• 9 hours ago
00:30She's gonna lose the escapers almost who knows
00:49No, no, no, no solo estaba matando el tiempo yo también salí temprano a la oficina y me vine a dar una vuelta al parque
00:57Y espero que no te moleste que me siente contigo
01:01que bueno no quise dejar pasar el conocer una chava tan linda como tú
01:05sé que eres el tipo de chavas que me gusta así y cómo son ese tipo de chicas pues
01:11como muy pocas
01:14Divertida aventurera y dispuesta a divertirse o me equivoco
01:20No, no te equivocas puedo ser eso y más cuando alguien me interesa
01:39Ni sé para qué hice tanto drama por el tarado de gael oscar es mucho mejor que él
01:46Nunca volveré a estar sola
02:35Ivan is a very rare girl, but it's worth spending time with her
02:55Con quien estás hablando con quien sea es mi problema pues si estás conmigo no
03:02Enseña me déjame ver claro que no no tienes nada que ocultar enséñame con quien habla ya basta
03:09no cabe duda que estás un poquito loca
03:12Seguramente no me quieres enseñar porque me estás poniendo el cuerno verdad
04:07Hola, ma. Ya llegué.
04:09Me imagino que vienes de ver al hombre con el que está saliendo.
04:13Ay, ya te enteraste.
04:15Y no porque tú me hayas dicho.
04:18¿Cuántos años te lleva ese hombre?
04:20Eso es lo de menos, mamá.
04:22¿Y ese tipo sabe que tú eres menor de edad?
04:24Claro que lo sabe.
04:25Pero mira, no te me pongas a dar sermones.
04:28Ya voy a cumplir 18 años y espero no te opongas.
04:31Hija, te pido que pienses bien las cosas.
04:34Ay, ya me voy a dormir. Descansa.
04:42Tú fuiste de chismoso con mi mamá, ¿verdad?
04:44¿De qué hablas, rara?
04:45No te hagas. Le dijiste que tengo novios.
04:47Más bien un viejito.
04:49No le vuelvas a decir así.
04:51Y de ninguna manera, ¿eh?
04:52Porque si te vuelves a meter en mis cosas, te va a ir muy mal, Ernesto.
04:55Ya sabes.
05:04No, ma. Por fa, no me obligues a estar en la comida con mi prima.
05:06Me va a estar molestando.
05:07Creo que exageras, Ernesto.
05:09No, abue. Me dio un zap en frente de todos mis amigos.
05:11Y seguro me va a seguir molestando.
05:13A ver, eso no va a pasar. Yo voy a estar pendiente de que no suceda.
05:16Además, tú hiciste lo correcto al decir lo que estaba pasando, Ernesto.
05:20Sí, ya quedé como chismoso.
05:22Ay, no te preocupes por eso.
05:24Lo importante es que estás protegiendo a tu prima, hijo.
05:27Yo abro, yo abro.
05:29Aunque me agarra zapes, ¿verdad?
05:31Mi amor, hasta ahorita ya comamos.
05:37Bienvenidas. ¿Cómo están?
05:41Hola, primita.
05:45Hola, tía.
05:50Uy, qué rico se ve todo.
05:54En serio que mi prima es bien rara.
05:56Pensé que me iba a agarrar a zapes y hasta un beso me dio.
06:01Por favor, sí.
06:11Ay, ay.
06:16Cuídate, hermosa.
06:18Ahora sí me va a escuchar ese tipo.
06:33¿Te parece bien lo que estabas haciendo?
06:35¿De qué hablas?
06:36No te hagas.
06:37Te acabo de ver besándote con un hombre.
06:40Ah, ya conociste a mi novio.
06:42¿Te parece correcto que te estés exhibiendo enfrente de todo el mundo?
06:47Tranquila, mamá. Solo fue un beso.
06:49Pero hay de besos a besos.
06:52Date a respetar.
06:54Por eso no estoy de acuerdo con que andes con alguien que sea mayor que tú,
06:57que tú no esté comprendido.
06:59¿Que yo qué, mamá? ¿Que yo qué?
07:01Que tú no tienes la edad para andar con un hombre como él.
07:04¿Por qué?
07:05¿Porque soy fea?
07:06Yo no dije eso.
07:07Claro que sí.
07:08Siempre me estás atacando. Siempre estás contra mí.
07:11Pero yo te voy a dar motivos para que hagas de tu provecho.
07:13¿Qué haces?
07:14Ivana, ven acá.
07:15¡Ivana, ven acá!
07:18¡Ivana, qué haces!
07:19¡Abre, Ivana!
07:21¿Qué estás haciendo con esas chicares, por favor?
07:24¡Ivana, por favor!
07:26¿Qué, mamá?
07:27¿Ahora sí soy fea, como dices?
07:29Soy una fea. Soy una rara.
07:41Quedaste muy bonita.
07:44No sé por qué lo hice, mamá. No me quería cortar el cabello.
07:48Tienes que aprender a controlar tus arrebatos, mi amor.
