• 4 hours ago
00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02You've just been through a traumatic experience and I think you might want time to process it.
00:06I am trying to move on and everyone around me is talking about it.
00:09This organisation that Tai is part of, it's dangerous.
00:12You need to let me know if you hear from him.
00:15Yeah, it's me. I won't call you again.
00:17I wanted you to know that I've never met anyone like you.
00:20Don't call.
00:21Tell me what you need.
00:22I'll never be able to get out.
00:23Assault victim.
00:24Suspected internal bleeding.
00:27I just can't stop thinking of Sky, Billy and Mum.
00:30They're fine.
00:31They need to see their mum.
00:32Please let me come home.
00:34I've thought about that a lot but I just can't.
00:36Oh no, we can do it.
00:39I want a divorce.
00:48What have you got?
00:49Closed head injury, multiple contusions, possible internal bleeding, hypertensive.
00:53Beaten unconscious.
00:55This is Tai.
00:56Oh God.
00:57I'll call CT.
00:58Theatre 2 is on standby. Let me know when he needs some radiology.
01:01Will do.
01:02Are you sure you're okay to work on him?
01:05I can do it.
01:06Your shift ended 20 minutes ago.
01:07Where else am I going to go?
01:09His BP is 95 over 58.
01:11Okay, I will meet him at theatre.
01:15Who did this to him?
01:16No idea.
01:17The drug lord's a fern, now.
01:18Leave it, Clover.
01:19Well, you must have some idea.
01:21No, I don't and if I hear you talking like that again, you're out of resource.
01:26No, you just need more time.
01:29I've made my decision.
01:30Drew, this is my marriage, too, and my family.
01:33When you get back to the hotel, you should call someone, a friend.
01:37I don't want to talk to anyone except you.
01:39We'll obviously need to figure out all the legal stuff.
01:41No, no, Drew, no.
01:42Tomorrow, I'm going to tell the kids.
01:44No, no, no.
01:45It has to be done.
01:46No, no, just give me one more week.
01:47We'll do it.
01:48One more week.
01:49No, Drew.
01:50It's going to be okay.
01:52I still love you.
01:56Everything's going to be fine.
01:58We can do this our way.
02:01Try not to hurt each other anymore.
02:09You should have seen the dirty look he gave me.
02:12Yeah, clearly a sore loser.
02:15Hey, I was joking.
02:17It's okay.
02:18I mean, the charges have been dropped and we can just put it all behind us.
02:23What are you up to?
02:25Oh, I'm just reading that interview again.
02:29You know, the one Louisa's mum gave?
02:31Louisa was her only child.
02:34Yeah, and it's sad, but there's nothing we can do about it.
02:38Louisa died here.
02:41Yeah, it was a horrible accident.
02:43But we can't wallow in it.
02:45No, I'm not wallowing.
02:47I just feel for her, you know, her pain.
02:52I think I want to reach out.
02:55Would that be weird?
02:56I'm sure she's got support, honey.
02:59I hope so.
03:00It's really kind.
03:03Yeah, but I don't think hearing from us would help.
03:06Her daughter did some awful things.
03:08I mean, how is that going to be of any comfort?
03:10Well, I don't know.
03:12It feels wrong to do nothing, so...
03:15Oh, baby.
03:17I'm going to run you a bath, okay?
03:19Bubbles and a glass of wine.
03:21That works.
03:46Hey, I listened to an episode of that podcast you sent through.
03:49The ghost stories one?
03:50I had to turn it off because it gave me the creeps.
03:52But it got your mind off things right, and that was the point.
03:54Yeah, it made me terrified of dead people instead of my own life,
03:58so yeah, I guess it did.
04:00Well, I listened to it every night before I got to bed.
04:04What do you want?
04:05I just want to talk about it.
04:06I am not talking to my little brother about my boobs, okay?
04:08But don't be an egg.
04:10Drop it.
04:11I can't.
04:12You're not okay.
04:13And I'm just supposed to be okay with having breast cancer?
04:16Of course not.
04:17But the way I'm dealing with it doesn't suit you.
04:19Great, let me write that down.
04:21And I'll try to, you know, think more about you in all of this.
04:25You don't have to be mean about it.
04:27I've only got one sister.
04:29Yeah, and you're pissing her off.
04:34How's she going?
04:36How do you think?
04:37Still stalling.
04:38Only now she's just sort of tapped out too.
04:41Is there anything I can do to help?
04:43Oh, now you're on board.
04:45If I knew, I'd be doing it myself.
04:52I just wanted to query something with you.
04:55You made an error.
04:56You gave your patient the wrong dose of Fusamide.
04:59No, is she okay?
