Music is by Angelo Mascheroni (1855-1905).
Lyrics are by Joseph Herbert and Pietro Mazzoni.
Caruso recorded this song in 1911.
This was first published as an Italian art song ("Eternamente"), but the words were soon translated into English, and it became very popular.
What is this secret spell around me stealing?
The evening air is faint with magic power,
And shadows fall upon my soul, revealing
The meaning of this memory-laden hour!
A year ago our paths in life were parted.
A year ago we severed, broken-hearted!
Where art thou now? On earth, my love?
Or did thy spirit soar to realms above?
Though nevermore on earth those eyes serene and holy,
Thy face that shone in beauty nevermore I may see.
The music of thy voice is echoing still within me.
Thou reignest in my heart. In life and death I love thee!
The air grows fainter still, the scene is fading;
Thy hallow'd presence in my inmost soul
Alone is real, by wondrous pow'r o'ershading
All things beside; I feel its sweet control
Filling my heart with confidence eternal
That I shall meet thee in a world supernal,
Where thoughts are felt, as I feel thine
In this blest hour, and know thy thoughts are mine!
Though nevermore on earth those eyes serene and holy,
Thy face that shone in beauty nevermore I may see,
The music of thy voice is echoing still within me,
Thou reignest in my heart, in life and death I love thee!
Lyrics are by Joseph Herbert and Pietro Mazzoni.
Caruso recorded this song in 1911.
This was first published as an Italian art song ("Eternamente"), but the words were soon translated into English, and it became very popular.
What is this secret spell around me stealing?
The evening air is faint with magic power,
And shadows fall upon my soul, revealing
The meaning of this memory-laden hour!
A year ago our paths in life were parted.
A year ago we severed, broken-hearted!
Where art thou now? On earth, my love?
Or did thy spirit soar to realms above?
Though nevermore on earth those eyes serene and holy,
Thy face that shone in beauty nevermore I may see.
The music of thy voice is echoing still within me.
Thou reignest in my heart. In life and death I love thee!
The air grows fainter still, the scene is fading;
Thy hallow'd presence in my inmost soul
Alone is real, by wondrous pow'r o'ershading
All things beside; I feel its sweet control
Filling my heart with confidence eternal
That I shall meet thee in a world supernal,
Where thoughts are felt, as I feel thine
In this blest hour, and know thy thoughts are mine!
Though nevermore on earth those eyes serene and holy,
Thy face that shone in beauty nevermore I may see,
The music of thy voice is echoing still within me,
Thou reignest in my heart, in life and death I love thee!