• la semaine dernière
"Jackpot!" (2024) is an action-comedy film directed by Paul Feig, featuring a unique and thrilling premise set in a dystopian future. The story revolves around Katie Kim (played by Awkwafina), a former child actor who unwittingly wins a staggering $3.6 billion in a deadly lottery known as the Grand Lottery. In this twisted version of California in 2030, the rules are simple: survive until sundown while being hunted by those who lost their lottery tickets, as they can legally kill the winner to claim the prize. This film cleverly combines elements of dark humor and high-stakes action, making it a must-watch.
As Katie navigates this chaotic world, she teams up with Noel Cassidy (John Cena), an amateur lottery protection agent. Their journey is filled with comedic moments and intense action sequences as they fend off hordes of would-be killers, including Katie's greedy Airbnb host and various eccentric characters. The film explores themes of greed, survival, and the absurdity of fame in a society where morality has taken a backseat to wealth.
"Jackpot!" not only showcases Awkwafina's comedic talents but also highlights John Cena's charm as they develop an unlikely partnership in their fight for survival. With its engaging plot and entertaining performances, "Jackpot!" promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats while delivering laughs along the way.
If you're looking for a movie that blends action, comedy, and social commentary, Jackpot! is the perfect choice. Don't miss out on this thrilling ride that challenges the norms of lottery games and celebrity culture!


