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El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 42 Completo HD
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 43 Completo HD
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 44 Completo HD
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 42 Completo HD
00:00:00Your secret will remain well-kept, but I want an important position in the city council.
00:00:12You're not prepared for something like this.
00:00:16Of course, Mrs. Eduarda.
00:00:19Or do you forget that only you and I know that your grandson, Martin, is your son?
00:00:30I want to stop being the gossip of the town.
00:00:36I want to be someone important.
00:00:41I want to be respected.
00:00:44And I can only achieve that if I have a position in the city council.
00:00:57Okay, count on it.
00:01:00When you become mayor, you will have a position in the city council.
00:01:05But you better support me in my campaign.
00:01:09You know how to handle people.
00:01:11Win your position.
00:01:12Yes, Mrs. Eduarda.
00:01:21Oh, daughter, well, for me, Diogo doesn't want you to find him.
00:01:24Why do you say that, nonna?
00:01:26Well, it's the pure truth.
00:01:28You send him and send him and send him messages.
00:01:30And you think he's a fraud.
00:01:32Well, Iván and I are not going to give up.
00:01:35Just thinking that I can find him gives me a little bit of happiness, of hope.
00:01:39After having suffered so much with this last relationship.
00:01:42Oh, daughter, if you opened your heart, you would understand the reasons that Rodrigo...
00:01:47Rodrigo came back with Olga, nonna.
00:01:50And you know what's fine?
00:01:51That he's with another woman, just like that...
00:01:54I forget about him.
00:01:56Thanks for the coffee, nonna.
00:02:21I can't believe you're expecting a baby.
00:02:23My son.
00:02:24Yes, I was also surprised.
00:02:26My love, but this is a miracle, what happiness.
00:02:28I'm going to be a dad!
00:02:31Let's see.
00:02:32Let's see.
00:02:33Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:02:35I'm old enough to be a mother.
00:02:37And it could be a high-risk pregnancy.
00:02:39I don't know if it's a good idea.
00:02:40My love, please, let's try it.
00:02:42You don't know how excited I've always been to have a baby.
00:02:45He's going to love like me, Francisco.
00:02:47Like me and like my father.
00:02:51What a coincidence, daughter,
00:02:53that we're both pregnant at the same time.
00:02:55Yes, how exciting.
00:02:57Well, as long as it doesn't splatter on the same day.
00:02:59Oh no, can you imagine?
00:03:06My love, I'm going to tell you something,
00:03:08but please take it easy.
00:03:09What's wrong?
00:03:10Everything is fine,
00:03:11but Amelia's delivery was a few days early.
00:03:13Oh no.
00:03:14I'm going to take her to the hospital.
00:03:15I already told Ivan and he's coming back from Jalisco.
00:03:17And I'm going to the hospital.
00:03:18I already told Ivan and he's coming back from Jalisco.
00:03:20And I'm going with you.
00:03:21No, no, please, it's not necessary, really.
00:03:22What's wrong?
00:03:23The fountain broke.
00:03:25You too?
00:03:28Norberto, what do I do?
00:03:30The suitcase.
00:03:31Where do we leave the suitcase?
00:03:32Norberto, Arminda!
00:03:33I already have the suitcase ready.
00:03:34It's in the closet.
00:03:36Go to the closet.
00:03:37What's wrong?
00:03:38What's wrong?
00:03:39It hurts a lot.
00:03:41Someone help us!
00:03:42Don't worry, daughter.
00:03:43Don't worry.
00:03:44It hurts a lot.
00:03:45What do you want, doctor?
00:03:46We have to take her to intensive care.
00:03:48What do you mean, intensive care?
00:03:49Take my son, please.
00:04:07Eva, how are you?
00:04:08Then, where is Amelia?
00:04:16They had to take her to intensive care.
00:04:18She's a little delicate.
00:04:19What about the babies?
00:04:22The two, our and Amelia's
00:04:25were born with little weight.
00:04:27They are being watched.
00:04:30Where's Ivan?
00:04:31He had an accident on the road
00:04:33but he's on his way here.
00:04:36I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:04:43I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:04:50I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:04:57I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:05:04I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:05:34I'm sure I'm going to pay very well for your silence
00:05:37But you can't repeat to anyone what you just saw
00:05:40Mrs. Eduarda, but why would you give up your son to give him to Amelia?
00:05:47It's a gift of love
00:05:50My daughter could not bear to know that her son died
00:05:56In whom I, as her grandmother, will always be able to be with him
00:06:01Swear to me that you are going to take this secret to the grave
00:06:09Swear to me
00:06:13I swear, I swear
00:06:31Can you believe that Candy is going to leave us the job because of Ivan?
00:06:36Candy, how do you want to leave me the job and then for the boyfriend?
00:06:41I love Ivan very much, but he didn't ask me, I decided
00:06:46Oh, baby, and what are you going to work? What are you going to eat? What are you going to do?
00:06:54Well, why don't you stay here a few days until you get a job?
00:07:01And then, in fact, if you want, don't give a show some nights so you think things better
00:07:09Oh, let the blood circulate, I can lend you my room if you want
00:07:17Oh, grandma, you scared me
00:07:20I love to see you so concentrated doing the homework, my life
00:07:25How long have you been seeing me?
00:07:28I just got here
00:07:30You are becoming a very handsome boy
00:07:33Yes? Thank you
00:07:36Do you know why I think it is?
00:07:39Because I look a lot like my mom
00:07:51The detective who hired Ivan found the head of the gang you belonged to in Guatemala
00:07:59Well, that's not good for me, because he can find out that Hector was for me and that he adopted me
00:08:08I need to make Ivan stop looking for information about me
00:08:12Hey, son
00:08:15And if you're with that Olga, Gina's sister, or I don't know what Gina, or not?
