• 4 hours ago
00:00You are stuck in your ways.
00:09If the system works, I'm happy to be stuck.
00:12He point-blank refuses to let me drive the buggy, even though I have seen him let other
00:16lifesavers do it.
00:17You clearly have an issue with strong, independent women, but that's discrimination.
00:20I beg your pardon?
00:21And I am not going to be held back by your sexist, antiquated values.
00:24Do you really think that I would hold you back on purpose?
00:28It must be difficult working with a dinosaur like me.
00:30John, come on.
00:31How many times do I need to say sorry?
00:33You accuse me of discrimination.
00:35That's not me.
00:36No, I see that now.
00:38But you didn't before.
00:39Leave me be.
00:40It's okay, yeah?
00:41Both of you.
00:42Only a little one.
00:43Does he know that you're in love with him?
00:49I really care about him.
00:51I hoped we could be more.
00:52Tane said that wasn't on the cards for him.
00:55It must be hard.
00:56It is.
00:57So it is bye then.
01:01Thank you, bro.
01:02For everything.
01:03Left us basketball behind.
01:04Do you have any idea how lucky this little guy is to have you as his dad?
01:27John, can you stop a second?
01:29I do actually have things to get on with.
01:31Yes, I know you're busy.
01:32Let's leave it at that.
01:33No, I can't, okay?
01:34I've made a mistake and I'm sorry.
01:36I don't think lowly of you.
01:38I got the wrong end of the stick.
01:40And you know what my big mouth is like.
01:41I speak before...
01:42That's not the problem here.
01:44Then what is?
01:45We were supposed to be friends.
01:47We are friends.
01:48Not anymore.
01:49Look, how about this?
01:50From now on, you're a volunteer and I'm your manager.
01:53And that's it.
01:54And you're serious?
01:55I am, actually.
01:56I'm sure he doesn't mean that.
02:02I'm pretty sure he does.
02:26Stop, stop.
02:27You alright?
02:28I can't.
02:29I can't.
02:31Hey, what's wrong?
02:32Have I done something to upset you?
02:34Then what is it?
02:35I think I've got a few things I want to talk to you about.
02:36Well, I've got to go.
02:37You can't go.
02:38I can't.
02:40I can't.
02:41I can't.
02:42I can't.
02:43I can't.
02:44I can't.
02:45I can't.
02:46I can't.
02:47I can't.
02:48I can't.
02:49I can't.
02:50I can't.
02:51I can't.
02:52I can't.
02:53I can't.
02:54I can't.
02:55And what is it?
02:57I just...
02:58I have to go out.
03:08Hey! How was your surf?
03:10Awesome! I caught this one wave and my timing was perfect.
03:17Happy to see you smiling.
03:18Life's good.
03:19Oh, and I bumped into Elf last night.
03:22He apologised for what Ru said.
03:24That's great.
03:26Harper, just... Would you just talk to me?
03:28Yeah, we will talk, just not now.
03:30Are you OK?
03:31Yeah, I'll call you.
03:36I'd better go check on her.
03:43Hey, what's going on?
03:46I don't know.
03:52Who saw his face?
03:54So, he wasn't happy?
03:55No, he was really hurt. And I did that.
03:57Don't be so harsh on yourself.
03:59I accused him of playing favourites.
04:01I called him antiquated and sexist and disrespectful.
04:06I'm pretty sure I used the word dinosaur in there.
04:08OK, so you went pretty hard.
04:11I said he was discriminating against me.
04:13When he actually has done a lot to help me.
04:16Which, yes, he's intense, but so am I, apparently.
04:20He was just trying to prove his point.
04:22Now that he has, things will settle down.
04:26He doesn't want to be my friend.
04:28Who says that if they don't mean it?
04:32What if he doesn't forgive me?
04:33You're like the coolest lifesaver ever.
04:35How could anyone resist you?
04:38Why don't you try and focus on the one positive thing?
04:41Pass your induction.
04:45We should get to work.
04:48Just give him time.
04:50Why don't you come to work with me? We'll get you a coffee.
