Comedians participate in segments that make fun of social media posts | dHNfQVRQTmZxMjF6bDQ
00:00You ready to start jokin' on?
00:03This August, MTV brings you a battle
00:06where comics compete for laughs.
00:08You laugh, our jokesters get points,
00:09and if not, they get...
00:11all damn day long.
00:12Love doin' it.
00:16They'll have to be funny.
00:17I'm lookin' for a lady in the sheets
00:19but a pig in the blanket.
00:21And quick.
00:22Hey, you better get to that joke fast,
00:24or I'm gonna...
00:25Are you kidding me?
00:26I'm right here, I'm right here.
00:27Look, James, it's me.
00:29Some jokes will kill.
00:31He needs his reduction pill.
00:32Not needed by any man on this stage.
00:36Some jokes will miss.
00:38It's gonna be good, dude.
00:41But the laughs won't stop.
00:43I love it when you call me Big Pop Tart.
00:45Uh, y'all remember when you called me Big Pop Tart.
00:48Join host D. Ray Davis for Jokin' On.
00:52What happened to chivalry?
00:54It's dead, bitch.
00:55Thursday, August 4th, after Wildin' Out,
00:58now on MTV.