• 8 hours ago
Why do folks have such short memories when it comes to the Jedi?


00:00From arguably one of the most important personalities in the galaxy weirdly going missing during
00:05a key spell in the Skywalker saga, to the fact that many people within this sprawling
00:09galaxy appear to have particularly short memories.
00:13These are those Star Wars moments and scenarios that fans are still struggling to understand
00:17after all this time.
00:19Gareth here from What Culture Star Wars and here are 10 Things That Still Don't Make
00:23Sense In Star Wars.
00:25What in the hell was Ahsoka Tano up to during the original trilogy?
00:29With the ball rolling with a puzzling reality that simply could not be avoided due to the
00:33character only being introduced to the Skywalker saga decades after the original trilogy first
00:38blast off into theatres, the whereabouts of one Ahsoka Tano throughout said galactic civil
00:43war has been a question buried within the minds of many for some time.
00:47Since it became clear that the former Jedi wasn't actually killed off by her former
00:51master whilst duelling within the Sith Temple on Malachor in Rebels, instead being saved
00:56from that fate by Ezra Bridger's World Between Worlds intervention, many wondered why Tano
01:01would have simply sat by and watched the galaxy rip itself apart throughout Episodes 4-6.
01:06It has been suggested that Tano was actually residing on Malachor during the galactic civil
01:10war, embarking on a spiritual journey of sorts as she figured out a way to find a missing
01:16But it's safe to say many will be looking for some concrete answers within the upcoming
01:20Ahsoka series, as to what she was actually up to in the time before joining forces with
01:24Sabine Wren to search for the ghost crew member.
01:28Nobody Has A Clue Who Luke Skywalker Is
01:30The folks within this galaxy far, far away aren't exactly boasting the strongest memories,
01:35it must be said.
01:36Now sure, to assume that just about every single soul living and breathing throughout
01:40the aforementioned galactic civil war would have laid eyes on or even just heard of the
01:44iconic Jedi who helped topple the Empire would be a bit foolish.
01:47The galaxy is a pretty huge, huge place after all, but the fact that folks as close to the
01:51fight as the likes of Cara Dune didn't even seem to be aware of who in the hell the
01:55New Republic hero Luke Skywalker was, upon him meeting the Mando gang in Season 2 makes
02:00for a rather baffling situation.
02:03Even if Dune hadn't crossed paths with the iconic Jedi before, there is a strong chance
02:06his face, or at the very least his physical description, would have been floated around
02:10by the folks he was once fighting with just a few short years before.
02:14And the fact Luke is praised as some sort of Jedi celebrity by the time of The Force
02:18Awakens only makes the team's uncertainty over who in the hell he was at this point
02:22even more bizarre.
02:25How Did Leia End Up With A New Dress On Endor?
02:28Princess Leia Organa finds herself eventually sporting an earthy-looking dress in the wake
02:32of being taken in by wickets W. Warwick and co. in Return of the Jedi.
02:36And while many found themselves questioning how the Leading Light managed to come into
02:39possession of said clothing after rocking up to the forest moon in camo gear, that part
02:44of the mystery was actually solved thanks to Star Wars Force of Destiny's Ewok Escape,
02:49an episode that explained that the dress was a gift for Leia's assistance in saving some
02:53Ewoks from a bunch of Stormtroopers.
02:55The part that still hasn't been fully detailed, however, is how in the heck the fuzzy little
02:59rascals came into having possession of said dress in the first place.
03:03There is one disturbing fan theory that suggests the Ewoks, as seen in their initial hostility
03:07towards Luke and Han, could have actually just eaten another woman and taken her dress
03:11as a horrific prize.
03:13But it's still not been 100% confirmed in canon if this was how said clothing was freakishly
03:18Let's hope not, eh?
03:20How Did Jar Jar Binks Become A Senator?
03:22After spending pretty much the entirety of his screen time bumbling through The Phantom
03:26Menace, it's safe to say that seeing Jar Jar Binks don a set of robes and strut into
03:30the Galactic Senate caught just about everybody off guard in Attack of the Clones.
