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Next Week! Brooke Catches Hope and Carter! Eric Says Yes to Ivy! The Bold and the Beautiful
00:00Hey YouTube! Hey Golden The Beautiful fans! OMG, Brooke catches Carter in Hope!
00:05We saw that today in the exciting cliffhanger. And let's get into what we
00:10can expect to see happen for next week. But first of all, we saw Carter make his
00:15pitch to expand the company and take it to the next level. And Carter made some
00:21good points too, right? Carter pointed out that Forrester Creations is one of the
00:25only fashion labels without a stake in the fragrance and cosmetic industries.
00:30And then Carter also brought up something really interesting. He
00:33mentioned Jabot, right? Carter said he'd love to reach out to their friends in
00:37Wisconsin and make Jabot an offer. So we'll see if there's a crossover here
00:43with the Young and the Restless in the near future and if Carter reaches out to
00:47Jack Abbott. So we'll see. But Zenday was impressed with Carter's big dreams and
00:52And Ridge admitted he admired Carter's initiative. Eric, though, told Carter
00:56they'd get back to him. But it looks like Eric might might be open to it, but we'll
01:01have to see. Carter, though, is optimistic. Let's do this, says Carter. Steffi, on the
01:07other hand, though, feels that Carter is wrong about one thing and that's hope
01:11for the future. And in the preview for next week, we see Steffi confronting
01:16Hope and telling her it's just not making sense.
01:19Carter's sudden defense of you and your line. Steffi feels that Carter might have
01:25an ulterior motive to save Hope for the future. And maybe in Steffi's mind, Carter
01:31wanting to expand the company is really about saving Hope. But my opinion,
01:37though, is that I don't think that's Carter's motives. Maybe it's one of them.
01:40But Carter says he's been thinking about this for some time, for years even. And
01:45Carter's ideas are good ones. We'll have to see how Eric and Ridge feel, though,
01:50about Carter's grand ideas. But it's looking like things could certainly go
01:54well for two of the new designers at Forrester, Ivy and Elektra. In the preview,
01:59it looks like things are gearing up for that jewelry line. So we'll see. Eric and
02:05Ridge are there with Ivy. We see them in the CEO office with Ivy and Elektra. And
02:10Eric tells them this is how you build a legacy. So will Ivy and Elektra get the
02:15green light for the new jewelry line? Let's hope so. And we don't know how long
02:20Ivy is going to stay this time. But we know Elektra will be around, okay, for a
02:25romance with Will. So we'll see how all this plays out. Also next week, gearing up
02:31for Halloween, we see Carter talking to Deacon about great things being ahead
02:35for Forrester. And he expects Hope to be a part of that, okay. Deacon, of course,
02:40and Sheila, especially Deacon and Brooke, are going to be happy that Hope has
02:46Carter's support. And really, Hope having Carter as an ally is a great thing for
02:50her. So also look for Sheila, too, to be dressed up as a Halloween witch. So it
02:55should be fun to see all of the Halloween decor this week as we head
02:59towards Halloween. But we saw today's cliffhanger, you know, Brooke walking in
03:03on Hope and Carter, Hope and Carter in a compromising position, celebrating all
03:08of the pitch that Carter made. And they were giving in to their passion and
03:12Brooke was stunned. And she's going to see that Hope and Carter now are more
03:16than just friends. And maybe she'll have some insight into some of Carter's
03:21motives, too, that this could be about romance, right? Wanting to save Hope's
03:25line, okay. But it was Brooke who caught them. And it wasn't Steffi, right? We
03:31talked about the possibility that Steffi might catch them, and that could
03:35still happen. But this is good for Hope and Carter that it was Brooke that
03:40walked in, right? And not Steffi, because Steffi would definitely have a problem
03:45with that. But Brooke was stunned, right? Brooke now knows that Carter and Hope
03:50are more than just friends. And, you know, we talked about that idea, right? If
03:56somebody might walk in on Hope and Carter and that happened, we wondered if
03:59it was Steffi. And that still could happen, but it was Brooke. And Brooke is
04:04likely to keep this secret. She's likely not to tell Ridge about this, okay? So if
04:10Steffi caught Hope and Carter together, there would be repercussions, possibly
04:15for both Hope and Carter's future at the company. If Steffi feels like there's an
04:19ulterior motive based on romance to try to save a fashion line, right? Hope for
04:25the future that's struggling. Steffi could have a problem with that. But
04:28Steffi's bound to find out about Hope and Carter's romance at some point, so
04:33we'll see how all of this unfolds. Brooke probably isn't going to tell Ridge
04:37either, so that could create some strain and tension between Brooke and Ridge if
04:42Ridge finds out later down the line, too. But things are shaping up for another
04:46exciting week. We'll have more updates coming soon, and we'll see if we get an
04:50update on Taylor. We haven't seen Taylor much this week, so it's going to be
04:54interesting to see how Taylor's doing. And, of course, we're heading towards
04:57Halloween, so that will be fun. And we'll have more updates coming, and the
05:01spoilers, too, for next week, so stay tuned for that. Hey, thanks so much for
05:05watching. Watch The Bold and the Beautiful, CBS Daytime and Paramount+, and
05:08I'll see you in the next video.
