• last year
A short comedy thriller film. | dG1fNTFoOE9EQjM0Z2s
00:00Look, I know you have my fucking book, just tell me where it is.
00:07I didn't take your fucking book.
00:08You know what?
00:09Fuck you!
00:10Fuck you!
00:11Fuck you!
00:12Is that a camera?
00:19Is this really the best time for this right now?
00:21It's just, it's just so pretty.
00:23Okay, okay, okay!
00:24Let's just get this over with.
00:27I'm Eloise LeBay, and I play Sarah in Crawl Space.
00:30And I'm Coris Fita, and I play Maisie in Crawl Space.
00:35We have to say what it's about.
00:37Oh, right, well, clearly it's about a roommate who steals her friend's shit.
00:42You're totally right.
00:43It's about a condescending bitch who's losing her fucking mind!
00:44Oh, you want to talk about condescending?
00:45Yes, I want to talk about it!
00:46I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
01:14I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:25Oh, hello there.
01:26Thanks for sticking around.
01:27We hope you enjoyed our expose on our film that we are producing.
01:28Have written.
01:29Acting it.
01:35Craft services.
01:36Cleanup crew.
01:38We didn't even think about that.
01:39How are we going to do that?
01:40Oh, stay, stay, stay, stay.
01:41It's okay.
01:43If you would like to help us make our film a full-scale production, please continue watching
01:49for tricks and tips on how to do so.
01:51First tip, find a team with a solid backstory.
01:56Like this one, or this one.
01:58We first met at a playwriting festival last summer where we quickly realized how much
02:03we had in common and became best friends and collaborators.
02:07Second tip, have a strong plot.
02:10Like the one of this film.
02:11this film. Third tip, put your money where your mouth is. As you may know from recent
02:18strikes that you must pay your casting fee. You must also pay for equipment. They
02:23don't say lights, camera, action, or nothing. As a bonus we will also be taking
02:30donations for festival submissions as well. I too was shocked that it cost
02:35money to apply to these sorts of things. Who knew that making movies cost money?
02:40Not me. If you would like to see a full list of everything we have to pay for
02:48please scroll down below. Our last tip is to find a team who use their entire
02:54preliminary budget on their pitch. Like them or them. These are the projects that
03:00you should donate to. And you can make our dream a reality for as low as $19.99.
03:06She said $19.99. If I had that I would donate right now. Please donate. Please.
03:16Please. Please. Please. Please.