• 12 hours ago
The actor says "patience is the main thing" as he navigates life as a new dad


00:00Now it's the sit-down with Emily Osmond and Montana Jordan.
00:03Hi, you two.
00:04Congrats on Georgie and Mandy's first marriage.
00:07And I am so glad that you and Cece are here.
00:12And Georgie.
00:16Did you watch the premiere live when it first came out
00:18or is that bad luck?
00:19Would that be considered bad luck to pick to say that?
00:22Sometimes, yeah.
00:23I don't like that one.
00:24I don't either.
00:25Yeah, we've seen it about 20 times so far, so.
00:28Give or take about 300 times.
00:31What is your favorite part about being
00:32in the Big Bang multiverse?
00:34I mean, that's an easy one for me.
00:36I'm the right age for Big Bang.
00:38So I grew up watching that show.
00:41It was on at home when I would get home from school.
00:44And so it was a comfort show for me.
00:46So it's very nostalgic and it's also just kind of rad
00:49that we get to be a part of it, especially three shows
00:53into that universe now.
00:54I didn't get the privilege to watch Big Bang Theory
00:59when it was on, but I didn't watch much TV
01:02at all when I was younger.
01:03But I do know the creators and they're pretty good.
01:06You guys seem to have such wonderful chemistry.
01:09Think we can do it without waking the baby?
01:10I can.
01:11You're the noisy one.
01:17Dang it.
01:19Y'all left this on the coffee table.
01:22So what do you love about working with one another?
01:25Seeing anyone regularly, it will kind of
01:27become like your family.
01:28And it's really nice to work with somebody that is just
01:31always in a good mood.
01:32Also, I really enjoy your 9 AM orange crush sodas
01:35that you just pound at the back.
01:389 AM, my fan?
01:39OK, we're going to get back to that.
01:40It's a bad time for orange crush, so.
01:44I'll tell you this.
01:46I'll tell you this.
01:48Emily's very professional and good at what she does.
01:51And I tell her this all the time,
01:52that I'm good at sitting at the sidelines.
01:55And not only Emily, but everybody on the show.
01:57I love watching them and seeing because they've
02:00been around the scene before.
02:01This is my first multi-cam.
02:03They've done it before.
02:04And just to see how relaxed they are and how good they do it,
02:08I just write down notes constantly.
02:11Emily, you've been in the entertainment business
02:13a long time.
02:14Fans feel like they grew up with you.
02:16So seeing you play a YFM mother is fairly mind-boggling.
02:19Do you ever have to remind fans that the real Emily
02:21ages and evolves just like everyone else?
02:24Yeah, I'm definitely feeling 32.
02:26I'll tell you that.
02:27But no, I mean, with every new project
02:30and with every new cast, they're just a new place
02:34to find joy in what you do.
02:35And I don't think I'll ever get sick of this.
02:38You just got married recently.
02:41Yes, yes.
02:42Yes, and now I'm spending my honeymoon with my fake husband.
02:47Montana, you have a newborn at home and a baby on the show
02:49where you're now the star.
02:51You can't escape dad life.
02:53How surreal is it that you're embarking on these journeys
02:56at the same time?
02:57You know, when you have real-life experience
03:00and something like that, it helps
03:02you understand what the character is going through
03:04and emotions that he's feeling.
03:06And you know, I got a baby girl in real life.
03:09She's about 4 and 1⁄2 months old.
03:10And I'm enjoying every second of it.
03:13I think the main thing is, you know, patience.
03:15You got to have patience.
03:16A lot of people get stressed out if the baby's upset
03:19or if it's crying or something like that.
03:21But, hey, that baby's going to do what it wants, you know?
03:24You kind of just got to go with the flow
03:25and have the patience of, you know,
03:27just letting it do what it wants.
03:28So I think patience is the main thing.
03:31Finally, I'm going to put 10 seconds on the clock.
03:32Tell us how you would describe Georgie
03:34and Mandy's first marriage.
03:40Oh, sexy.
03:45Emily in Montana, thank you so much for joining us today.
03:48Thank you very much.
03:49Have a good day.