04:54I'd like that.
04:58I mean, look, it's not what either of us was expecting.
05:00Yeah, of course.
05:01I just thought we wanted the same thing.
05:04What am I missing?
05:06I don't know. I mean, is there anything else going on with you guys?
05:09Well, there's obviously the baby and Perry just left this morning.
05:13Oh, who's he off to?
05:15Moving to New Zealand to be with his mum.
05:17Oh, that's good.
05:22What is it, mate?
05:25Maybe she thinks I was using her to take my mind off Perry leaving.
05:29Well, is that what you were doing?
05:34Look, mate, if you don't know, then I can see why she might be confused.
05:40I still don't understand. Were you guys arguing?
05:42No, there was no argument.
05:46Hey, Harper, why don't you take a seat?
05:50Hey. You OK?
05:52Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry.
05:54Oh, a bit late for that. Thank you for texting me.
05:56Yeah, I figured she needed her sister.
05:59What's going on?
06:02Something to do with Tanya.
06:04Look, guys, I'm a phone call away if you need me.
06:11What's happening?
06:18It's OK.
06:20It's OK. I'm here.
06:24Oh, morning, John.
06:29Is everything all right?
06:30When you've got time, I'll have a coffee, thanks.
06:34All right.
06:36What's got you so happy?
06:38Problem with the surfer?
06:39Did I say there was a problem?
06:41Oh, keep your hair on, Palmer.
06:42I have to update the patrol roster, change some shifts around.
06:48I saw your email about Dana's induction.
06:52I take a cheap ass for flying colours?
06:54Mm, yeah.
06:56I'm surprised she could wrestle the keys out of your hand.
06:59What am I, a gatekeeper?
07:00I follow the rules by the letter.
07:03Are you OK, Palmer?
07:06Depends if you're asking as a friend or as club president.
07:09Because if you ask me, some people around here
07:11need to maintain their professional relationships.
07:13I'm fine. I've just got a roster to fix.
07:16Don't let me stop you.
07:26OK, so you were actually in the derby guys' bedroom
07:30and then you ran out.
07:33I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
07:36Tana's really confused.
07:38Yeah, not just Tana.
07:39Can we not do the judging thing?
07:42I'm not judging. I'm trying to figure it out.
07:44Because you've wanted this forever, right?
07:46So have your feelings changed?
07:47No, they haven't.
07:48OK, then I still have questions.
07:52Hey, he obviously cares about you.
07:55For the hundredth time, yeah, as a friend.
07:57As the mother to his baby.
07:59Feelings can change, right?
08:00That's just it. I'm not sure they have.
08:03Perry had just left.
08:06So he was feeling down.
08:09Maybe all he wanted was some comfort.
08:10But I can't be that for him again.
08:13OK, maybe he didn't want some comfort.
08:17Maybe he wanted you.
08:19I wish I could believe that.
08:21But if I fall into this, I can get my heart broken.
08:23Which you might not.
08:26I don't understand.
08:28Like, we have completely different expectations.
08:30And if things went wrong,
08:32how would we co-parent this baby?
08:35I have to be sensible, because this little one is all that matters.
08:37No, I understand that. I do.
08:41I just think you have a right to be happy.
08:43And that you should speak to him
08:45and see how he feels about the whole situation.
08:49How do I explain this to him without it getting even messier?
08:54I don't know, but I do think you'd better figure it out quickly.
09:05Can we talk?
09:07Yeah, of course.
09:11Oh, I'm gonna make this life good
09:15And who knew I could feel this much
09:19Hey, there you are.
09:21Hey. Is, um, Harper OK?
09:23Uh, I think so. I left her with Jano.
09:26Did she say what's going on?
09:28No. What did Jano say?
09:30It just doesn't make sense.
09:31Harper said that they weren't arguing,
09:33but then what were they doing to make her run off like that?
09:40Yeah, I think things are really complicated between them at the moment.
09:44Listen, how about we eat some of this beautiful food?
09:47And then after that, I was thinking we could go for a ride.