05:00Yeah, she's fine.
05:01Thank God.
05:03Selina, do you think you're maybe pushing yourself a bit hard?
05:06No, I'm fine.
05:08It was just a mistake.
05:09I'm a bit tired.
05:10You should go home.
05:11Don't worry.
05:12I do, though.
05:14We're all a bit worried about you.
05:16I don't think Vili's getting any sleep right now.
05:18He's all wired.
05:19Can you please just go a bit easier on yourself?
05:25I'll just get her to call you.
05:27You should go home.
05:30Well, there you go.
05:36How is he?
05:37He is in recovery.
05:39He has significant internal injuries.
05:41Could you serve his spleen?
05:43Unfortunately not.
05:44And his right kidney was badly damaged.
05:46I did complete a renal artery reconstruction.
05:50What about his head?
05:51No hematomas, you know.
05:52A lot of bruising, though.
05:53So we'll see how coherent he is when he wakes up.
05:55Have you heard from the police?
05:57Uh, no.
05:58Not yet.
06:00Well, when they show up in ED, have somebody let me know.
06:03I will handle it unless there's something you know that I don't about what happened.
06:07Uh, except it could be payback for trying to get medical help from Lincoln.
06:12That's all I can think of.
06:14When do you finish your shift?
06:16It's over.
06:17Go home.
06:18Rest up.
06:19I don't even know if we'll make it through the night.
06:21The patient will be sedated until tomorrow morning, at the earliest.
06:24So he will be monitored.
06:25And as a surgeon, I'm confident in his physical recovery.
06:28Okay, okay.
06:29I will go.
06:30Just, can someone give me a call if there's any changes?
06:33I will keep you in the loop.
06:34Get out of here.
06:45You're on a mission.
06:50You want company?
06:51Unless you want your night ruined.
06:59Maybe you should go home.
07:05My marriage is over.
07:07Just so you know.
07:09It's my fault.
07:12Where are you staying tonight?
07:14I've got to tell the kids in the morning.
07:17It's going to crush them.
07:20Kids are resilient.
07:22Not as much as they used to be, but...
07:25they'll be fine.
07:27You both love them.
07:28They know that.
07:30You know I've left them before.
07:35I can't live without them.
07:39I'm going to lose them.
07:42Yeah, you probably are.
07:45You drown in self-pity like this?
07:48Of course you are.
07:50So step up.
07:52Don't run away this time.
07:55This is your crossroads.
07:57If you decide you've lost them already, then you probably have.
08:04Thank you for the pep talk.
08:07I'm kind of famous for being my mind.
08:10Can I get you a drink?
08:12What's that?
08:16You go home.
08:17Get some sleep.
08:35Hi, Mum.
08:36Oh, hi, darling.
08:39Are you crying?
08:41I'm just a bit tired.
08:42Oh, because we've been working at night?
08:46So we wanted to talk to you guys.
08:50Yeah, about something pretty important and pretty hard.
08:55But remember, through all of this, we love you.
09:00Yeah, so much.
09:03But you don't love each other.
09:07We do.
09:08Things are different with your mum and me,
09:13and we're not going to be together anymore.
09:17Are you going away again?
09:20Your mum is going to have you guys half the time, okay?
09:23She's not running away again.
09:26We just want you guys to be happy,
09:28and the best way for us to help you be happy
09:31is for us to not live together anymore.
09:34But we're still your parents.
09:37We do that, live together.
09:39Are we going to have two houses?
09:42That's right.
09:44That would be cool, two rooms, huh?
09:49You just need to remember that we love you so much.
09:52So much.
09:53It's time for school.
09:54Come on.
09:55Hey, Miles.
09:57I'm okay.
09:58Come on, Billy.
10:01Come on.
10:11I just wanted to hear your voice.
10:14I was hoping for more than just a yep, but I'll take it.
10:19I just miss you so much, my baby.
10:27Yeah, yeah, we'll organise something soon.
10:31Yeah, I want to leave.
10:33I'll let you go.
10:36Love you.
10:41Yeah, yeah, fine.
10:52Hey, taking to hiding in an empty ward, Linga.
10:57Oh, hey.
10:58Are you okay?
10:59Yeah, I'm just heading to my scan.
11:01You are?
11:02Oh, finally, you legend.
11:06I can come with you.
11:07No, don't Skype off on my account.
11:10I talked to Junior.
11:12You tell him?
11:13No, and don't get near me, okay?
11:16Just one step at a time.
11:17Yeah, of course.
11:19And this is a massive step.
11:21I'm proud of you.
11:24And it's probably all going to be fine anyway, you know?
11:27I don't, but here I am.
11:31I'll walk you.