00:08:23Of course not, where did you get that from?
00:08:27Amelia told me
00:08:29And she's very upset, huh?
00:08:33No, no, no
00:08:35No, no, no
00:08:41From today on, I'm not going to dance in El Tropicaloso anymore, I'm going to find another job
00:08:47But you don't have to do it, Candy
00:08:50Well, I don't want my job as a dancer to cause a problem between us
00:08:55But if you dance very well, my son has to understand that that is your vocation
00:09:01For me, Candy, don't even give up
00:09:06And well, dad, tell me how the consultation is going
00:09:09Eduarda has already started to put her posters everywhere
00:09:13I really don't want to invest in that
00:09:15People already know me and know how I work
00:09:18That is my true advertising
00:09:21I'm going to ask Eduarda to pay me what I lent her to support you, do you think it's okay?
00:09:24No, no, no, no, no, no, that's your money
00:09:26You didn't have to sell the house in Jalapa to get Eduarda out of trouble
00:09:32Demand that she give you your money
00:09:34Well, count on me, Mr. Tomas
00:09:36Well, mine and all of them in El Tropicaloso
00:09:39Thank you very much
00:09:44I already talked to my friends from Immigration
00:09:47And they committed not to reveal to anyone
00:09:51That I was a criminal
00:09:53And they committed not to reveal to anyone
00:09:56That you are adopted
00:09:58Yes, dad, please, it would be terrible if they were going to discover my identity
00:10:02They all swore to me, they are friends and they will fulfill it
00:10:05That's good, that's good, dad
00:10:08You don't know how cool today's class with Amelia has been
00:10:11Martin took it with me and we had a lot of fun
00:10:13I'm very happy to see you happy, very good
00:10:16Yes, hey, your homework?
00:10:17Don't do it, Pato, finish it
00:10:19Come on, I'll help you because you don't even know the table of two
00:10:22Exactly, I know that one
00:10:24Let's see, two for ten
00:10:28Let's see, tell me something
00:10:31Did you tell Amelia that we are dating?
00:10:34No, because I was going to say something that is a lie to drive her mom away
00:10:38Because she thinks you and I are dating
00:10:41Well, I don't know, maybe Gina said something in class that Amelia could misinterpret
00:10:47Did she complain to you? Because she still has no right
00:10:49Well, I'm going to talk to her, I'm going to clarify that situation, don't worry
00:10:54If you really want to forget her, don't you think it's best if she thinks you and I are dating?
00:11:06Are you going out with my son?
00:11:08Yes, we're going to see each other right now
00:11:10You look very pretty in that dress, but ...
00:11:13Like something is missing
00:11:22Of course!
00:11:24A necklace
00:11:26And I have a perfect one
00:11:29I'm going to get it
00:11:40Beautiful, two minutes have passed
00:11:43Yes, I'm going
00:11:45I'm going
00:11:47All good?
00:11:57Do you like it?
00:11:58Wow, I like it
00:12:01You look very, very pretty
00:12:04And where did you get it from?
00:12:06Your mom gave it to me
00:12:07Oh yeah, my mom
00:12:08Yes, I think she wants to do things right, but you don't have to talk about your mom because she gets weird
00:12:27Hi Eduarda, I haven't heard from you in a long time
00:12:30You also come to find out, just like Ivan, about Teresa's death, right?
00:12:34No, no, no, no, I think the dead must be left to rest in peace
00:12:39No, I came to ask you a favor
00:12:42Whatever you need, tell me, how can I help?
00:12:45Well, look, there's a girl, Olga Tavares, she's a nurse
00:12:51And although she's already working with Ivan, she's not very happy
00:12:56She's a military nurse, very well trained
00:12:59So I thought maybe you, with your relationships in the capital, could get some advice from her
00:13:06Of course
00:13:07Tell Miss Tavares to come see me, to send me her CV, and I'll gladly help her
00:13:14That's the problem, I'd rather she doesn't find out that I'm the one helping her
00:13:19Not even my ex-husband, they could take it the wrong way
00:13:23Look, she's very proud, so if she knows that I'm the one helping her, she might reject the offer
00:13:29This has to stay between you and me
00:13:32Well, of course Eduarda, count on it, I'll see what I can do
00:13:37But tell me, if there's any opportunity, who do I go to?
00:13:42Directly to her, you can find her at the hospital, and tell her that a patient recommended her
00:13:48That's right, take it as a fact
00:13:52Yes, Casicura, I feel much calmer and more resigned, for having lost my life partner
00:13:58I'm very glad to hear that, Mrs. Carmen, God has his plans and his times for each one of us
00:14:05Now I know, it was the Lord who put me on the path to a happy bride
00:14:10Yes, she has the ability to talk to the dead, besides, she was able to contact my husband
00:14:16And she confirmed to me that my late husband loved me as much as I loved him
00:14:21Bride contacted your husband from the afterlife?
00:14:26Yes, not only me, also with all the debts of the accident
00:14:37Rodrigo is your sister's boyfriend?
00:14:39Yes, he told me last night, but he told me not to tell anyone, so please don't say anything
00:14:45No, no, I'm sorry, but there is someone I need to tell
00:14:50My mom
00:14:58Norberto, I need you to fix some drinks in the caballeriza, please
00:15:03Of course, just let me check that the rain has not affected the harvest
00:15:07Yes, thank you
00:15:09What a pity that Rodrigo is not here, right?
