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Woman Kills - Full Movie
#drama #engsub #film #filmengsub #movieengsub #reedshort #drama #chinesedrama #cdrama #dramaengsub #englishsubstitle #chinesedramaengsub #moviehot #romance #movieengsub #reedshortfulleps #donaltrump #englishmovie #englishdrama #hot
00:00:00Sorry for your loss, kid.
00:00:27How dare you mess with my murder plans, you bitch?
00:00:31You've been a housewife for ten years.
00:00:35What the hell do you know about running a company?
00:00:38Please, Tristan.
00:00:39It's my dad's funeral.
00:00:40Can't you just have some respect?
00:00:50Your father knew that I was the only one fit enough to run Bryant Industries.
00:00:55Not some useless little prude like you.
00:00:58What the hell?
00:01:01I think it's time you learned your lesson.
00:01:04No more playing boss.
00:01:06From now on, you can be a good little housewife.
00:01:10Maybe try learning a few little tricks in a sack.
00:01:15It'll keep you entertained.
00:01:17That is your job now.
00:01:19You knew that he wanted me to take over as CEO.
00:01:23Okay, Bryant Industries was his legacy.
00:01:25And he made sure of it in his will.
00:01:28A will?
00:01:34Look, darling, I'm so sorry.
00:01:40Just, it hasn't been easy for me either.
00:01:45This funeral has been hard on me too.
00:01:54Here, have some water.
00:02:10It'll talk this through.
00:02:23What happened?
00:02:41What the hell happened?
00:02:48That bastard.
00:02:53I can't believe he actually drug me.
00:03:06Baby, I missed this.
00:03:13God, Ross.
00:03:15Sleeping around my little bitch's back is such a thrill.
00:03:19Just watching that clueless face try to take over your job makes me sick.
00:03:32How much longer do you think we can keep this going on for?
00:03:35I mean, it's been years already.
00:03:38As long as it takes.
00:03:40Once I have control of Bryant Industries, I won't need her anymore.
00:03:46Just you and me, baby.
00:03:56I've got to get you cheating scumbag.
00:04:01This is going to cost you everything.
00:04:05God, this drug is still affecting me.
00:04:25A glass of water, please.
00:04:38Hey there, gorgeous.
00:04:41Rough night?
00:04:44I'm not interested.
00:04:46Just leave me alone.
00:04:47Oh, come on, babe.
00:04:49Don't be like that.
00:04:50I'm having a good time.
00:05:02I believe the lady said she's not interested.
00:05:11What if she's not worth it anymore?
00:05:14You okay?
00:05:17Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:05:18I got you.
00:05:20It's the drug.
00:05:28That's one way to say thank you.
00:05:41Take it easy.
00:05:50Can't believe this is the shithole I'm in.
00:05:53You know, first my dad left me, and now my cheating husband.
00:06:01There's got to be something wrong with me.
00:06:05You know what?
00:06:07I'm sorry.
00:06:11At least you're hot, though.
00:06:17What's the matter with you?
00:06:22You're looking a little under the weather yourself there.
00:06:27I do feel a little weird.
00:06:36Thanks to us.
00:06:38But I don't like to be intoxicated.
00:06:41You know how badly I want to kiss you right now.
00:06:45Have you all to myself?
00:06:49Still get some of this shit.
00:07:05You've got this, Jane.
00:07:06You're going to get Raymond Diaz back in your pocket in no time.
00:07:17Oh, where the hell is Raymond?
00:07:42What's wrong?
00:07:44Are you sure you want to do this with me?
00:08:19But no, I won't.
00:08:31What the hell did I just do?
00:08:48Bert, you won't believe what happened.
00:09:07I had the most amazing night of my life.
00:09:10But she left while I was asleep.
00:09:13And I could barely remember what she looks like.
00:09:20Hey, Dad.
00:09:22What's going on?
00:09:24Just checking in, making sure you're set for your job.
00:09:27Bryant Industries next week.
00:09:29You ready?
00:09:31Yeah, I'm ready to go.
00:09:33Infiltrate, recon, terminate.
00:09:36I know the drill.
00:09:39Remember, this is our chance to take down Bryant Industries for good.
00:09:43We can't afford to mess this up.
00:10:03I have those divorce papers you asked for, Kendall.
00:10:06Thanks, Elliot, for keeping this in the down low.
00:10:10Oh, and a quick heads up, your new PA starts today.
00:10:13He'll be here any second.
00:10:16One more favor, Elliot.
00:10:19I need you to do some digging on Tristan.
00:10:23I'm going to check his finances, see if anything smells fishy.
00:10:28I owe you one, Elliot.
00:10:30You're acing this internship.
00:10:46Come in.
00:10:50Good morning, Ms. Bryant.
00:10:52I'm Raymond, your new personal assistant.
00:11:02It's finally happening to me, hunted down by a one-night stand.
