• last year
Le dernier rêve de Barbie prend une tournure sombre alors qu'elle souhaite devenir une mariée vampire pour Ken ! Regardez Barbie embarquer pour une transformation inattendue et effrayante remplie de rebondissements. Son nouveau look séduira-t-il Ken, ou les choses deviendront-elles plus inquiétantes qu'elle ne l'imaginait ? Ne manquez pas ce moment OMG ! Aimez, partagez et abonnez-vous pour plus d'aventures amusantes et folles ! #TransformationBarbie #MariéeVampire #KenEtBarbie #RelookingDrôle #BarbieSombre #AventureBarbie #AimezPartagezAbonnezVous #OMG #DollDrama #AmourVampire Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ Active la cloche de notifications __________________________________________________________________________ Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/ ___________________________________________________________________________ Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourrent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires en vue de reproduire ces actions. La vidéo suivante peut mettre en scène des activités pratiquées par nos acteurs dans un environnement contrôlé. S'il vous plait, faites preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires si vous prévoyez de les reproduire. Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.
00:00Hi, baby.
00:02Hi, Ken.
00:03What a beautiful wedding.
00:04I know.
00:05It doesn't matter.
00:06You're funny.
00:09Hi, baby.
00:12Change of plan.
00:15That's not fair.
00:17How could you do this to me?
00:23I'm stuck.
00:25Uh, a little help?
00:27I'm coming.
00:30What happened to you, Barbie?
00:32This is what happened to me.
00:34This awful little vampire.
00:36That's really not cool.
00:38It's time to transform.
00:40I bet this toothpaste will fix it.
00:44Hold your breath, Barbie.
00:46Glitter is coming.
00:48A lot of glitter.
00:51So far, so good.
00:55Time to clean up.
00:57It feels good, doesn't it?
01:01Wow, thank you.
01:03You're welcome.
01:05Is that you?
01:07We're not done yet.
01:11Do you think a bottle of milk will be enough?
01:13Hot wind.
01:14The Barbie cereals are coming.
01:16It's a little cold.
01:20How about a few bubbles?
01:23That tickles.
01:27That's enough.
01:32Let's go.
01:35The milk worked.
01:38It's very pale, I see.
01:41So, yes.
01:42This bath water smells so bad.
01:46It's an interesting smell.
01:51Where's the milk?
01:54You warmed it up for me.
01:56And you added chocolate.
01:58Don't drink that.
02:01What did you put in it?
02:05It's very...
02:11What a relief.
02:14What pretty little vampires.
02:16No, wait.
02:18My toes.
02:21Look at all this slime.
02:24Too bad for the bath.
02:28I'll help you.
02:30It's so chic.
02:32Stay still, okay?
02:35What's going on?
02:36Tell me you're not cutting my hair.
02:40Barbie, relax.
02:41It seems a lot to me.
02:43I'm hot!
02:46Little evil.
02:48And I'm not done yet.
02:50Pull from Grandma's sewing box.
02:52Black hair is an honor.
02:54You'll love this.
02:56It brings out your eyes.
02:59Not bad at all.
03:01You look like a chic vampire.
03:06Wow, you're so beautiful.
03:08I'm done with this.
03:09It's still attached.
03:12Yeah, very good.
03:14But this outfit...
03:16This dress is awful.
03:17You need a new one.
03:20Like this?
03:21Not cute enough.
03:22What's in here?
03:25You can't go out with that.
03:28What to do?
03:29You're my heart.
03:30Guess what?
03:31It's your turn to go out the trash.
03:34Such a good boy.
03:39It's all black.
03:40It makes you look like a vampire.
03:42It's perfect for Barbie's dress.
03:45I channel my interior dress designer.
03:48Everything rests on neat pleats.
03:51There you go.
03:53The edge is too sharp.
03:56Look at this incredible pattern.
03:58Put it together and...
04:03Where's the shine?
04:06Barbies love glitter.
04:09You want glitter?
04:11You'll have glitter, baby.
04:15One bottle should be enough.
04:18Let's party!
04:20It's so beautiful.
04:22Look at this.
04:24Does it shine enough?
04:27I'll get the attention.
04:29But I need a top to go out.
04:32One second.
04:36Who wants this gorgeous corset?
04:38It's perfect.
04:40One more thing.
04:42We need a nuptial touch.