11:38I don't think it's an early inheritance, okay?
11:40I just, I'm not allowed jewellery in the scan.
11:42Nah, put my name down for these.
11:45They look mean on me.
11:47Hey, for you.
11:50We are going to be working through our break at this rate.
11:53Sorry, I've actually got to check on something upstairs.
11:55Ten minutes?
11:56Yeah, go for it.
11:57Hey, what did the cops say about our friend last night?
12:00I don't know.
12:01I didn't deal with them.
12:02They were too busy to bottle up with a case like Ty's.
12:05No idea.
12:06Excuse me.
12:07Hey, hey.
12:09You did report it to them, didn't you?
12:13I didn't, actually.
12:15It's protocol.
12:16I know that.
12:17Then why didn't you?
12:19I will do it.
12:20I just want to hear Ty's side of things first.
12:22That's not your job.
12:24I don't want to risk making things worse.
12:29You mother her more you like.
12:31I'll file the report.
12:37May, did she get back to you?
12:39What's her name again?
12:41Not yet.
12:42I'm not sure she will.
12:43Poor thing.
12:44I mean, who's there for the parents of psychopaths that need a support group?
12:47Did you tell Nick?
12:48She still thinks it's a bad idea.
12:50So you're going to do this on the down low?
12:53I'm going to call her if Mary doesn't get in touch.
12:55And if she does,
12:56I might be able to start something really nice for the two of you.
12:58I'm not trying to be her friend.
13:00No, of course not.
13:01I get that.
13:02You're just trying to get inside her head.
13:04No, I'm really not.
13:05Yeah, you just want to offer a kind ear,
13:07chance for her to express herself,
13:09tell you about the real Louisa.
13:11She can't be all bad.
13:12Well, she wasn't.
13:13We saw that, the way she was with those patients.
13:17It's her.
13:18It's Mary.
13:19She's going to call me this afternoon.
13:21She wants to talk.
13:22She might want to join you.
13:23And it might be good for her, too.
13:26I don't think so.
13:27I need to do this on my own.
13:37Surgical patient from last night.
13:40Is he awake yet?
13:41Yes, but he's a bit drowsy.
13:42His arms?
13:44But he has a possible concussion.
13:46If his GCS doesn't improve in the next hour or so,
13:48we'll transfer him to HDU.
13:52Are you checking on Ty?
13:53Uh, yeah.
13:55I know he's not awake yet, but...
13:57The police have requested a guard on his room.
14:00So it's restricted visitors.
14:02Only his medical team are allowed in there.
14:05The thing is, the assault hadn't been reported
14:07like I assumed it had been.
14:08Oh, that is... that's funny.
14:10Yeah, I know it is.
14:11And I can't have you bending the rules like that.
14:13You need to drop this
14:14so you don't get any deeper than you already are.
14:16I won't.
14:20I care about him.
14:21I know you do, and it's become a problem.
14:23But outside of this place, that's one thing.
14:25But while he's in our care, as your CEO,
14:28I am telling you, you need to stay away.
14:30Is that an order?
14:32We're in good.
14:36I can make you one easy.
14:40You still here?
14:41Yeah, Miles wanted to see you.
14:42Billy's upstairs.
14:43They're both ready to go.
14:45I'm impressed.
14:47Why are you guys fighting?
14:49Oh, darling, it's, um...
14:52It's why it'd be better if we were apart so we don't fight.
14:54But why are you fighting?
14:55Is it us?
14:56Of course not, Miles.
14:58Is it me?
14:59It's not you, buddy.
15:00It's between me and you, Dad.
15:01Then why can't you talk about it?
15:03We've tried.
15:04We... we really have been.
15:06But what is it?
15:08You can't just split us up and not tell us why.
15:12Your mum...
15:15I knew it was your fault.
15:21I shouldn't have said that stuff about your mum earlier.
15:24This is just adult stuff.
15:26You don't need to worry about it.
15:28Why can't you tell me so I can help?
15:30Help you not to fight.
15:33I know this is really, really hard, mate.
15:37I'm okay.
15:38It's Billy and Sky.
15:39I don't want to hurt them.
15:41I know this is really hard, mate.
15:42I'm okay.
15:43It's Billy and Sky.
15:44I don't want them to be alone.
15:46No one is going to be alone, Miles.
15:48We'll go with one of you and then back and forth
15:51and then we'll end up with no one.
15:53That won't happen.
15:54How do you know?
15:55Because your mum and I love you all so much.
15:58You love each other so much.
16:00Look at you now.
16:03Hey, don't bite my head off, but what's the story with Ty?
16:06I'm sorry about last night.
16:08You think he's going to be all right?
16:11I would be the wrong person to ask.