00:11:10Please, God, tell me he bluffed out that night.
00:11:14You're Kendall Bryant, CEO of Bryant Industries?
00:11:19How the hell?
00:11:22Gain Kendall Bryant's trust.
00:11:24We need insider info to take over our rival.
00:11:27You okay there?
00:11:29It's Raymond, right?
00:11:31You seem a little distracted.
00:11:33Sorry, yeah.
00:11:35It's just, sounds a little weird, but have we met before?
00:11:43Sounds a little weird, but have we met before?
00:11:46Sorry, doesn't ring a bell.
00:11:48The bar?
00:11:50Some drunk asshole was hitting on you and I-
00:11:52Oh, Raymond.
00:11:54I don't know what you're talking about.
00:11:56Now we both have jobs to do, so I suggest we focus on that.
00:12:26We need to stand together out there tonight, babe.
00:12:40This conference is a make-or-break for us.
00:12:48Look, guys, I think our VIP might be one of these guests entering.
00:12:53I think you're right.
00:13:05Okay, okay, before we go in there, I think you all should know that, you know, Kendall recently lost her father, so she's not taking it too well.
00:13:13So you're suggesting that she might be unfit to run this company?
00:13:16No, no, no, I didn't want to say anything, just be gentle with her.
00:13:21What's going on inside?
00:13:23Open the door, the public has a right to know.
00:13:25No, no, I really don't think this is appropriate, Ms. Bryant is going through a very difficult time right now.
00:13:35Ross, what's going on in there?
00:13:37Kendall, why are you-
00:13:39Open the door, Ross. If something's going on, I need to know about it.
00:13:49You know something sexy?
00:14:07I've been counting down the days for Kendall's dad to kick the bucket.
00:14:12Look, guys, I think our VIP might be one of these guests entering.
00:14:21I think you're right.
00:14:43Well, there's sexy.
00:14:46Please, sir, I'm just here to work.
00:14:48Don't be like that.
00:14:51At least try to have a little fun.
00:14:56Is that better?
00:15:12Bryant Industries is mine!
00:15:28Kendall Bryant!
00:15:32That bitch doesn't have what it takes to run this company.
00:15:38I swear, I'm going to find a way to end this.
00:15:43What the fuck? What's going on here? Mr. Carman, are you alright?
00:15:47Tristan, what the hell are you doing? Put that damn mic down!
00:15:51Shut up, bitch!
00:15:53I'm so sick of you trying to control everything.
00:16:00Why can't you just be a damn housewife?
00:16:07Ms. Bryant, can you comment on what just happened?
00:16:09Make sure that you're stepping down as CEO.
00:16:10Is everything okay with your marriage? Is Mr. Carman having an affair?
00:16:13Ms. Bryant, can you comment on your husband's outlandish behavior?
00:16:16Is there trouble in paradise?
00:16:17Are the rumors about Tristan's infidelity true? How long have you known?
00:16:30I'm Ms. Bryant's personal assistant.
00:16:32I'm afraid we have to cancel the rest of the press conference.
00:16:36Thank you all for understanding during this difficult time.
00:16:39We'll provide an official statement whenever we have more information to share.
00:16:58And a boy, coming to your boss's rescue.
00:17:02I'm here to serve.
00:17:04Though I gotta say, that was one hell of a performance, Ms. Bryant.
00:17:16I couldn't have pulled it off without you.
00:17:18But how did you know the champagne Tristan gave me was spiked?
00:17:23I overheard him talking to Ross about it.
00:17:27But I had to tell you right away, because...
00:17:29I wasn't sure if they were actually going to win it.
00:17:34Look at that. Impressive, Mr. Detective.
00:17:40Listen, Kendall. What about that night in the hotel?
00:17:51What the hell was that scene, Kendall?
00:17:53You made me look like a fucking idiot!
00:17:56Sign this! Hand over control of Bryant Industries.
00:18:00Your father's legacy deserves better.
00:18:03How dare you bring my father into this?
00:18:06When you've just been counting down the days until he kicks the bucket?
00:18:13That's enough. Get lost, Grandpa.
00:18:21You think you can just waltz in here and steal my wife, you little piece of shit?
00:18:28Watch your damn mouth.
00:18:30Okay, he's just the new assistant.
00:18:34You should go. I don't want to have you involved in this mess.
00:18:39I'm not leaving you alone with this scumbag.
00:18:42Especially after all this shit you pulled.
00:18:44Oh. Oh, I see how it is.
00:18:47Spreading your legs for the new help, are we?
00:18:51Wait until the media gets a hold of this.
00:18:54Kendall Bryant, CEO.
00:18:57Nothing but a cheap whore.
00:19:01Oh, that is rich, Tristan. Coming from you.
00:19:15God, Ross. Sneaking around behind that old bitch's back is such a thrill.
00:19:21Checkmate, honey.
00:19:25I have got all the dirt I need to bury you.