04:44This tulle is perfect.
04:47What do you think?
04:49You're a genius.
04:51You should create a fashion house for Barbies.
04:53Who needs Prada when you have Timmy?
04:58Yes, you're gorgeous.
05:00Can I have a little hug?
05:02Darling, what are you...
05:05You're so beautiful.
05:07Mom, I didn't notice you.
05:08I'll give you some privacy.
05:10He's like his father.
05:14She'll never know true love.
05:16Where are we?
05:18What a beautiful vampire wedding.
05:21What do we do now?
05:23What do you want?
05:24All weddings need flowers.
05:27A bouquet?
05:28I have an idea.
05:29Too small.
05:31Not expensive enough.
05:33And this?
05:34It's a Timmy shoe.
05:35A what?
05:37Oops, sorry.
05:38Wait a minute.
05:42I'll get you this flower.
05:44Dad, it's for me.
05:47Charming, isn't it?
05:49But something is missing.
05:51Some lace.
05:53Every wedding deserves a bouquet.
05:55Wait here.
05:56Let's go.
05:58Use this.
06:00You're brilliant.
06:03I'm almost Barbie.
06:04This bouquet will be great.
06:06A model for a vampire wedding.
06:09I'm right.
06:11I'll add a florist to my CV.
06:13It's for you.
06:15I can't wait to get married.
06:18Girls, catch!
06:23I don't believe it.
06:24Get out!
06:26Sorry, girls.
06:27It's for her.
06:28For you, sweetie.
06:31Let's go.
06:34And then?
06:36You look like her.
06:38But not quite.
06:39You need make-up.
06:41But not the usual kind.
06:42The heavy stuff.
06:44Don't tell me I'm out of it.
06:49Lucky me.
06:50Timmy, are you hungry?
06:51I brought you your favorites.
06:54Enjoy your meal, sweetie.
06:56Thank you, Mom.
06:59It's really dirty.
07:02It's the same color.
07:04I'm suddenly inspired.
07:05It's a total blast, baby.
07:06See all this pretty red?
07:08That's exactly what you need, Barbie.
07:11Let's move on to the painting.
07:14It's time for the metamorphosis.
07:16First, the lips.
07:18Using a small brush is essential.
07:20We don't want it to overflow, right?
07:22We can't forget the eyes.
07:24Luckily, dolls don't wear contact lenses.
07:26There you go.
07:28Wow, you did it.
07:29It's princess-like.
07:31I'm so proud of you.
07:32But you need crocs.
07:35This disgusting habit becomes practical.
07:38No, it won't.
07:40One second.
07:42The crocs will be ready in no time.
07:49We're not done yet.
07:52One last thing.
07:54I need the boots of this Barbie.
07:56I'm so proud of you.
07:58I'm so proud of you.
07:59One last thing.
08:01I need the boots of this Barbie.
08:03I'm so proud of you.
08:05Wow, it's like a glove.
08:07Guys, all Barbies have the same toe.
08:11Now I'm ready to go.
08:13One last check.
08:16You're ready.
08:18It's going to rock.
08:23I'm not too late for the wedding.
08:25The real bride is here now.
08:27Ken, do you recognize me?
08:30Wait, my wife?
08:33You're so beautiful.
08:37I'm leaving.
08:40It's time for the honeymoon.
08:44Let's go.
08:45I'm married.
08:48I'm so happy for them.
08:50Now I'm bored.
08:52What's this map?
08:54I have to go.
08:56Straight ahead.
09:03Cool, I'm here.
09:05That's weird.
09:09It's a private property.
09:20My hair.
09:23Stupid bird.
09:26Ok, let's go.
09:32A banana in a bed.
09:40What's this?
09:45Ok, let's try.
09:49A fountain brush.
09:52Exactly what I need to clean this mess.
09:56It's so refreshing.
10:03Let's get back to our goal.
10:05A good preparation is the secret to success.
10:10I'm looking for my bird.
10:13Almost there.
10:18It's time for revenge.
10:23I'm hungry.
10:26Yes, we have to cook them.
10:28Let's start with the beginning.
10:30Let's wrap it nicely.
10:35Yes, the perfect frying pan.
10:42The fire, let's go.
10:51I'm the forest cook.
10:53It smells so good.
10:58I need more spice.
