well, that was part of it, yeah.
18:35And I ain't laughing about it.
18:41I left everything in Dartford.
18:43School, my friends.
18:46Still, you're up to your old tricks.
18:48You wouldn't dare if Mum was here.
18:51Well, she ain't.
18:54Look, I'm sorry, all right, for everything that's happened.
18:58Now, if I could turn back the clocks, I would.
19:01But as far as I'm concerned, this...
19:03Well, it's done now.
19:05It's over.
19:07And you're right.
19:10I am glad you ain't Lemon, like me,
19:13or your older brother.
19:16Cos I think you're great, Bernie.
19:19And I hope you know that.
19:21And I know... I know I don't show it much.
19:25And I can't pretend to know where you're coming from after time.
19:29But you are my son.
19:32And you're perfect.
19:34And I love you.
19:35And if I've made you feel anything more different from that,
19:40then I'm sorry, all right?
19:46You know, that being said,
19:49I think you should take up some self-defence classes.
19:52It'll protect yourself.
19:54A bit of boxing or judo or something.
19:56Eh? We could do it together.
19:58It'll be our little thing.
20:00It's fine.
20:03I tell you what, I'm gonna look into it.
20:13I was just about to come and find you.
20:16You thought any more about our deal?
20:18Little Bird tells me Rabby Galati was dangling your brother over a bridges thing.
20:25Well, it's very nice of you to be concerned, but...
20:27Yeah, but his business got torched last night.
20:30Funny that, innit?
20:34Well, you had nothing to do with it.
20:36Oh, you're starting to stink, mate.
20:38Of desperation.
20:40Let me guess, you couldn't big up anything on me and Shireen, yeah?
20:44So you put two and two together.
20:46Your boys wanna come knocking, bring it.
20:48I got a solid gold alibi for last night, and a video I reckon they'd be very interested in.
21:01All right, you delete it.
21:03And you back up Sean Conn.
21:05Then I'll turn a blind eye to whatever dodgy stuff you're getting up to in there.
21:08But you lay one foot out of the door.
21:10No, no, no, no.
21:12That's not how this is gonna work, Jack.
21:14You think I'd trust a bent copper?
21:17No, I think I'll hold on to it for now.
21:19But if you behave, and play nice, we'll talk in the future.
21:31And Tommy did this on purpose?
21:34He wasn't playing or winding each other up.
21:37Lads, come on, it's all right.
21:39You've done nothing wrong, OK?
21:41Why don't you come to ours for your dinner and let Mummy and Daddy sort all this out, eh?
21:46You won't tell Tommy who I said? He'll kill us.
21:49What? No, he's your brother and he loves you both.
21:52That's really kind of you, Jean, but I think we need a quiet night.
21:55Are you for real?
21:57Right, OK, let's put the telly on, eh?
22:00And a late night, then he needs to go to bed early.
22:02No, no, no, no, no.
22:04We are not putting this off.
22:06Give Tommy on the phone and tell him to get his backside back here.
22:08No, that'll wind him up.
22:10We'll wait till tomorrow when everyone's calm.
22:12Wait till tomorrow? He shares a room with them.
22:15And I'll keep an eye on it.
22:17There's no need to be so melodramatic.
22:19Right, just wake up, eh?
22:20This is abuse and I'm just trying to protect them.
22:22And of all people, you should understand that.
22:25What's that supposed to mean?
22:28You're comparing my Tommy to Uncle Harry?
22:30No, no, so it's not... It's not what I meant.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34Just... OK, I'm just upset.
22:37Look, the boys, they're terrified.
22:39Make sure this ends, all right? I'll talk to Tommy.
22:42You don't get to do this.
22:44You don't get to walk in here after years away
22:46and tell me what's best for my boys.
22:48I decide what's right, OK?
22:50For all of them.
22:54We'll talk about this later, yeah?
22:58Boys, we're going to crash in Daddy's bedroom tonight.
23:00Come on.
23:01That's it, cut.
23:03Loads of books to read as well.
23:10Loads of books to read as well, yeah.
23:13There you go.
23:22Kat, Alfie's right.
23:26I mean, it's one thing Tommy hitting you,
23:28but those boys are petrified.
23:30Not now, Jane.
23:31I just thought maybe you could talk to a teacher at the school
23:35or the doctor.
23:38I don't need parents' advice from you.
23:41Or anyone.
23:43Go and do one, will you?
24:06Go on, go on.
24:08Come on.
24:11Mate, Tom Daley couldn't dive that good.
24:13Did you see that, Mum?
24:15Did you see that?
24:19Oh, ref, what, he's going to book that?
24:24Come on, back in, boys, back in.
24:27Pass it.
24:28Go on, go on.
24:29Here we go, go on.
24:30Shoot, shoot.
24:35Come on, boys!
24:40Hi, Mum.
24:41It's me.
24:42It's Barney.
24:44Have you seen their little bodies?
24:47Covered in bruises.
24:49All shapes and colours.
24:52Oh, it's been gone on for a while, then.
24:57Why didn't they say nothing?
24:58Because they're terrified.
25:00And I don't blame them.
25:01Tommy's been threatening them with all sorts.
25:07I really thought Tommy was going to thump Alfie earlier.
25:11Kat never noticed.
25:12She's got her head buried so deep it's taken root.
25:17She's scared.
25:20Because no-one wants to admit their own child is...
25:24..out of control.
25:26It's like you said.
25:27She probably thinks she's protecting him.
25:29I was the same when Aaron started going off the rails.
25:32And look how that ended up.
25:42I'm not saying it's your fault, but...
25:46..didn't you wish you'd done something sooner?
25:49While you still had time,
25:50while you still had a minuscule bit of control?
25:53I wish I'd asked for help.
25:55Maybe if I had...
25:56Maybe if I had.
25:59You want me to have a word?
26:01It'd just make matters worse.
26:02I know what Kat's like when she sticks her heels in.
26:09I just don't want to see Tommy go to prison.
26:12I doubt it would come to that.
26:13But look what he did to Freddie.
26:16What if one of the boys ends up in hospital,
26:18or, God forbid, even worse?
26:21I am worried sick, Harvey.
26:27And I can't sit by and just...
26:33I see you've got a lot of choice, love.
26:36But until...
26:38..until Kat accepts, there's a problem.
26:59Come here a minute.
27:01Look, if you're going to start just cos I went out,
27:03then I don't want to hear it.
27:05I was wondering...
27:08..is bangers and mash all right for your dinner?
27:58Sorry, did you say social services?
28:01Oh, yes, it is an emergency.
28:04I need to speak to someone
28:06about a young boy in my family, um...
28:11..Tommy Moon.