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Night Harvest Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In 1970s Tennessee, Nathan (a troubled teenager with pyrokinesis) is on the run from the cops, with his older sister and her friends. When their RV breaks down, they soon find themselves stalked by a sickle-wielding killer scarecrow from a nearby farm and with the help of a local farmer, Nathan must use his pyrokinesis to defeat this ultimate evil.

Charlie Steeds

Timothy Rogers (The Shepherd)
Faith McCoy (Collection)
Scot Scurlock (Homestead)
Daniel Considine (Boytalk)
Madelyn Hopfensperger (Bettor Days)
00:04Believe it was the summer of 58 when we found that horror in the cornfield
00:10Now that land changed right up from the roots
00:22We are on vacation can't we just smoke this pot together and make out no, but amber
00:27We're headed up for Dale Hollow Reservoir, can you tell me if you've seen this kid
00:33She's not gonna tell me what's going on
00:35So maybe if you and I want to start getting along or after me
00:39There's things about Nathan you don't understand there's something sleeping out there that you don't want to wake up if you're here at nightfall
00:48It'll come to kill again. Can't we just use your phone or something? We're gonna be stuck out here all night
00:57I've ever seen we can't be here Chris. Well, I don't see us driving away anytime soon
01:03Things catch on fire when I get mad or scared. I can't control it only in small amounts
01:10You done woke him up
01:15Goddamn scarecrow
01:18It moves nothing out there is what it seems. I want to watch him burn
01:23The power is now the time to use it. What are you that monster? It's gonna burn