00:15:11He no longer works in the caballeriza, only with my mom
00:15:14Well, yes, but he is always willing to help
00:15:21Hello, Casicura, my dad told me that he was looking for me, so that I am good
00:15:25To lie, what is that you are talking about with the dead?
00:15:29It's a gift I received after the accident
00:15:32You and I know very well that you have no gift
00:15:35Tavo and you hid the crown of the Virgin so that people think you have this gift of clairvoyance
00:15:40But you are going too far, profiting from the pain of people, that is a sin
00:15:45It is a humanitarian gesture, I reassure them and give them comfort and in return they give me a little money
00:15:53A little? Mrs. Carmen told me how much I had paid you, I demand that you stop profiting from the pain of people
00:16:00Hey, me, canceled, okay? I'm going to keep doing it and I don't care what you think
00:16:06What's more, if you tell someone, I'm going to comment on the tattoo you have on the left side
00:16:17Hey, perpetua, perpetua, you knew that the Casicura has a tattoo
00:16:23A tattoo?
00:16:26On the left side and it's gang
00:16:29He's going to punish you, God, if you keep lying, devil's girl
00:16:34But what a barbarity
00:16:41Daughter, I come to tell you so that you find out for me and not elsewhere
00:16:46But Rodrigo came back with his ex-girlfriend
00:16:48Yes, I know, Olga told me
00:16:51No, well, Rodrigo turned out to be a happy eye, right?
00:16:53Yesterday he was interested in you and now he comes back with Olga
00:16:57He can be with whoever he wants or it bothers you that he has a girlfriend
00:17:01Oh no, not at all, I tell you so that you forget about him
00:17:06But hey, I have an event and I want to take Martin
00:17:10I'm going to ask you a favor, don't get my son involved in your political affairs
00:17:15I'm leaving, I have to go to work
00:17:18Come Pecos
00:17:21All offices are closed, they fired everyone like that, suddenly
00:17:27Look, at first I thought the pact with you wasn't real
00:17:31But you managed to convince me
00:17:33I keep my word, you can trust me Peter
00:17:36But I'm going to need more concrete evidence
00:17:39Very well, I'll look for more information and I'll stay in touch Rodrigo Zarate
00:17:46Yes Perpetua, I have a tattoo
00:17:48But why did he do it? Is that for bad people?
00:17:52Not always Perpetua, young people now use it a lot and they are not criminals
00:17:55As a child, those of my neighborhood used it to identify us
00:18:00Then I regretted it, but it costs me a lot to take it off
00:18:03And those of my seminary didn't put me in trouble, so I kept it
00:18:07But why is that tattoo almost a cure?
00:18:10I already told you Perpetua, I'm from the neighborhood
00:18:12And yes, I met bad people, but then I met God and straightened my path
00:18:18This tattoo is a reminder that I must be a good person
00:18:26No, you are repeating the tattoo of the almost cure because people are going to think badly of him
00:18:30And why don't you just ask him if he was a gang member or a criminal?
00:18:35Well, how do you believe that, bride?
00:18:38If that man is almost a saint and if he got lost on the way, he already amended it
00:18:44Now he is a being of light, our spiritual guide, so forget what you saw
00:18:58Ready, it would be 100 pesos
00:19:00Thank you
00:19:03Hello, good morning
00:19:05Hey Tavo, almost a cure, how are you?
00:19:08Can I see you?
00:19:12If you are honest with yourself, don't let your girlfriend lie to people
00:19:19I don't know what you're talking about
00:19:25Hello, can I have a moment?
00:19:28Sure, what's up?
00:19:31I want to return the necklace he lent me
00:19:36No, no, no, you keep it
00:19:38No, really, I've been thinking about it and I can't accept it
00:19:43Don't reject me
00:19:46I don't know what to do
00:19:48I don't know what to do
00:19:50I don't know what to do
00:19:52Don't reject me
00:19:55Look, take it as the wedding gift I couldn't give you
00:20:00Thank you very much, but I really can't
00:20:03Are you going to reject me?
00:20:05Don't say anything else, it's yours
00:20:09It's true that you're not the type of woman I would have liked for my son, but...
00:20:16Can you imagine, there was someone rich with a flamboyant last name?
00:20:21No, no, I wasn't rich, I didn't have a flamboyant last name
00:20:24I worked very hard and that's why I became rich
00:20:30I would have liked a woman, I don't know, more prepared
00:20:35Not a simple waitress
00:20:39Well, ma'am, the school was very difficult for me
00:20:42And I had to go to work very soon to help my family
00:20:46Your situation has already changed, you can leave your job and prepare
00:20:50It's just that Alfonso and I have plans to save together and buy a little house
00:20:54And I'm going to help you
00:20:57As long as you're willing to become a lady
00:21:04And I can help you
00:21:11Bride, is it true what Casicura just told me?
00:21:14What did he tell you?
00:21:15About your gift
00:21:17Ah, yes, it's a new gift that came to me after the accident
00:21:23Don't look at my face, bride, you don't have any gift
00:21:26You invented this just so your dad wouldn't force you to work in the store
00:21:32What are you saying, Tago?
00:21:35My love, how are you?
00:21:36Hi, mom
00:21:37Very good
00:21:39Hey, I have to tell you something
00:21:42Gina told me that Olga and Rodrigo are dating again
00:21:48How are you?
00:21:49Fine, and you?
00:21:51What are you doing here, Ivan?
00:21:52Well, I came for our son, as we agreed
00:21:55Oh, yes, it's true, I forgot
00:21:58What do you think? If you invite me to eat at the farm, would you like it?
00:22:16Damn misery
00:22:17She says we deserve a better life
00:22:19Who is she to say that?
