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You talkin' to me? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for scary movies that say to the audience, we see you. Since such fourth wall breaks can affect the plot, there’s a spoiler warning in effect.
00:00No, please don't kill me. Mr. Ghostface. I want to be in the sequel
00:04Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for scary movies that say to the audience
00:09We see you since such fourth-wall breaks can affect the plot. There's a spoiler warning in effect. Thanks for
00:17Being decent. It's the least I can do
00:20Number 10 creep show you're hysterical Henry. It's just what I would have expected
00:27No, I don't think you'll expect this Wilma
00:31No, this is going to be an entirely new experience a love letter from Stephen King and George Romero to 1950s
00:38EC horror comics creep show presents itself in the style of a comic book each
00:43Segment of the anthology gets an intro that looks like something out of a tells from the crypt comic you see that crap
00:49All that horror crap things coming out of crates and eating people dead people coming back to life people turning into weeds for Christ's sake
00:56Well, yes, I did that
00:57Well, you want to read in that stuff within that framing device the creep a robed grim reaper type figure addresses the audience like a
01:05narrator as if we were reading the comic the wraparound where a kid gets revenge on his father for getting rid of his comic book
01:11Is even revealed to be part of the comic itself
01:31Number nine the woman in black
01:40In this film produced by hammer studios a young lawyer played by Daniel Radcliffe comes across a malevolent spirit
01:46That is responsible for the deaths of several children around the village
01:49Radcliffe's character learns of the eponymous of woman in black and tries to stop her from claiming more innocent lives
01:55She makes us
01:57She makes us do it. She
02:01makes us
02:02They took her boy away
02:05So now she takes us
02:07At first it appears as though the movie has a bittersweet ending with Radcliffe's character being welcomed into the afterlife by his dead wife
02:14But in the final shot the rug is pulled out from under us daddy
02:19Who's that lady?
02:26The woman in black appears and looks directly at the audience as if she's going to haunt us next number eight student bodies
02:35Why do they always run away from me? It's the galoshes. They're a dead giveaway. Why do I wear them?
02:42It isn't even raining
02:43This early 80s parody poked fun at contemporary slashers such as Halloween and Friday the 13th
02:49Featuring a serial killer known as the breather take a guess how he got that name
02:54I killed everybody and I'm glad I appreciate your honesty
03:00What makes your voice sound so funny? I'm disguising it smack how I talking through a rubber chicken
03:06I thought it sounded like he was speaking through a rubber chicken
03:09The satire gets surreal with captions that label things they want the audience to pick up on this movie
03:15Deconstructed the tropes that were associated with horror films at the time. I'd like to make a special appeal to the killer
03:21Hasn't there been enough senseless killing?
03:23Let's have a murder that makes sense
03:25One of the most prominent ways student bodies that broke the fourth wall was by having a random character swear
03:31Explicitly with the goal of earning the movie in our rating number seven sinister
03:37There's been another one hasn't there I
03:43Think so. Yes
03:46Tell me everything you can
03:48This supernatural thriller has one of the most depressing endings in horror history a child who has been corrupted by the demon Bagul
03:55murders her entire family
03:58I'd like to you made the movies longer. They're better this way
04:03As the final shot pulls out it's followed by an effective jump scare where Bagul pops out of nowhere
04:09The demonic figure had just victimized Ethan Hawke's character and his family after he got done watching all these super 8 films left by the
04:17Monster and since we have seen the tapes the film implies that Bagul has set his sights on us
04:35Number six the rocky horror picture show an adaptation of a Broadway musical that is heavily reliant on audience
04:42Participation is obviously going to bring down the fourth wall. I would like
04:47if I may
04:49to take you on a
04:52strange journey a
04:54Criminologist interrupts the film to provide a monologue to the audience and dr.
04:58Scott turns to address the audience during the dinner scene Tim Curry as dr.
05:02Frank infertile makes a few gestures that heavily imply. He knows the audience is there adding to a delightfully shameless performance
05:09We don't want to be any worry
05:12Well, you got caught with a flat well
05:15How about that?
05:17well babies
05:19Don't you panic?