09:50That sounds way more fun than my counselling.
09:55I mean, I don't know.
09:57That sounds way more fun than my counselling,
10:00which is where I'm heading this afternoon.
10:02Did you book a session?
10:04For real this time.
10:11Hey, I was just about to give you a call.
10:13Where'd you get to?
10:14Long story.
10:15OK, hit me.
10:17There is a thing with Harper and Tarnet.
10:20Could be good or...
10:22Well, it could be.
10:23I just don't know if she'll actually give it a chance.
10:25Maybe she'll surprise you.
10:28I don't know why everything has to be so hard, but...
10:31John, hey.
10:33What are you doing for lunch? Can I buy you a meal?
10:35Nah, I bought my own.
10:37OK, can I buy you a coffee?
10:39Bury the hatchet?
10:40I don't think so.
10:42How long are you going to keep punishing me?
10:46See you upstairs.
10:50You know, she's actually pretty absurd.
10:51Well, that makes two of us.
10:53And what are you doing?
10:54She made a mistake. She's apologised.
10:56Just let it go.
10:57How would you feel if someone you counted as a friend
10:58thought so little of you?
11:00She didn't mean that stuff she said.
11:01Not how it sounded.
11:03So in answer to your question, no.
11:04No, I'm not going to let it go.
11:06I think you've been a bit unreasonable, mate.
11:09I don't care.
11:16I'm sorry, I...
11:18I shouldn't have run off like that.
11:20I just...
11:22Yeah, I see that.
11:26It's not that I didn't want this to happen.
11:28It just felt like it came out of nowhere.
11:31Well, it took me by surprise, too.
11:36Well, what's that telling us?
11:42I don't...
11:43I'm not trying to give you a hard time,
11:45but Perry was fairly out the door.
11:50That's not why it happened.
11:51You don't have to say that. I understand.
11:53I'm not sure you do.
11:57I really think you and I could work.
12:00Work as what?
12:03I've been honest about how I feel with Tanu more than once.
12:07Yeah, yeah, you have.
12:10Do you want to be with me?
12:13Because if you're not sure, the answer is no.
12:35I got your text.
12:37I'm very glad you reached out.
12:38Yeah, I wanted to do this in person.
12:40Yeah, of course.
12:42It's like I owe Xander.
12:43I think he thought he made things worse between us,
12:45but what is this?
12:47That's your new roster. You might want to check it out.
12:49I've made a couple of changes.
12:51You usually just email me my roster.
12:54I know I have to be more diligent about checking my emails.
12:59I see.
13:01You've rostered us on different shifts.
13:05So now you don't even want to work with me anymore.
13:07It's just better this way.
13:11We're shift buddies.
13:12We have fun together, right?
13:14Well, now that you're authorised to drive the buggy,
13:15there's no point us being on the same shift.
13:18Are you serious?
13:19I've rostered you on when I need a driver.
13:21End of story.
13:38Hey, Piri.
13:40So, you got your passport all sorted?
13:44And you're OK?
13:47Yeah, I'll tell Harper you said hi.
13:49All right.
13:50Right, call me when you get to New Zealand, yeah?
13:53Talk soon.
14:44It's not time.
15:15You have to stop walking away from him.
15:17He couldn't give me a straight answer.
15:19That does not mean no.
15:21Were you entirely honest with him about how you feel?
15:25Close enough.
15:26Ah, but you're in love with him.
15:28You need to be completely honest.
15:30Raise your voice a bit more, why don't you?
15:32OK, you have been telling me
15:34that it is so hard to hide your feelings from him.
15:36Well, I'm not hiding them now and nothing's changed.
15:39Oh, he doesn't know how you're feeling.
15:41That's my point.
15:43You weren't there, OK?
15:44We can just go back to the way that it was.
15:47But can you?
15:48Now that it's gotten to this point, I don't really see how.
15:53Maybe it is OK to have some hope.
15:56I mean, you do, don't you?
15:58Maybe I always will.
16:01Give him a chance.
16:03He might take your feet.