00:22:21We are going to live in this house
00:22:23How far would you go for the love of your daughters?
00:22:25The Daughters of Mrs. Garcia
00:22:27Starts November 11th, 9.30pm
00:22:469 pesos per month
00:23:16In Mexico and around the world
00:23:19With all the entertainment, sports, and the club
00:23:23Wake up, a newscast from NMAS
00:23:25Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
00:23:27With the stars
00:23:29The Pueblanos are unrecognizable
00:23:31I think you need a trip
00:23:33Estevi and I will help you with the kids
00:23:37No, if I had known, we wouldn't have...
00:23:41Married with children, we know how to make you laugh
00:23:44Tuesday at the end of the noti, with the stars
00:23:47And available on VIXX
00:23:52I didn't even want to
00:23:55It was unintentionally
00:23:59The last thing you lose is your belly, Mr. Esperanza
00:24:02El Chavo is back
00:24:04Because we know how to make you laugh
00:24:06From Monday to Friday with the stars
00:24:08And available on VIXX
00:24:09A table where sports and politics are debated at the same level
00:24:13TV, third grade sports
00:24:15A program of NMAS
00:24:17With a political, economic, and social approach of sports in Mexico and the world
00:24:21And referent voices in the same space of analysis
00:24:25Monday at the end of the noti, with the stars
00:24:30That stone that was more than a stone
00:24:36The wounds with which you lit all my cakes
00:24:40The scarf of your team, I miss you dad
00:24:43But you are still alive in all those memories
00:24:45TV, as long as there is an offering, they will always be here
00:24:49In this neighborhood they will arrive
00:24:54That's right, let us review the area
00:24:57But they will not be the only ones with that talent
00:25:00Did you meet the crybaby?
00:25:02I asked her to scream
00:25:05In Bola de Loco, we know how to make you laugh
00:25:07Friday at the end of the noti
00:25:09What will they be able to do for love?
00:25:11I swear that their happiness will end very soon
00:25:14Get to the extreme
00:25:15And if my mom joined a criminal like Jose, there will be no one to set her free from jail
00:25:20The love for Don Federico has always blinded her
00:25:23Carolina is the one who is waiting for a baby of yours
00:25:25Why can't I be happy?
00:25:26Grand Finale, this Friday at 6.30 pm
00:25:29This land, which has always been a paradise, has become a hell
00:25:34A new tragedy hit the LeBarón family this morning
00:25:38Three women and six minors
00:25:40Why did they kill them?
00:25:41It will affect us all
00:25:43LeBarón, death on the promised land
00:25:45Premiere this Thursday at the stars
00:25:47And available in mix from November 1
00:25:49Informed in an agile and precise way
00:25:52This way you will start your day in the news
00:25:54In the first hours, always with the first stories
00:25:57In any part of Mexico and the world
00:25:59I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll be waiting for you in the news
00:26:02A newscast from NMAS, Monday to Friday, 5.50 am
00:26:06With the stars
00:26:28And available in mix
00:26:30These are the news in point
00:26:32The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity
00:26:36They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea
00:26:40The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination
00:26:43Every night your meeting point with the information
00:26:46In point, 10.30 by the stars
00:26:49Lisa and Jonathan decide to hide their pregnancy until deciding what they will do with the baby
00:26:55After months, Lisa gives birth in her house
00:26:58Putting at risk her life, everything to save
00:27:01Wrong silence
00:27:03La Rosa de Guadalupe
00:27:05Premiere episode
00:27:07Tuesday with the stars
00:27:25Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 11.30 pm
00:27:28With the stars
00:27:29El Menú del Dicho gives you support, friendship and well-given advice
00:27:34We are with you
00:27:36You know perfectly well that what you are saying is a lie, it is false
00:27:39You already took everything from us
00:27:40This is not going to stay like this, I think you have been very careful
00:27:43We are together and we are going to fight this battle together
00:27:46As the saying goes, stories that connect with you
00:27:52It's like they didn't want to
00:27:56It was unintentionally
00:27:59The last thing that is lost is the belly, Mr. Esperanza
00:28:02El Chavo is back
00:28:04Because we know how to make you laugh
00:28:06From Monday to Friday with the stars
00:28:08And available on VIX
00:28:10That stone that was more than a stone
00:28:16The wounds with which you lit all my cakes
00:28:20The scarf of your team
00:28:22I miss you, dad
00:28:23But you are still alive in all those memories
00:28:27As long as there is an offering, they will always be here
00:28:29In the Angel of Aurora
00:28:31The pain will awaken the courage
00:28:33I want you to be a happier woman
00:28:35Get out of here, damn climber
00:28:37Hey, hey, hey, don't insult me
00:28:39And the truth will become more evident
00:28:43The master of the bathroom recognized you the night they abused Mrs. Aurora
00:28:47Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm
00:28:49Who is Mrs. Garcia?
00:28:51She is our mother
00:28:53And she only wants the best for us
00:28:55Yes, in her own way
00:28:58Look at the size of that mansion
00:29:01How far would you go for the love of your daughters?
