In der kanadischen Comedyserie The Sticky aus dem Hause Amazon Prime Video schließt sich die Ahornsirup-Farmerin Ruth Clarke mit einem Dummkopf und einem Kleinkriminellen zusammen, um sich und ihre Gemeinschaft vor dem Ruin zu retten. Und dafür raubt sie Ahornsirup im Wert von 18 Millionen Dollar.
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00:02Get your hands off my trees you're spilling my money your farms being shut down
00:10If I don't get every drop out of my trees aqua broke the Association is getting your syrup eat away
00:15Could you loan us some cash tell you I would if I could believe me I got affairs with much scarier people than you
00:21But what if we rob?
00:23the Association
00:28They're gonna have security teams cameras, there are no cameras and only one security guard
00:38The Association thinks we're nothing
00:41They think we're invisible hit that road meatloaf
00:44Who better than the invisible man to steal millions dollars of syrup right out from under their noses? We Robin Blaine partner
00:55We've got two more security guards
00:58Good Nancy Kerrigan the guy yeah, one or two solid wax break a couple of bones that could work Nancy Kerrigan now that is a woman
01:07We had a plan I improvised cops never forget your most at all
01:20This is our chance to show everybody thinks they know better
01:26To show him who's boss
01:36Open the door Mike. I am freezing my balls off. I
01:44Love a good heist