11:03Wood pepper.
11:09Maybe it's too much, but I'm really hungry.
11:17It's delicious.
11:23I know what to do.
11:27Trash treasures.
11:31There's something inside.
11:33Let's go and discover it.
11:37Come on.
11:44Who are you?
11:49How did you get in there?
11:53Well, you can help me brush my teeth.
11:59All you have to do is open your mouth.
12:03Wow, wonderful.
12:05I'm ready to brush my teeth.
12:09It has a funny taste.
12:12Expired in 1999.
12:22Made with honey.
12:25You took our honey?
12:27Evil human.
12:29And the bees, this way.
12:31It's time to run.
12:47My stomach.
12:48I'm so hungry.
12:50I know.
12:51Hurry up.
12:52I won't be able to hold on much longer.
12:54Come on, come on, come on.
12:57It's a matter of seconds.
13:02Ok, cool.
13:04Everything is ready now.
13:15I'm scared.
13:16It smells really bad.
13:20No water.
13:22It stinks.
13:25Oh, here.
13:28It was too easy to be true.
13:31I'm so thirsty.
13:38Why is this water so dirty?
13:40Contaminated water?
13:42Are you kidding me?
13:44Nothing Timmy can't fix, guys.
13:49Watch and learn.
13:51Mom wanted me to take chemistry classes this year.
13:57So I'm a little Einstein now.
14:03It's really great.
14:07It's almost ready.
14:10Let's see.
14:13It's really transparent.
14:21This sun is really dazzling.
14:26The suitcase may contain something.
14:29So, what can I do with this?
14:32Maybe I can hang something with these straps.
14:39Yes, it's perfect.
14:40And now, the umbrella.
14:44I can maybe fix this.
14:47Nice and easy to handle.
14:50Sometimes I'm so smart that I surprise myself.
14:55Shadow, check.
14:56It's good.
14:58Now I can rest.
15:02This way is great.
15:06Now I can sit down and relax in my tiny house.
15:10It's so hot.
15:12I'm sweating.
15:14I'm sweating.
15:19Oh no, I'm running out of water.
15:25It's time to make breakfast.
15:29It could work.
15:34OK, I need a lot of these colored tubes.
15:37Come on, my pretty tubes.
15:38The journey is just beginning.
15:39We're going to travel far together.
15:41All we need is teamwork.
15:43Come on, come on, come on.
15:45You now have a goal in life.
15:48Reach the sea.
15:50OK, let's see if it works.
15:53The water flows here.
15:55Do you see that?
15:56We're almost there.
15:59Come on, my precious water.
16:00I'm waiting for you.
16:02Wow, finally some fresh water.
16:06It's so good.
16:11Now I can relax and watch videos.
16:17The sun hits me in the face.
16:19Seriously, man.
16:22I'm going to sleep.
16:24I'm going to sleep.
16:26I'm going to sleep.
16:28I'm going to sleep.
16:30Thinking, thinking.
16:33Oh, maybe I can use this to make some shadow.
16:38It works.
16:40Are you serious?
16:42Oh, what can I do?
16:45Oh, look at this box.
16:47Oh, yes.
16:51I can make a phone holder here.
16:59Okay, it's time to relax and watch some TikToks.
17:03It's my favorite video of Lala Lair.
17:08It's so cool.
17:10It's so funny.
17:15It's you?
17:16Oh, Jimmy!
17:17Get up, now!
17:21My phone!
17:22Mom, stop!
17:23Oh no, my stomach hurts!
17:26Phone in the air, pants down.
17:30No, the bus is leaving!
17:33Wait for me!
17:35Hold on, Jimmy.
17:37Wait for me!
17:40I hope it's cake.
17:47The situation is critical.
17:51Is it...
17:55Here's a delicious surprise.
17:58Is it a travel card?
18:00I hope it will lead me to a new PS5.
18:04So, let's see.
18:06I'm here.
18:08And there's a wedding in the middle.
18:11Which will lead me to...
18:13A treasure!
18:15I'm going to get rich!
18:17I need to find it before someone else does.
18:21Wow, I've never been so far in this forest.
18:24It's awesome!
18:28A scarf!
18:30The syringe, quick!
18:32It works perfectly.
18:34The school nurse taught me this trick.
18:39Wow, great!
18:43Excuse me?