00:29:04The daughters of Mrs. Garcia
00:29:06Starts November 11, 9.30 pm
00:29:09The most complete offer of the MX league is in VIX
00:29:14The most beloved teams play everything on the field
00:29:19VIX brings you more games than anywhere else
00:29:24Subscribe to VIX Premium for $0.99 per month
00:29:49Wake up! Information and stories to start your day well
00:29:53Analysis to understand what is behind each event in Mexico and around the world
00:29:59With all the entertainment, sports and climate
00:30:04Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:30:06Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:30:08With the stars
00:30:49Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:30:51Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:30:53With the stars
00:30:55Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:30:57Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:30:59With the stars
00:31:01Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:03Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:05With the stars
00:31:07Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:09Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:11With the stars
00:31:13Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:15Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:17With the stars
00:31:19Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:21Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:23With the stars
00:31:25Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:27Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:29With the stars
00:31:31Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:33Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:35With the stars
00:31:37Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:39Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:41With the stars
00:31:43Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:45Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:47With the stars
00:31:49Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:51Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:53With the stars
00:31:55Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:31:57Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:31:59With the stars
00:32:01Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:03Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:05With the stars
00:32:07Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:09Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:11With the stars
00:32:13Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:15Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:17With the stars
00:32:19Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:21Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:23With the stars
00:32:25Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:27Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:29With the stars
00:32:31Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:33Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:35With the stars
00:32:37Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:39Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:41With the stars
00:32:43Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:32:45Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 am
00:32:47With the stars
00:32:49Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:33:02Wake up! A newscast from N+.
00:33:05And that's it.
00:33:07Of course I'm happy for you. I'm just worried too.
00:33:11Hey, I wanted to tell you something else.
00:33:14I'm going to quit Mr. Tomas because now I want to study fashion design.
00:33:19Fashion design? And since when do you like that?
00:33:22Since now. Since now, my number one priority is to be an elegant lady.
00:33:26You didn't have to tell everyone.
00:33:35Nubia, you promised you wouldn't betray people anymore.
00:33:39And instead you use the deceased to get more money. What's wrong with you?
00:33:43I didn't hurt anyone.
00:33:46Still, Nubia, when I came back with you, I made it very clear that I was no longer going to support you in your madness.
00:33:51And less in these lies, Nubia.
00:33:54I don't know why I came back with you.
00:33:58I would have listened to my parents.
00:34:01No, no. Baby, please, please.
00:34:05Nubia, you literally can't learn.
00:34:12You are no longer the same person I fell in love with.
00:34:15You are no longer the same person I fell in love with.
00:34:33Tell me if you made up your gift.
00:34:36No, it wasn't ...
00:34:38Tell me if you took my hair like everyone else.
00:34:41It was not me.
00:34:42Tell me if you took my hair like everyone else.
00:34:45It was Tavo.
00:34:47Don't keep lying.
00:34:50Tavo is a good boy.
00:34:53I'm sorry to see what you've become.
00:35:03You were my princess.
00:35:06And you have given me the appeal of disillusionment.
00:35:15You defrauded me.
00:35:25Are you sure of what you heard?
00:35:29Tavo has gone mad.
00:35:31He's going to face Nubia for what he told Casicura.
00:35:33I think Felipe is taking a lot of risks.
00:35:36What if Nubia wants revenge?
00:35:38But you don't know your stuff.
00:35:40No, no one knows.
00:35:42Are you sure?
00:35:44No, no one knows.
00:35:46Okay, okay.
00:35:48Well, look, even thinking that he's taking risks like that,
00:35:51think about how noble Felipe is.
00:35:53He's unmasking Nubia so that he stops swindling people.
00:35:57And that seems to me like he's a priest.
00:36:00He's a priest.
00:36:02He's a businessman.
00:36:04I mean, what I'm going to say is that probably what you had
00:36:08was just a slip, a time in your profession.
00:36:14But I'm very happy that you're giving Andres a chance.
00:36:19I mean, I think you can do it better,
00:36:22but you're not going to hell.
00:36:25You wouldn't have told Martin about my relationship with Rodrigo.
00:36:29I mean, he still didn't want to know.
00:36:32Why not?
00:36:34Well, we're not dating yet.
00:36:36I mean, he hasn't asked me to, but he already kissed me.
00:36:40That's great!
00:36:42I saw a movie where in a very romantic date,
00:36:46the girl declares to the boy.
00:36:48She to him.
00:36:50Yes, cheer up.
00:36:52Would you help me?
00:36:55I'm going to wash my hands.
00:36:57Yes, my love, go.
00:36:59I'll see you in a minute.
00:37:02I heard what Martin told you about Rodrigo and Olga's relationship.
00:37:08I'm sorry because it looks like it hurt a lot.
00:37:11Nothing Rodrigo tells me surprises me.
00:37:15I also regret that in the end I was always right, Amelia.
00:37:19It hurts to see you suffer for someone who didn't know how to value you.
00:37:25How's your relationship with Candy?
00:37:29We have nothing in common.
00:37:31Besides, I don't like her dancing in that place.
00:37:35And you're still dealing with your jealousy?
00:37:38Yes, yes, yes, of course.
00:37:40But they're not jealousy, Amelia.
00:37:42Just that having made me a boyfriend of Candy was a serious mistake.
00:37:46It's a relationship that doesn't go anywhere.
00:37:47The best thing is for me to end that and dedicate myself 100% to God.
00:37:57The whole town is angry with Nubia.
00:38:00And with all the reason.
00:38:02Because that girl is going to have to pay for all her sins.
00:38:07Leave it in the hands of God.
00:38:09Very well, father.
00:38:11Is Casicura very busy?
00:38:13Excuse me.
00:38:18Ramiro, what you did today for all the people,
00:38:21confirms that you have a vocation for this.
00:38:24No, no, you already cooperated, right?
00:38:29Understand that the only way for me to be happy is for you to leave here, Ramiro.
00:38:43Oh, God.
00:38:45Oh, God.
00:38:48We had an exam and Gina did very well.
00:38:51She got ten in math.
00:38:53Oh, and you?
00:38:55I had a bellyache.
00:38:57My life, you have to try harder.
00:38:59Yes, grandma, I promise you.
00:39:01I'm done.
00:39:03Can I go do my homework?
00:39:05Yes, my love.