03:34Admittedly, rewarding the slapstick fool with a cushy Gungan roll for his less-than-competent
03:39displays during the battle against the Trade Federation's droid army on Naboo made a
03:42bit of sense.
03:43But having him act as the Gungan's ambassador to Theed, before eventually stepping into
03:48the high-pressure position of Naboo's Associate Planetary Representative whenever Padme Amidala
03:52wasn't available, was a pretty difficult pill to swallow for those who had last seen
03:56Jar Jar make a meal out of, well, something as simple as a meal in Episode 1.
04:00Sure enough, it didn't take all that much effort to manipulate the eternally clumsy
04:04and dangerously innocent politician into suggesting the Senate give emergency powers to Chancellor
04:09Palpatine in order to forge a grand army of the Republic in Attack of the Clones.
04:13Beg in the question why so many ignorantly allowed the likes of Palpatine to humour him
04:17into this highly influential spot in the first place.
04:22How Could the Jedi Be Forgotten About So Damn Quickly?
04:24The fact that figures such as Han Solo refer to the Jedi way as little more than a hokey
04:29religion during his early appearances in A New Hope just doesn't seem to add up upon
04:33assessing the timeline.
04:35Some twenty years on from Order 66 all but obliterating the Jedi from existence, the
04:39fact many were so quick to forget about this particular aspect of the massive war between
04:43a Jedi-boasting Republic and the Separatists that ultimately birthed the Galactic Empire
04:48never really made sense, with the eventual likes of the Rebels and Obi-Wan Kenobi series
04:52both suggesting that many a Jedi did still find a way to pop up and cause a fuss on occasion
04:57over the years.
04:58Sure, the Emperor definitely went out of his way to bury and destroy any remnants of the
05:02religion, which does partially explain why some corners of the galaxy either opted to
05:06ignore the Jedi or simply had their brains washed into thinking they were little more
05:10than a myth.
05:11But when folks like Han Solo specifically, who was revealed to have actually been a member
05:15of the Imperial Navy earlier in his life, and must have surely come across the odd Jedi
05:19straggler, act as if the existence of the one-time force-wielding heroes is laughable,
05:24this particular opinion slash reaction feels increasingly odd.
05:29Why Didn't General Grievous Just Blast Kenobi to Smithereens?
05:32Many, quite rightly, were all too happy to discard all logic when it came to one particularly
05:36strange tactical choice from one of the galaxy's most cunning generals during Revenge of the
05:42That's because, had General Grievous done the intelligent thing during his showdown
05:44with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau, there's a solid chance fans would have been gifted with
05:48a bit of an anticlimactic response to Ewan McGregor's immortal utterance of hello there.
05:53In reality though, what was stopping Grievous from simply lowering one of his bionic arms
05:57and commanding the room full of droids to open fire on the stubborn Jedi Master?
06:01His own ego?
06:02Yeah, perhaps.
06:03But a strategic bastard like this cyborg likely should have realised that his odds of claiming
06:07another lightsaber for his collection would have been greater had he opted to instead
06:11allow his army to do his dirty work for him.
06:13Maybe Grievous simply felt his robot allies, no matter their superior numbers, weren't
06:17capable of besting a Jedi of Kenobi's talents.
06:20But it does feel like the general missed a bit of a trick in not at least testing Obi-Wan's
06:24deflecting capabilities against a few hundred blasters.
06:28Why Did Nobody Use Force Speed More Often?
06:31While there are a tonne of force abilities out there in the Legends and canon universe
06:35that weren't actually fully explored within the live-action Skywalker saga on the big
06:39screen, one undoubtedly useful and rare talent was actually given a run-out during the Phantom
06:44Menace's opening stages, only to pretty much completely disappear from there on out.
06:49I'm talking about that moment Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn utilised good ol' force
06:53speed to get out of Droideka Dodge on a Trade Federation ship.
06:57But far from opening the door for the Jedi to faunt this massively useful talent from
07:01there on out in the prequels in particular, the ability seems to go oddly missing shortly
07:06Mace Windu would tease the use of force speed a touch during the animated Clone Wars series
07:10Battle of Dantooine, and once again boast a slight increase in speed during his duel
07:14with Palpatine, with the odd other Jedi being able to dodge particularly rapidly within
07:18the animated sphere too.
