• last year
00:00I can't stay any longer, Ozlem.
00:03That woman is getting more and more unbearable.
00:06Esma, I think you're exaggerating.
00:08I mean, you have everything you want.
00:10You've become a partner.
00:11You don't have to worry about your future.
00:13Soon you'll have a baby.
00:14Everything is going well.
00:16I don't understand why you're obsessed with her.
00:18Some people have much more than they deserve in this life, Ozlem.
00:24And Sila is one of them.
00:26But even so, despite all that, she is so spoiled, so selfish.
00:31She only thinks about herself.
00:32That's not your problem.
00:33Why do you worry?
00:34I don't understand.
00:35I really don't understand.
00:37Everyone, including Mr. Erkan, acts as if she were a princess.
00:40They gave her everything.
00:42The best houses, the best school, unlimited love.
00:46The same when she got married.
00:48A man who put the world at her feet.
00:51It's unbearable.
00:52She thinks she's going to have everything without doing anything.
00:55But it's not like that.
00:57She'll learn very soon.
01:00I know it's annoying for you to see such a desire.
01:03I'm sorry.
01:05But there's one more thing.
01:08I didn't know you were in a relationship with Mr. Dilaver.
01:11I heard it today.
01:13Oh yeah?
01:14He told me a few things.
01:16He talked about his habits.
01:18I don't understand why he told you that.
01:20I guess it's a useless talk for you.
01:22It's out of your reach.
01:24Look, it's not that I don't know anything about his habits.
01:27I know some things take time to change.
01:30But I can't accept this.
01:32I don't understand what you're talking about.
01:36Mr. Dilaver told me that there is a decision for his death.
01:40What did he say?
01:42But he told me he won't execute.
01:46I understand, Mrs. Seren.
01:47I see it became an unpleasant conversation.
01:49I feel bad for you.
01:54You're right.
01:56Mrs. Seren, it's a very unpleasant and complicated topic to understand.
02:00But she's hired as Ostemir's lawyer.
02:03So she's the company's lawyer.
02:06She has nothing to do with that topic.
02:09I understand, but...
02:10Therefore, I assure you that you will not have to hear that kind of topic from now on.
02:14I give you my word, Mrs. Seren.
02:16Thank you, Mrs. Sila, but...
02:18Mrs. Seren, I will speak honestly.
02:22We just met.
02:24But I think you are a lawyer with a lot of ethics.
02:28Professionally speaking, I know you will keep in reserve what does not concern the company.
02:33Focusing only on legal matters.
02:37You're right, but I would like to think about it.
02:39By the way, I want to thank you for what you think about me.
02:44But this decision of death has been on me for a long time.
02:48But I'm alive, as you can see.
02:52Thank you for listening to me, Mrs. Sila.
03:03I'm sorry, Mrs. Seren.
03:05I'm taking care of things while my uncle is not here.
03:08No one will do anything until I order it. Do you understand?
03:11It's clear, sir.
03:13Now go to work.
03:15You will give me news about Mrs. Sila.
03:18What does she do, where is she, where is she going, what does she eat, everything.
03:22Absolutely everything. Is it clear to you?
03:25Yes, sir.
03:30You're not in Mardi Gras anymore.
03:33You're not in Mardin, Dilaver.
03:35You can't have a personal meeting here.
03:37If you make decisions of death, go back to Mardin.
03:40And if you do, do not put the employees in difficult situations, making them feel uncomfortable.
03:45By the way, do not make people think strange things about you and your stories.
04:02I'm sorry, Zainab.
04:04I didn't know you were there.
04:06I'm sorry to scare you.
04:09I was scared, it's true.
04:13But I think it's more than that.
04:15I got angry.
04:19I think I told you that my dad was shot.
04:22In Izmir.
04:26That's why we ran away from Mardin.
04:29It was your turn to die.
04:32Everything was fine at first.
04:39We prepared to flee then.
04:42That's what dad said.
04:44They used to speak in a low voice.
04:47Sitting in a corner whispering to each other.
04:50I couldn't sleep from listening to them.
04:52Then one night, he didn't come back.
04:58After that night,
05:02I heard mom's requiem.
05:07She always sang the requiems with her tiny voice.
05:13While we were sleeping,
05:16I heard mom's voice.
05:18While we were sleeping,
05:21we heard mom's voice.
05:28I'm sorry, Zainab.
05:30I didn't know.
05:32She talked to almost everyone.
05:35The lords of the tribe, the sheikh, everyone.
05:41But no one helped us.
05:43She even talked to the mayor.
05:46No one did anything.
05:49Because no one wants to believe
05:52that some things can change and must change.
05:57Dad died because of a fight he had with his uncle.
06:01He even had it a long time before he came to this world.
06:08I'm sorry, Zainab.
06:10I'm sorry, Zainab.
06:14He lived his whole life in fear.
06:18Then he died.
06:21He left us.
06:27What if we
06:30had found
06:32someone like you?
06:34Then my father
06:36might still be alive, Boran.
06:40Maybe he wouldn't have died.