• last year
Black Money Love Episode 24 (Urdu Dubbed) - Kara Para Aşk Turkish Series in Urdu Dubbed
#karaparaaşk #blackmoneylove
The story of two people, strangers to each other, who are forced to share the same fate after losing their loved ones... Ömer, who loses his beloved fiancée to a murder, and Elif, who discovers that her seemingly perfect father is a mafia member involved in money laundering, will have their fates intertwined after these two devastating losses.

Cast: Tuba Büyüküstün, Engin Akyürek, Güler Ökten, Nebahat Çehre, Emre Kızılırmak, Tuvana Türkay, Işıl Yücesoy, Hazal Türesan, Bestemsu Özdemir, Saygın Soysal, Burak Tamdoğan, Erkan Can, Öykü Karayel.

Production: Ay Yapım
Producer: Kerem ÇATAY
Director: Ahmet KATIKSIZ
Scenario : Sema ERGENOKON - Eylem CANPOLAT

#karaparaaşk #blackmoneylove #enginakyurek #turkishseries #turkey #a #turkish #k #t #turkishdrama #l #love #m #f #turkishactor #dizi #n #s #g #turkishdizi #turkishactress #z #lu #istanbul #rk #turkishactors #series #e #demetozdemir #sen #r