05:21Fourth wall breaks are usually associated with comedies that have a lighter tone rocky horror is very much a horror comedy
05:27So those breaks suit it perfectly
05:35I knew he was in with a bad crowd, but it was worse than I imagined aliens
05:42Number five American psycho in this satirical slasher
05:45Patrick Bateman tells the audience about who he is and what his values are in voiceover narration
05:50When I get to Paul Allen's place, I use the keys. I took from his pocket before disposing of the body
05:56There is a moment of sheer panic
05:59When I realized that Paul's apartment overlooks the park
06:04And it's obviously more expensive than mine through this internal monologue. We get an inside track into Bateman's mind
06:10We would not have gotten otherwise. One notable example is the business card scene
06:15Look at that subtle off-white coloring
06:18The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god
06:22It even has a watermark
06:23Bateman feels such pressure to put on a mask to conform to society's expectations
06:28that this fourth wall break is really the only way to get a sense of who he is at least that would be the case if
06:34Not for the fact that he is a psychopath who may have actually lied about committing all of those crimes
06:39So he's a bit of an unreliable narrator. My punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself
06:48No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling
06:52This confession has meant
06:56Number four the cabin in the woods
07:02I'm on a reality TV show
07:09My parents are gonna think I'm such a burnout
07:13Another satire that pokes fun at horror movie tropes the cabin in the woods has plenty of nods to the audience with a script
07:19co-written by Joss Whedon
07:20It makes a point of using classic stock characters such as the jock the virgin and the stoner
07:25There are also plenty of easter eggs littered throughout the film particularly among the monsters set loose in the underground facility
07:32He had the conch in his hands. In a couple more minutes. Who knows what might have happened
07:36I am never gonna see a merman ever to be thankful. Those things are terrifying
07:43The cleanup on is a nightmare though
07:45The film never explicitly breaks the fourth wall
07:47It does flirt with it the people operating the controls behind the scenes even make some ironic comments that reference the audience watching
07:59Let's go. We got a job to do your basic human needs discuss me get out of here
08:04Number three Wes Craven's new nightmare. I thought you killed Freddy off
08:09We did but the fans, you know, the fans God bless them. They're clamoring for more. I guess evil never dies, right?
08:18For the last Elm Street sequel before Freddy vs
08:21Jason Wes Craven decided to shake things up with Freddy Krueger new nightmare blurs the lines between
08:26reality and horror with appearances from people associated with the Elm Street franchise
08:30Including Robert Englund producer Robert Shea and Wes Craven himself
08:34I swear you I'm gonna stay by this computer and keep writing until I finish the script, but
08:39When that time comes you're gonna have to make a choice choice
08:44Kind of choice whether or not you're willing to play Nancy
08:47One last time the film pulls back the curtain to recreate a production behind the scenes
08:52Which was a pretty unique take before the scream franchise came along the plots in which the only way to contain the entity of Freddy
08:59Krueger is to make a new movie is so meta. It's like a snake eating its own tail. Would you call Robert Robert?
09:07Robert Englund
09:10You know the guy who plays Freddy Freddy Krueger
09:16Nancy Freddy's dead number two funny games
09:33home invasion thriller where two adolescent boys
09:35Terrorize a vacationing family funny games is as disturbing as it is unconventional for both the original
09:411997 film and the
09:432007 American remake the fourth wall is broken a handful of times in effective ways one of the villains addresses the audience to make a bet
09:50With them they don't want a bet
09:52Well, it's not an option. There has to be a bet. I
09:55Mean, what do you think you think they stand a chance?
09:58You're on their side, aren't you?
10:01Who are you betting on? Hmm? He also deconstructs typical movie plots to gauge the audience's expectations
10:07And we can't forget that wink that the young man makes to the camera at the very end of the original film right before he starts
10:14to terrorize a new family
10:23Before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
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10:39number one scream
10:42Is everyone where the guy had knives for fingers, yeah, Freddy Krueger Freddy, that's right. I like that
10:50Wow, well the first one was but the rest sucked the script from Kevin Williamson is full of references to the horror genre and
10:56moments of irony
10:58One of the most memorable examples is the scene where Randy yells at Jamie Lee Curtis to look behind you while failing to do so
11:06Jamie look behind
11:08Look behind you turn around
11:12Behind you
11:15Behind you
11:17Behind you Randy comes the closest to figuring out that they're all in a movie
11:22But it could just be a delusion resulting from his obsession with films. The scream series continues to get more
11:28Self-referential once these stab movies are introduced within its universe and these sequels get to comment on themselves
11:35Are you suggesting that someone's trying to make a real-life sequel stab to who would want to do that?
11:42Oh, please please by definition alone their inferior film
11:46What do you think about fourth wall breaks in horror movies have they ever creeped you out or do they take you out of the movie?
11:52Let us know in the comments. I have to go and dig up chase
11:58Some folks have a strange idea
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