• 3 hours ago
Locals on Australia's northernmost islands say they have been 'left to fend for themselves' against illegal fishing and border crossings. Saibai residents are calling on authorities to establish a permanent monitoring boat in the region.


00:00Villagers from Papua New Guinea travel only 4km to arrive on the shores of Saibai Island.
00:07They travel under a unique treaty that maintains familial ties and cultural trade between the Torres Strait Islands and PNG.
00:15But locals are concerned authorities are not doing enough to monitor illegal fishing.
00:20It's a lifestyle, traditional activity that's happened over the years.
00:25But if there's going to be a continuation of poaching, there won't be fish yet for food resource for us.
00:31Under the treaty, fishing can occur with permission from the traditional owners.
00:36But Kerry Akiba says this is being ignored.
00:39They've been setting nets on our side of the border and our recognised native title areas.
00:46We are absolutely furious about this.
00:49The closest Border Patrol vessel is located on Thursday Island, around five hours away.
00:55Mr Akiba wants to see a permanent fast response vessel located in the northern islands.
01:01And I'm just afraid that it'll become a norm and we will have problems trying to police this.
01:08The Mayor of the Torres Strait Island Regional Council, Philmon Mosby, agrees a more permanent security presence is needed on the border.
01:15The investment in this region is not equivalent to any airports, seaports that protects this country.
01:24In recent times, illegal border crossings into unoccupied areas such as this have been reported.
01:29Locals say they're concerned for their safety and frustrated with violations of cultural protocol.
01:34Earlier this year, five Rwandan men were found by local hunters after an unauthorised crossing.
01:40Community members are doing the role of border force and regularly risking their own lives to act on behalf of the authorities in order to keep community and Australians safe.
01:51In a statement, a spokesperson from the Australian Border Force said the organisation maintains a strong presence across the region.
01:59That includes permanently stationed border monitoring offices and a joint agency facility on Saibai Island.
02:06But concerns for community safety remain.
02:09If it goes unchecked, someone might get hurt.
