Tom Holland talks about denying whether Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield would make a cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Timothée Chalamet calling him the ultimate rizz master and what led him to launch his non-alcoholic beer BERO.
00:00It's nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. It's my first time in here. Yeah, that's true
00:05We did it on zoom last time. Yeah, but I appreciate you doing that because it's hard to that was a
00:10Confusing time for the world and hard to hard to get guests and everything and you you actually were great to us
00:16And well, I'm saying that but to be really honest, you were a little you're a little you're a little tricky to to me
00:22Oh, really?
00:24Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because it's interesting. I
00:27We're talking about spider-man no way home and and I asked you if the rumors were true that
00:34Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield would be in that movie. Oh, yes
00:39Yeah, I asked you we were having a conversation and I asked you and I obviously
00:45Trust you and you trust me. We're
00:48Kind of relationship. Yes. We really do have that kind
00:51Well, let's just take a look at what you said Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield might be making a cameo in this movie
00:57It would be amazing if they were because they haven't told me that yet and I am spider-man
01:02I've read the script from beginning to the end. So it'll be a it'll be a miracle if they could have kept that from me
01:07Yeah, but at the moment there is there is no cameo from the two boys. I
01:15Just like to add though I did say at the moment
01:24Yeah, I didn't technically lie will be I had just come from set with Toby and
01:34Totally without a doubt professionally lied to us all
01:41But I will say it was worth it yes
01:44I'm actually thankful that you did because I think we need surprises in this world
01:49We need something to look forward to and go is that a thing and when that did happen on screen?
01:53I freaked out everyone flipped out and we loved it. So I freaked out. Yeah, it was the highlight of my career
01:59It was amazing. Did you freak out? Did you try?
02:01What did you do when they were both on set and that were you in a bubble or under it?
02:05How did you keep this from everybody? We were in a bubble. We were shooting on set
02:10Everything was on a studio
02:12Toby and Andrew would come to set in like a cloak
02:15Yeah, it was like something out of Star Wars like like like people fit in we're all walking down the street wearing a cloak
02:21Yeah, it's just like that. That's not Toby McGuire. That's a man man
02:27Walking down the street. Yeah, but it was it was hilarious and it was it was an amazing experience. It was really odd
02:35Being there with them as a fan of the films from before
02:38And it was also really interesting because throughout the films I was at my third film by this point and I had been requesting a
02:44Few things with my suit like I wanted to be able to take my gloves off
02:47I wanted to be able to like go to the bathroom without taking the whole suit off
02:51Yeah, these are things that you learn as you go. Yes, and they said
02:56Not possible. We can't do it. Yeah, Toby and Andrew both have those things on their suits
03:03And they didn't know
03:06They already had they lived in ago. We already had this argument with yeah, there's everything's possible
03:11Yeah, I learned that you should just put your foot down
03:14Well, we're almost
03:16To Halloween. What's it like when you see kids dressed as spider-man? Do they freak out when they see you it's
03:24It's a joy man. I love I remember
03:27God I've been playing spider-man for nearly a decade now, right? So I'm probably 19
03:32Civil war is either coming out or has come out
03:36So what I'm trying to say is is like I knew I was spider-man
03:39My family knew I was spider-man, but no one else really knew that I was spider-man
03:45So we have kids coming in the door trick-or-treating like really exciting
03:48The parents are like stood at the driveway like making sure the kids are safe
03:52Yeah, because everything you learn about being a kid goes against trick-or-treating. It's like don't talk to strangers. Don't go to a stranger's house
03:58Don't take strangers food
04:01It's like tonight it's fine. No rules. Yeah
04:04so the parents are there and
04:06We're waiting for a kid to show up as spider-man eventually someone does my dad calls me down and
04:12I think where I went wrong with this seven-year-old
04:16Was that I was way more excited than he was
04:20So he's there in his little spider-man suit with this bucket. Yeah, and I'm like spider-man. Hey, how's it going? And he's like, whoa
04:27It's like you trick-or-treat. Give me the candy bro, and I'll be on my way. Yeah, we don't need to have a conversation
04:32Which I then said to him like let's let's me and you have like a picture and then the parents took a big step forward
04:43My kid I'm giving it like no, don't worry about it. I'm actually spider-man to that point. They like drag
04:51You know, we don't need that we don't need the candy bar
04:57Well, that's so funny
04:59Like kid is probably wishing you took a photo with you
05:02There is some chatter that spider-man 4 is happening and that you'll be back as spider-man
05:13Now we're here now we're here now we're here we're actually we can we're touching now we're in the same room
05:21Can we confirm this tonight?
