Huit ans après la dernière édition ouverte au public, le village du Vendée Globe a enfin retrouvé ses plus fidèles passionnés depuis samedi ! Un moment tant attendu par tous les curieux et amateurs de voile, venus en nombre célébrer cet événement incontournable.
Eight years after the last edition that welcomed the public, the Vendée Globe Village has finally reunited with its most devoted fans since Saturday! A long-awaited moment for all curious visitors and sailing enthusiasts who came in large numbers to celebrate this iconic event.
© Nefsea Production / VG2024
Eight years after the last edition that welcomed the public, the Vendée Globe Village has finally reunited with its most devoted fans since Saturday! A long-awaited moment for all curious visitors and sailing enthusiasts who came in large numbers to celebrate this iconic event.
© Nefsea Production / VG2024