16:14Esther will not let me talk to him.
16:17Well, do you want me to be a spy?
16:19Well, I could just find out who's nursing him
16:21and keep tabs that way.
16:22No, no, no.
16:23Don't do that.
16:24Going cold turkey?
16:32Esther's right.
16:33I just need to move on and forget about him.
16:36Some men just don't wait the hassle.
16:40Thank you for agreeing to speak with me.
16:43I know how hard this must be.
16:46Yeah, I knew her.
16:47Um, she worked here as a volunteer
16:49helping other women with postnatal depression.
16:52Yeah, that's right, just before she died.
16:55Uh, no.
16:56No, I, um...
16:58I don't know anything about that.
17:00Um, I just...
17:02I just wanted to tell you that Louisa was a good person
17:06and that despite all of her problems,
17:08she really did care.
17:10She just...
17:12She just wanted to be a mum
17:14so badly that it took over everything else.
17:19It's okay.
17:21And I'm, I'm, I'm really sorry for your loss.
17:27That was Louisa's mum.
17:29Uh, yeah.
17:31Yeah, I'm sorry.
17:33I had to reach out.
17:35No, you didn't.
17:36I think it helped.
17:40You know, I was the first person to say anything good
17:43about her daughter.
17:45And I feel a bit better too.
17:47A bit...
17:52I'm sorry I told you not to talk to her.
17:55Don't be.
17:56Look, I didn't know how it would go.
17:58It could have been a complete disaster.
18:00Well, you're a better person than me.
18:02No, I'm not.
18:03Come here.
18:09That was Tverky.
18:12What? Again?
18:14Yeah, he just, he walked right by.
18:16What is he doing here?
18:22There she is.
18:24My little lover sis.
18:26I'll go, okay?
18:28Yeah, I guess so.
18:30Results will be back shortly.
18:32That fast?
18:33For you, yeah.
18:35You okay?
18:37Don't I look it?
18:39Hey, I'll be in there with you.
18:41Or, or Chris.
18:43Whoever you want with you, you won't be alone.
18:46Can you come?
18:48Of course.
18:50Dr Johnson should call you in shortly.
18:52Let me know if you need anything.
18:54And me too.
19:13What's going on?
19:15You don't think you came on a bit strong last night?
19:17He's her husband.
19:19I know that. She's depressed. It's awful.
19:21He's self-centered.
19:23We don't know the full story, okay?
19:25Or even half the story. You get that, right?
19:27Yeah, well, I know enough.
19:29And no, I'm not married.
19:31But you judge your patients too, everyone does.
19:33Yes, but we do try not to insert ourselves into their lives.
19:36How would you feel?
19:38I don't know. I haven't been in that situation.
19:40Sure, but you can imagine it.
19:42The person that you're supposed to be closest to,
19:44knowing so little about you.
19:47Yes, I can, actually.
19:56Madonna, how is he doing?
19:58Stable, but he still hasn't said anything.
20:00Okay, well, let me know when he's ready for cognitive testing.
20:03Sure. Can you please check on Mrs Houston?
20:05She's febrile again.
20:31I'm here.
20:34You've had surgery.
20:37How do you feel?
20:43You've been assaulted, but you're okay now.
20:52Do you remember anything from what happened?
20:58Do I?
21:10There are no excuses for my behaviour.
21:12I was out of line.
21:14Don't worry about it.
21:16I was focused on professionalism, and in this case, I failed.
21:19You're just doing your job.
21:27Happy now?
21:30Were you even listening?
21:31You apologised. What do you want, a medal?
21:33Clearly a waste of time. The guy didn't even seem to care.
21:35You have to do the right thing, Phil.
21:37And you did, even though you didn't mean it.
21:39Yeah, I was listening.
21:41The thing is, Amy hasn't improved overnight.
21:43In fact, I think she's sunk even lower.
21:45She's called it a patient's husband.
21:47What do you want, another sorry? Two? You?
21:49Don't push me, Phil.
21:51Not today.
21:56Thank you for waiting.
21:58Oh, I was fast.
22:00I have your scan here.
22:02Now, the tumour we found was malignant.
22:05But the good news is there are no signs of metastasis.
22:09At this stage, the tumour appears to be isolated to one area.
22:13So it can be removed?
22:15Oh, yes.
22:17This is good news, Linga.
22:19If it hasn't spread anywhere else, you're going to be okay.
22:22No, I probably got the brachygene.
22:24So just get rid of them. Take them both off.
22:26And maybe we should get a hysterectomy just to be safe.
22:29I don't think there's any need for that.
22:31But we can talk about it.
22:32Do it all. Get it all out.
22:34How fast can we move?
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