• vorgestern
In Black Ops 6 kehrt der Gunfight-Modus wieder zurück, der im 2v2-Format gespielt wird. Für unseren Multiplayer-Test haben wir uns in eine Runde gestürzt, wurden aber schnell von unserem Teamkollegen im Stich gelassen.

Aber ans Aufgeben dachten wir überhaupt nicht und lieferten unseren beiden ein Match bis zum (bitteren) Ende. Wir finden: Zumindest haben wir tapfer gekämpft!

Mehr zum Multiplayer lest ihr in unserem ersten Fazit nach 10 Stunden in Black Ops 6 (exklusiv mit GameStar Plus).
02:00Move up! Marksman is down!
02:06Use of deadly force has been approved.
02:12One fugitive remains. Terminate with extreme prejudice.
02:16You're evenly matched. Find a weak spot and squeeze.
02:31Move up!
02:43Exemplary Crimson, do it again and let's go home.
03:01Work quick and clean. No witnesses.
03:07There's only one traitor left. Eliminate them.
03:11All units, meet your objectives in sight. Stay on course.
03:15Not your best work. Clean it up.
03:31Remind the fugitives that actions have consequences.
03:39Time's against you. I hope you have a plan.
03:50No time for moping. We have more work to do.
04:18Failure is not in Crimson's lexicon. Do better.
04:30Shooter in the open!
04:32One fugitive remains. Terminate with extreme prejudice.
04:36Pull this back or don't bother coming home.
05:01Good. It's about bloody time you got off your asses.
05:31You better find another gear, Crimson. They nearly have it.
05:33Hot dog shooter!
05:39Not your best work. Clean it up.
06:01Friendly! Friendly!
06:16There's only one traitor left. Eliminate them.
06:19This is not how we do it. Get it together, Crimson.
06:23Faith has killed him. They were better than you today.
