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▌百秒AI报 ▌针对国防大学最新发生的霸凌事件,全国总警长拉扎鲁丁证实,现年20岁的受害者已在昨晚报案,指他在上周二晚上,在宿舍遭一名名4年级学长霸凌。他说,当时这名学长要求他帮忙熨烫工作服,没想到,这名学长忽然拿起熨斗,按压在他右侧胸部。事发时,还有几名学长在场。拉扎鲁丁表示,目前已传召霸凌者和在场的几人问话。

AI主播:Celes Loh 美伶

#校园霸凌 #熨斗 #国防大学
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Welcome to the 100-second AI News. I'm your AI host, Melin Luo.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:18The government's two investment wallets, state-owned shares and PNB, have lost $43.9 million due to the investment of a fashion e-commerce.
00:26The anti-corruption committee said that the investigation involved huge funds and public interests.
00:31Anhua, also the chairman of state-owned shares and PNB, also tweeted on the X platform.
00:36He has instructed state-owned shares and PNB to conduct an internal audit at this time.
00:40He also said in another event that he would not intervene in the investigation of law enforcement agencies.
00:44If he is wrong, he will be prosecuted and punished.
00:48This is the latest bullying incident at the National Defense University.
00:52National Police Chief Rajaluddin confirmed that a 20-year-old victim reported to the police last night.
00:58He said he was bullied by a fourth-year senior in the dormitory last Tuesday night.
01:03He said that the senior asked the victim to help him carry his uniform.
01:07Unexpectedly, the senior suddenly picked up the uniform and pressed it on his right chest.
01:12When the incident occurred, several seniors were present.
01:15Rajaluddin said that he has now called on the bully and those present to question him.
01:19Yesterday, a shooting case occurred in Orlando, Florida.
01:25At least two people were killed and six people were injured.
01:28It is understood that about 50,000 to 100,000 people gathered in Orlando city center that night.
01:32The gunman chose to shoot in the crowded central station and the street first.
01:37Each caused one person to die.
01:39Get on the ground! Get on the ground right now!
01:41Get on the ground!
01:43After the shooting, the police immediately arrested a 17-year-old shooter on the scene.
01:49Today's show comes to an end.
01:51More domestic and foreign information.
01:53Stay tuned for the hottest news at 8 p.m. tonight.
