Vijay Net Worth : थलापति विजय का घर किसी महल से कम नहीं है। उनके चेन्नई स्थित इस घर को देखकर हर कोई हैरान रह जाता है। उनके घर में हाई-टेक सिक्योरिटी, आलिशान इंटीरियर और हर वो सुविधा है जो किसी बड़े बॉलीवुड या हॉलीवुड स्टार के घर में होती है। ये घर न सिर्फ स्टाइलिश है बल्कि विजय के स्टेटस और उनकी पसंद को भी दर्शाता है। इस घर की कीमत लगभग 70 करोड़ रुपये बताई जाती है।
Thalapathy Vijay's house is no less than a palace. Everyone is surprised to see his house in Chennai. His house has high-tech security, luxurious interior and every facility that is there in the house of a big Bollywood or Hollywood star.This house is not only stylish but also reflects Vijay's status and his preferences. The price of this house is said to be around Rs 70 crore.
#Vijaynetworth2024 #Vijaythalapathynetworth #Vijaythalapathypoliticalparty #Vijaythalapathycarcollection #Vijaythalapathykitnaamirhai
Thalapathy Vijay's house is no less than a palace. Everyone is surprised to see his house in Chennai. His house has high-tech security, luxurious interior and every facility that is there in the house of a big Bollywood or Hollywood star.This house is not only stylish but also reflects Vijay's status and his preferences. The price of this house is said to be around Rs 70 crore.
#Vijaynetworth2024 #Vijaythalapathynetworth #Vijaythalapathypoliticalparty #Vijaythalapathycarcollection #Vijaythalapathykitnaamirhai