00:00It is so pathetic. I'm literally sick to my stomach over it. Like, I can't even take it
00:10anymore. I can't even watch. We have sat here today and literally abused Aaron Judge on
00:17this show. He has been an atrocity. I don't care what anyone says. I've never seen anyone
00:24that significant ever be this bad. And I'm talking, we went through a litany of them,
00:31Bonds, A-Rod, we went through all the names. I've never seen any star player be this anemic.
00:37Well, come on, Scott. You and I are old enough to remember. What did Steinbrenner once call
00:41a famous Yankee? You know, who didn't do well in the 81 World Series? Dave Winfield, Mr. May,
00:46right? It makes you wonder what George Steinbrenner would do if he was still around now.
00:50He'd have a stroke about the way Judge is playing. No doubt, Judge has been terrible.
00:54There's no excuses here. He's been, and I'm a Judge fan, but he's been terrible. Whether it's
00:59the pressure getting to him, I mean, he stuck through most of September, so it could just be
01:02a continuation of it. But the team feeds off him, and he's not hitting, other than Stanton,
01:09other than Soto, Torres to a degree, no one else is hitting him. But Judge, the leader of that team,
01:14and you can't bat 150. You can't do it. And it's not like he's hitting ropes, Scotty. Like,
01:19oh, he hit the ball hard on the third base, made a great play. Left fielder made a great play.
01:22It's strikeout, you have to strikeout, you have to strikeout.