Look around and you notice the warm colors that surround you. The placid autumn atmospheres are like magic. Each element of nature takes on golden hues, from the color of aged oak to the various shades of red, from wine to ochre. Even the fire that burns cheerfully in the fireplace fits in with the whole environment and this allows you to take advantage of the optimal conditions for very sweet deep sleep. When autumn arrives, everything becomes one of great joy, of stillness and warm embraces.
Guardati intorno e ti accorgi dei caldi colori che ti circondano. Le placide atmosfere autunnali sono come una magia. Ogni elemento della natura assume sfumature dorate, dal color quercia invecchiata alle svariate sfumature di rosso, dal vinaccio, all'ocra. Anche il fuoco che arde allegro nel caminetto, s'intona con tutto l'ambiente e ciò, ti permette di avvalerti delle condizioni ottimali per dolcissimi sonni profondi. Quando arriva l'autunno, diventa tutto una grande gioia, di quiete e caldi abbracci.
Guardati intorno e ti accorgi dei caldi colori che ti circondano. Le placide atmosfere autunnali sono come una magia. Ogni elemento della natura assume sfumature dorate, dal color quercia invecchiata alle svariate sfumature di rosso, dal vinaccio, all'ocra. Anche il fuoco che arde allegro nel caminetto, s'intona con tutto l'ambiente e ciò, ti permette di avvalerti delle condizioni ottimali per dolcissimi sonni profondi. Quando arriva l'autunno, diventa tutto una grande gioia, di quiete e caldi abbracci.
15:30I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:34I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:36I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:38I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:40I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:42I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:44I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:46I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:48I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:50I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:52I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:54I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:56I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.
15:58I'm going to put a little bit of water in the pot so it doesn't get too hot.