07:20But outside of these few quick beats, was the power kept mostly secret from those learning
07:24to wield the power of the Force on the big screen?
07:27You know, it may have just come in handy when trying to evade mind-controlled clone
07:31Just a thought.
07:33How Obi-Wan Kenobi aged so damn quickly
07:35One of the key happenings fans were hoping to see addressed over the course of Disney
07:39Plus' recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series came in the form of what in the holy hell happened
07:43to the titular Jedi Master to make him go from luscious brunette, lock-boasting space
07:47stud to white-haired wizard in just under two decades.
07:51Instead of shedding some light on how the Jedi who appeared to be in his mid-30s during
07:55Revenge of the Sith ended up resembling a dude edging towards his late 60s in A New
07:59Hope, the series reached its conclusion, for now at least, with Kenobi still boasting a
08:03mane without even a flicker of grey.
08:06Some have been quick to suggest that Ben's swift ageing may come about due to the character
08:10eventually being on the receiving end of a life-draining Force power, similarly to how
08:14Palpatine wound up resembling a battered vegetable after having his own Force lightning deflected
08:19onto him in Revenge of the Sith.
08:21Still said grey hair-creating trauma makes itself known, however, this rapid ageing will
08:25continue to be filed in the strange Star Wars mystery category.
08:30Anakin Returning as Hayden Christensen via Force Ghost
08:32In another case of George Lucas attempting to sell fans on an odd scenario that just
08:36about nobody honestly bought, or has any intention of buying, some years later.
08:40The reveal of Hayden Christensen's version of Anakin Skywalker slash Darth Vader being
08:44swapped into the Again Tinkered With original trilogy in the 2004 DVD re-release of Return
08:49of the Jedi inspired an understandable amount of confusion.
08:53Far from quickly offering a wise and logical response, though, Lucas claimed in the film's
08:57DVD commentary that the idea was that your inner person would go back to where we left
09:01it off when it turned to the dark side.
09:03But this retcon pretty much negates the powerful beat that had seen Vader redeem himself and
09:07seemingly wander back towards the light side of the Force in the moments before Sebastian
09:11Shaw's version of the character's demise in his son's arms.
09:15In truth, Christensen being thrown into the original trilogy mix was likely little more
09:19than a way of connecting the OG flicks and the prequels, whether it made any actual sense
09:23or not.
09:25How Did Anakin Not Clock His Wife Was Pregnant With Twins?
09:28While at a glance expecting someone to be aware of the fact their partner is carrying
09:31not only one but two babies within them, when the mother herself seemingly isn't even
09:36privy to the knowledge of housing a set of twins, may seem a bit odd, Anakin Skywalker
09:41wasn't any old average Joe, was he?
09:43After all, it's demonstrated time and time again that Force users possess the ability
09:46to sense the lives of others from halfway across the galaxy, seen in Palpatine sensing
09:51his new apprentice is in danger from Coruscant when Lord Vader is battling with his one-time
09:55master on Mustafar.
09:56So would it have been too much of a stretch for Anakin to clock the fact that his beloved
10:00Padme was actually set to give birth to a couple of little Skywalkers when she was literally
10:04stood right in front of him?
10:06Vader even went on record to admit that he could feel that Amidala was alive before her
10:10untimely end, so why couldn't he feel the two lifeforms within her too?
10:15And the fact Yoda and Obi-Wan were also unable to sense there were two babies on board until
10:19being told moments before their birth seems to suggest this lot weren't as connected
10:24to the living force as they thought.
10:26And that's our list!
10:27Know of any other things that still don't make sense in Star Wars?
10:30Let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget
10:33to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it.
10:36Also if you do like this kind of thing then go on over to whatculture.com and find some
10:39more incredible lists just like the one this video you're watching right now is based
10:45I've been Gareth from What Culture Star Wars, thank you as always for clicking on
10:48this fantastic video today.
10:50Hopefully I'll see your faces very very soon but in the meantime, may the force be
10:54with you and I'll see you soon.
