Coup! Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A mysterious grifter appears on an isolated seaside estate claiming to be a wealthy family's new chef. When a plague descends on the island, the mischievous cook rouses his fellow staff to rebel and take over the mansion. The servant becomes the master in this devious class-war comedy starring Peter Sarsgaard (The Batman, Dopesick) and Billy Magnussen (Road House, No Time to Die).
Short filmTranscript
00:00This epidemic is decimating our nation.
00:03You run on a new cook?
00:05I woke up in hell.
00:08And here I am in paradise.
00:10Welcome to our home.
00:11There's something off about that man.
00:14Our children need to eat.
00:16You just leave the killing in the coffin to me?
00:20We're risking our lives for this family. We deserve more.
00:23This cook is attempting some sort of coup.
00:30Subs by