• l’année dernière
Sacré Ballon d'Or en 1995, George Weah est arrivé à la cérémonie du Ballon d'Or.


00:00Allez, 8 minutes, alors la minute est à vous Djibril, profitez-en.
00:03Thank you George.
00:04English or French ?
00:06Come here, George.
00:09Rapprochez-vous, viens.
00:11Mettez le micro.
00:14I'm very happy to have you.
00:16C'est un plaisir de vous retenir.
00:18Very happy to have you big brother.
00:20C'est un grand plaisir mon frère.
00:22C'est vraiment un plaisir pour moi.
00:24What do you remember of being the first African ballon d'or ?
00:26Quels sont vos souvenirs en tant que premier ballon d'or africain ?
00:28In 1995, the first independent African country to break the record, we won a ballon d'or.
00:38It was a milestone.
00:40We were happy.
00:42I was happy.
00:44My country just broke up in 1989.
00:46There was war.
00:48We used the ballon d'or to march on towards peace.
00:50So I was very happy.
00:52It was a satisfaction for me.
00:54It was the first ballon d'or in Africa.
00:56I'm sure we all were proud.
00:58We were really proud to have you.
01:00To be the first African ballon d'or.
01:02It gave the hunger to the other young kids to follow your steps.
01:06Thank you very much.
01:08Thank you very much.
01:10Thank you very much.
01:12Thank you very much.
01:14Thank you very much.
01:16Thank you very much.
01:18Thank you very much.
01:20Thank you very much.
01:22Thank you very much.