05:27It's happening
05:32That's my man, that's my man. Thank you, buddy. Thank you. That's what I'm talking about.
05:40Wow! That's what I'm talking about.
05:45That's what you can tell. That's, I love this.
05:49Yeah, next summer, next summer we start shooting. Everything's good to go. We're nearly there. Super exciting.
05:55That's fantastic. You are so good and so you're perfect for that role.
06:00You're a good actor also very charming and just I love it, but also I have kids and they love you so much.
06:06Thank you so much.
06:07You're just the whole everybody in the cast. It's great. Good. I'm happy to hear that.
06:10Also, you know who's a fan of yours is Timothee Chalamet.
06:14Yeah, big fan.
06:15Yes, he is a big fan of yours. We love Timothee. He's been on the show a bunch of times.
06:20He recently made a flattering statement about you. We have the clip. Let's take a look at this.
06:26Timothee Chalamet is better looking than Tom Holland.
06:29Oh man, y'all going for the sauce.
06:32I'm going strongly disagree on that. Tom is the ultimate Riz Master.
06:36Internet knows this. Zendaya knows this. Everyone knows this.
06:39Ultimate Riz Master.
06:47Do you agree? Let me ask you the question. Do you agree? Is Tom Holland the ultimate Riz Master?
06:53I'd have to say I strongly agree.
06:59I want to talk about this. This is a big kind of cool thing you're doing now. It's a non-alcoholic beer.
07:05It's called Biro. It is quality, by the way.
07:08Explain to me how you got here and what is this?
07:11So, I got sober.
07:16And it was a tricky road and it was something that I really needed to do.
07:20And, you know, as any celebrities, there's always opportunities to go down the commercial route
07:26and build brands and do all that sort of stuff.
07:28And I'd never found anything that I was particularly passionate about.
07:32And then when I got sober and I kind of got through my first year,
07:35which was for me a massive milestone and a huge achievement,
07:38I started thinking about...
07:42Good talk, dude.
07:43Yeah, it was...
07:46It needed to happen.
07:47It did.
07:48And I, you know, had some very honest conversations with family and friends
07:52and got through it, did that first year.
07:54How did you... You started with a full year sober?
07:56I tried to start with a month off.
07:58And what really scared me is how difficult I found it.
08:01And then I did a second month, it got no easier.
08:04I did a third month and then I sort of said,
08:06if I can get to June 1st, which is my birthday,
08:09I will have proved to myself that I don't have a problem.
08:12And then by the time I got to June 1st,
08:14I really started feeling the benefits of not drinking,
08:17I was sleeping better, I was handling stuff better.
08:21And I kind of thought, like,
08:23the thing that's missing from the equation for me right now
08:26is something that can make me feel included in a restaurant, in a bar.
08:31There isn't quite the product that I need.
08:34So I just thought, like, why don't I try and build my own?
08:38And, like, two years later, here we are.
08:40Yeah, so, I mean, that's...
08:42I think it's great.
08:45So how does one do this?
08:48How does one go about making their own non-alcoholic beer?
08:51Well, I asked my agents, I sort of said, like,
08:54can you guys look around and see if anyone would be interested
08:57in, like, setting something like this up with me?
09:00A day later, they called up, I'm like,
09:02there are people who are very interested.
09:04So I, like, flew out to New York, I was in this boardroom,
09:08and I was meeting with all these people
09:11and was kind of pitching the idea of what I wanted to do.
09:14They seemed eager.
09:16And we just got to work.
09:18We started tasting things.
09:20The first six rounds were absolutely disgusting.
09:24And then we finally got something.
09:25You really got in there?
09:26Yeah, we were tasting, we were sampling,
09:28we were trying everything that was out on the market.
09:30I have to try this.
09:31What did you bring with you?
09:33There's two different types here?
09:35So you have the Pilsner, Kingston Pilsner is where I was born.
09:38Not Pilsner.
09:42It's like a lager.
09:43And then this, for me, is my favorite, the Edge Hill IPA.
09:46It's just your standard IPA.
09:48All right, let's see what's up.
09:49The biggest thing for me that I wanted to try and create...
09:52Boy, you're stressing me out with that.
09:58I mean, I'm not saying I poured it better, but...
10:00Yeah, it's perfect. It's absolutely perfect.
10:02Look at that, come on.
10:04Cheers, congrats on your sobriety.
10:06Thank you, thank you.
10:07Congrats on your new product, by the way.
10:10That is fantastic.
10:12Tom Holland, everybody!
10:15It's available now at Biro Brewing.
10:20More with Tom Holland after the break.
10:22Stick around, everybody.
10:39See you next time.