16:06I doubt it.
16:07But thanks.
16:09I should have to go.
16:11And update me on what Tana says.
16:14But the fact that he hasn't gotten back to me yet says everything.
16:27Listen, I've been thinking about what you said and...
16:29it's not as simple as a yes or no answer.
16:32OK, you all ready to go?
16:34Uh, yeah.
16:36I think so.
16:38Now, you'll call me after your session with the counsellor?
16:40I will.
16:41And I know that it's going to mean a lot of hard work,
16:44but I actually feel ready for this.
16:47Maybe we can grab dinner tonight?
16:48Yes, that sounds great.
16:55I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
16:56I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
16:58I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
17:00Oh, that's weird.
17:04I've just been summoned.
17:06By who?
17:07My parents.
17:09They want me to come visit. They've got something to tell me.
17:11I've been to your parents' place. It's not exactly torture.
17:13Oh, yeah? Well, come with me then.
17:15I don't think so.
17:16Please. They like you.
17:17And they like me more when I'm with you.
17:19OK, firstly, that's not true.
17:21They adore you.
17:22Secondly, you'll be fine on your own,
17:24and I have to get to counselling.
17:26True. Uh, good luck with that.
17:28Good luck with your parents.
17:42Can I help you?
17:45I'm not here to get in your way.
17:46Alf texted me. I was gonna meet him here.
17:48No, no, no. I'm supposed to be meeting Alf here.
17:50That's right. I'm meeting both of you.
17:52What's all this about?
17:53I'm gonna put an end to this nonsense between you two.
17:56That's very nice, but you don't have to do that.
17:58Yeah, you're overstepping again.
17:59You didn't give me a choice.
18:01You're both important to the club.
18:02We can't afford to lose either one of you.
18:05So we're going to sort this out once and for all.
18:13Look, it shouldn't have happened the way that it did.
18:15I'm sorry for that.
18:19But it had nothing to do with Perry leaving.
18:22And I mean that, hub.
18:23I'll never use you like that.
18:25That still doesn't answer my question.
18:28You want to know how I feel?
18:31Yeah, I think I deserve that.
18:33OK. That's easy.
18:37I can't imagine my life without you in it.
18:43I feel closer to you than I ever have.
18:46So, yeah.
18:48I want to be with you.
18:49♪ I could spend forever with you
18:53Are you talking about us as an actual couple?
18:57Well, we both know there's no guarantees here.
18:59There never are.
19:01But, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
19:05What do you think?
19:20You OK?
19:24It's embarrassing that I need help to sit down these days.
19:29All that stuff I said, I know it's a lot to get your head around.
19:35So much of me just wants to throw caution to the wind
19:38and say, let's just go for it.
19:42So, what's stopping you?
19:44Look, us being together could only be a good thing for the baby.
19:48Except, like you were just saying, there are no guarantees.
19:51So, let's work it out.
19:57I'm scared about what would happen
19:59if this were to blow up in our faces.
20:04What if it didn't blow up in our faces?
20:08Look, if you don't want to be together, that's fine.
20:10Just say it.
20:11But if you can see any chance for us to have a future together,
20:15being scared shouldn't stop us from trying.
20:19Do you really believe that?
20:22If I were able to take a chance,
20:23then I'd live the rest of my life wondering what if.
20:26Wouldn't you?
20:34I've given her other options for counselling.
20:36I've given her a job.
20:37I've given her a job.
20:38I've given her a job.
20:39I've given her other options for counsellors,
20:41but she has not wanted to talk about it one bit.
20:43This is an opportunity to grow.
20:46Tim was so full of it.
20:47This is proof that it is all just talk.
20:50Abby is safe here with us,
20:51and she's not showing any real sign of relapsing.
20:54Is that Abby's journal?
20:56Yeah, it is.
20:57You still think she's all right?
20:59She's not in her room.
21:00What? When did she leave?
21:01I don't know. I didn't hear her this morning.
21:03Maybe last night?
21:04OK, let's not jump to conclusions.
21:06She's not picking up.