00:19:29The company, the money, everything is all mine now.
00:19:38It's over, Tristan. I want a divorce.
00:19:44I am done being your punching bag and your doormat.
00:19:48Okay, okay, Kendall. Kendall, just think about this, okay?
00:19:50If you go through with that divorce, Tristan won't sign his shares to you.
00:19:54He'll take the company from you.
00:19:56Yeah, that's right, sweetheart.
00:19:59Listen, Ross. If you go through with the divorce, Bryant Industries will be mine.
00:20:06Otherwise, I'll make your life a living hell.
00:20:11You really think I'll let you blackmail me?
00:20:16I have proof of your affair with Ross.
00:20:18Won't leak to the press, and you're creepy.
00:20:20You know what? If that video gets out, it'll ruin all of us.
00:20:23Okay? Public image of the company, your reputation, stock prices.
00:20:28I mean, oh my God, our rival will just be so happy.
00:20:32Speaking of rivals, what if I told you I'm here to make sure that none of you lay a hand on the company?
00:20:40Oh, my apologies. I forgot to introduce myself.
00:20:43I'm Raymond Diaz, heir to Diaz Global.
00:20:50Mark my words, Tristan.
00:20:52If you refuse to sign the divorce papers, I'll find a way to seize control of the company.
00:20:57And once that happens, you won't get a dime.
00:21:01Bryant, what are you doing?
00:21:04Leave Kendall alone, or I'll make sure you're gone. For good.
00:21:11Just be careful. We don't know what this guy's capable of.
00:21:31There. You got what you wanted.
00:21:34But this, this isn't over.
00:21:38Watch your back, Kendall.
00:21:40Okay, don't think for a second you are out of the woods.
00:21:45You know what, Ross? Pack your shit and get the hell out of my company.
00:21:50What? Bitch.
00:21:53Don't you dare lay a finger on her.
00:21:57Bryant, we can't have them causing a scene.
00:22:08Look at this stupid bastard.
00:22:15I'm sick of you.
00:22:17What did you say, Grandpa? You two make a great couple.
00:22:25You okay?
00:22:27So, Mr. Raymond Diaz, are you really the heir to Diaz Global?
00:22:47What? You were just bluffing.
00:22:50Yeah, I totally improvised that.
00:22:53You know, it's kind of convenient to pretend to be the son of a rich person and share the same last name.
00:22:59Right. I wasn't thinking. I mean, what kind of heir would work as a PA?
00:23:09I am so sorry for dragging you into this mess.
00:23:14You must think I am such a loser.
00:23:16No, no. Not at all.
00:23:21You can just say I am a pathetic, unattractive woman who can't even keep her own husband.
00:23:27Don't you ever say that, Kendall. You're stunning.
00:23:31I have not been able to stop thinking about you since, you know, ever since we met.
00:23:44I'm sorry, Raymond, but I don't know what you're talking about.
00:23:49That night, I was with my date, Ellie.
00:23:54But, Raymond, he probably mistook me for someone else.
00:23:59You should go home now and get some rest.
00:24:19Hey, man.
00:24:26You look like hell.
00:24:29What's going on?
00:24:34Remember that woman I was telling you about?
00:24:36That little girl?
00:24:37Yeah, yeah. The one you won't stop yapping about. What about her?
00:24:41I think she might be my new boss.
00:24:44You mean Kendall Bryant?
00:24:47I'm falling in love with her.
00:24:50Slow down, Romeo.
00:24:53Did you forget the real reason your old man sent you to Bryant Industries?
00:25:00You can't let your feelings for this woman cloud your judgment, bro.
00:25:03But, Bert, the way she makes me feel.
00:25:07Oh, God.
00:25:09I can't get her out of my head.
00:25:12The touch of her skin, her soft lips.
00:25:15Yeah, yeah. Look, I get that.
00:25:17But, look, your old man is counting on you to bring down Bryant Industries.
00:25:23If you screw this up, your future is the heir to DS Global.
00:25:27Well, guess what?
00:25:29I don't even want to be an heir anymore.
00:25:33Look, just make sure that she's actually the one before you do anything stupid.
00:25:38You hear me?
00:25:46What the hell?
00:25:49Well, well, well.
00:26:01I can't believe I was married to that scumbag for years.
00:26:05It's like all the cheating and abuse wasn't enough.
00:26:08He even tried to steal my own company.
00:26:11It's all over now, right?
00:26:13You don't have to deal with any of that crap now.
00:26:16You deserve someone better.
00:26:18Someone who really cherishes you.
00:26:20Thanks, Ali.
00:26:23Hey, and that new PA really helped me out a ton with this.
00:26:26Good job on finding him.
00:26:29Does the interaction make you feel like falling in love again?
00:26:34Maybe I would if I hadn't already slept with him.
00:26:39Wait, what?
00:26:41You mean your PA is a one-night stand?