00:39:07I'll check it later, huh?
00:39:09Yes. Goodbye.
00:39:11Well, excuse me.
00:39:12I'll look for you later to say goodbye, Amelia.
00:39:15Yes, I also have to work.
00:39:17Eh, Eduarda.
00:39:21I need to discuss something with you.
00:39:23Let's go to my office.
00:39:25Let's go.
00:39:37Oh, no, Mensa.
00:39:39Not anymore.
00:39:40Eva Ferreira.
00:39:49With triangle.
00:39:51I want you to return the loan I made you, Eduarda.
00:39:54We agreed that I was going to pay you with shares.
00:39:56I don't want them anymore.
00:39:58I need the cash.
00:40:00I haven't sold the production of vanilla this year.
00:40:02I don't have liquidity.
00:40:04That's not my problem.
00:40:06I put a part of the farm in my name.
00:40:08After all, at some point it was mine.
00:40:12I'm interested in keeping the land of the Caballerizas.
00:40:16Do you understand?
00:40:18Do you want to keep the land where the foundation of Amelia is?
00:40:23That would allow her to become independent of the farm.
00:40:28And every time she wants to make a decision,
00:40:30she will have to consult with you and not with me.
00:40:34Look, it doesn't sound bad at all.
00:40:36I hadn't thought about it, but you're right.
00:40:39Amelia would have to ask me permission
00:40:41for the foundation to continue to work.
00:40:44I like it.
00:40:46Let me talk to her.
00:40:48No, no, no, no, no.
00:40:50Don't tell her anything.
00:40:52Let this talk stay between us.
00:40:54What do you think?
00:40:59Boss, boss.
00:41:03I just finished with Nubia and
00:41:05I think this time it's forever.
00:41:09Oh, son.
00:41:14Hey, pretty.
00:41:15Are you sure you want to quit?
00:41:18It's just that I no longer feel comfortable working in the restaurant
00:41:20knowing that I am Alfonso Ferreira's wife.
00:41:22Hey, but that has nothing to do with it.
00:41:25Yes, no.
00:41:26I mean, it's not that I'm ashamed
00:41:28to work in the restaurant where everyone knows
00:41:30that I am married to you and that I know you
00:41:32and bring you the dishes.
00:41:34Besides, I already talked to Mr. Tomas
00:41:36and he already found a replacement.
00:41:38I'm going to study.
00:41:41Yes, the only thing that worries me
00:41:43is that I can no longer help you save.
00:41:45No, well, don't worry about that.
00:41:47Nothing happens.
00:41:49But study?
00:41:50Study what?
00:41:52I'll tell you on the way to town
00:41:54that you take me to Nubia's house.
00:41:56I want to take you some tamales.
00:41:58The ones that Arminda made?
00:42:00Did you eat the ones from Rajas?
00:42:02I ate two red ones.
00:42:04I found out that you returned with Rodrigo.
00:42:09I don't understand why you can't accept
00:42:11to return with him if you know
00:42:13that you are actually in love with someone else.
00:42:15If you knew our story,
00:42:17you would change your mind.
00:42:19Because if there is someone with whom
00:42:21Rodrigo has been completely happy,
00:42:23it is with me.
00:42:35I am Dr. Edmundo Cuny.
00:42:36Is this Ms. Olga Tavares?
00:42:38Yes, she is speaking.
00:42:40At your service, Doctor.
00:43:07The menu of El Dicho gives you support,
00:43:09friendship and well-given advice.
00:43:11We are with you.
00:43:13You know perfectly well
00:43:15that what you are saying is a lie, it is false.
00:43:17You already took everything from us.
00:43:19This is not going to stay like this.
00:43:21We are together.
00:43:23And we are going to fight this battle together.
00:43:25As El Dicho says, stories that connect with you.
00:43:27Mrs. Garcia?
00:43:29She is our dear mother.
00:43:31Is she a bread of God?
00:43:33Yes, a bread.
00:43:35Damn misery.
00:43:37She says we deserve a better life.
00:43:39Who is she to say that?
00:43:41We are going to live in this house.
00:43:43How far would you go for the love of your daughters?
00:43:45The daughters of Mrs. Garcia.
00:43:47Starts November 11th, 9.30 at night.
00:43:49In the Angel of Aurora,
00:43:51pain will awaken courage.
00:43:53I want you to be a happier woman.
00:43:55Get out of here, you damn climbers.
00:43:57Hey, hey, hey, don't go back without your suit.
00:43:59And the truth will become more evident.
00:44:01Maestro Albañil recognized the night
00:44:03when they abused Mrs. Aurora.
00:44:05Monday to Friday, 4.30 in the afternoon.
00:44:07What will they be able to do for love?
00:44:09I swear to you that happiness will end very soon.
00:44:12Reach the extreme.
00:44:14And if my mother joined a criminal like Jose,
00:44:16there will be no one to free her from prison.
00:44:20The love for Don Federico has always blinded her.
00:44:24Carolina is the one who is expecting a baby of yours.
00:44:26Why can't I be happy?
00:44:28Grand Finale, this Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
00:44:30And the truth will become more evident.
00:44:32The truth will become more evident.
00:44:34The truth will become more evident.
00:44:36The truth will become more evident.
00:44:38The truth will become more evident.
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00:44:56The truth will become more evident.
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00:45:02The truth will become more evident.
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00:45:06The truth will become more evident.
00:45:08The truth will become more evident.
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00:47:34The truth will become more evident.
00:47:36The truth will become more evident.
00:47:38The truth will become more evident.
00:47:40The truth will become more evident.
00:47:42The truth will become more evident.
00:47:44The truth will become more evident.