18:45Oh no, I'm going to need something much bigger.
18:48Like this one.
18:50Let's go.
18:54I should be near the bridge.
18:57Is it a bird or a plane?
18:59Is it an alien with laser eyes?
19:03Definitely a bird.
19:11I've got an idea!
19:15I know what to do!
19:17One's waste makes the other's treasure.
19:20Jimmy, crush it!
19:22Just kidding, I fixed it.
19:24Now, my pipe.
19:27Let's go, Avengers!
19:32It's me!
19:34I'm the problem, it's me!
19:36A tea? Time?
19:38Everybody agrees!
19:40That's a shower!
19:42Refreshing and relaxing!
19:44Get ready for the show in the shower!
19:46How you like that?
19:50What's that?
19:52Oh no, my shoes!
19:55They're soaked!
20:00And now?
20:03Dwayne Johnson, is that you?
20:06A stone?
20:10It's a fire video on the internet!
20:13Your stone is cooking, sir.
20:16I should apply for MasterChef!
20:18It smells delicious!
20:20But be careful, it's hot!
20:22This way, I need you.
20:26Knowing this trick warms my heart.
20:29And soon, my feet too.
20:31The water evaporates under your eyes.
20:35Let's see the result.
20:38I hope it worked because I have no other pair of socks.
20:42It's hot and super comfortable!
20:47Calm down on the treasure, Timmy.
20:49Let me check the wind.
20:51This way!
20:53This way, then.
20:56It's time to eat!
20:58To your plates!
21:00This restaurant has infinite stars!
21:08It's not a tiny one!
21:13What am I going to use now?
21:15Of course!
21:18Luckily, there is a restaurant nearby.
21:22Aluminium! Nice!
21:25It's hard to live in nature.
21:29I will be able to pass an audition to become a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
21:36Great! I have a bowl now!
21:40You know, Justin Timberlake's hair looked like this at some point.
21:44But you are too young for your memories.
21:45You don't believe me? Google it!
21:56I have a monster spaghetti in my teeth!
22:02Oh no! My toothbrush!
22:06Hey! I think the goddess of tricks sends me help.
22:10Ha! Luckily, I always carry glue with me.
22:13Now, be careful.
22:15That should be enough.
22:17Improvise, adapt, win!
22:20Ok, I open it.
22:23Now, I fill it with toothpaste.
22:27Press hard, Timmy!
22:29Very good!
22:31Now, I put the two parts together.
22:33Look how focused I am!
22:36And with good pressure, the toothpaste comes out.
22:42Look at my sparkling teeth!
22:44My sunglasses!
22:49Am I going in the right direction?
22:52Oh! Strawberries!
22:54Tastes like strawberries on a summer evening!
23:03Oh no!
23:05I have to go to the bathroom! It's urgent, my friends!
23:07But of course!
23:09This is not the best time for tricks, but I have to hurry.
23:13Oh! The countdown has begun!
23:16I have to cut this.
23:18Be careful when using sharp tools.
23:20My behind will be happy to have a cushion.
23:22I'm going to put it on top of the bucket, like this.
23:25Not the time to celebrate, but it looks pretty good.
23:29Good! Good job!
23:31Ok, duty calls me!
23:33Close my eyes!
23:34It's not polite to look!
23:42And that's how we decorate strawberries!
23:54Where am I?
23:56Timmy the Explorer.
23:58X marks the location.
24:01Oh! I found it!
24:03It's not too early, let's start digging.
24:15I haven't done cardio for a while.
24:17But where is the treasure?
24:19I didn't find anything.
24:26The treasure chest!
24:28I found it!
24:32What's inside?
24:35Now I can buy the PS5 and more!
24:38Because I'm a billionaire!
24:44You're the best, sir!
24:46Sir, wait!
24:48Look where you're going!
24:50Help! Help!
24:52Ma'am, please, hold on!
24:54We're going to make a market, okay?
24:57Let me think.
24:59Thank you!
25:01Help! Help!
25:10Hello! Yes, of course, I'll be there!
25:15Oh my God! I'm so sorry!
25:21Hi! I mean, hi!
25:24Can I help you?
25:29I didn't mean to destroy your leaves or anything.
25:31But if that's the case, I'd like to buy them again.
25:33And if you don't mind me going out?
25:38Very well, I'll send you the details by text.