00:26:48So, that's your type.
00:26:52Pretty boy like him.
00:26:57Pretty boy like him.
00:27:05Raymond, don't.
00:27:08She's with another man after everything we shared.
00:27:12Listen to yourself, man.
00:27:14You had a one-night stand.
00:27:16That's it.
00:27:18You need to think about the real reason you're at Bryant Industries.
00:27:20I don't give a shit.
00:27:22Find out everything you can about that man she's with.
00:27:26The thing is, Les...
00:27:28You're acting crazy, man.
00:27:30I'm worried about you.
00:27:32I've never seen you like this over a woman.
00:27:37Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:27:42I want her, Burt.
00:27:44I'm falling for her, Burt.
00:27:52I said thank you.
00:27:54Oh my god!
00:27:56What the fuck, bitch?
00:27:58You ruined my new dress!
00:28:02Oh my god!
00:28:04What the fuck, bitch?
00:28:06You ruined my new dress!
00:28:08What have you done?
00:28:10Looks like you ran into me.
00:28:12So it looks like you owe me a fresh drink.
00:28:14You skank.
00:28:16Hey, keep your hands off her.
00:28:18Screw you!
00:28:20I'm one of the owners of this bar.
00:28:22I can have you both kicked out and blacklisted.
00:28:24What are you doing here with this young man?
00:28:26Shouldn't you be at home right now
00:28:28worrying when your husband will come home tonight?
00:28:46That's enough.
00:28:48Raymond? Honey?
00:28:54Ray, thank god you're here.
00:28:56This psycho right here just poured her drink on me.
00:29:00You okay?
00:29:04This is Jane, an old acquaintance.
00:29:10It was a misunderstanding.
00:29:12You know Ray?
00:29:14Well, let me fill you in, honey.
00:29:16Him and I were engaged.
00:29:18We were so deeply in love.
00:29:20Stop this.
00:29:22We broke up a long time ago.
00:29:24But, honey,
00:29:26isn't she a bit too old for you?
00:29:28And definitely not good enough to be with you.
00:29:30Shut the fuck up, Jane.
00:29:32Come on, let's go.
00:29:38And you,
00:29:40stay the fuck away from her.
00:29:42You're way out of her league.
00:29:44You're way out of her league.
00:29:56I'm so sorry about that.
00:30:00we broke up a long time ago because she cheated on me.
00:30:02We haven't talked in a while.
00:30:06Raymond, I'm sorry.
00:30:08I know how difficult it is
00:30:10dealing with a cheating partner.
00:30:12Nothing she said was true.
00:30:14I told you, you were stunning the moment I met you.
00:30:16And I will say it a million more times.
00:30:18You're the most incredible woman I know.
00:30:36So where's the party at now?
00:30:38Where we go?
00:30:42I don't know.
00:30:46How could you break up with him
00:30:48and have the nerve to come back?
00:30:50I know, I know.
00:30:52I made a terrible mistake.
00:30:54I've regretted it ever since.
00:30:56Save it.
00:30:58Raymond's moved on.
00:31:00He's in love with that woman.
00:31:02The one you just had a confrontation with.
00:31:06Oh, really?
00:31:08Do tell me more about this woman
00:31:10The heir of Diaz Global.
00:31:14The heir of Diaz Global.
00:31:24I am so sorry.
00:31:26I just got caught up in the moment
00:31:28and can we just forget that happened?
00:31:30I'll see you tomorrow in the office.
00:31:36Let me at least give you a ride home.
00:31:52Something on my face?
00:31:54No, no.
00:31:56I'm just...
00:32:04Kendall? Are you okay?
00:32:06I'm fine.
00:32:08Yeah, I'm just heading home.
00:32:10You go enjoy the rest of your night.
00:32:14I think Raymond might be onto something about you.
00:32:32I don't know.
00:32:34I couldn't believe it.
00:32:36You work here too?
00:32:44I'll see you guys later.
00:33:10Didn't see you there.
00:33:18Didn't see you there.
00:33:20It's okay.
00:33:22Accidents happen.
00:33:24So you're new in town?
00:33:26Yes, I'm Miss Bryant's new personal assistant.
00:33:28I overheard you guys
00:33:30talking about your boss.
00:33:32Miss Bryant is an amazing person
00:33:34and a great leader.
00:33:36Show some respect.
00:33:38Look, getting close to Kendall?
00:33:40It's not a good idea.
00:33:42Yeah, haven't you seen
00:33:44her unusual relationship with that intern Elliot?
00:33:46Seems like something happened between them.
00:33:48That's none of your business.
00:33:50She's not like that.
00:34:07I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here,
00:34:09but if you're not serious about Kendall-
00:34:11Stay the fuck away from her.
00:34:14I won't give up on Kendall.
00:34:16Not without a fight.
00:34:18Face it, man, I'm younger than you
00:34:20and I'll know her better than you ever will.