00:47:46The truth will become more evident.
00:47:48The truth will become more evident.
00:47:50The truth will become more evident.
00:47:52The truth will become more evident.
00:47:54The truth will become more evident.
00:47:56The truth will become more evident.
00:47:58The truth will become more evident.
00:48:00The truth will become more evident.
00:48:02Maestro Albañil recognized the night
00:48:04when they abused Mrs. Augora.
00:48:06Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
00:48:08These are the news in point.
00:48:10The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee
00:48:13is a celebration of identity.
00:48:15An increase in the number of rescues
00:48:17of people in danger of drowning in the sea has been reported.
00:48:19The authorities are still looking for
00:48:21the source of this contamination.
00:48:23Every night, your meeting point with the information.
00:48:25In point. 10.30.
00:48:27For the stars.
00:48:29That stone that was more than a stone.
00:48:34The wounds with which you lit all my cakes.
00:48:38The scarf of your team.
00:48:40I miss you, dad.
00:48:42But you are still alive in all those memories.
00:48:46As long as there is an offering, they will always be here.
00:48:48The most complete offer of the MX league is in Biggs.
00:48:52The most beloved teams play everything on the field.
00:48:57Biggs brings you more games than anywhere else.
00:49:01Subscribe to Biggs Premium for 99 pesos a month.
00:49:26For the stars.
00:49:28The Pueblanos are unrecognizable.
00:49:31I think you need a trip.
00:49:33Estevi and I will help you with the kids.
00:49:36If we had known, we would not have stayed.
00:49:40Married with children, we know how to make you laugh.
00:49:43Tuesday at the end of the Noti.
00:49:45For the stars.
00:49:47And available on Biggs.
00:49:49Their lives took a turn.
00:49:51Your destiny and mine were united.
00:49:53We came to tell us right now who is your biological father.
00:49:56They are your children, Tino.
00:49:58And meeting could be the solution.
00:50:00He is Tino Guevara, his new tutor.
00:50:02Or the beginning of all your problems.
00:50:04Tino is our dad.
00:50:27For the stars.
00:50:29There is no doubt.
00:50:31She is an exemplary mother.
00:50:34What I see is a magazine.
00:50:37She is an ambitious woman.
00:50:39I hope you understand that I do everything for my daughters.
00:50:42How far would you go for the love of your daughters?
00:50:44The Daughters of Mrs. Garcia.
00:50:46Starts November 11th, 9.30pm.
00:50:48You left your kisses for all my heart and for the empty bed.
00:50:53Well, even if you don't believe it, son.
00:50:54It's the best.
00:50:56I never imagined that Nubia would be able to...
00:50:59Don't even say it, boss.
00:51:01It was horrible what she did to me.
00:51:03What did Nubia do to you?
00:51:05What do you have, bro?
00:51:09So you lied to Lia and me that we are your best friends.
00:51:14I swear it was Tavo's idea.
00:51:16He didn't say that.
00:51:18Well, who do you believe?
00:51:20I don't know.
00:51:22Nubia, you deceived everyone.
00:51:24You said you talked to the dead.
00:51:26You took their money.
00:51:28You stole the Virgin's crown.
00:51:32She told everyone.
00:51:34No, Nubia, she didn't tell everyone.
00:51:36She told us and her parents.
00:51:38Now they have enough reasons to hate you.
00:51:40Well, I don't care what they think of me.
00:51:48Don't regret it.
00:51:52That's how I am.
00:51:54Get out of here.
00:51:57I'm glad Lia isn't here.
00:51:59To realize what you are.
00:52:06You and I are no longer sisters.
00:52:25I already left that, bro.
00:52:27Hey, no, no, no.
00:52:29It's not worth it.
00:52:31No, no.
00:52:33This is the only way to get rid of this evil love.
00:52:36No, come on.
00:52:40No, bro, really, it's not worth it.
00:52:43Well, I already have several job offers.
00:52:50I thought about it and
00:52:51I think it's not fair that you stop dancing.
00:52:54It's not right that you limit yourself to me.
00:52:58That's why I think
00:53:00it's best that we leave things here.
00:53:04I don't understand.
00:53:06What are you talking about?
00:53:09What I want to tell you,
00:53:11rather what I'm telling you, Candy,
00:53:14is that we're done.
00:53:19But when I cut you off,
00:53:21you said you didn't want to lose me.
00:53:23Why do you want to end me now?
00:53:27Because I thought it over, Candy.
00:53:30It's for Amelia, right?
00:53:32She asked you?
00:53:36It's not for her, Candy.
00:53:38It's for me.
00:53:40And it's because I'll never,
00:53:43I'll never love you like I love her.
00:53:46I'm just cheating on you.
00:53:49And I'm cheating on myself.
00:53:52I'm sorry, Candy.
00:54:20Forgive me.
00:54:25For failing you.
00:54:32I can't live without Ivan.
00:54:35Oh, Candy.
00:54:36You've had it.
00:54:37I've had it.
00:54:38And I've had it.
00:54:40But look, maybe it's good
00:54:41that you get fired.
00:54:42When it's not the right time.
00:54:46And anyway,
00:54:47you have a lot of fans at Tropicalozo
00:54:49who are dying to see you
00:54:50if you come back.
00:54:51Oh, yes, Candy.
00:54:52Come back to work
00:54:53and stop thinking about Ivan Franco.
00:54:55I mean, Ivan Franco.
00:54:57His name is Telemovela.
00:55:24Diego, where are you?
00:55:29What are you doing awake at this hour?
00:55:31Doing my job.
00:55:32Waiting to see
00:55:33how my son is doing.
