• last year
"Terrifier 3" has exceeded all expectations, so it's no surprise that people want to see more of it. But if a longer cut of the slasher does come out, it may not have exactly what fans are looking for.
00:00Terrifier 3 has exceeded all expectations, so it's no surprise that people want to see
00:05more of it.
00:06But if a longer cut of the slasher does come out, it may not have exactly what fans are
00:10looking for.
00:12Made for only $2 million, Terrifier 3 has earned that back and a whole lot more, pulling
00:17down a jaw-dropping $45.9 million in a little over two weeks.
00:22Yes, some movies make hundreds of millions, but Terrifier 3 is hardly a broadly appealing
00:27four-quadrant crowd-pleaser.
00:29It's gruesomely violent, starring a demonic clown who merrily dismembers, decapitates,
00:33and sometimes eats his victims.
00:35The series' reputation for gore is what's bringing horror fans out in droves.
00:39It was horrific, 10 out of 10.
00:42The plot continues directly from Terrifier 2, following Sienna and her brother Jonathan
00:46as they continue to flee the mayhem wrought by Art the Clown.
00:49Victoria, who survived the events of the first Terrifier but became demonically possessed,
00:54serves as Art's terrifying accomplice.
00:57That, however, is where easy descriptions end, because on a scene-by-scene basis, the
01:01movie is a little difficult to follow.
01:04Characters teleport from location to location without much explanation.
01:07For certain sequences, it feels like exposition may simply be missing.
01:11In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Damian Leone notes that a director's
01:15cut of Terrifier 3 may be in the works, but if you're expecting it to restore some of
01:19that connective tissue, not so fast.
01:22Leone explained that he made an artistic choice to leave it out.
01:25Basically, there's nothing in that vein to add back.
01:29Leone knew that fans were aching to see, for instance, how Sienna retrieved a specific
01:32sword late in the film.
01:34In the theatrical cut, it seems to manifest out of nowhere.
01:37It's still buried there, isn't it?
01:38It might be the only thing that can stop them.
01:40Leone also assumes that fans might want to see more of Art the Clown at a frat party,
01:45but those scenes were never actually made.
01:47He explained,
01:48A lot of fans, they're expecting the extended cut to be scenes that they imagined were missing.
01:52We didn't shoot those scenes.
01:54There's nothing there that would be in the extended cut.
01:57Leone added that he was aiming to make his film feel a little dizzying, dreamlike, and
02:02Art the Clown is a supernatural being, so it stands to reason that he would be able
02:05to manifest wherever he can do the most damage and make the most misery.
02:09The director admitted to taking cues from a famously ambiguous filmmaker, saying,
02:13I love the ambiguity.
02:15I hate spelling everything out to the audience.
02:17I said this a long time ago, that I wanted to approach Terrifier, especially once I got
02:21into Terrifier 2, in a very David Lynch type of way.
02:25Lynch has often used abstraction and dream logic in his films.
02:29Terrifier 3 was merely meant to have a similar flavor.
02:32Leone was quick to say that he wasn't comparing his own films to Lynch's, but that he was
02:36inspired by Lynch's nightmarish tendencies.
02:39He liked stories where he said nothing was spelled out.
02:41What fans see as gaps in the story, then, were deliberate.
02:44There's also probably not going to be much additional gore in an extended cut of Terrifier
02:493, either.
02:50What was shot is pretty much already in there, except for one scene.
02:53So what would such a cut have in it?
02:56Leone said he wanted to include more dialogue between the beleaguered human characters,
03:00which was mostly cut for time and pacing.
03:02He said,
03:03A lot of the stuff that's missing are these really nice human moments with Sienna and
03:06the family.
03:07There's a lot of great scenes with Sienna and Gabi that I had to cut out, and I appreciate.
03:11I didn't have to.
03:12It really just made their bond so much stronger.
03:15That one gory scene Leone cut was also snipped out for pacing.
03:19He felt that the finale could be tighter, so he shaved off a notable violent act to
03:22keep the movie moving.
03:24He said,
03:25I won't spoil it, but there's a great scene between Victoria and Gabi in the finale.
03:29Really sadistic.
03:30But it was just padding out the finale too much, and I felt like we were going to start
03:33losing people.
03:34I'd probably cut out maybe like 10 minutes of it and rearrange some scenes to make it
03:39much better.
03:40The theatrical cut of Terrifier 3 already runs 125 minutes, so making cuts for time
03:45definitely makes sense.
03:47Leone also mentioned that a few cut scenes would not be included in any potential director's
03:51cut of the film, because he wants to recycle them for Terrifier 4.
03:55Get ready.