00:34:22I may be less
00:34:24experienced than you, but she'll be my first
00:34:26and only-
00:34:30So you still haven't slept with her?
00:34:35So she lied about how she spent
00:34:37that night with the other guy
00:34:39when she was actually with me?
00:34:55Elliot told me
00:34:57he overheard Jane calling you
00:34:59the heir of Diaz Global.
00:35:04Are you really a spy, Raymond?
00:35:13you're damn right.
00:35:15What's going on, Kendall?
00:35:17You were right about Raymond.
00:35:19He's probably a spy from Diaz Global.
00:35:21Can't believe I fell for his act
00:35:23so easily.
00:35:27So I need you to dig up everything you can
00:35:29on him.
00:35:31You got it. Oh, and speaking of Diaz Global,
00:35:33I just didn't invite you to a meeting.
00:35:35Smart thinking, Elliot. Set it up.
00:35:37The sooner we get to the bottom of this,
00:35:39the better.
00:35:49Kendall, you won't believe it.
00:35:51Great. I need to talk to you.
00:35:53You're right. You're not my one-night stand.
00:35:55I found her.
00:35:57Hold up.
00:36:05how did you find this
00:36:07mystery woman of yours?
00:36:09It was fate, Kendall.
00:36:11I'm gonna marry her,
00:36:13and once that happens,
00:36:15I want you to officiate our wedding.
00:36:19You idiot.
00:36:21Someone's just messing with you.
00:36:23So, what do you say, boss?
00:36:27just think that marriage is a big step.
00:36:29Trust me, Kendall. This woman,
00:36:31she's incredible.
00:36:33She's smart. She's sexy.
00:36:35She's adventurous.
00:36:39In fact,
00:36:41I found something
00:36:43weird about her from that night.
00:36:45Turns out,
00:36:47she's into a little
00:36:57Hang on.
00:36:59That's not weird at all.
00:37:01I mean, a lot of people
00:37:03are into that.
00:37:05Oh, really? How do you know that, boss?
00:37:11I'm just
00:37:13a little confused.
00:37:15I mean, how can you admit
00:37:17to marrying your one-night stand
00:37:19when your ex, the woman from the bar,
00:37:21is still turning on you back?
00:37:23Jane and I have history.
00:37:25She was my high school
00:37:29You must have been there a lot together.
00:37:31Made a lot of memories.
00:37:33That's in the past.
00:37:35But as for the woman I
00:37:37saw from that night,
00:37:39I can't stop thinking about her.
00:37:41She made me
00:37:43feel something I've never felt before.
00:37:45She's the one. I know it.
00:37:53I can't stop thinking about her.
00:37:55She made me feel
00:37:57something I've never felt before.
00:37:59She's the one. I know it.
00:38:03Kendall, the meeting.
00:38:11All right, Raymond.
00:38:13Enough small talk.
00:38:15Let's get down to business.
00:38:17Sounds good, boss. Anything I can help you with?
00:38:19I have a big meeting coming up,
00:38:21and I want you to come with me.
00:38:23Me? Seriously?
00:38:25Well, considering who we're meeting
00:38:27with, I think you're the right
00:38:29person for the job.
00:38:31I won't let you down. Who is it?
00:38:33Miss Shields
00:38:35from Diaz Global.
00:38:47Shit, isn't that your ex-fiancé?
00:38:49Miss Bryant!
00:38:51Oh my god, it's such a small world.
00:38:59I'm so sorry
00:39:01for what happened at the bar.
00:39:03I had no idea you were the famous
00:39:05Kendall Bryant.
00:39:07It's just, under the lights at the bar,
00:39:09you looked a bit
00:39:13Watch it.
00:39:15It's okay. At least we can skip
00:39:17the introductions.
00:39:19Oh, you don't have to be like that, sweetheart.
00:39:21And you know what? If we get our companies
00:39:23back together, it'll be the perfect
00:39:25alliance. I'm sure
00:39:27Miss Bryant would like to see that, right?
00:39:33I'm sure Miss Bryant would like to see that, right?
00:39:37I will never take you back.
00:39:39Take you back.
00:39:47She's just trying to stir shit up.
00:39:49The only one I want,
00:39:51the woman I spent that night with.
00:39:53She's the love of my life.
00:39:55Oh, relax.
00:39:57I was just joking around.
00:39:59But remember, Ray,
00:40:01never lie to the woman you love.
00:40:03It's the worst way to ruin a relationship.
00:40:05All right.
00:40:07Shall we get to business now?
00:40:11You okay, boss?
00:40:19is in love with me?
00:40:25Why don't we
00:40:27just discuss the business
00:40:33on behalf of DS Global's CEO,
00:40:35I'd like to propose a collaboration on your upcoming
00:40:37hotel venture.
00:40:39We believe our resources and expertise
00:40:41could greatly benefit the project.