07:52Por ellos has agredido a algunas personas.
07:55Y ahora te perjudicaste tú misma.
07:58Te juro que trato de controlarme, mamá, pero no puedo.
08:01Hago las cosas sin ti.
08:03Trato de controlarme, mamá, pero no puedo.
08:06Hago las cosas sin pensar.
08:08Pues antes de tomar cualquier decisión,
08:11trata de respirar profundo.
08:13Contar hasta diez.
08:15Esas son tonterías, mamá.
08:17No lo puedes saber si no haces el intento.
08:19Tú no me entiendes.
08:20No sientes lo mismo que yo.
08:22¿Ves lo que te digo?
08:24Te alteraste muy rápido.
08:25No hiciste el intento de controlarte.
08:30Sal de mi cuarto.
08:32Salte. Quiero estar sola, mamá.
08:34Por favor, Ivana. Estamos hablando bien.
08:36Salte. Ya me quiero dormir. Por favor, salte.
08:56Virgen de Guadalupe.
08:59¿Qué le está pasando a mi hija?
09:02Sus arrebatos no están bien.
09:05Antes pensaba que era un capricho,
09:07pero ahora sé que algo está mal.
09:11Por eso te pido, madre mía,
09:14que pueda entender lo que le está pasando a mi hija
09:16para poder ayudarla.
09:20Ivana, desde niña...
09:22Tienes unas cortadas muy sexis.
09:25Me excitan.
09:28Ese es asunto mío. No te metas.
09:37Estuviste fabulosa.
09:39Tienes unas maneras de sorprenderme.
09:53¿Qué es lo que tú querías?
09:56Pues, qué bueno que te sorprendí,
09:58porque quiero proponerte algo.
10:00Ah, sí. ¿Y de qué se trata?
10:04Quiero que conozcas a mi mamá.
10:07¿Para qué o qué?
10:09Pues, es normal, ¿no?
10:10Si tenemos una relación.
10:12A ver, Ivana, no empieces con tonterías.
10:14Porque, si no, mejor aquí la dejamos.
10:16No, Oscar, por favor,
10:17tú no me puedes dejar. Tú me perteneces.
10:19Please, Oscar, please don't leave me.
10:21Please, you can't leave me, Oscar.
10:23Oscar, I need you, I need you, please.
10:26But I don't need you.
10:28There are a lot of crazy people like you
10:29and believe me, they don't want to introduce me to their mom.
10:31Okay, fine, if you want, you don't know her,
10:33but please don't leave me, please.
10:35Calm down!
10:38Now get out of here, you have me.
10:43Get out!
10:50Oh, my God.
10:57I lost him, I lost him, I lost him.
11:08It can't be, I lost him, I lost him, I lost him.
11:19No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
11:49, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:24What did you do?
12:26What did you do, my love?
12:28What did you do?
12:30Cutting myself wasn't enough to ease my pain.
12:35Oh, my love!
12:37I can't do this anymore.
12:39My love, please don't die!
12:43My life!
12:46My love, please!
12:53A plane, please!
12:56But now, please!
13:02Calm down, dear.
13:04Everything will be fine. Trust me.
13:07I have good news for you.
13:10They brought Ivana on time and we were able to save her.
13:13Oh, my God!
13:15Is she okay? Is she conscious?
13:17For now, we're keeping her sedated so she can be calm.
13:21But there's a situation that keeps me worried.
13:25And I think we need to find a solution before giving her a heart attack in a couple of days.
13:30Did you know that your daughter does cutting?
13:35What's that?
13:36It's a way of self-mutilating that relieves her emotions.
13:41No, not really.
13:44The best thing would be for you to talk to the hospital's psychiatrist
13:48so that she can give you a much more accurate diagnosis.
13:52Excuse me.
13:56Oh, my God. But she's not okay.
14:02After assessing Ivana's case,
14:03I was able to conclude that her cutting is part of the borderline that she suffers from.
14:08What's that?
14:10It's a mental disorder that affects your ability to control your emotions and how you see yourself.
14:16Is that why she was cutting?
14:18Yes, because it's a way of controlling her emotions that are so changing.
14:22From one moment to the next, she has a change of mood without any apparent reason.
14:26Yes, that's exactly how I felt.
14:30Sometimes I don't even understand myself.
14:33But you can rest assured, because the borderline is already treatable with therapy.
14:37And we will analyze what type of medication is appropriate for you.
14:41What caused it, Doctor?
14:43Like many mental disorders, there is no definite cause.
14:46But rest assured that we will find a way to help your daughter
14:51so that in the end there is hope for Ivana.
15:04You don't know how happy we are that you are here, my love.
15:08You will see that with our care, you will recover very soon.
15:13And not only for her physical health, Mom.
15:16Now that we have a diagnosis, we can support Ivana to get ahead.
15:24Of course you have the family, daughter.
15:27Although I don't understand those things, because in my time those diseases didn't exist.
15:33Maybe they did exist, Mom.
15:36But they were not diagnosed.