00:55:35Oh, son.
00:55:36Good morning.
00:55:39I was listening to a conversation
00:55:40between Ivan and Eduarda.
00:55:42And I thought
00:55:43that maybe you two
00:55:44could talk about it.
00:55:46I don't know.
00:55:47I don't know.
00:55:48I don't know.
00:55:49I don't know.
00:55:50I don't know.
00:55:51I don't know.
00:55:52I don't know.
00:55:54Eva asks him
00:55:55to pay him his debt
00:55:56with the land on the farm.
00:55:58And why does he want those lands?
00:56:00Oh, really?
00:56:02Even the question offends him.
00:56:03He wants to keep
00:56:04the caballerias
00:56:06and the rodeo
00:56:07where Amelia works.
00:56:09Want some coffee?
00:56:12I accept.
00:56:18And tell me, Olga.
00:56:19And tell me, Olga, do you have plans to marry Rodrigo soon?
00:56:22Oh, I'm getting married tomorrow.
00:56:24But Rodrigo needs time to heal his heart, and I'm going to give it to him.
00:56:29I understand, but not for long.
00:56:30Because when Amelia finds out that he's a married man,
00:56:33she's going to erase him from her life.
00:56:37And you, doctor, how's it going with your girlfriend?
00:56:40That's over.
00:56:43Come in.
00:56:45Ms. Candy is outside and wants to see you.
00:56:48Tell her I have a lot of work and that I can't see her at the moment.
00:56:52I see.
00:56:54Katia, do you like your job?
00:56:56Yes, doctor.
00:56:57Well, take care of it.
00:56:59Close it, please.
00:57:01And well, tell me...
00:57:08Amelia, I just wanted to tell you that between Olga and I...
00:57:11I don't care.
00:57:12Stay with your ex or whoever you want.
00:57:14I don't care.
00:57:18In fact, I wanted to tell you something important.
00:57:22Suggest to your mom that she put the land of the Caballeris in your name.
00:57:29She would never get me out of here.
00:57:32Well, who knows?
00:57:33It's just a friend's advice.
00:57:43I love you.
00:57:49Candy, the doctor is not here.
00:57:53And I don't think he will be.
00:57:57If they broke up, I think the best thing is that you don't look for him anymore.
00:58:02I just don't understand.
00:58:04Why one day he asks me not to leave him and the next day he sends me the devil.
00:58:09Dr. Franco is very vulnerable and has many things to solve.
00:58:15But how am I going to stop loving him?
00:58:19Ivan is bad if he thinks that Amelia is going to come back to him.
00:58:24That surely won't happen, but the best thing is that you forget him.
00:58:29Let him value you.
00:58:31And most importantly, value yourself.
00:58:40I'll leave it to you, Silverio.
00:58:42And please do it in a very discreet way.
00:58:48Hello, ma'am.
00:58:52I'm glad you're here.
00:58:54When you're not here, everything looks gray.
00:59:04Are you afraid of being kissed?
00:59:06Are you afraid to realize that with that kiss you will understand that your relationship with Olga is absurd?
00:59:19You disgust me.
00:59:21You can't even accept the responsibility for what you did.
00:59:25I curse the day I met you.
00:59:29I want us to move from the farm.
00:59:42How could you, Rodrigo?
01:00:04Good evening.
01:00:06So far, 45.5 million people in the United States have voted in advance in the presidential election, which ends next week, next Tuesday, November 5th.
01:00:17The polls show an extremely close competition in the national vote and also in the states considered key to obtain the 270 votes of the Electoral College, the ones necessary for the triumph in the presidency.
01:00:30While the countdown is running out, the disqualifications in the political arena are intensifying.
01:00:38A week after November 5th, the vote in advance in the United States registered more than 45.5 million people, according to the information shared by the states.
01:00:49Republicans have been surprised with 40% participation, only 2% below Democrats.
01:00:56In Wilmington, Delaware, President Joe Biden cast his vote.
01:01:02He made a line for more than half an hour and took the opportunity to talk to his neighbors and took several minutes to fill out his ballots.
01:01:09The final stretch of the campaign finds Kamala Harris and Donald Trump technically tied in favoritism.
01:01:17Last night, in an event at the Madison Square Garden in New York, the Republican candidate led an event considered his campaign closing.
01:01:26Some 20,000 people attended, who listened to him and other figures who made considerable, misogynistic and racist statements.
01:01:35And today, this is Donald Trump's house, brother.
01:01:41I don't know if you guys know this, but there's literally a floating trash island in the middle of the ocean.
01:01:48I think it's called Puerto Rico.
01:01:51Okay, all right.
01:01:54The comedian's routine, Tony Hinchcliffe, was the most controversial when referring in a derogatory way to Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States.
01:02:04His criticisms also spread to the rest of the migrants.
01:02:07I welcome migrants to the United States with open arms, and by open arms I mean like this.
01:02:17Artists like Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Bad Bunny joined the wave of rejection of these sayings, some of them asking for Kamala Harris' vote.
01:02:28Even Trump's Latino campaign advisers came out to declare that it was not the Republican's position.
01:02:35This Monday, in Georgia, Trump denied Kamala Harris' affirmations about her.
01:02:58I'm a Nazi. I'm the opposite of a Nazi.
01:03:01On the Democratic side, former President Barack Obama and singers Bruce Springsteen and John Legend accompanied Kamala in Philadelphia.
01:03:10Here's a good rule.
01:03:13If somebody does not respect you, if somebody does not see you as an equal citizen with the same opportunities,
01:03:23the pursuit of happiness and the American dream, you should not vote for them.
01:03:53This is Pizarron Magico from NMAS.