00:40:53I appreciate the offer,
00:40:55Jane, but I'm afraid I must
00:40:57decline. The hotel was
00:40:59a gift from my late father to my mother.
00:41:01It's a personal thing,
00:41:03not a business opportunity.
00:41:05I had a feeling you'd say that.
00:41:09Before you make your final decision.
00:41:13It looks like Mr. Corman
00:41:15really knows how to have fun.
00:41:17You wouldn't want such
00:41:19a scandal to ruin your company's reputation,
00:41:21would you?
00:41:23Reconsider our offer, and you can
00:41:25ensure the secret stays under wraps.
00:41:31I'm afraid my answer is
00:41:33still no.
00:41:35You're making a big
00:41:37mistake, Kendall. With the information
00:41:39I have- Miss Shields, you seem to be forgetting
00:41:41that blackmail is against the law.
00:41:43Come on, Raymond,
00:41:45we have work to do.
00:41:49Well, that didn't go
00:41:51according to plan.
00:41:53She's smarter than we thought.
00:42:01Mr. Diaz, it's Jane.
00:42:03Raymond's caught feelings
00:42:05for Kendall Bryant.
00:42:07It's ruining our plan.
00:42:09Then you know what to do.
00:42:11Either break them apart, or get
00:42:13rid of that woman.
00:42:15Got it. I won't let her get
00:42:17in the way.
00:42:25Breaking news.
00:42:27Man brutally attacked
00:42:29by ex-lover following infidelity?
00:42:33Thanks to the info
00:42:35Jane just spilled.
00:42:37I think I finally have a plan to kick Tristan
00:42:39to the curb.
00:42:41Hey, are you okay?
00:42:43Yeah, I'm good.
00:42:45Just a little beat, that's all.
00:42:47You were saying
00:42:49something about a plan?
00:42:51If something is bothering you, you know you can talk to me.
00:42:59We need intel
00:43:01on Bryant Industries' hotel project, son.
00:43:07So, tell me more about this plan.
00:43:09How are you planning on
00:43:11getting back at this cheating asshole?
00:43:21Night, Raymond.
00:43:29Meet me at Diaz Global.
00:43:43Meet me at Diaz Global.
00:43:51What the hell were you
00:43:53thinking, inviting Kendall to that meeting?
00:43:55I was just trying to facilitate a potential
00:43:59Cut the shit, Jane. I know what you were trying to do.
00:44:01Fine, you caught me.
00:44:03I just can't stand seeing you with that hag.
00:44:05You deserve better, Ray.
00:44:07Listen, if something happens
00:44:09to Kendall, I swear
00:44:11to God...
00:44:13Yo, what? Turn your back on your dad
00:44:15and Diaz Global?
00:44:17I've already set things in motion.
00:44:19Tell my dad to sit tight
00:44:21and wait for me to stick it to him.
00:44:27It's me.
00:44:29Dig up everything you can
00:44:31on Kendall Bryant.
00:44:33Her past, her weaknesses,
00:44:35her affairs.
00:44:37Anything that we can use against her.
00:44:55What's gonna happen?
00:44:57You know what?
00:44:59Ross has been looking for Tristan.
00:45:01I guess once a cheater,
00:45:03always a cheater.
00:45:11You know this room
00:45:13is where it all began?
00:45:15After my
00:45:17dad's funeral.
00:45:21drugged me
00:45:23and left me there.
00:45:27And then
00:45:29I found out that he was
00:45:31cheating on me with Ross
00:45:33right in the next room.
00:45:41You know I can't keep anyone
00:45:43around me.
00:45:45My family
00:45:47My mom
00:45:49died when she
00:45:51had me.
00:45:53And my dad left me too.
00:45:55And I couldn't
00:45:57even keep my husband.
00:45:59No, no. Don't say that, Kendall.
00:46:05You're amazing.
00:46:07You didn't deserve
00:46:09any of that.
00:46:11You know that same night
00:46:13I met a man
00:46:15and it was the
00:46:17first time
00:46:19in a long time that I felt
00:46:23and desired
00:46:25and loved.
00:46:29I wouldn't feel that way again.
00:46:39I missed you this
00:46:41whole time.
00:46:43You know?
00:46:45That night
00:46:47it changed everything for me.
00:46:49You're literally the best thing
00:46:51that's ever happened to me.
00:46:57I wanted to ask you
00:47:01Would you like to go out with me
00:47:03maybe on a proper
00:47:13So that's my story you wanted to know?
00:47:15Pretty depressing,
00:47:25And then there's my marriage to Tristan.
00:47:27You know I thought he'd love me
00:47:29but he only saw me
00:47:31as a stepping stone.
00:47:33You know the constant betrayals and abuses
00:47:37me in ways I never thought possible.
00:47:39I'm so sorry, Kendall.