15:39We disguise them thinking they are whims or ways of being,
15:44like it happened to me.
15:46But I will not assume anything again.
15:49First I will talk to you and try to understand you.
15:52To know what is happening to you, my love.
15:55Thank you, Mom.
15:57I want to stop being weird.
16:23And you are going to stop being weird,
16:26because with our love and care, you will have a better life.
16:29And you are going to stop being weird,
16:32because with our love and care, you will have a better life.
16:51Several months have passed since you started your treatment.
16:56How have you felt?
16:58I like Ivana more now.
17:01I like that with therapy I have learned to control my emotions.
17:05And I will not go from anger to sadness.
17:08Little by little I have learned to be patient.
17:11And get to know me a little more to be able to control my impulses
17:15and channel my emotions correctly.
17:18Although you already know that this will be a job that you will do day by day for the rest of your life.
17:23I know.
17:24Mom, I know you were worried about me when I started dating Oscar.
17:29Because he is an older man than me and I let him mistreat me
17:32in order not to feel abandoned or empty.
17:34But now I am clear that those feelings will be part of my untreated disorder.
17:39I know that when the time comes for you to have another partner,
17:42you will no longer choose the feeling of abandonment or emptiness,
17:46but the feeling of love.
17:48And I will be there to support you.
17:51I feel so proud of you, my love.
17:55Thank you very much for having us.
17:58We no longer want any more problems with you.
18:01What do you want?
18:03I asked my mom to bring me because I want to apologize to Gael for everything that happened.
18:08For how I behaved with him when we were dating
18:11and for the bad moment I made him go through the day he broke up with me.
18:15You even scratched him.
18:17I know, but I'm very sorry.
18:20I was already in treatment and I had learned to control myself.
18:23I just wanted you to know that you were my first boyfriend
18:26and that it was never my intention to mistreat you.
18:29I just didn't know what was going on with me.
18:32Well, for my part, there is no resentment.
18:36I'm glad you're better now.
18:59We cannot doubt that the human mind is a great mystery.
19:03It holds ideas, thoughts and feelings that have helped man's evolution.
19:09But it is also true that there are disorders such as the borderline
19:13that affect the correct development of people who suffer from it.
19:17Although not everything is lost,
19:18this disorder can be controlled with drugs
19:22that help restore stability in our lives,
19:25so as not to be the rare one.
19:48I am a boy standing
19:50in the hands of God's angel
19:52but no one talks to me
19:54I am a boy standing
19:56in the hands of God's angel
19:58but no one talks to me
20:00I am a boy standing
20:02in the hands of God's angel
20:04but no one talks to me
20:06I am a boy standing
20:08in the hands of God's angel
20:10but no one talks to me
20:12I am a boy standing
20:14in the hands of God's angel
20:16but no one talks to me
20:18I am a boy standing
20:20in the hands of God's angel
20:22but no one talks to me
20:24I am a boy standing
20:26in the hands of God's angel
20:28but no one talks to me
20:30I am a boy standing
20:32in the hands of God's angel
20:34but no one talks to me
20:36I am a boy standing
20:38in the hands of God's angel
20:40but no one talks to me
20:42I am a boy standing
20:44in the hands of God's angel
20:46but no one talks to me
20:48I am a boy standing
20:50in the hands of God's angel
20:52but no one talks to me
20:54I am a boy standing
20:56in the hands of God's angel
20:58but no one talks to me
21:00I am a boy standing
21:02in the hands of God's angel
21:04but no one talks to me
21:06I am a boy standing
21:08in the hands of God's angel
21:10but no one talks to me
21:12I am a boy standing
21:14in the hands of God's angel
21:16but no one talks to me
21:18I am a boy standing
21:20in the hands of God's angel
21:22but no one talks to me
21:24I am a boy standing
21:26in the hands of God's angel
21:28but no one talks to me
21:30I am a boy standing
21:32in the hands of God's angel
21:34but no one talks to me
21:36I am a boy standing
21:38in the hands of God's angel
21:40but no one talks to me
21:42I am a boy standing
21:44in the hands of God's angel
21:46but no one talks to me
21:48I am a boy standing
21:50in the hands of God's angel
21:52but no one talks to me
21:54I am a boy standing
21:56in the hands of God's angel
21:58but no one talks to me
22:00I am a boy standing
22:02in the hands of God's angel
22:04but no one talks to me
22:06I am a boy standing
22:08in the hands of God's angel
22:10but no one talks to me
22:12I am a boy standing
22:14in the hands of God's angel
22:16but no one talks to me
22:18I am a boy standing
22:20in the hands of God's angel
22:22but no one talks to me
22:24I am a boy standing
22:26in the hands of God's angel
22:28but no one talks to me
22:30I am a boy standing
22:32in the hands of God's angel
22:34but no one talks to me
22:36I am a boy standing
22:38in the hands of God's angel
22:40but no one talks to me
22:42I am a boy standing
22:44in the hands of God's angel
22:46but no one talks to me
