• last year
00:00Um, talking about Tyreek Stevenson, his opinion on what should be done with Tyreek Stevenson
00:08is different than maybe yours.
00:11Coach wants, that's my own, it's a, it's really, he rallied to defend a teammate and, and not
00:21all players will, most players will, most players will publicly.
00:26But I, I just think that, you know, talking to people around the league and hearing from
00:32some people, I got a, a text from a friend of mine who, uh, is in the NFL.
00:38And he was like, he basically wanted to know why they wouldn't cut.
00:41I understand that mentality.
00:42I'm like, well, you can't, he's a second round pick.
00:46He's a good player.
00:48They've, they've needed him before that.
00:51You know, we were concerned when he was out for the Carolina game.
00:56And now, now you're talking, but what Dave said, and I think it's a, an interesting thing
01:01is there's a paper trail.
01:02In other words, you know that he got, you know, he got burned on a 61 yard pass in that
01:10He got, he, he made a fool of himself picking up a, a, a personal foul by shoving his finger
01:17in the, in the face mask of a, of a offensive lineman while an official is standing there.
01:23No, you didn't make any, he didn't make any effort to do anything secret about it.
01:28It was going right after the guy.
01:30It was crazy.