00:47:41You've been through
00:47:43hell and you've
00:47:45faced it with such strength and
00:47:49I admired you more than you can ever think.
00:47:53So what about you, Raymond?
00:47:55What's your
00:47:57family like?
00:47:59Kendall, I need to tell you
00:48:05Kendall, I need to tell you something.
00:48:27I've decided to give up my right
00:48:29to my family fortune
00:48:31and step away from DS Global.
00:48:35I'm in love with Kendall
00:48:37and I'll come clean to her tonight.
00:48:44Raymond's identity.
00:48:48Don't listen to a word he says, Kendall.
00:48:50You should know.
00:48:52Raymond is the heir to DS Global.
00:48:54What the hell are you doing here?
00:48:56He's a spy.
00:48:58Wasn't that the signal?
00:49:00Time to put the plan into action now that you've earned her trust?
00:49:04I swear to God it's not what you think.
00:49:06I was gonna tell you everything about-
00:49:08No, I had my doubts about you, but I decided to trust you.
00:49:11Look, I opened up to you, I told you things I have never shared with anyone
00:49:13and it was all just a big lie?
00:49:15No, but please-
00:49:25I'm such an idiot.
00:49:31Hey, are you okay?
00:49:35No, I'm not okay.
00:49:37I can't believe
00:49:39he's been lying to me this whole time,
00:49:41pretending to fall for me
00:49:43just to get his hands on my company.
00:49:51there's something you should know
00:49:53about Raymond.
00:49:57More lies?
00:49:59Yeah, I don't think I can take any more surprises.
00:50:03Raymond's told me how he feels about you
00:50:05and I can see the jealousy in his eyes
00:50:07when he sees us together.
00:50:09You can't fake that.
00:50:15He loves you, Kendall.
00:50:19Deeply loves you.
00:50:27I gotta say,
00:50:29if there's anyone who hates his guts more than you right now, it's me.
00:50:31But here I am,
00:50:33sticking up for him.
00:50:36I don't think he'd ever do something like that to you.
00:50:41You don't?
00:50:45Check this out.
00:50:51I've decided to give up on any claims
00:50:53to Dia's Global's fortune.
00:50:55I want to make my own way
00:50:57with the woman I love.
00:51:01That was like two hours ago.
00:51:03He's probably home by now.
00:51:05Go get him.
00:51:13I saw the news.
00:51:15What did you do?
00:51:21I have your precious Raymond.
00:51:23If you want to see him alive,
00:51:25come to room 111
00:51:27and come alone.
00:51:53What's going on?
00:51:55You drugged me, you fucking bastard!
00:51:57Rise and shine, Raymond.
00:51:59You're just in time for the big show.
00:52:01What are you talking about?
00:52:03Oh, you know, just a little murder-suicide.
00:52:05You couldn't handle
00:52:07Kendall Bryant dumping you because you're a spy,
00:52:09so you offered before killing yourself.
00:52:11Classic, huh?
00:52:13Don't hurt Kendall, please.
00:52:15I'll do anything.
00:52:17She killed my love, and now she's gonna pay for it.
00:52:23What's going on?
00:52:25Ross? Where's Tristan?
00:52:31You killed him!
00:52:33Don't you dare say his name!
00:52:37Tristan's dead?
00:52:39I didn't kill Tristan.
00:52:41You were there with me.
00:52:43All I did was send the reports to Ross.
00:52:45You took everything from me.
00:52:47You know, I loved him.
00:52:49I actually loved him.
00:52:51I even stepped back so you guys could get married.
00:52:53After the divorce, he lost everything.
00:52:55Constantly high on drugs.
00:52:57He's never around me anymore.
00:52:59I don't expect you to know how it feels.
00:53:03You know, if I can't have him,
00:53:05no one else can.
00:53:07You're insane!
00:53:09What do you want from me?
00:53:11I want you
00:53:13to sign all the company shares to me.
00:53:17Time to pay for all the shit you've done to me.
00:53:19Time to pay for all the shit you've done to me.
00:53:41Yes, this bitch so got it!
00:53:43Yes, this bitch so got it!
00:53:45Yes, this bitch so got it!
00:53:47What the hell?
00:53:51You're free!
00:53:53Let me go now!
00:54:07Are you OK?
00:54:09I'll be fine.
00:54:11Kendall, I need to explain.
00:54:13It's okay. I already know everything.
00:54:31You're welcome, by the way. I'm the one that told her everything.
00:54:35Thank you, Elliot. I owe you one.
00:54:39In fact, I have a favor to ask.
00:54:43Will you be my best man?
00:54:50I haven't been honest since the start.
00:54:54My feelings for you...
00:54:58They're real.
00:55:01I just love you more than I ever thought I would.
00:55:14Will you marry me?
00:55:29Yes, Raymond, I'll marry you.
00:55:44Raymond, I don't want you to give up on your family for me.
00:55:50What if... What if we merge our companies instead?
00:55:55Ryan Industries and Diaz Global working together as partners.
00:56:04You never fail to surprise me, Kendall. I love you.
00:56:09You never fail to surprise me, Kendall. I love you.
00:56:29What is it?
00:56:33Are you sure?
00:56:36This changes everything.
00:56:42Well, well, well. Kendall Bryant's got a dirty little secret.
00:56:48Thank you all for coming. We have an exciting announcement to make.
00:56:54Kendall and I have decided to merge our companies, Ryan Industries and Diaz Global, into one powerful entity.
00:57:02That's all. Raymond and I are also getting married.
00:57:09Kendall Bryant, you're a fraud!
00:57:13You should know, little Miss Perfect here has been hiding a juicy secret.
00:57:19When Kendall was 16, she got knocked up and gave the baby away.
00:57:25Miss Bryant, is it true that you abandoned your child?
00:57:29How can you leave the company when you couldn't even take responsibility for your own baby?
00:57:34That's enough. Kendall's past has nothing to do with her ability to leave the company.
00:57:41I'm standing by her side, and I'll love her no matter what. Period.
00:57:47Don't be so naive, Raymond. How can you trust a woman who kept such a secret?
00:57:52How can you trust a woman who kept such a huge secret from you?
00:57:56Especially when you're about to marry her.
00:57:59Raymond, I can explain.
00:58:01That's not the truth!
00:58:03Elliot, don't! What Miss Jane Shields just said is true.
00:58:13I know there have been a ton of gossip and rumors about my past.
00:58:21When I was 16 years old, I found myself in a very difficult situation.
00:58:28I was alone and scared and young.
00:58:33And I made the heart-wrenching decision to give my baby up for adoption.
00:58:39It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.
00:58:43Now that you know my secret, you still want to marry me?
00:58:48Yes, Kendall. I still want to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:58:53Kendall was just saying that to protect me.
00:58:56But the accusation, it's a load of crap.
00:59:05I'm the kid you're talking about.
00:59:08But Kendall's not my mom.
00:59:09She's her best friend.
00:59:11She's been keeping this secret to protect me from the gossip.
00:59:17Ever since my mom passed away, Kendall's always been there for me.
00:59:21She helped me find a loving foster family,
00:59:24put me through college and even gave me this internship.
00:59:30I wouldn't be where I am today without you, Kendall.
00:59:33Now it's my turn to protect you.
00:59:36Oh, Elliot.
00:59:38That's amazing, Kendall.
00:59:40Now you see how much I care about her, huh?
00:59:43She's family.
00:59:45So you better treat her right, understand?
01:00:06Here's to you, Kendall.
01:00:08I know I don't say it enough,
01:00:10but I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me over the years.
01:00:14You've been my guardian angel.
01:00:27Come on, Elliot.
01:00:30You don't have to thank me.
01:00:32Okay, I made a promise to your mother.
01:00:35I've always seen you as my family.
01:00:39Raymond, I want you to officially meet Elliot, my brother.
01:00:50I want you to meet Raymond, my fiancé.
01:00:57You're a lucky man, Raymond.
01:01:03I know.
01:01:05She's the most amazing woman I've ever met.
01:01:13Well, it's getting pretty late.
01:01:18What do you say we call it a night and head home?
01:01:24I know, I know.
01:01:26You two lovebirds have some catching up to do.
01:01:33So, yeah.
01:01:38Just you and me now.
01:01:45Just you and me?
01:01:56Hi, Dad.
01:01:58I brought someone special for you to meet today.
01:02:02Mr. Bryant.
01:02:04My name is Raymond.
01:02:06I've never had the chance to meet you, but I want you to know I love your daughter with all my heart.
01:02:13I promise I will always cherish and protect you.
01:02:27I love you.
01:02:42I now pronounce you husband and wife.
01:02:45You may kiss the bride.
01:02:47I have one more surprise for you, my love.
01:02:56We're going to meet Perry's.
01:03:26Kendall, you really should take a break.
01:03:29All this stress isn't good for the baby.
01:03:32I'm fine, Elliot.
01:03:36This baby is a fighter, just like their mom.
01:03:40Is there anything I can help with?
01:03:41Actually, there is something.
01:03:46I want you to step into my position and help Raymond while I'm away.
01:03:52Really? Me?
01:03:56Here are the documents you'll need.
01:04:01I won't let you down.
01:04:02I won't let you down.
01:04:08I want you to step into my position and help Raymond while I'm away.
01:04:14Really? Me?
01:04:18I won't let you down.
01:04:26How are my two favorite people doing?
01:04:35Oh, you know, just plotting world domination. The usual.
01:04:42Well, will the little one be happy to hear that our business is a huge success?
01:04:47We're fully booked for the next six months.
01:04:50Hey, take it easy, Mr. Billionaire.
01:04:53Shouldn't your priority be taking care of me and the baby?